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A Normal Day I

Jin didn't really have a bad memory.

Writing down his thoughts was just a hobby he acquired throughout the month he had attended the Training Center.

'Burning Sword Style and Tidal Arts…' He wrote the two aura arts side by side.

Then, he pondered about the spar of his father and General Mika.

'Dad's Burning Sword Style has more raw power. However, General Mika's Tidal Arts is more exquisite… It has various forms which lets her utilize her water attribute aura efficiently…'

Jin kept thinking as he wrote down the ideas appearing in his mind.

* * *

The next day…


The siblings were on their way to the Training Center when they heard someone's call.

"Oh, Rowena! Are you on your way to the Training Center too?" Tanya's eyes brightened as she greeted her best friend.

Rowena nodded, "Yes!"

"Do you want to walk with us on the way there?"

"Sure!" Rowena smiled as she ran up beside Tanya.

Noticing Jin calmly walking on Tanya's other side, she waved shyly at him, "U-Um, good morning Jin!"

Jin turned his head and greeted back with a polite smile, "Good morning, Rowena."

"Ughhh, Rowena I still feel sleepy…" Tanya complained.

Rowena giggled, "Do you want me to carry you?"

"Really!?" Tanya sounded excited.

At this moment, Jin chimed in from the side, "Don't let her, she'll just get lazier…"

"Argh! Brother, you're so mean!"

"I'm just not lazy like you."

Rowena smiled as she watched the siblings quarreling with each other.

She had been best friends with Tanyas for as far as she could remember.

Her father and Tanya's father being friends were one of the factors that started their friendship.

Therefore, it was a common occurrence that she and Tanya would play almost everyday.

At that time, she hadn't seen Tanya's brother much. At most, she would see a vague silhouette of him peeking through the window while they were playing.

She just thought that he was shy and didn't like playing outside, so he just stayed at their house.

However, when she saw him a month ago, she was surprised.

He could speak fluently and had a calm demeanor.

She discovered that he was quite cute and she liked staring at him.

Unbeknownst to Rowena, she had been unconsciously observing Jin since the first time she laid her eyes on him a month ago.

"Hey, Rowena."

Tanya's call awoke her from her thoughts.

"Y-Yes?" She stuttered, feeling the strange emotion in her chest.

"Why are you blushing? Are you feeling sick?"

Seeing her best friend's concerned expression, Rowena touched her cheeks only to feel that they were hot.

"N-No, I'm fine!" Rowena shook her head with a flustered expression.

Jin also looked over and said, "We can just walk you back to Uncle Rowan's house if you feel sick. It's not like it's far."

Rowena smiled, "Thank you, but I'm really fine."

"Well if you say so…" Tanya conceded before asking, "Hey Rowena, do you want to skip attending the Training Center tomorrow?"

"Eh?" Hearing her friend's words, Rowena was flabbergasted.

She stuttered as she said, "I-I don't think that's okay…"

"Oh come on, it's just a day. It's not like we'll miss somethi– Ow! Why did you hit me!?" Tanya couldn't finish what she was saying due to Jin smacking her head.

Deadpan, Jin replied, "Don't corrupt Rowena with your laziness."

"B-But don't you think this is unfair!? We need to wake up early just to attend our classes. Where do we find the time to enjoy our youth!?" Tanya exclaimed with a wronged expression.

"How do you even know those words?" Jin widened his eyes in surprise as he looked at his sister.

Tanya pouted and said, "Do you think I'm dumb?"

Jin didn't reply but his side eye already told Tanya all she needed to know.

"You're so annoying!"

Rowena giggled as she watched the siblings quarrel again.

Though she unconsciously glanced at Jin from time to time.

She kept walking with the siblings, not knowing that the thing called "puppy love" was blooming in her heart.

* * *

"Breathe in…. Breathe out… keep breathing, fill your lungs with air. Hold it for as long as possible before slowly exhaling…"

Instructor Clyde's soothing voice sounded in the meditation area of the training grounds.

It was now 10 in the morning and they were in the midst of their Aura Circulation Class.

Instructor Clyde led by example as he spoke, "Feel the worldly energy in the surroundings. Although you don't have talent in mana, it doesn't mean that it won't benefit you."

Jin strictly followed their instructor's instructions as he kept his focus.

He kept observing as the mana in the surroundings and the life energy being emitted by his body became absorbed into his body.

Some mana mixed in with the life energy and formed an aura, while some of the mana particles remained as they are.

It indicated that he had talent both in mana and aura, it was just that he was incapable of containing and manipulating them.

'It's fine… I don't have to rush. I have forever to discover a way to use worldly energies without an energy core and energy circuits after all…'

Jin reminded himself of his immortality, making sure that his emotions won't go out of control again.

The Aura Circulation class doesn't only consist of teaching students about how to circulate aura.

It also consisted of calming the mind and teaching the trainees about the importance of a healthy mind in battle.

Therefore, Jin really found this class interesting.

Suddenly, Commander Reginald's words popped up in his mind.

'Mind Force, huh…'

"Trainees, you may stop for now. Let's have our lunch break first before we get back to this, okay? A healthy body is needed to have a healthy mind!"

Before Jin could think any further, Instructor Clyde gently woke up the trainees from their meditative state.

Jin was flabbergasted since he had been keeping an eye on the time all this while.

Their lunch break always starts at 12 noon.

He didn't notice that 2 hours had already passed by due to him being too focused on his thoughts, as well as him being in his meditative state.

Opening his eyes, he stood up and dusted his clothes.

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