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Chapter 6 Summoning and becoming Holy Knight

2 hours later

Hendrickson POV

I'm currently leaving Lios Bank, i had to actually make my own account in bank with my passwords to store 200,000 silver coins and future money, this account is my private one in future i'm planning to create one for my own order.

"Thank you sir Hendrickson for using our service. Our workers are already numbering your money and soon we would deposit everything in your account." Stated Clerk standing up from his chair just as Hendrickson did. "And Sir Hendrickson are you any chance interested to buy house directly from our bank?"

"Do you by any chance have a list and description about them?" I asked, actually interested in this aspect. It would be way better to own a house than to rent room for several people.

"Yes," Stated Clerk before leaving office and entering next second but this time with book." Page 70 to 81 are for houses available in Ritas."

"Thank you." I respectfully answered before taking book out of his hands and reading it.

Page 71, a house with three rooms, 12,000 silver coins, all furniture.

Page 72, apartment , two rooms, 8,000 silver coins all furniture.

Page 73, a house with 18 rooms. 13 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen ,1 basement and living room. Kitchen and living room are relatively big, enough to have 25 men at same time in room. From outside this house is big and looks blocky , similar to hotel, basic furniture. 170,000 silver coins.

' I have already found what house i shall buy, but in case ill look all other pages.

Several minutes later .

"I have decided, i'm interesting in house on page 73." I answered before giving book back to clerk who looked at page 73.

"Hmm, a house build primarily as potential base for small group of Holy Knights, 170,000 Silver coins, our workers had managed to number up to 130,000 silver coins and still counting." Responded Clerk before putting book down at table,


"Come in, " Answered Clerk before door was opened and woman entered,

"Sir Hendrickson and sir Lion, we numbered up to 200,000 silver coins." Answered Woman before leaving room, returning to her post most likely.

"You got your house sir Hendrickson." Simply stated Clerk now named Lion after woman left,

"I'm glad," I said before positioning my hand into handshake for Lion who returned it.

"Then we will transfer 170,000 silver coins to us," Responded Lion .

1 hour later at Hendrickson's new house.

I already inspected whole house, from bedrooms to bathrooms. Now i'm in living room, time to summon Holy Knights , i have wanted.

"Summon Weird Fangs group of Holy Knights ," I ordered before getting my answer from System.

[Warning, Characters without any modification will have their basic template, they will be loyal to User but they might not finish every task given by User if it's something against their code. And they will sometime act on their own if they believe User could be threatened. The Knights User would summon would have their basic template without any customization, does User wish to continue summoning?]

"Continue" I stated, in anime they weren't that much strong, all had power levels up to 500, for now they would suffice for, i also don't want to waste too much of SP at beginning.

*SWISH ! A white light filled whole living room, as light dissipated it left four figures. Who immediately after seeing Hendrickson , bowed down.

" " Lord Hendrickson " "

One Holy Knight is 200cm tall, clad in black/blue armor with woman face as helmet in gold color, carrying a staff with bell, this Holy Knight is none other than Ruin, power level 420.

Next Holy Knight clad in red armor, with insect like helmet, carrying whip as weapon, 170cm tall. This is Friesia, power level 440.

Next Holy Knight is clad in black armor, with spiky shoulder plates. Carrying shield and spike as weapons. Instead of helmet he has metal vines cowering his face and only one red eye not covered, He's 180cm tall. This Holy Knight is jude, Power level is 455

Next Holy Knight is clad in silver armor,with helmet that has two horns and face of angry/sad person, armed with short sword. Tall 180cm, this Holy Knight is Golgius, power level 470.

'System, how much SP is left?'


"Weird Fang, we are going to guild to register ourselves as solo Holy Knights, after that we are taking quests,follow me" I ordered before walking off, quickly followed by other 4 holy knight.

"Yes, Sir,"

10 minutes later in front of Guild


I opened door, as we walked into building we were meet with 30 people at least. All are currently staring at us, probably about rumors about me. Some were murmuring already, but we pretty much ignored all of them, heading straight to what appears to be a clerk girl sitting near a office table.

"We'll like to be registered as Holy Knights?" I asked, staring into her eyes,

Girl looked at me, then at Weird Fangs behind me, semingly inspecting us before answering.

"Yes, but first you need to sign your approval and test your Power Level before letting you officially become Holy Knight ." Answered Girl before pointing at crystal ball,"This will measure your Power Level.So , whos first?"

"We'll go first, " Stated Golgius , first stepping close to crystal ball before putting his hand on it.

"C-Class, Power Level 470, next." Said Girl, this time Friesia stepped up to place her hand.

"C-Class, Power Level 440." Again stated Girl, next was Jude who placed his free hand on crystal ball.

