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Chapter 32: Deck Chronicles : Revenge

Raymond POV

After receiving new information from Ra, I went to my room to change myself, leaving Ra waiting on my bed. If I want to execute all the plans I have been preparing for months, I want to look elegant and imposing.

However, there was one problem with all of this: even if I kill them all, my face would be seen. I know some people might wonder, "How would they know if you kill them all?" The answer is simple: magic. That word is a game-changer. Other organizations could be spying on my target, as well as other traitors or even pureblood families. Familiars might even exist in this reality.

The fact is, I can't afford to be careless. One mistake could cost me everything I have worked for. Although I can't stay transformed for long periods of time because it consumes a lot of my magic and stamina, I don't have much magic to begin with, being young.

But I could blitz the place in my normal form until they force me to use my deck, and then just kill them all. I would order Ra to search for any abnormalities, cameras, or anything else.

With that in mind, I started dressing to look elegant and cool while killing and torturing the people inside the castle.

After considering for a few seconds, I decided on a black outfit. I chose to wear the long black leather trench coat that the missing blade gifted me for my birthday. It reaches my ankles and has a sleek and fitted design, emphasizing my agile movements during combat. Underneath the coat, I wear a black button-down shirt and black leather pants.

To complete my attire, I wear a pair of black leather boots that provide stability and support during intense fights. I also sport my iconic pair of black sunglasses.

Once I finished preparing my attire and reviewed the plan I made some nights ago, I called Ra to leave as soon as possible.

Omni POV

With Ra now on Raymond's shoulder (his new designated place, it seems), Raymond stood in front of a mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror, then at Ra, and back at the mirror, but this time his face was colder than ice.

Slowly, he started walking towards the mirror. When he was millimeters away from it, he jumped towards it, and instead of the usual crash, it seemed like he entered the mirror.

[Somewhere in a castle in Sweden]

Perched atop a secluded mountain in Sweden, there stood a majestic mansion that belonged to a high-ranking functionary within the Organization. This grandiose residence was a testament to both power and wealth, fortified with extensive security measures and guarded by a substantial contingent of henchmen to ensure the utmost protection for its occupants.

Set against a backdrop of rugged peaks and surrounded by dense forests, the mansion offered unparalleled privacy and commanding views of the surrounding landscape. Its architecture seamlessly blended elements of traditional Swedish design with hints of Italian influences, creating a unique and imposing structure that stood out amidst the natural beauty of the mountain.

The mansion's exterior exuded an aura of both strength and elegance, featuring sturdy stone walls, large arched windows, and a fortified entrance gate that bore the mark of the owner's authority. The driveway leading up to the mansion wound its way through the dense forest, providing a sense of intrigue and seclusion.

To ensure the security of the high-ranking functionary and their operations, the mansion was equipped with state-of-the-art security systems. High walls and reinforced fences encircled the property, augmented by surveillance cameras and motion sensors discreetly hidden among the landscape. Well-trained henchmen stood guard at strategic points around the mansion, maintaining constant vigilance to deter potential threats.

Inside, the mansion boasted lavish and tastefully decorated rooms adorned opulent furnishings and works of art reflected the owner's discerning taste. Expansive living areas with grand fireplaces, exquisite chandeliers, and luxurious upholstery created an atmosphere of refined luxury.

The mansion also featured a hidden underground complex, accessible only to a select few. This secret sanctuary served as a nerve center for the organization's operations, housing state-of-the-art communication systems, secret meeting rooms, and secure vaults to safeguard the organization's assets.

In this mountain retreat, the high-ranking functionary reveled in both luxury and security, surrounded by a loyal entourage of henchmen who were always ready to protect and serve. It was a stronghold where power, wealth, and the clandestine world intertwined seamlessly in a remote corner of the Swedish mountains.

The high functionary was having the time of his life with his family, thinking happily about the actions he had taken.

"I should have killed Marcus and his protege ages ago. If I knew that I would gain all of this just because of one dead man and one dead child," thought Andrei Larsen.

