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Samuel was not understanding what was happening right now, everything was okay a moment ago but the next second his father went to the basement and started renovating downstairs.

His mom was appalled by this act and started screaming at him but dad did not stop and keep on working on it as his mom holds her head in her hand thinking his dad has gone crazy.

Suddenly a phone call came and his dad after a few seconds of talking rushed downstairs as the call ended, he saw a panicked look on his face as he rushed down.

Slowly but surely his dad bought out a suitcase and opened it, the deja-vu had never been so stronger.

!!!!!John POV!!!!!!

John finished a call with Sofia thirty minutes ago and he bid well to all that helped him, jimmy who he knew at his other line of work assured him he will look out for any sudden movements.

Suddenly his phone buzzed and he dreaded looking at the name.

John took the call and put the phone on his ear.

John: Viggo.

Viggo: How's the married life going John.

John: ...….

John: Viggo I-

Viggo: Save your words John I know what happened. That foolish boy had gone and done something stupid. Not to mention getting roped with the supernatural.

John was stunned for a few second before he composed himself.

Viggo: Surprised are you not. Unlike you who had awakened a miracle of a gift I became a slave to that same miracle.

John: What are yo-

Viggo: A devil made me his bitch John. Up until now I thought I was on top of the food chain. All the luxury the power. But sooner did I know we humans were sheep to be groomed for compliance.

John: .....

Viggo: I would have let you go John; I really would have but whatever you did to my son had left him paralyzed form waist down and in a coma. I think he will never wake up from the brain damage. Even if he did, he will have to be fed with a spoon like a baby.

John: I am sorry, I am really-

Viggo: Now I want you to feel what I feel.

A pit dropped in John's stomach.

Viggo: Enjoy your life while you can.

With that final piece the call was cut.

John without wasting a second rushed in his house.

But one thing bugged in his mind.

Devils should not be in America. They have businesses but that is it and the only thing allowed. Especially illegal works like selling people. Things just jumped to a whole another level. In his work as CIA agent, he learned that Pantheons like Greek and Roman that are living in New York hated them to the bone. Not to mention America is Biblical territory. He needs to call Hemingway to let her know. If Viggo told was true. Some conspiracy is afoot.

He needs to get his coins and get his family out of America if a fight between supernatural breaks out.

!!!!!End of POV!!!!!

Samuel was holding a coin in his hand with a skull face on it and slowly some pieces started getting in place.

Holy shit.

John wick is his father.

He is in a Movie or a crossover in this world! Just what kind of plot is this!

Samule was speechless.

The moderator has some explaining to do.

The coins were taken from his hand and chucked it in the bag he was putting everything in.

Helena: Why are you restless John talk to me. You promised me you won't go back to that life.

John: Consequences Helena. It seems Fate is a prude bitch. It seems the person who wanted out Car was the Son of my Ex-Employer for whom I did an Impossible Job to retire for this life. He now blames me for his son's fate.

Helena: He can't be serious, that was a freak accident.

John: That was no accident Helena, someone set up a barrier that did this to him.

Helena: What are you talking about?

John: Look honey we don't have time he is sending people to ki-


Samuel felt the bounded field going off a second time to this day, he really used up his luck on the Gacha. Now that the bounded charged up for more than half a day he is sure the intruders are dead.

Helena: What was that?

John: Intruders trying to kill us.

Helena: What did you do John, you told me you left that life.

John: I did but I got caught up in something much more than you could ever imagine.

Helena: No no you told you will leave, what about us did you think what would happen-


Suddenly in the room Iron started flowing and the pistols that were in the case broke down and turned to metal dust and turned into a blade floating into the air.

Helena was stunned by such supernatural act; she could not comprehend.

The person who was more shocked was Samule.

His father had unknown dictator and boy oh boy.

Things are not going to end well for his enemies.



Samuel not felt the bounded field taking up energy from the leyline meaning it is overworking. Whoever is trying to breach is using magic now, he can feel the magic concentration in the air increasing.

Mobsters having sacred gear users? When did they get up the food chain?

John was quickly suited up and took the Guns from the box and checked it over reloading and pulling the magazine.

It's time for some fireworks.

John: Hold these coins we will need them to get out of America.

John gave them to Helena. He never felt so afraid in his life.

Samuel: Wait go out of America? Where are we going?

John: Japan.

Samuel was now sure fate has taken notice of him and boy oh boy he is pissed off. He gritted his teeth and thought about it. He did not even mess with the plot and now fate is messing with him. Is the world trying to get rid of him because he is an anomaly? He was not even close to plot and masters of fate from different pantheon wants him dead. Fate is a thing since Gods exist here.

That moderator what did he do? Is he an invader of dxd world or someone other Gods do not like and are afraid of? Since they can't mess with the moderator, they are messing with him? Maybe he is thinking too much or maybe his on spot. But he will fuck them up, what is better to mess the plot.