"C-Class, Power Level 455." Next was Ruin

"C-Class, Power Level 420."

While Weird Fangs are getting their Power Level known, entire personnel of Guild was watching with interest, it's not everyday happening that a group of 5 Knights will show up at same time after all..

'Time for show!' I though before placing my hand this time ,

"IMPOSSIBLE!! " Yelled Girl, this time truly , truly afraid. "S . S. SS. SS-Class. P-Power L-Level 2,650....."

"IMPOSSIBLE!! " Shouted random Knight .

"No, no, it's possible, from rumors this is old man who defeated Claus, S-Class person." Arugued Another.

Uproar literally happened .

"Now , if we might continue our registration?"

"Yes, yes , sorry Sir." Repeated Girl , before taking 5 papers, " This is agreement contract, so Guild quests or people's quest won't be accountable if you die on your quest."

"Hmm, it's acceptable," I said before signing my own, i did read it. it Only had few sentences after all.

[Ding! Mission Completed]

[10,000 SP are stored successfully ]

"Good, you are officially ranked by your Power Level, you can take any quest from quest table no matter of your Power Level, but it is advised to limit quests up to your class if you are solo, or if you are in group." Explained Girl, still little bit shaken at prospect of someone of SS-Class appearing out of nowhere..

'Lets check some quests .' I though before turning around and heading straight to quest table.

Few minutes of checking quests until we found one. Extermination of Bandits, 20km away from Ritas, south. Reward 30,000 silver coins, bandits numbering in hundreds.

[DING!! New Mission]

[Complete 3 quests yourself.]

[Reward: 20,000 SP!]

'Time for farming i quess.' I though, before we began searching for another quests..

4 hours later, close to bandit base which was just old castle, 70x meters away are 5 knights riding on their horses..

"Do as pl-" Before i could finish my sentence i was interrupted by bandit, a holy knight bandit who has lighting magic and appeared as lighting from sky directly at me.

*BOOM! A sword meet swords! but Hendrickson just kicked bandit away by 40 meters away at bandit base direction.

"Kill bandits." At my words all 4 begin massacring everyone, Friesia was first, summoning her bugs by a move called " Rain Capriccio" , Golgius using his invincibility to attack behind their backs, Jude using his shadow manipulation to travel between shadows of Friesia insects. Ruin just casually either going berserk or using his hallucination to manipulate bandits to attack each other, in other words it was massacre.

But let's go back to Hendrickson vs Bandit leader


Name : Buter

Age: 44

Titles : Former Holy Knight, Bandit, A-Class

Magic: 600

Spirit : 600

Spirit: 300

Total: 1,500

*BOOM! Buter again tried to kill Hendrickson by using speed of lighting but this time Hendrickson was little caught off guard and had managed to get small scar on his cheek.

*BOOM! Hendrickson slashed at Buter who had no choice but to block it, but this attack had full strength of Hendrickson and so attack pushed him 80 meters, even past his bandit base walls.

"Acid Tower!" I casted, but damn bandit dodged it at last nano-second,

"Let's try something new," I commented before enveloping my sword in acid, but not strong enough to disintegrate it but strong enough to be poisonous.

"Aggh!" Buter yelled out as he was pushed again just after he tried to attack behind.

"Thunder Armor!" Shouted Buter before he was enveloped in armor of lighting, this time he was even faster before, this time he jumped at Hendrickson from above.

"Damn, Enchant Hellblaze!" I called out, before slashing with dark flame at him, forcing him to dodge, which he did.

"DIE!" Yelled Buter, appearing by my left said, what i did could be called very stupid move but i had no other choice, i tried to dodge it by side stepping but he just changed direction of his sword. Next i did was enveloping my hand in Hellblaze and doing karate chap at Buter's shoulder, cutting into him like knife through buter.

His magic didn't defend him at all against Hellblaze. And ultimately making him drop his stance and kicking him 20 meters away.

'You are wounded , fool, you will literally die because of blood loss.' I though before he did something unexpected.His blood fused into lighting, draining him of his blood and turning him into deathly pale man.


"AAAH!" I screamed , my or rather Hendrickson's instincts saved me. But he ####### CUT OFF MY LEFT ARM!!,. In body memory reacted and rage i swung my sword at his hand , cutting it off completely, next was cutting off his head in a swift reaction..

"Damn,!! Not even three days and i lost my arm!!" I cursed before calming down forcibly and asking system, 'System do you have healing incantation orb!!'

[Yes User,it cost 100 SP, Do you want to buy it?]


[Item is stored in inventory ]

'Damn!! This Hurts!! i must do it fast.' I though before grabbing incantation orb from inventory before also grabbing my arm, i let orb fall to the ground before it would be activated, i grabbed and positioned my arm at right direction, i hope so?

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