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43.47% Cafe with Bibi Dong / Chapter 10: Cafe with Bibi Dong- Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Cafe with Bibi Dong- Chapter 10

As for those who played Resident Evil, they looked at their seat and then at Shen Long.

The one who had dropped off took his chance and said, "You should watch him play. He is much better than you two, who couldn't even kill one zombie. Seeing his play, you will know the tactics and then you can play later."

Hearing him, the duo nodded and went to watch the game while The one who had dropped off started to play a game. Now 2 seats were available in the cafe.

{POV change to the member of Spirit Hall.}

"That was definitely Pope Bibi Dong." Spirit Hall member muttered as he rushed towards the Spirit Hall Branch. But as he was about to reach the branch, he saw something that scared him.

He saw Pope Bibi Dong in a different dress with her two guards.

"How? How is that possible? If she is here, then who was at the Cafe?" The Spirit Member spoke while shivering. Then he saw Pope Bibi Dong look at him and said something.

Yue Guan, who was with Pope Bibi Dong heard her orders and went to the spirit Hall member.

"You! What were you saying just now? And why are you shivering?" He appeared at his place and asked the member.

"Ah! Its-Its. It's because I saw someone who looked like Pope Bibi Dong and thought it was her. I was about to go and inform the Branch Leader but when I arrived here, I saw Your Majesty, Pope Bibi Dong with you two. So I was scared and wondered who she was?"

Hearing her, an angry expression appeared on Yue Gan's face and he said, "Bold! How can some random woman look like Your Majesty, Pope Bibi Dong? Are your eyes not working properly? Take me to the place."

As Yue Gan said, Pope Bibi Dong heard him and appeared at his side.

"Yue Gan, what happened? Why have you suppressed him?"

Pope Bibi Dong asked in a cold voice. For her, how could Spirit Hall members bully others in public? It would affect her and Spirit Hall's image.

"Your Majesty, It's not that I want to suppress him. But what he said is really Bold. How can something like that be possible?" Yue Guan said and took back his pressure.

The member of Spirit Hall stood up and bowed at Pope Bibi Dong, "Thank You for the leniency, Your Majesty."

Pope Bibi Dong nodded at him and asked, "Let me hear what you said, and I will judge if it is bold."

The spirit hall member shuddered and then said, "Your Majesty, Instead of saying this, I think I can take you to the place and you can see her."

As he said, Yue Guan nodded at him and said, "Indeed. Your Majesty, he said someone had your appearance, and seeing her, he was about to go and inform the Branch Leader."

Hearing him, an intrigued expression appeared on Pope Bibi Dong's face.

'Someone who looked like. If a person really exists, then I could use her and then kill her.'

"Lead us to the place." Pope Bibi Dong ordered and he nodded and started to walk in the direction of the Cafe.

Pope Bibi Dong and her group followed and they arrived in front of a different-looking shop.

"Hmm? This shop, It's different than others. What is it?" Pope Bibi Dong said and then her eyes fell on the rules.

'Eh! What bold rules. It seems Shop Owner but be a high-level Spirit Master to write these rules.'

Yue Guan also looked at the rules and said, "The shop owner really wrote bold rules. Let's see what the shop is about."

The Trio entered the Cafe. As for Spirit Hall Member, he had already disappeared from the place as he knew that fight would happen at the place.

Shen Long, who was playing games got a notification that customers had entered the shop, he left the game but as he looked at new customers, his face changed.

'What the Fuck! How is Pope Bibi Dong here?'

He then looked at Rakshasa Bibi Dong and saw her getting up.

'It's over. The Two people will meet you. I pray that Shop can handle it.'

He stood up and went to Pope Bibi Dong, Gui Mei, and Yue Guan, who was looking at the shop with Curious Expressions. They saw him arriving and a strange expression appeared on their face.

"Welcome Everyone. I am Shen Long, the owner of this Cafe. You must have read the rules before entering the Cafe. Now I will explain what the cafe is about."

He said and then looked at Pope Bibi Dong, who was looking at him strange expression.

"Hehe! Child, You really know how to speak, but it's a bad habit to lie. Why don't you call the Shop Owner now?" Yue Guan said as he moved his hand to pinch his cheek but Shen Long moved back and said, "Mister, I am the owner of the Cafe. If you don't believe then it's not my problem. Anyways, As I was speaking, in this cafe, you can Play various games as the character of the story. Even if I will explain more, I don't think you would understand. So, It's better to play the game. Before that, I recommend you three to have a drink. It's just cost 1 silver coin which isn't much..."

Shen Long was about to end his speech, but Pope Bibi Dong spoke, "You! Who are You?"

With a stunned expression, she saw looking at Rakshasa Bibi Dong, who was also looking at her.

"Ah! Shit! I knew this would happen." Shen Long said and Yue Guan and Gui Mei also looked at Rakshasa Bibi Dong and they were amazed to see Two Bibi Dong in the same place.

Then suddenly, a light appeared in the cafe and a new gate appeared at the back of the shop.

[The Rooms for employees have been opened.]

Shen Long and Rakshasa Bibi Dong saw the message and sighed.


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