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Navigating Challenges and Hidden Truths

The days passed by smoothly in the Loki Familia. Under Finn's steadfast leadership, Riveria's insightful teachings, and Gareth's stern guidance, Althea and Ais thrived in their training.

Filled with joy and determination, the sisters threw themselves into battle day after day. Their skills improved, their bodies grew stronger, and their bond as sisters deepened with each passing moment. The Familia watched with pride as the sisters showed remarkable growth in various aspects of their lives.

Amidst the ever-present turbulence of the city, where destruction and chaos seemed to beckon, the sisters remained focused. They refused to be swayed from their path, never losing sight of who they were and what they aimed to achieve.

In those days, a sense of fulfillment enveloped Althea and Ais. Their shared journey, their unwavering dedication, and the support of their Familia members brought them a profound sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Yet, beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect progress, an unseen storm brewed. Hidden challenges and unforeseen obstacles lay in wait, threatening to disrupt the tranquility they had worked so hard to cultivate.

Everything appeared to be going smoothly—or at least, that's what they believed.


One faithful day, Althea and Ais were gathered in the captain's office, clutching their updated Falna status papers. Anticipation filled the air as they prepared to examine their progress.

Ais scanned her paper, her eyes widening with excitement as she took in the changes. She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

Name: Ais Wallenstein

Level: 1

Strength: C645

Endurance: C607

Dexterity: A839 → 843

Agility: A861 → 865

Magic: I0

Ais's heart swelled with satisfaction. Her agility and dexterity had improved, even if it was by a small margin. It was a testament to her dedication and hard work. She was determined to continue pushing herself to reach new heights.

Althea, too, looked at her paper and examined her updated status with anticipation.

Name: Althea Wallenstein

Level: 1

Strength: E415

Endurance: E438

Dexterity: D592

Agility: C603

Magic: S920 → 925

Mixed emotions washed over Althea as she absorbed the changes. She couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as she saw her magic stat increase. It validated her efforts she had invested in honing her magical abilities.

However, a pang of disappointment tugged at her. The other stats seemed to have reached a plateau, and Althea longed for further growth and strength.

The sisters exchanged glances, the expressions on their face mirrored their thoughts. They were satisfied with their progress, but the realization of hitting a wall couldn't be ignored.

Turning their attention to Finn, Riveria, Gareth, and Loki, who had been observing their reactions, Althea voiced their concerns with a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

"What should we do now, captain? Should Ais and I be leveling up already?"

Finn listened attentively, his calm demeanor unwavering. "Leveling up is a process that takes time and experience. It cannot be rushed," he explained.

Riveria nodded in agreement. "Patience is crucial, Althea. You and Ais have already made remarkable progress. Trust in the journey and continue to refine your skills."

Gareth offered his seasoned perspective. "Hitting a wall is a sign that you're on the right path. It means you're pushing your limits. Embrace the challenge and let it be a source of motivation to surpass your current capabilities."

Loki chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Remember, my children, greatness is not achieved overnight. It is forged through perseverance, determination, and the willingness to confront adversity head-on."

Althea furrowed her brows upon hearing the Familia's answers. She sensed that something was amiss and decided to voice her suspicions.

"Are you guys hiding something from us?" Althea asked, her tone tinged with curiosity and concern.

The four Familia members shook their heads simultaneously, their expressions sincere. They denied the notion of hiding anything from the sisters.

Feeling a little disheartened by their Familia's response, Althea and Ais decided to leave the captain's office.

They had hoped for a quick solution, but they now understood that leveling up would require time and effort.

As they walked down the corridor, Althea broke the silence, her voice filled with determination. "Don't worry, Ais. We'll get there eventually. We just need to keep moving forward, as we always have."

Ais nodded understandingly, her usually stoic expression softening. "Yes, I understand," she replied simply.

Though their expectations for quick progression had been tempered, the sisters shared a renewed resolve to continue their journey, embracing the challenges that lay ahead.

They understood that growth required time and perseverance, and they were prepared to face it head-on.


