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30% Truth: Itachi Uchiha Love Story / Chapter 3: C H A P T E R 3

Chapter 3: C H A P T E R 3

I dragged along the dirt path that lead away from the training grounds. It was rotation day at the hospital so it was my turn as the on call medic for the day.

'Hopefully I'll be there early enough to get some of my paperwork done from the previous weeks.'

I sighed. My fingers traced allong my forehead, moving to rub against my aching temples. 'One of the many bad habits I picked up from Tsunade was procrastination.... Along with a few other unsightly character flaws.'

I walked down the main street that lead to the hospital that sat at the center of the village. The sun was shining high in the sky, warming the exposed skin on my shoulders. The hospital slowly began to materialize to my left. Walking up the concrete steps I slipped quietly through the front doors and scurried past the nurses station down the hall and into the small room that served as my office space.

There were piles and piles of paperwork sitting all over the desk. Books pilled on the floors on the far side of the room.

A deep sigh slipped past my lips. Falling into the chair that sat in front of the desk I sifted through the vast pile I accumulated over that past few weeks.

Fanning through the loose leaf pages I checked off boxes, filled out minor and major incident reports, signed release papers, and reviewed budget reports for the coming months. 'Why am I doing this? This isn't part of my job...' Time slipped from existence, and I was once again consumed by the nightmares.

Those same images, sounds, and sensory overload devoured me again.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my unending nightmare. My eyes darted to the clock that hung high about the door.

'Shit I almost forgot my rounds!'

I shot up from the chair and yanked the door open.

"Good morning ma'am, I just wanted to remind you about the morning rounds." A small mousy girl named Yuki pipped. Her eyes darted away from my gaze, her cheeks rosey as a blush crept across her face. She was fairly new and was a shy and timid, but she was cheerful and nice which was something people needed in a hospital.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I am on my way. Oh and can you deliver all the papers on my desk to the appropriate offices for me?" I asked, stepping to the side to show her the mountains of paper work on the desk. Her head shot up and a smile widened across her face. "Yes ma'aam". Her voice laced with enthusiasm.

"Thank you Yuki."

I breezed past her and made my way to the patients wing. There were still many patients left debilitated after Orochimaru attacked the village. Many of them had lost limbs and were suffering from severe internal and external injuries.

My heels tapped the concrete floor, lulling me back into a daydream. Door after door drifted past. I arrived at my first destination, lucky all my patients were in the same wing.

My hand reached for the door, firmly gripping the cool sleek metal handel.

'Why did I so desperately wanted to become a medic?

Was I trying to atone for what I did?'.

My hand clentched the handle so firmly my knuckles were turning white.

Itachi's face came slipped back into my mind. 'I miss him...'

I yanked back the sliding door and stepped into the room.

"Good morning, how are you feeling today?" I pipped walking over to the man who sat stretched out on the bed. He turned and deep blush consumed his face.

"Better now that I see you". His remark came out smooth despite the raging blush on his face. "Seems like your up earlier than usual? Are you feeling any pains? Did you sleep well?"

I walked over to the bed running my hand over the man's chest checking his broken ribs.

"I slept well. I haven't felt too much pain. The medication you gave me really helped a lot." His eyes caught mine, his blush deepening. I returned the smile placing my hand on his head checking his temperature. "I am glad it helped, let me know if anything changes in your pain and I will up the dosage."

He nodded in response, but his eyes never left me.

I smiled again and pulled the clipboard with his charts from the side of the bed. Pulling a pen from behind my ear I jotted down a few notes and continued to assess the man's internal organs.

After my full body inspection I placed the clipboard back in its spot. "Alright sir I'll check back on you in a few hours". I spoke as I made my way to the door.


"I am sorry?" I replied turning my head from my spot at the door.

His face had the same smile and his eyes bore into mine.

"My name... It's Kazuma".

I sighed and smiled. "I'll see you in a few hours Kazuma".

The day moved pretty quickly. I managed to make all my rounds on time and finish my paperwork for the morning shift.

I sat back in my chair, tilting my head back I let my eye slip shut. I could hear the commotion of the hospital on the other side of the door. I tilted back to the clock , 'It's noon'

I pulled myself from the seat and walked out the door. "Yuki, if anyone is looking for me tell them I stepped out for a bit". I spoke hurriedly as I rushed past the nurse's station. Yuki's small form was hidden behind the enormous station, but I could still sense her aura. I didn't wait for her response as I yanked the front door open and jogged down the stone steps. I needed to be out the door before anyone else piled anymore work on me.

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