After killing Marcus and Raymond, he acquired a fortune and a lot of business deals and partners that Marcus had, as well as the contacts and information of many things and a nice exotic collection.

Interrupting his train of thought, his daughter asked him to come and see her little baby sister. The new member of the family was adorable.

Happily, he replied yes and went to the room of his new baby daughter to see her.

But he made a mistake, a mistake that he would later come to truly regret. In the mirror of the room where he was, there showed a silhouette of a young man with black attire, two sabers, a revolver, and a look of indifference on his face that would even scare the devil.

That figure had seen the interaction between the father and daughter and started thinking of a great way to make up for the wasted time he had spent being tortured in that chair.

After thinking of something, Raymond went to another nearby mirror and appeared behind two lackeys who were guarding a door and chatting happily.

The lackeys were distracted by their conversation and didn't notice that the mirror behind them was different.

Gripping the two sabers, Raymond jumped out of the mirror and decapitated the two of them. And as if that were not enough, Raymond turned around in their direction and made another slash that cut them in half.

"Sorry, gentlemen..., but I have a prey to hunt..., and you are in my way. I hope you don't mind...," said Raymond coldly and then looked at Ra, who was like a child in a candy store.

"Bon appétit," said Raymond before leaving for a corner to watch Ra as the phoenix's innocent blue eyes changed to a blood-red threatening tone. Ra opened his mouth and threw a torrent of fire that burned the two corpses, but then something strange happened as the two corpses disintegrated into very tiny pieces.

After that, Ra tasted the flavor of their souls.

"How delicious," said Ra with stars in his eyes.

He then flew towards Raymond's shoulder and enjoyed the show that would fall upon those henchmen and the family.

But before doing anything, he stopped.

"Ra, scan the house. I want to know the locations of things and compare them to the information obtained by the spies. I want to know people, locations, cameras, anything or anyone that's watching, and anything magical," commanded Raymond.

Maybe Raymond's paranoia was over the top, but he would still do it as he didn't want something or someone to catch him off guard again.

'Never again,' thought Raymond decisively.

"Raymond, there are a lot of security cameras, so we need to go to the control room and hack or destroy everything there. I count 60 lackeys in the castle, and as far as I can see, there is no magical or familiar presence watching," said Raymond.

Nodding, Raymond began to speed up his pace, being careful as he approached a hallway's end. Suddenly, he crossed paths with three henchmen, who immediately opened fire on him. Raymond's agility allowed him to evade all the bullets by jumping from wall to wall, displaying incredible acrobatic movements.

Unable to engage in close combat, Raymond retreated behind a wall, drawing his revolver and knives. After successfully retreating, albeit with a few scratches on his body, he took up his gun and knives, throwing a knife at the first guy. The knife was nailed into the guy's throat, causing him to bleed profusely and die seconds later.

The other two lackeys were shocked, and before they could react, Raymond shot one in the head and threw one of his sabers at the other, impaling him in the chest while he received a headshot.

"Do your thing... I will be in the camera room..." said Raymond as he started running again.

"You got it," replied Ra, showing a sadistic expression and desire within his red blood eyes.

"Now, where are we...?" said Ra while gazing at the corpses and smirking.

Raymond's POV

After running a bit, I have finally reached the control room, but just as I was about to enter, some guy opened the door and attacked me with a knife from his jacket.

'Jokes on him,' I thought amusedly.

He launched a high kick at me, but I easily dodged by tilting my head to the right. Then, I took one of my sabers and attempted to slash him, but he dodged with impeccable precision.

"You are really good, you know that," I said, trying to taunt him and lay the groundwork for his downfall.

However, the person in front of me just stared with cold eyes.

"Well... you want to guard this place, and I want to enter it... I say the winner takes all, what do you think?" I asked, positioning myself and unsheathing the other saber.


"Well, in that case..." I said, launching myself at him.

Then the real battle began.