There are few reasons why Samuel would think Gods would want to get rid of him. He was in an era where Era of Gods lost their power of humanity and science took precedence. Science ruled over mankind not them. His ability to make a bomb to obliterate their pantheons is a must for him to be taken out of the picture. One thing Samule knows he is underpaid for such work.

He needs time and resources to make a weapon close to a divine construct like a Nova Bomb. Time, he doesn't have. But who was he? He is the most capable human of the planet who can usher humanity in an era of space. No wonder they want to get rid of him. They will lose their power over humanity if he rises up with his innovation.

People will not worship gods but science.

But even better.

They will worship him.

If Samuel was not in the same place as his parents, he would make the greatest grinch face ever.

One thing is for sure pantheons will be bathed in blood.

From the knowledge of the future, he won't have to. He will have to manipulate the events for that.

He will end the Age of Gods by his own hands and bring forth the Age of Man.

He will use Gods gift as a stepping stone, because his true strength is not in this Sacred Gear but Knowledge.

He can make something better.

Samule was pulled from his thought as his mother grabbed his hand and was running out of the basement.

Things are about to get crazy.

!!!!Outside the house!!!!!

Several bodies of gang members and hired professionals lay around floor.

Not only that sacred gear users who tried to break the bounded field got their attacks recoiled and have been affected by the own attacks with a hole in their chest.

If one could closely several chess pieces was lying around the floor.

But there was one man standing badly bruised and bleeding from his mouth and orifices.

A guy wearing an armadillo armor which was slowly receding because of receiving to much damage that his sacred gear could not even block.

It was supposed to be normal clean up work? Why why did it come to this.

He will not have this; he should have waited for the mage before trying to break it themselves.

He will not have this, his pride will not allow this.

Makarov scramed from his lungs.


It seemed the heavens heard his voice a car came from the garage bursting out and sadly he was infront of the garage. Not helping his armor was now completely off.

John took his mustang and hit the gas.

He burst out of the garage running over the Makarov guy.

His career ended there staying in a wheelchair forever.

John had no time to spare he quickly took Helen and his son to his car and hit the road.

New York Continental is the safest place he could get, the faster he reaches there without any hindrance the better.

Helena: My God John you ran over someone!

John: Not now honey, I will hear all your complaints when we reach a safe place. I know a place that will not allow any sort of danger.

Samule can hear his parents bickering at the front.

Sam snapped his fingers deactivating the bounded fields letting the runes fizzle out.

He cannot let any secrets of this runes to get out.

Now he just needs to sit back and watch the show.

John Wick 1 has started now.

Not knowing someone teleported there a thirty minutes later the bounded field fizzled out. A decision he would later be glad in the future to do.

!!!!An Hour later in New York!!!!

It seems luck was still on Wick family's side as they were safely able to get Into the New York continental safely.

They were no one following them.

Only annoying things that his father's phone was ringing that he threw out of the window.

Samuel got out feeling frustrated. He got a lot of work to do with his Longinus and he did not do other half of the work.

His dad paid a gold coin to the overseer of the garage who gave a nod.

His mom was glaring at his father probably of the secret he was hiding.

John took her hand and gave a reassuring nod that will make everything clear.

Samule was looking forward to meet Winston.

!!!!!In the Hotel Lobby!!!!

Samule was looking around the lobby of the continental and he can say 21st century architecture sure is nice to see.

In his previous life all was metal and holograms and others became the living quarters for the rich.

He looked forward and saw Charon there working, poor guy dies in John Wick 4.

Speaking of those movies.

Santino needs to die.

A sudden rune of death out of nowhere will suffice.

His father makes his way with his mother to the counter as he follows.

John: Reservation for three High class.

Charon: How many nights and days?

John: A month.

John gives a whole cylinder of coins making Charon's eyes go wide.

Charon takes it and slowly keeps it in a shelf down looking sideways.

Charon: Quiet the payment, what is the occasion Mr. Wick.

John: Is the previous owner still around.

Charon: Yes.

John: Tell him John Wick needs to see him.

Charon gives a nod and calls over someone whispering him to a butler's ear.

Charon: Enjoy your stay Mr and Miss Wick. Also?

Charon was looking around for the third person.

Samuel: Samule Wick.

Charon: Ah! nice to meet you sir.

Charon was startled in his life as an assassin he has never felt such stealth, maybe it has to do something with genes?

Samuel: Sam is fine, nice to meet you too.

Charon: Room 128.

Charon quickly gave the keys and went to get the manager.

John takes the keys and gives it to Helen.

Helen: Where are you going.

John: To meet a friend.

Samuel can only sigh things are about to be bumpy, not only that he felt activation of a sacred gear when he entered this hotel.

Assassins witch sacred gear now that's a plot to talk about.

But against Unknown Gear which is Longinus class that can destroy the world it will be a bad idea to fuck with his father. Except as long there is to mind manipulating sacred gear around.

Longinus is strong no doubt about it but looking at Meredith Ordinton at the novel the only thing that can go against Longinus users. But since he has runes to counter it, he has to slip some of it when his father comes back.

A pat on the back will be enough to give his father.

