[Pete Lang: MC of this story]
[Professor Elm: He is it.]
[Vivian: Wife of Professor Elm, has several Johto starter pokemon]
[Benny: Elm and Vivian's son]
[Clara: Blacksmith in New Bark, has several Lairon and other Aron line pokemon]
[Valentino: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, responsible for gathering field data, has Aggron and Tyranitor (pokemon of his father), 2x Lapras]
[Fred: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, compiles data, married to Becca, has Scyther and 2 unknown pokemon]
[Becca: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, responsible for research, married to Fred, has only 1 unknown pokemon]
[Herbert Feelgood: Seed merchant, friend of Vivian, has Exeggutor]
[Isabelle Feelgood: Herbert's wife]
[Lucifern Feelgood :Eldest son, makes money by selling Corviknight eggs, wife Chloe has a Togetic, has a shiny Corviknight]
[Lily ~: Married to Tom, mother of Emily, second child, loves color pink, has pink Starmie (Pinkan Berry variant) ]
[Tom: brother of Orange League Gym Leader Cissy [Mikan Island], has a Raichu]
[Rose Feelgood: has currently unnamed girlfriend, third child]
[Buddy Feelgood: fourth child - will likely inherit the seed company, has Exeggutor, Blastoise]
[Sophie Feelgood: Twin sister of Jasmine, fifth child - wants to be fashion designer, has Jasmine's Corsola, 2x Milotic]
[Jasmine Feelgood: Twin sister of Sophie, sixth child, future gym leader of Olivine City, MC love interest, has Mega Torterra, Steelix, Gliscor, Garchomp, 2x Rhyperior, Claydol, Excadrill, shiny Quagsire, Camerupt]
[Nurse Joy of Violet City: Betty Joy, helped Reuniclus (then Solosis) learn Heal Pulse. Learned about Comfee and became one of the Nurse Joys of the Alola expansion. Currently in Alola, has at least one Blissey and one Comfee]
[Courtney: originally future Team Magma admin, became second hand on Pete's farm after his visit to Hoenn, has Camerupt, Mamoswine, shiny Vileplume,...]
[Whitney: Gym Leader of Goldenrod City. Has Miltank, 2x Farigiraf, Lickilicky,...]
[Steven Stone: Champion of the Hoenn region, has shiny Mega Metagross and his original team + Carracosta from Pete's cover fossil]
[Leona: Gym leader of Mossdeepy City gym in Hoenn, aunt of future gym leaders Liza and Tate. Guardian of Mt Pyre, has a shiny Claydol, Farigiraf, Starmie, Hypno, Gardevoir]
[Clair: Gym Leader of Blackthorn City and cousin of Champion Lance. Has Mega Altaria, Charizard, Aerodactyl, Dragonite and several of its evo line, Gyarados,...]
[Iris: Future Gym Leader and Champion in Unova, has roots in Blackthorn City, has future Haxorus, Hydreigon (pokemon of her father),...]
[Bugsy: Future Gym Leader of Azalea Town in Johto, has Scyther, Beedrill,...]
[Valerie: Originally future Gym Leader in Kalos, fashion designer, has Sylveon, Mawile, Aromatisse, future Togekiss, future Gardevoir, future Azumarill,...]
[Luna: niece of Kanto's elite 4 Bruno, long time friend of Goldenrod City Gym Leader Whitney, interior designer + architect, has several Aron and Magnemite and its evolutions]
[Carl: father of Luna, brother of Bruno, a little crazy - runs construction company, has several Machop and its evolutions]
[Paolo: owner of the bistro Alola's Touch. Calls Pete 'Recipe Professor' for his cook books and berry cider created with typing energy. Alolan native, has Alolan Raichu]
[Professor Oak: The original from Kanto]
[Professor Sycamore: Professor from Kalos, specializes in mega evos, loves drinking cider]
[Pryce: Original Gym Leader of Mahogany Town in Johto, nobody likes him. He likes ice (pokemon)]
[Old Man Preston: Original Gym Leader of rock type gym Olivine City [Gentleman Preston is a gym trainer in Olivine in the gym (he has no steel pokemon)], has Rampardos, Tyranitar, Golem, Growlithe]
[Giovanni: Original Gym Leader Viridian City in Kanto, Leader of Team Rocket, currently in hiding. Pokemon on the level of champion Lance of Kanto. Has ex-Mega Beedrill, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Golem, Alakazam, Persian, Magmortar,...]
Tell me if I missed someone
* before the name means among those they own there is a shiny
# before the name means they have a mega evolved version
I'll only list fully evolved pokemon even of pokemon Pete has only in egg form to make it easier for me, and I will sort them based on their primary typing for everything that isn't fairy for Pete. Everything that has a secondary typing (or primary/secondary in case of fairy) I will put in (typing) behind the name. Comment if you think I missed something.
|| Pete's Pokemon [Affinities: fairy, grass, ground, psychic, water, ice]:
Psychic: *#Reuniclus (ice), Espeon, Meowstic, Gallade (fighting)
Fairy: #Milotic (water), Dedenne (electric), Alcremie, Gardevoir (psychic), Togekiss (flying), Azumarill (water), Whimsicott (grass), Florges, Carbink (rock), Sylveon, Comfey, Slurpuff, Wigglytuff (normal), Hatterene (psychic), Mimikyu (ghost), Primarina (water), Alolan Ninetales (ice)
Ground: *Golurk (ghost), Flygon (dragon), Terreon (ground Eeveelution, OC)
Water: *Slowbro (psychic), Milotic, Swampert (ground), Ludicolo (grass), Empoleon (steel)
Grass: Sunflora, Serperior, Torterra (ground), *Jumpluff (flying), Flapple,(dragon), Shiftry (dark), Breloom (fighting), Leafeon
Fire: Arcanine, Rapidash, Blaziken (fighting), Talonflame (flying)
Fighting: Conkeldurr
Poison: Nidoking, Dragalge (dragon)
Steel: Metagross (psychic), Klinklang, Corviknight (flying)
Dragon: Dragonite (flying), Altaria (flying)
Dark: Zoroark, Umbreon, Absol, Liepard
Electric: Zebstrika, Jolteon, Alolan Raichu (psychic)
Normal: Cinccino, *Miltank, Farigiraf (psychic), Farfetch'd (flying), Smeargle, Drampa (dragon), Eevee
Bug: Vespiquen (flying), *Combee ♂ (flying)
Ice: Glaceon
Flying: -
Ghost: -
|| Jasmine's pokemon [Affinities: ground, rock, grass]:
Steel: Steelix (ground),
Ground: Gliscor (flying), Donphan, Rhyperior (rock), Flygon (dragon)
Grass: #Torterra (ground)
Water: *Quagsire (ground)
Dragon: Garchomp (ground)
|| Courtney's pokemon [Affinities: fire, ice, grass, water (Suicune's blessing)]:
Ground: Flygon (dragon)
Fire: Camerupt (ground)
Ice: Mamoswine (ground), Glaceon
Bug: Leavanny (grass)
Grass: *Torterra (ground)
Electric: Ampharos
Normal: Eevee
Water: Quagsire (ground), Vaporeon
Rock: Bastiodon (steel)
|| Valerie's pokemon [Affinities: fairy, electric, flying, psychic]:
Fairy: Aromatisse, Mawile (steel), Sylveon, Azumarill (water), Togekiss (flying), Dedenne (electric), Gardevoir (psychic), Ribombee (bug), Florgess (grass)
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