I executed a crescent slash with the saber on my right, but he dodged to his right and launched a kick. I managed to dodge it as well, but I couldn't see the left jab he had prepared for me.

Having taken the jab, I was momentarily stunned, and he capitalized on that by launching a combination attack:

Left jab


Right slash


A right lower kick to stumble me

And then he turned and gave me a lateral kick that threw me against the wall.


"In the end... you are nothing more than a kid," he said, turning his back, thinking he had broken my neck and that I was dead.

Contrary to his expectations, I was alive and well. I must really thank all my teachers later, as that hellish training really served its purpose.

"You have been trained... I can see that," I said while getting up and spitting out a bit of blood.

"I hate to spoil this for you... but... I will be the one who's going to win," I said, looking into his eyes and grabbing my sabers, which I had dropped during the previous attacks.

After that, I sprint towards him and make a cross slash with my two sabers. He resists it and launches a lower kick to destabilize me, but I perform a backflip to evade it. As soon as I land, he sprints and tries to catch me with a grapple, aiming to break my neck.

Sadly, he couldn't succeed as I roll the moment I touch the ground. One of the sabers I had is almost broken due to the force of my opponent.

"I need to catch him off guard," I think quickly, as I'm almost on my toes.

"It's all or nothing," I think, and with my tired body, I launch a stab from an unconventional position.

As the seconds go by, silence reigns in the hallway.

I adjust my position with a little effort, feeling the toll of this battle on my body.

Though I don't feel pain as much as I have experienced until now, this is nothing but a mere joke. But I feel my body slowing down, and that could be a problem, especially in this situation.

After getting up as best as I could, I look at the corpse of my adversary, with a sword nailed in its neck, and say, "You know... as hard as it is for me to admit this... I was getting cocky, thinking that with the trauma, the torture, the pain, and my previous training, I was at the peak... But thanks to you, I can see that I have a very long road ahead of me... so... Thank you."

You see, my victory had nothing to do with me being stronger than him. It can be summed up in three key factors:


My physical age


That was it. The first point was that he thought I was dead, which is why he left me alone. My height and weight were fundamental in our battle, both as strengths and weaknesses.

The final point is just luck—random, stupid, and defying luck.

I don't even know how the stab landed perfectly; it was a lucky shot.

I run a bloody hand through my hair and face.

"I... should train more... this battle taught me something important... my place. Although I could beat mobs and different opponents of a certain range... I can't beat masters and people who have been learning martial arts for a long time... furthermore, the age gap is indeed a very big problem for me..."

I look at my equipment, and sure enough, just as I thought, one of my sabers is on the verge of collapse, while the other one is fine.

I walk to the corpse and take out the saber.

After that, I enter the room where a guy is looking at the screens in front of him.

"Hey, Captain, did you hear that? I think that the sound from earlier could mean an intrud--" He was about to continue talking, but he certainly wasn't expecting a saber in the heart as a response.

I look at the screens that show the mansion before looking at my new victim... who is smirking?

I am confused. Why would he smirk in this situation?


I look down, and my worst fear comes true...

Seconds later, an alarm starts sounding in the mansion.

"Fuck!" I curse, and I dash out of the control room, meeting Ra, who is incinerating my opponent's body.

"What happened, Raymond?" he asks me concerned, as he flies and I sprint to try to find a place to hide. But as soon as I turn into a hallway, a rain of bullets greets me, and I have no option but to hide behind a wall at an intersection.

I replied by consuming all my ammunition and taking down 7 of the 18 opponents.

"I can't keep going on like this... the reinforcements should arrive any second now," I thought decisively.

"Worst of all, my body is getting tired... and I don't know when the adrenaline will slow down."

"I guess there is only one choice..." I said as I took something from my pocket and looked at it.

The golden deck.

In retrospect, I should have used the deck more and trained with it to become familiar with the cards it contained, as well as explore all the new possibilities and changes it brought.

