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50% Redemption (Fated To Be) / Chapter 4: 4

Chapter 4: 4


Through out all the lessons we had together, Zona kept staring at me but I just ignored him since I still wasn't ready to forgive him for what he did. Somewhat I felt bad for ignoring him and not listening to his explanation cause my heart still beats for him but then again we're only teenagers, it's not like any high school relationship lasts enough to lead to marriage. I've already made up my mind to be independent and I'm not going to change it just because of some high school love.

It's lunch time, so I walk out of the classroom with my books and bag heading back to my locker. I don't know why but I didn't really feel hungry, I kept my bag and books in the locker and went to the cafeteria to look for my gang. As soon as I get close to my table, my senses are flooded with girlish squeals and there's only one person I know who makes that sound... occasionally "Bliss, no way" I run up to the table when I see Bliss hugging Ria and Crystal, Dasmy just seats at the side staring at them, I shrug her off before cat walking dramatically to where she was "Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only Briana Bliss? You finally show up and refuse to pay tribute to your Queen? You should be punished for your insolence" I say with a straight face, Bliss shivers in fear before bowing her head "I'm sorry your majesty, I just got here. I was about to go looking for you" I smirk "Oh really? You seemed like you were having too much fun with those subordinates of mine, am I right?" She shakes her head vigorously "Nevermind I would over look it this time since it has not happened before. Rise" she bows deeper before finally standing up right. We look into each others eyes with flaring intensity before suddenly bursting into laughter. "I must say your acting skills have gotten even better, you almost looked like you were scared, almost" I say after the laughter died down "What can I say, I'm learning from the best after all" she says with confidence, I just nod taking a seat.

"I came back last night but I was so exhausted, thought I'd just surprise you in school today but I kinda overslept so I decided to sneak into school during the lunch break and attend the rest lessons for the day. So, what did I miss?" I roll my eyes "Me mama, you missed me... a lot" she nods "Of course,.you're my baby after all but you know that's not what I'm talking about" Ria clears her throat and all our eyes are directed at her "Zona's back" silence "Zona? You mean that bitch that broke my baby's heart and got away with it?" I nod when I see she's directing her question to me "Good, now I can teach him a lesson he will never forget" her eyes start shining with mischief "Just forget about it, Bliss. He's not worth our time" I see the three of them staring behind me and I turn my head to see what they're looking at, Zona.

I face Ria immediately "Speak of the devil and he appears" Crystal sings smiling at me. "Hey, Zona over hear" she waves him over "Crystal, what the heck?!" I whisper-yelled at her, this bitch is going to be the end of me "Oh, hi. Crystal, right? Long time no see" Crystal smiles flirtatiously at him and I just roll my eyes, I know exactly what she's trying to do and it won't work. I contemplate getting up and going to another table but that would just mean Crystal wins and there's no way as hell I'm letting her win this. I take Rias tray and start eating "Hey get your own!" Ria yelps surprised because I've never taken anything of theirs without asking "I'm just so hungry, could you get another one for yourself please?" I give her my best puppy eyes and she groans "Okay, fine" I smile at her "Thank you" they all squeal "Oh you're so cute" I just continue eating, although I'm the second oldest in my friend group, I'm still treated as a baby because I look younger than my age with my slightly round face, big brown eyes, long black hair, small plump lips, a slim body and almost smooth skin. "So... Zona, why did you come back?" Crystal makes an attempt to start a conversation "Well, I didn't want to go to that boring boarding school anymore and I also came to see Fiona" I didn't face him when he said that but I'm sure they noticed I tensed up "Oh, why did you want to see Fiona?" I just continue eating "I wanted to talk to her and since there was no means to communicate with her, I had to come back here because I had a feeling she'd still be here" I scoffed "You thought I would leave just because you humiliated me in front of the whole school, you're so wrong" I look at his this time and I'm a little taken aback, he's more handsome than before and those striking blue eyes seemed to shine, he also looked a little bit taller "What exactly do you want, Mr Philips?" He looked hurt but didn't voice his feelings "Can I talk to you, in private?" I just shrugged and got up "Follow me" I walk to the school's garden and sit on the wooden bench, he sits next to me "What did you want to talk about?" I stare at the clouds "I'm sorry" I roll my eyes "I've heard that before, anything else?" He sighs "Please look at me when I'm talking to you Fiona, please" I looked at him with side eyes "Is this better?" I ask keeping my tone as neutral as I could "Please, Fiona" he pleaded, I sigh before facing him fully but creating more space between us since I did need my personal space "There, what now?" I ask rubbing my forehead, the lunch break was almost over and instead of enjoying it with my girlfriends I'm hear. "We've been sitting here for almost ten minutes now. What do you want to tell me?" I raise a brow or I think I did "I love you" my sure my mouth was hanging open like a fish "Say what now?" I ask shaking my head and using my finger to clean my ear "I love you" he repeated "Now or three years ago?" I let out a humorless laugh"I'm being serious, Fiona" I scoffed "So am I, in case you don't remember let me refresh your memory. YOU cheated on me, YOU humiliated me in front of the whole school, YOU toyed with me for fun and YOU left me when I needed you the most" I was breathing heavily by the time I was done "I said I'm sorry" I get up "Like sorry has ever fixed anything. Well it would interest you to know that I'm no longer the girl you knew those years ago. I'm the girl everyone hates, no one wants to talk to, who's creepy as fuck and all bitchy when she's angry. Why? Because you fucking broke her but I still wonder why this hurt. We're teenagers after all, dating is just something we do for fun anyway" I turn my back to him "You know what? I've been waiting three years to tell you something" I turn back to gave him "I Hate You Zona Philips" I put more emphasis on the hate "I hate you more than anything. I hope we can finish these last two years of school with the least amount of contact and communication ever" I walk away from him, keeping my back straight and my head high. I felt a lot better now that I've told him what has been on my.mind for a while and it felt so good, I couldn't help myself from smiling when I got back to the cafeteria to meet my gang but the bells suddenly rang, I groan "Great, he wasted my precious time"

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