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Chapter 46: Nevermind, This Is Out Of The Box

The next day, Kamiya received a call from his grandmother and grandfather that the two of them would come to Kuoh after doing several things.

Kamiya agreed and talked for a while before he hung up

"have you done?"

and there, Suzu was waiting outside in her casual clothes

"yes, just a family conversation"

"Then let's go"

The two of them walked in the bright morning towards the training ground at Hyoudou's residence





 "Is this the practice room?"

"Yes, this is our practice room"


Kamiya looked at the existing interior, and it turned out that this room was built very well even in a short time

'as I thought, even though I already remember it, seeing it in person turns out to be even more unreasonable huh'

Kamiya started to go to the changing room, there he took off his clothes and looked at his right hand

He began to remember the training he had undergone with Aria and the others

and this time, he was going to train someone, what a fast time





After changing clothes, Kamiya was waiting in the practice room, Suzu also came in with sports clothes and her hair tied in a ponytail

"Sorry for keeping you waiting"

"...." Kamiya looked at Suzu and smiled

"ada apa?"

"No, I was just thinking why I could train with a beautiful woman like you."

"is that so.....u-eh?"

Suzu's face turned red and she started to wonder how to respond

"By the way, where are Issei and the others?"

"That...uh...they said they would be back soon..."


Kamiya supported his chin and thought about something

'This must have something to do with the holy sword and also Kiba'

While Kamiya was thinking, Suzu started to warm up

"Oh yeah, Suzu, where is your usual position when fighting?"

"I usually fight one step ahead of President or Akeno-san"

"Are you the melee type?"

"no, I am a spell caster"

"hm....that means, you have to train your magic and physique huh...."

"Yes, I have to train my physique so I can escape from an unfavorable position"

Kamiya looked at Suzu's legs and arms, indeed by human standards, Suzu was already above them, but by demon standards, her physique was still very weak

"Okay, I've decided"


"Come on, train everything in you"





"h-how many more spins....."

"You're still ten rounds short"

ran around the training room 

"Did I do the push ups correctly?'

"yes, but you haven't reached half of the target" 

push up

"How many times do I have to do these sit ups?"


sit up

"Hey! I can't stand it anymore, please"

"You just squatted 35 times!"


" *pant* *pant* *pant* "

"good job, you just finished the first stage"

"that's the first stage!!??"

"yes, of course, now the second stage"

"*sniff* forgive me"

Train your demonic power as much as possible, improve it, learn its flexibility, learn how to use it efficiently, don't let your enemies know that you use demonic power

"please...forgive me..."

"Gosh... you can't even practice for beginners."

"You think that's for beginners!?"

"its not?"


"of course not!"

Suzu protested this exercise, but Kamiya didn't listen and continued doing push ups with one hand

Suzu looked at Kamiya's hands, and slowly moved up to his shoulders, neck, and face that were covered in sweat


Suzu swallowed her saliva and tried to focus

"are you thirsty?"

"thirsty...yes! yes! I'm thirsty!"

"Then take the water over there, I have specially prepared it for today's training."


Suzu walked over to get some water and drank it. Then she sat down and looked at Kamiya who was still doing push ups 

While hugging her knees, Suzu tell Kamiya about her eyes

" know...I feel like there's something strange with my eyes..."


Kamiya stopped and immediately stood up

"Yeah, I seem to see this world in a different color now..."


Suzu explains how her eyesight began to improve. Kamiya concluded that it must be the result of reincarnation, but that conclusion was easily dismissed by Suzu, because since being reincarnated as a devil, her eyesight was not as good as now.

Suzu also explains how she can see the future for a few moments

'So her eyes have the ability to see the future...but why...Suzu shouldn't have those eyes...'

Kamiya spoke in his heart 

"And...I also saw someone who gave me these eyes"


Kamiya was surprised to hear that

'What is sacred gear?? no, but who will give their life easily..'

"she is a woman with white hair and gray eyes"

'white hair and gray eyes.....'

"white hair and gray eyes!!??"

"Yeah, and she also said-"

Before Suzu said the conversation she had with Thirta, Kamiya immediately ran over and grabbed Suzu's shoulders


"Suzu! Tell me, where is that woman now?"

"I don't hurts"


Kamiya immediately releases Suzu and heals her


"It's okay...from your reaction, it seems like you know her?"


'I don't just know...she is someone who is very important to me'

Kamiya stayed silent for a while and looked at Suzu

"I...once again, I apologize, I couldn't control my emotions..."