With time running out, I firmly held the deck as the same energy from before surged within me. A familiar golden belt started forming around my waist.

Without much thought, I inserted the deck into the belt, and a familiar golden energy bubble surrounded me.

After completing the transformation and donning the armor, I felt stronger and faster than before. I gripped the visor tightly and took out a card. I heard that reinforcements had arrived and they planned to attack me from all directions and bring my head to the boss, so I didn't have much time. I placed the card in the designated spot to activate its effect and then pushed that part up to activate it.

Sword Vent.

Instantly, two golden swords appeared in my hands.

The blades were typically slender and featured a curved shape, resembling a mix between a katana and a saber. They were crafted with a combination of advanced technology and supernatural elements, reflecting Odin's powerful and enigmatic persona.

The hilts of the Odin Swords were intricately designed, often featuring ornate patterns and symbols that represented Odin's mythological roots. They included motifs such as ancient runes, mythical creatures, or celestial symbols, further adding to their mystical and otherworldly appearance.

"Well... better start getting used to this," I said as I tightened my grip on the handle.

"Hey, Ra," I called out to him from his seat.

"What?" he asked me.

"Do you feel... hungry?"

"Oh... I thought you would never ask," he replied as his eyes began to emit an ominous crimson light.

"Well... let's prepare a 'banquet'... for you, my friend."

"Oh... Raymond, you are indeed the best host I have ever had," he replied, his eyes now deep, ominous red, and parts of his body emitting fire.

"Let's show them, Ra... What the meaning of fear is," I said as I emerged from my hiding place and began walking towards the henchmen.

As I was greeted by a rain of bullets that didn't do much to me, thanks to the armor protecting me from this type of projectiles, I raised a sword that began emitting a golden glow and thought, "This will be my first step on my journey... After this, many more people will realize or at least suspect my existence... I will train more and study more from now on... This will be my first stepping stone on the path to greatness."

Finishing my thought, I brought down the Sword of Damocles, forming a powerful slash, and the massacre began.

[Pov end]

[Omni pov]

As the battle commenced, the henchmen displayed synchronized teamwork, launching coordinated attacks on Raymond. Each henchman brought their own weaponry to the fight, making it a challenging and dynamic confrontation.

Undeterred, Raymond stands firm, his Odin Swords gleaming with supernatural energy. With unrivaled agility and precision, he effortlessly evades the henchmen's assaults, countering with masterful swordplay. The clash of steel with flesh fills the air as Odin's blades slice through each part of the henchmen—legs, neck, arms, and head. Raymond utilizes his full agility, turning it into a massacre. Body parts soar through the air, and the sickening smell of blood permeates the hallway, saturating the mansion. Raymond's armor is covered in blood as he advances, creating a one-man-made massacre. To finish off his opponents and silence their screams, he creates bursts of energy with his swords, inflicting fatal wounds upon his adversaries.

As more reinforcements arrive and the battle escalates, Raymond taps into his full power. He channels his energy into devastating attacks, unleashing waves of force that disorient the henchmen and force them to the ground. His extraordinary combat skills and supernatural abilities allow him to take on multiple opponents simultaneously, swiftly neutralizing them and their attacks while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

The henchmen, recognizing the threat posed by Raymond, adjust their strategy. They regroup, coordinating their efforts to unleash a relentless barrage of attacks, aiming to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. They employ diversion tactics, creating distractions to exploit any openings in Raymond's defense.

However, Raymond's mastery over dual swords proves to be a formidable advantage. He expertly counters the henchmen's assault, striking and killing with precision and power. His blades move in a blur of motion, cutting through the henchmen's flesh, incapacitating and eliminating them one by one. The battlefield becomes a flurry of intense combat, with Raymond's movements resembling a dance of destruction.

Despite their relentless efforts, the henchmen find themselves outmatched by Raymond's sheer skill, strength, and supernatural abilities in his armored form. Their numbers dwindle as he continues to decimate their ranks with exceptional swordplay and devastating energy-based attacks.

