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Chapter 4 Ritas 1/2

30x minutes later

At other side of the village, are carriage with four horses(And trailer, full of stuff) and in front of the carriage are four people. Linda, Hendrickson and two men.

John or now Hendrickson's POV

"Cough" Let me to introduce you ." Spoke Linda before motioning at Hendrickson. "This man is Hendrickson a guest through our travel to Ritas." She said before pointing at youngest member of the group, a 20x year old at most.

"This is my coachman , Viktus ." Said Linda before pointing at other Unknown man, clad in Red armor and Spartan Style helmet, with a short sword at his hip.

'He's a Holy Knight, i can feel his magic.' I though before ordering to see his status.

"And this man is Holy Knight, Vildrus, he is the only Holy Knight who i employ to be my guard till we reach Ritas." Explained Linda ." We have 3 hours before reaching Ritas ,does anyone have anything to say before we travel?"


Name: Vildrus

Age : 27

Titles: Holy Knight , A-Class

Magic : 620

Strength :540

Spirit 300

Total : 1,460

"Are you maybe a retired Holy Knight?" Asked Vildrus inspecting Hendrickson and obviously sensing Hendrickson enormous Magic power which is out-ranking him by huge margin.

"When i was young, i was a Holy Knight but now i'm just traveler ." I lied ' I will become Holy Knight , but you do not need to know that.'

"This world surely is a huge place, isn't it?" It was more of an statement than question from Vildrus. "Lady Linda place." He stated motioning at carriage and as a sign, Linda got into carriage while motioning Hendrickson and Vildrus to do same.

"So Hendrickson, where are you from?" Asked Linda as we all felt carriage moving and heard horses galloping .

"From Kingdom of Lars. " I answered while already making up a story in my head, technically i already did but adding more details to make it more believable .

"If i may Sir Vildrus, are you member of Order of Crimson Knights?" I asked averting all attention from me to Vildrus, it seems it has worked..

"Yes actually, i'm A-Class Holy Knight and as Lady Linda said i'm the Holy Knight she employs the most." Answered Vildrus but not before adding. " I can feel your Magic Sir Hendrickson. Just your magic is in class of A-Class Holy Knight."

"Are you regular employer of Lady Linda?" I asked trying to get more informations out of him if possible.

"Yes. Were you a part of Order or you were solo Holy Knight?" Answered and Asked Vildrus,

"I was on my own, i . I wasn't that much of a teamwork Holy Knight, i was always on my own." I answered , Before Speaking ." There is still much more time till we reach Ritas, i heard many good things about this town."

"Ah yes, Ritas is one of bigger towns in kingdom. It's symbol of advancement." Commented Linda agreeing with Hendrickson before continuing."A town full of merchants and Holy Knights, but unfortunately not ever Order is willing to help villages, one rare Orders in Ritas are Crimson Knights who do in fact help villages."

'Ahh, corrupt Holy Knights i shouldn't really be surprised this is just another world , a greed doesn't change no matter in what world.' I though before commenting " Unfortunately i have to agree with you on this, In Karn there wasn't even one Holy Knight with exception of Vildrus."

"Sight" Yes. But not every Holy Knight is unwilling to help Villages, mostly they were Leaders who refuse to post quests related to basic needed help, they accept it only if there are other factors involved such as Bandits or strong Monsters, if there are few they won't even accept it." Sighed Vildrus already remembering corrupt Great Holy Knights and Leader of Orders.

"Yes, there are exceptions such as Order of Crimson Knights or Order of Aqua Knights." I commented , ' Yes these two Orders are rivals and one of the dozens of Orders who actually care about "Lesser" citizens."

As time moves on, talk continues and soon 2 hours passes by. And trouble arrives.

And what that trouble is? A Bandits!!

*CRAK, Carriage came to stop immediately, before Viktus shouted.

"Sir Vildrus! Bandits!!" Shouted Viktus and in next second Vildrus and Hendrickson both at same time jumped out of carriage only to see 10 people.

10 people all surrounding them. A 9 people cladded in leather brown armors and cape, Along with leather helmet armed with short sword and in some cases spears.. And what appeared to be a leader of Bandits is clad in red armor, with red cape . No helmet , he has shoulder length brown hair and scar just below his beard. He's also armed with one short sword on his hip

Leader of these bandits stepped forward before speaking.

"Give all what you have, Linda and i will let you live but without these three m-" Threatened Man before he was interrupted by Vildrus.

"Claus!! You traitor! What are you doing here!?" Screamed Vildrus but not before unsheathing his sword and pointing it at man now named Claus.

"You know him?" I asked not averting my eyes from Claus who was definitely Holy Knight if going by his Magic ..

"He's rogue Holy Knight from Crimson Knights, he murdered 30 people before and 4 Knights before running, now from time to time he was raiding merchants with supposed group of bandits ." Answered Vildrus eyeing every bandit one by one. "By time he became rogue Holy Knight he was almost S-Class

'Hmm' I thought before using status on Claus.


Name: Claus

Titles :

Age : 29

Titles : Former Holy Knight, Murderer ,Bandit , Rogue Holy Knight , S-Class

Magic : 1,020

Strength : 610

Spirit : 420

Total : 2,050

'Vildrus won't be able to defeat him, it seems i would need to step up.' I though before hearing Vidrus voice and thus interrupting my thoughts.

"Sir Hendrickson, take care of bandits." Almost ordered Vildrus before rushing at Claus at impressive speed for a Holy Knight of A-Class for sure.

'They do have almost same level in strength , in that field Vildrus has chance but if Claus uses magic..' I though left me just in time as i dodged a down ward slash from one of the Bandits.

'Will i feel mental breakdown if i kill them?' I asked myself dodging another thrust from a spearman .

'They attacked me so it's self defence .' I stated in my mind before cutting of spear which was about to pierce me,

*SISH ! I managed to cut off a head of spearman. But alas , death of their comrade didn't deter them even for a second as 3x more tried to attack me, one behind, one in front and one from above.


I jumped before grabbing bandit from above and throwing him at one in front of me, and turning around at great speed just in time to catch a dagger from bandit in front of me.

"Rest in hell." I stated before taking dagger from the bandit and plunging it into her own heart.


"Two down, seven to go." I spoke feeling adrenaline rush through me, and checking their status , confirming that they are just normal Humans with power levels of 20 to 50 at most.

[DING! New Mission!]

[Mission : Eliminate the Rogue Holy Knight Claus]

[Reward : 40,000 SP]


I didn't even think before accepting it, but let's focus at two bandits that just managed to get up from ground.

'Let's try this.' I though before using my power for first time ever " Acid Tower."

A big Tower of purple acid appeared where two bandits were moments ago, it completely disintegrated them, they didn't even have a chance to scream.

"Five to go." I stated simply, this time they actually reacted,


"YES, THIS WASN'T PART OF A PLAN!" Agreeing another Bandit 2s.

'They are loud! too loud!!' I though before focusing my acid power and creating another Acid Tower, thus eliminating whole group.

Chapter word count 1324

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