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Chapter 10 War 3/4

1 day later.

All three required villages/towns have been conquered.

Main Camp, 10km away from third village.

Main Tent.

This time , occupants are Great Holy Knight Lior. General Augustus, several unimportant Generals, Leaders of unimportant Orders.

"What's status of other advances?" Asked young General

"From south it was successful, from center same. South had been able to conquer two towns,in two days from now we will make spearhead straight for capital, if capital falls, Kingdom will fall." Proclaimed Augustus,

"We got reinforcements, numbering in 80,000 Soldiers and several thousands Holy Knight," Reported another General who just entered tent.

"Good, what's exact number of our forces?" Asked Lior, standing up from his chair, to leave.

"Approximately 420,000 soldiers, 23,000 Holy Knights, but we are low with supplies, we need to stay here for whole week to make supply line." Answered Augustus. Turning around to look at Lior who left.

"Sir, what about Blanks?" Asked same young General from before.

"They will be transported into Sir Hendrickson's command, he has proven to be capable of leading them. "Answered Augustus, "He will now command over 500 Holy Knights , it would be easier to command other Order affiliated Holy Knights, and to leave deadweight to someone else."

"Understand Sir, shall i contact messenger to notify Sir Hendrickson?" Asked same general.

"Do it , Nikolas ."

1 Week later.

Hendrickson POV

We are currently marching at Capital of Gree, it would take us several days before reaching it. And plan is , we are going to attack city almost constantly while waiting for other Generals to arrive with their troops. Then focus all our forces at one point, and breaking in. That's what i'm warned about.

[Ding!! Mission Complete!]

[Reward: 120,000 SP]

[DING! New mission!]

[Mission: Defeat Demon Duke who is impersonating King of Gree!!]

[Reward: 60,000 SP ]

'Sh## , does that mean the Demon Empire is involved!' I shouted in my mind, alarmed at this. Would invasion of Human Kingdoms happen soon!!?? 'No matter what, i will have to deal with this personally! Hmm, or i can summon someone with 3,000 PL to help me?'

"Conclusion: We will reach Capital in 6 days at current speed. And one day of rest." Concluded Twigo behind me.

"Like last time, Blanks will be first to attack most likely ." I though out aloud before i heard Vildrus voice .

"Hello Hendrickson ,i heard about your success!" Shouted Vildrus, appearing with his horse. "By orders of High-Command you are my commander , i'm your second in command now, with leading force of 2,000 soldiers and 100 Holy Knights."

"Oh yes, i did read my report." I said " Under my command i have 7,000 soldiers with 600 Holy Knights now."

"I've heard about your Full Counter ability, High-Command plans to send in frontline to destroy walls, that are rumors at least." Grinned Vildrus.

"Oh yea, i expected it. To be honest." I replied with my own grin.

"Sir, it's time." Spoke Ruin , who also just galloped with his horse. True mystery of this century would be: How strong are Twigo's and Ruin's horses.

'But this is truly troubling, did Demon King made his move?'

4 days later,

3km away from Capital , is army lead by General Augustus stationed.

"Soldiers and Holy Knights! Let's show bast#### from Capital what is true army! And why they shouldn't have angered our King!" Screamed Augustus, for all soldiers to hear him, and successfully boosting morals of volunteers , soldiers.

"There is no room for fear! We have superiority in every department, from Holy Knights such as Hendrickson and Lior, and soon in two days at most, other Generals and their forces would come! We could take Capital while it was still weakened , and their forces thin!" Shouted Augtus, it is true, Capital has population of 1 million. 90,000 known soldiers and 11,000 Holy Knights, now it was expected number of 20-30k Holy Knights but fortunately now every Holy Knight.

"Now it's time!" Screamed Augustus for last time before jumping on his horse and leading army of 220,000 soldiers and 17,000 Holy Knights, other part is left to secure new base and to act as reinforcement if needed ..

3 hours later, attack on capital began with first wave being sent . It was Hendrickson's army this time.

"Shot them down!!" Shouted Great Holy Knight Lucas, he is Great Holy Knight of Gree, commanding Archers and Holy Knights to shot down Hendrickson.

Lucas, PL 2,700

"Full Counter!" All attack were returned!, but not aimed at Holy Knights but at walls, it did completely destroy several parts of walls allowing Blanks to rush over to engage for little before retreating back.

*ZISH but before Hendrickson himself could retreat , a flame attack was launched at him by no one other than Lucas.

"Damn it. Full Counter" I shouted before returning him same attack but he dodged it , but it enveloped random soldiers!




"Enchant: Hellblaze!! Hellblaze wave!" I shouted before pointing tip of my sword at him, it created long wave of Hellblaze and turning it into ball before swirling at Lucas .

"Inferno: Eater!" Lucas shouted, pointing his sword at Hellblaze before a giant fireball in shape of Human mouth appeared and swirled at Hellblaze.

*Zwish! Hellblaze devoured Lucas attack, continued swirling at him but Lucas dodged it. In last second.

"Goodbye!" I shouted , jumping onto my horse, retreating with all others.' I was truly lucky they haven't been able to fully organize themselves or we wouldn't been able to breach walls, but now they would put stronger force than just several thousands of Soldiers and 5,000 Holy Knights on this gate.'

20 minutes later.

"You managed it Hendrickson , i will make sure your payment would be acceptable." Commented Augustus, before calling Lior.

"Lior, it's time for Crimson Knights to take action." Ordered Augustus , motioning for Lior to attack with his troops , who just were getting ready, troops under control of Hendrickson already managed to retreat, currently taking time to re-group.

"No problem , General Augustus, Crimson Knights!! Let's show them why we are specifically called here for!!" Shouted Lior, jumping onto his horse and moving into vision range of his troops, to present himself as leader!

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