In a climactic finale, Raymond takes a card out of his deck and inserts it into the visor that has just appeared in his hand.

Final vent.

Then he unleashes a flurry of golden fire energy strikes that engulf the remaining henchmen in a dazzling display of power. The impact sends shockwaves through the mansion, leaving no doubt as to the victor of this awe-inspiring battle.

With the defeated henchmen lying motionless, Raymond stands tall amidst the aftermath, his Odin Swords radiating with victorious golden energy. The battle echoes as a testament to his unmatched skill, resilience, and unwavering determination, solidifying his status as a monster.

In a scene of intense chaos and surreal devastation, a burning hall becomes the backdrop for a mind-bending display of power and mystique. Flames dance and consume the surroundings, casting an eerie glow that illuminates the crumbling structure. Amidst the inferno, individuals begin to dissipate into tiny fragments, their existence shattered like shards of glass.

As the pandemonium unfolds, a lone figure strides confidently through the chaos, seemingly unaffected by the disintegration that plagues those around him. His presence exudes an air of Royalty and otherworldly power. With each step, the flames flicker and waver, as if paying homage to his ethereal aura.

The man's gait remains unwavering, unaffected by the swirling debris and the desperate cries echoing through the hall. His expression holds a mix of indiference and serenity, a testament to his unwavering resolve amidst the devastation unfolding before him. As the fragments of dissipated people dissolve into nothingness, he emerges unscathed, his form undisturbed by the chaos that ensues.

The flames, which once consumed everything in their path, seem to bend and sway with a newfound reverence as he moves through the fiery landscape.

Though the heat intensifies and the air grows dense with smoke, the man remains untouched, a beacon of calm amidst the turmoil. The burning hall becomes a surreal tableau, with his silhouette silhouetted against the backdrop of destruction.

His steps echo with purpose, each footfall marking a profound statement of his resilience and power. Through sheer force of will or perhaps a hidden ability beyond comprehension, he navigates the fiery labyrinth unharmed, seemingly untouched by the cataclysmic forces unraveling around him.

The scene captures a surreal blend of destruction and an individual's unwavering ability to transcend it. It leaves an indelible imprint ,the enigmatic figure's unimpeded passage through the burning hall, serving as a testament to the extraordinary powers that lie within him and the profound impact he has on the world around him.

After a while he arrive at the the most secure room , he opens the door and a couple of bullets greet him after a while the attacker run out of bullets , Raymond was unafected through the entire action.

Behind the Attacker there was a family that were trembling , a mother , a little girl and a baby

" WHO ARE YOU?!" Demand Andrei

"My my Andrei ... why don`t you calm down a little ... " Says raymond as he walks around the royal room and went to a mini bar and served a glass of whisky for Andrei

" Do you want some?" Asked Raymond still with his armor on

Andrei replied by just looking coldly at raymond

"Well... i guess you are in a hurry..., no let`s say that you are ... what`s the word? ... mhmm... ah , yes , desperate to know my identity ... right?" Asked Raymond to Andrei

"What a nice family you have Andrei" Says Raymond while going over the baby and caress a little her cheek

Andrei was watching all of this in distress as he knwos that he can`t do anything to this guy

"STOP !!!" Andrei demand

But Raymond pay no attention to him and caress the baby a little more

After a while he stops and look at Andrei and he motioned with his hand to talk as he continues to walk slowly arouund the room with his visor in hand , as his swords returned before coming to the room.

"Who are you?" Asked now a little more calm Andrei

"Ahhh Andrei ... you really forgot about me , how... unfortunate ... After killing Marcus and leave me for dead in that building... You really hurt my feelings Andrei" Says Raymond with a monotone tone

At first Andrei had a bad feeling in his gut but now he felt as all of his blood on his body has left him

"W... Wh... Who who are y.. yo ... you?" Asked Andrei his face drenched in cold sweat

"Already forgot about me? ... It`s alright i guess i should 'Enlight' you a little " Says raymond while taking of the helmet


He was terrified he never had expected that he should have still be alive , nobody , not even the strongest human would survive that .