!!!!!John POV!!!!!

John was following Charon to the main office of the continental.

If he asks help from Winston, he might have to go into a blood debt, he already has one and he does not want to increase the ceiling.

"Come in"

A voice he knew all too well greeted him,

But it sounds aged.

The door opened and he saw Winston in his full glory.

Winston: Nice to meet you again John, I though I would never see you again. Have a seat.

John: Winston.

Winston: How's the family life? The desk job in CIA seems to keep you busy.

John: Well, I have to save up for Samuels College, also I don't want to seems like a person who sits in his house and does nothing.

Winston: Existential crisis of Mid-Life? My I never thought to live to see the day where you would have a Mid-Life crisis. You have enough money why work?

John: Blood Money. I want to give Samuel a life free of my past. I don't want to him to ask where the money came from.

Winston: Too late for that don't you think. Viggo seems to put a hit on you and your family. I was shocked along with rest of your friends.

John: His son attacked my house, Winston.

Winston: So I have heard, did you know?

John: No, I didn't. He wanted my car and I said no.

Winston: Well, why would he mark a hit on you.

John: He loves his son too much, enough to wash his hands with my blood.

Winston: Well Johnny you came to the right place. Here in Continental as long you have money you would be able to live here long as you like. No one would even dare to poison or harm your family. Last thing they want is the High Table on their back.

John: I am well aware. EX-COMMINICADO.

Winston: No one came out alive from that stamp. My Kitchen staff and butler are specifically chosen for that. You won't have to worry about anything.

John: What about people hired from inside.

Winston: You did take the Luxury suit did you not?

John: I called Sophia to pick Helen Samuel to Japan. She owes me a debt.

Winston: ...…

Winston: Osaka Continental. Viggo won't dare sent his man as it is another person's territory. But the hit is a problem.

John: I'll take care of it.

Wisnton: You are retired John are you sure want to come back to this life.

John: He started it and I'll finish it. This time it's different. I am protecting my family.

Winston: Karma can be a bitch, the amount of people you killed is coming to haunt you.

John: I am well aware of that.

Winston: So Kiba Akhito I presume you want him to take care of your family.

John: He is the only person who I can fully trust.

Winston: I assume you want something from me since you came to meet here.

John: I want your jet.

Winston: ...….

Winston: That's fine by me I have no problem dropping them off.

John: I want a favor from you.

Winston: ...

Winston: Be careful John such words for people like us, you know what you have to do.

John: I am willing to enter a blood debt.

Winston scrutinized John before he gave a smile.

Winston: Things you do for love. My friend you have changed a lot. Is this love enough to give up your life for?

John: Yes.

Winston Looks at Charon and gave a nod.

Winston gets up from his seat and gets his suit straight.

Winston: Anything else you need.

John: Yeah.

John: Guns lots of Guns.

Winston: Right this way.

!!!!!!!!With Samule and Helen!!!!!

They were standing front of a huge decorated door with burly bodyguards standing Infront of it.

Helen was confused if the butler guided them to the wrong room.

Samule already understood what was going on and showed them the key chain taking it from his mother's hand.

Helena: U-h Samule I think we are in the wrong place.

Samuel: Not really, we are exactly where we are supposed to be.

The body guards took the key chain and gave a look to each other.

"Right this way"

They opened the door and Sam and Helena was surprised.

There were butlers and maids in line with huge space like a mansion.

Samuel gave a smile.

A man's dream.

He was assured of one thing that Winston is a man of culture.

!!!!!!!Two hours later!!!!

Samule was having a slice of chocolate cake as he was watching the news while his mother went to take a long bath to get the stress of her head.

He was waiting for the time when his father comes and explains about the situation.

Now that Samuel has a time to think for himself, he though how if he was not in his body could have changed the future.

His mom and him would have died leaving his father to go on a killing spree, or maybe not for his sacred gear.

But there is always what if.

Thank God he set up the bounded field or there would be a problem.

Suddenly the doors opened with his father in full glory with several bags being carried on his shoulder and hand.

Samule: You look like you are going to war.

John: I am.

Samuel: What will happen to us. Also, what about school? I am happy that I am skipping school but not when my life is in danger.

John: I talked to my friend who runs the hotel and someone named Sophia will come and take you to Japan. There my friend who is owner of another Continental Branch will set up papers for you to fit in. Where is your mum.

Samuel: Taking a stress bath.

John: Haa she is going to be mad at me for this.

Samuel: Yeah.

John: You should start learning Japanese.

Samule: I already did [In Japanese]

John gave a surprised look and gave a sigh.

John: Then I'll leave your mom to you.

Samuel: New papers so how will I get my credits transferred there.

John: I am having Winston to persuade your school to make a Transcript for you.

Samuel: Damn I owe Winston a gratitude.

John: You won't have to. I already told Winston to get your things from the house and by the way where is daisy?

Smauel: .....

John: ...

Samuel and John both looked at each other.

Samuel/John: Shit.

Now John has another mission.

To save his dog.

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