"I told you...I-"

Suzu wanted to say it was okay, but it seemed like he had a good idea

"Then... as an apology... help me study, practice, and also about my eyes?" 

Suzu said that with red ears and a slightly hot face

"...I don't mind...but...will your President let me do that?"

"It's okay, I'll ask permission from her"

"Then I don't need to worry..."

Kamiya nodded and looked at the clock

"...I think the training ends here"

"huh? haven't we done real training yet?"


Kamiya smiled and waved

"We will continue after you get approval from your President"

Kamiya went to shower and change clothes


Suzu, who had been silent and looking at the water bottle that Kamiya had brought for her, suddenly jumped up and shouted






After showering, Kamiya immediately said goodbye to Suzu, and returned home

After sitting for a while, Kamiya recalled his first meeting with Thirta when he was in middle school and High school

and of course, he also still remembered Great Red who had appeared at that time

But what made Kamiya curious was why Thirta gave Suzu the ability to see the future

Suzu's eyes were no longer ordinary eyes, but eyes that contained divine power, in other words, a new sacred gear had been born

"This is a bit troublesome..."

Kamiya also started to get up and turned on the TV 

It's just that there wasn't any interesting program for him to watch, and when one of the TV channels showed an interview with several Mangaka 

Kamiya began to remember the manga he had released on his own platform

With the internet, everything feels easier

and since its release alone, the manga has gained many fans

and he has also created social media accounts for his music

and now, what he had to take care of was the matter of the holy sword and Kuoh academy's incident

'...I wonder who will be Issei and Kiba's opponents...'





Issei, Kiba and Aurion are investigating an abandoned warehouse that used to be used by the Stray Devil Viser

"Did you find anything?"


Aurion and Kiba gathered again and soon Issei came and explained that there was nothing here

"There are no other clues that can help us"


Everyone started to get confused about how to find clues 

but not long after that


"what's that!"

Aurion and Kiba looked towards the voice, while Issei started running

Kiba and Aurion followed behind Issei

and as they got closer, the sound of clashing swords began to be heard


Irina, who was fighting with the magician, saw Issei and his friends coming

Issei immediately called Ddraid and helped Irina, as did Kiba and Aurion

After they figth the magician, Issei immediately helped Irina rest 

"Irina, what is this?"

"We were attacked by a magician, and also a bishop who cooperated with fallen angels"

Issei looked around and asked again

"Where are your friends?"

Irina immediately realized

"Quick! Help them, the Bishop took my and Xenovia's holy swords, and all that's left is Zephyr's! Zephyr is also fighting with one of the leaders of the fallen angels, Kokabiel!"


Aurion, who was shocked, immediately looked back and suddenly a dark angel wings was shown, and the one fighting him was Zephyr with white angel wings.

Who would have thought that Zephyr was an angel who was looking for the holy sword

Zephyr was overwhelmed and looked very tired

of course because his opponent was one of the leaders of the fallen angels who had hundreds of years of experience in battle than Zephyr

The two of them continued to fight in the air with Zephyr holding Rapidly very firmly and launching attacks non-stop, while Kokabiel with his light sword brushed off every attack with ease.

Kokabiel kicked Zephyr and made Zephyr move away, unfortunately, Kokabiel had already covered himself with his wings and thrown his feathers which were as hard as steel. 

Zephyr fends off some. but the rest pierced his stomach and shoulders, even one of Zephyr's wings was hit which made him fall

Zephyr who was lying looked like he was going to faint

Kokabiel came down and stepped on Zephyr's right hand. Zephyr was in pain and his hands were weak, after that Kokabiel took Rapidly and summoned Valper who was carrying Destruction and Mimic

"Zephyr! Xenovia!"

shouted Irina

Xenovia is in the hands of Valper and the magicians, too... Xenovia is unconscious from receiving a crushing attack from Kokabiel

Kokabiel saw Irina and smiled, because who would have thought, Irina would bring two sacred gear users, this was the best day 

"yo~ you brought good things, little girl"

Issei felt something terrible from this fallen angel

"Irina-san....please run..."

Zephyr who had a little strength tried to get up, but the magicians held him back with binding magic





Issei, Kiba and Aurion immediately prepared themselves for a fight they probably wouldn't win

Kokabiel immediately laughed and handed Rapidly to Valper 

"Very interesting, you guys are just lowly demons, but dare to fight me?"

Issei boosted several times 


"Dragon shoot!"