Andrei has recieved updates regarding Raymond capture and his tortures , he didn`t , couldn`t expect for raymond to survive that.

But what terriefies now more than ever before was the eyes , some say that the eyes are the windows of the soul , what he sees when he look at those eyes are endless indiference and a insatiable hunger for power.

He create this monster , and now the monster has come back to get him.

" You know... i don`t know what to do with you ...

On one hand you kept me being tortured and tortured over and over again , you killed Marcus and my teacher Luca

On the other hand because of the previously mentioned you helped me , albeit unconciously , my power so for that you have my gratitude

But despite this you ruined my business at the moment that you had kill Marcus and Luca , if they are still alive i would have a very powerfull teacher for my subordinates and Marcus would have introduce me to his contacts and everything would just go very smoothly.

How unfortunate that life is like a rollacoaster , one moment you are at the top and the other you are at the bottom." Finished Raymond with his speech

Andrei was sweating like a politician that has been caught with evidense of corruption

"But do not take this personally ... , after all ...,this is all but business" Says Raymond

"Please , please , don`t hurt me , don`t hurt my family , do you want money? i can give you that , money,power, name it and i will give that to you" Said Andrei as he was crying and sobbing but all that he met was a pair of cold eyes that resemble an endless abyss.

Raymond then make his way to Andrei Daughter and said

"Hi little one ..."

"h,h,h,hhi" Said sluttering a bit

" What`s your name?" Asked raymond with a harmless smile

"Laura..." Replied Laura

"Well Laura ... now we are gonna play a very fun game ... Do you like games right Laura?"

"y,y,yy,yy,yes" Replied Laura unsure of what to response

"I want you to count every time you heard a crack , okay?" Asked raymond still with a smile

Laura look at him horrified , the same thing was happening to the parents

"If i don`t hear a number bad things will happen ... and you don`t want bad things to happen right?" Asked raymond amusedly

Laura only nod

"Okay , let`s start" Said raymond as he walk to Andrei ignoring the pleas of his family and Andrei himself

Raymond still had the armor that grants him a bonus in strenght so he was more than capable to perform the following acts

Raymond grab Andrei right hand

"Please ..." Asked andrei with tears and mocus all over his face


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Screamed Andrei

Laura was horrified and couldn't say anything

Raymond look at her then he walk to her mother and looks at laura

"I have said that if you don`t count , bad things will happen right?" Asked raymond

Laura was stunned

In a second raymond hand was on the left eye of her mother and in the next moment he introduce his fingers into the eyes of her mother and took out her eyeball

She screamed and clunched in a ball , then the cryies of the baby began

Andrei despite his pain seeing his wife like this charge against raymond , but raymond only evade and he did a judo throw on Andrei that broke a few bones of his back

Andrei as soon as he touch the ground he throw blood of his eyes , ears and mouth

Raymond then slowly walk to the tearfull and fearfull Laura

"Don`t blame me ... Okay , this is nothing but your fault..." He says this and he gives her her`s mother eyeball

He walks again to her father and say "Let`s start again shall we?"

Laura dind`t know what to say , to her this was hell

After a couple of minutes that raymond tortures her and her family

Raymond finished and look at his master piece

"My magnus Opis" He said and look at the scenary before him

Andrei and his wife had all of the bones broken , the two of them were missing both eyes , Andre was castrated His left leg was cut , his arms were vented in the wrong directions and his fingers that were cut from his hands were put in his missing eyeballs

Andrei`s wife had and eye taken out and in that cavity there was andrei`s dick, her legs were cut off , her arms too her stomach was open and her organs were out and inside of her open stomach was a baby that was cremated and used as a human candle

Laura was lying in the floor and she was the one that was dissected and put it back again like a stuffed animal

"Well , i think it`s time to go ..." Said Raymond

Mr_Cuak Mr_Cuak

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