After Althea and Ais left the captain's office, a sense of guilt settled upon the members of Loki Familia. They were troubled by Althea's suspicion that they were hiding something.

Loki glanced at Riveria, her voice hesitant. "Riveria, maybe we should have been more honest with Althea about leveling up. Keeping secrets won't help them in the long run."

Riveria's gaze dropped, and she showed remorse on her face. "I know, Loki. But it's not an easy conversation to have. Finding the right words is difficult because of the risks involved."

Loki sighed and put her hands behind her head. "Yeah, I understand. It's a delicate situation."

Finn spoke up in a calm and wise tone. "To level up, they need to gain high-level excellia. That usually comes from accomplishing significant feats, like challenging adventures."

Gareth chimed in, concern evident in his voice. "Facing stronger opponents, exploring deeper into the Dungeon... It's too dangerous. We can't expose Althea and Ais to such risks without putting their lives in serious jeopardy."

The weight of their words hung in the air, making them aware of the dangers that Althea and Ais's eagerness to fight could lead them into.

It felt like navigating a minefield, where each step carried the risk of disaster. They understood the vulnerability of the sisters in life-threatening adventures and the need to handle the situation carefully.

"But we can't just ignore the situation. Ais and Althy have worked so hard to become strong. So, what's the plan?" Loki insisted, not allowing them to evade the reality.

As the three followers responsible for guiding and supporting their newest members, it fell upon Riveria to respond. She emphasized the importance of fairness and equal opportunities, treating them no differently from others.

"We can't treat Althea and Ais differently," Riveria stated firmly. "While it may take them more time and effort to target monsters of similar or higher levels, that's how they'll grow in the long run."

Gareth and Finn nodded, understanding the weight of their responsibility. Gareth expressed regret, his voice tinged with remorse. "When it comes to achieving the 'great accomplishment' needed for leveling up, there are no easy shortcuts."

Finn added, "Our role is to ensure their safety during their adventures, even if it seems contradictory."

Reluctantly, Loki accepted their unanimous decision, realizing it was the most practical and responsible course of action.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, her gaze shifting past the door where Althea and Ais had just exited. Sensing the change in mood, she shifted the topic to something else.

"Finn, when was the deadline for the expedition mission again?" Loki asked, trying to redirect their attention.

Finn thought for a moment before answering, "With the extension, maybe in a month? Royman was bugging me about it yesterday."

Gareth chimed in, grumbling about their workload, "Speaking of unreasonable requests, take a look at what the Guild is asking us. We have to face those Evils bastards again, protect peace, and let's not forget the expedition to unexplored territory. And that's on top of everything else."

The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on Loki Familia as the strongest faction and representative of Orario. They didn't have the luxury of obsessing over the fate of two sisters when there were bigger matters at hand.

"They want successors to Zeus and Hera as soon as possible," Finn muttered, his eyes narrowing as he clasped his hands on the desk. "Someone with the influence and power to bring an end to this period of chaos. Someone who can be a symbol to calm the masses both inside and outside the city. And that's our job, since we were the ones who drove them out of the city in the first place."

Finn, too, had his own ambitions. He was torn between his duty as the leader of the faction and his personal desires. He had to make concessions and find the best response.

He shared the same wish as Ais and the same dedication as Althea. However, he displayed a superior level of maturity and understanding.

"What do you intend to do about Althea and Ais? Will you bring them along, Finn?" Riveria inquired, her voice reflecting her concern as she tried to balance her role as second-in-command and their responsibilities as mentors.

Finn took a moment to consider before responding, "I'll wait and see. There's an obvious question of whether they're strong enough to contribute. If they're not, I'm going to leave them at the upper floors."

He then closed his eyes and shook his head, a hint of worry crossing his features.

"Although if we took those two into the lower floors in this state, we might as well just perform their last rites now."

The weight of Finn's words hung heavy in the room, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the challenging decisions that lay ahead for Loki Familia.

Good_Doggo2001 Good_Doggo2001

Strength is not just measured by one's power, but also by the courage to face the uncertainties that lie ahead.

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