A reddish white ball appeared in front of Issei, and Issei punched it and a powerful energy shot quickly towards Kokabiel

Kokabiel who saw this was shocked and covered himself with his wings and the energy exploded blowing the magician behind him

"not bad"

when Kokabiel said that, Kiba and Aurion were already on each side of Kokabiel

Kokabiel took out his light sword once again and blocked Aurion's attack, and Kiba was blocked by the Cerberus that Kokabiel suddenly summoned.

Issei stepped forward and boosted again

"feel this!"

the attack was blocked with one hand by Kokabiel 


Kokabiel summons a spear of light and attacks Issei

having no other choice, Issei immediately retreated and tried to defend against the power of light which was his weakness

with one slash, Aurion's sword immediately took severe damage

Kiba facing cerberus was a bit difficult, but it wasn't as difficult as facing Zephyr

Kiba managed to defeat Cerberus and help Aurion

Sword Birth was once again called, Kiba took two swords and gave one of them to Aurion 

Aurion took advantage of that moment to attack Kokabiel's leg and create an opportunity for Kiba

The sword was destroyed and Aurion took the sword that Kiba had given him and then tried to stab Kokabiel, but it was all in vain because in front of the leader of the fallen angels, Kiba's demon sword was just a toy.

once again the sword was destroyed, but Kiba was already behind Kokabiel and immediately slashed his back

but the effort was useless, because there were no wounds on Kokabiel's back

Kokabiel grinned and strangled Aurion, then threw him at Kiba

on the other hand, Issei has boosted again and is ready to launch a dragon shoot

but Kokabiel already realized that and immediately attacked Issei with his feathers, Issei canceled the Dragon Shoot and focused on defense. Kokabiel was already in front of him and strangling Issei


Issei tried to escape Kokabiel's grip, but in the front of Kokabiel, Issei looked like a child fighting an adult

"I didn't expect that there would be an owner of the heavenly dragon sacred gear here!"

Kokabiel was very happy because his prey was the owner of a boosted sacred gear 

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of this sacred gear."


Kokabiel tried to forcefully pull the sacred gear, but Irina woke up and attacked Kokabiel by throwing Kiba's sword 

Feeling disturbed, Kokabiel attacks Irina with a spear of light

Irina, who had no remaining energy, resigned herself to her death

"At least...let me pray one last time..."

Irina was already weak, unable to do anything and stared at the spear of light that was about to pierce her

"stand up again"

A female voice was heard from behind Irina, and she was seen taking out a demonic power shield that was able to block Kokabiel's light spear

"Rex-san, it's your turn"


The black-haired guy quickly punching Kokabiel

the attack made him let go of Issei and focus on defense


Kokabiel was not happy with the arrival of these two people

"Wow~ Sienna, it turns out she's stronger than I thought~"

"How much do you underestimate the leader of the fallen angels!?"

The blue-haired girl was get wondered by the man who hit Kokabiel earlier

"You are.."

"oh- sorry for this, let us introduce ourselves"

Irina is confused about the person who saved her

"I am Sienna, and he is Rexa, we are here to work together to defeat the fallen angel who is increasingly aggressive."

"Hey Sienna, can we fight with that angel?"

Sienna looked at Kokabiel and looked around

the holy sword was already in Valper's hands, that meant they were too late

with just the two of them now, it would be difficult to defeat Kokabiel who already has a holy sword and also magician

Sienna whispered to Rexa

"Rex-san...not today, lure Kokabiel, and I will take the hostages"


Rexa reluctantly stepped forward again and punched Kokabiel, but it didn't cause the slightest damage to Kokabiel's wings.

Rexa smiled and summoned his lightsaber

Kokabiel was shocked and dodged, but Rexa chased him and Kokabiel clashed swords with Rexa

meanwhile, Sienna quickly carried the exhausted Issei, Aurion and Kiba

Sienna also moved Xenovia and Zephyr

with a little demonic power, Sienna's speed is no less than the speed of a bullet

because of that speed, Sienna had gathered all the injured people, and the last time she saw Rexa who was still struggling with Kokabiel

"Rex-san, I'm done!"

Rexa kicked Kokabiel and it made Kokabiel step back a little

then Rexa jumped back towards the portal that Sienna made

"See you later, Kokabiel-sama"

Sienna smiled and teleported away leaving Kokabiel and Valper there





Everyone had teleported and arrived at an apartment

There, the room was very dark, and there was only one uncle who was playing a game 

"oh? are you guys back?"

Azazel stopped the game and got up and turned on the light

There he saw Issei who was limp, and the rest had fainted

"hm~ so they fought Kokabiel huh? Very interesting"



Rdet_Hei Rdet_Hei

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