Ansel heaved out a relaxed sigh as he laid on his bathtub filled with warm water. As he submerged his body, it was like all the tiredness and stress of the past few weeks seemed to flow out of his body.
"Ah, this is the life!" He said, closing his eyes, and leaning deeper down until his entire body was covered.
His senses were refreshed and all his tense muscles relaxed. Groaning in relaxation, he simmered in the lovely warmth of the water. His body also felt soft; it was as if all the tense muscles were being massaged on their own.
Ansel had no doubt that the special Jasmine Fragrance Althea gave him to mix with the water had a lot to do with this. She had always had a talent for making concoctions like this.
For a while he laid there, just feeling the warm water surrounding his body. It was so soothing that he mused that this must be what it was like to return back to the womb of mothers.
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