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57.14% Overwatch’s all time great! / Chapter 4: End of the first team fight!

Chapter 4: End of the first team fight!

But everything was too late Ana who was overextending to heal rein got headshotted by hanzo Ashe and mercy being the only in cover luckily mercy could revive using the cover of a nearby corner but the consequences were already dire as the reins shield already went down it doesn't help that the rein tried to charge out of there and got shot in the back and died now the entire enemy team was collapsing from every angle on Theo he himself wasn't doing nothing that entire fight as he got hit a good dynamite but wasn't enough as no one's peeking him and he is running out of space but with those headshots and dynamites he hit he was 70% from ult one hood dynamite and a couple shots could turn this fight around Ana who was just revived managed to throw a Granada and anti rein although rein was anti he didn't shoot at him he still had his shield while they were down a tank with a widow their was no way he could of killed him well that's what he thinks with his hood game sense playing the corners of the statue Theo shot at the enemies while looking out for widow and hanzo but before he could even spot them his widow got killed by the enemy widow but before he could shoot at the widow she shot at him by this time the fight has been going on for 2 minutes and widow and hanzo who have been hitting good shots and getting kills should almost have they're ults and there was nothing he could do they're rein was already charging his position his Ana was thankfully backing up so he ran to the choke with mercy and coach gun himself on top of the bus the rein was already back and fighting at the choke while the widow was already shooting up top before our rein could react as he was swinging his hammer around the corner the gm rein did his ult getting rein and ana the enemy ana even anti them to make things worse at this moment Theos ult charge was at 95% he threw his dynamite in the middle of the gm team that was looking to collapse on them the explosion damage alone that hit zen, ana and rein who had his shield down was enough for the ult and he quickly used it but before using it he dropped from the bus making him vulnerable he threw bob at the entrance of thee door next to statue so that they couldn't retreat or rotate through door as the tank and the two supports were at the choke they clearly didn't respect the bronzes as soon as bob was casted rein was shot up in the air as bob hit the wall he was sleep darted but zen was in the process of shooting woke him up the rein took a lot of damage as he got shot from bob and Theo in the air he landed at 20% hp zen and Ana weren't doing that hood Ana used her made to heal them up as rein was blocking the rein but this situation is not good as he can't block two sides rein who got rein was about to shatter but hearing Theo "don't shatter just charge" as the rein was already shielding it was high probability he would turn around and block it so resisting the urge of every rein player he charged the enemy rein leaving the supports who were just about to make it to the doors exposed as Theo body shotted Ana bob instantly switched targets from rein who was getting charged onto the Ana killing her before she had time to react the zen didn't fare much better getting shot by both sides as Theo already already coached gun himself to the statue a ballsy move but it paid of as it didn't give zen any chance to hide any where although he did hit a headshot on Ashe before dying luckily Theo had a mercy pocket and he was behind the statue so hanzo and widow meanwhile rein who was already 20% was pinned against a car on objective surprisingly the rein pinned him in a place where people at the choke could shoot him but it didn't matter as he only had 120 hp got instant killed by the charge as rein was on point he started pinging the widow the hanzo and widow surly had ult at this moment but didn't use it as it would be a waste they had no team to follow up and they didn't want to stagger but they couldn't just kill themselves dying now or later will just delay more and they might cap at that point so the hanzo tried to go back and hold the second choke while his team gets here widow had the same idea as she was heading for the window on top of the second choke (keep in mind all abilities like fire strike and storm arrows are being used it's just not a key point)

While Theo was playing with a fat 6 kill streak jay3 and his chat were keenly spectating only him and his call outs they were surprised at how long the first fight when on for especially with bronzes against gms "chat I gotta say he is quite good although his game sense is severely lacking in some areas he has cracked mechanics and good decision making he was committed to throwing bob and told his rein not too shatter it worked out in the end although the tank and widow are feeding he managed to make this look like a gm game ofcourse the gms underestimated them and when they regroup they'll take it more serious but that bob was a 5 head move he definitely learned that from me" said jay3 as the chat was spamming "better than jay3s Ashe" as jay3 and chat argued Theo and his team managed to get 2 tics on the objective before the gms made it to the choke and the enemy widow casted her ult before the final team fight for objective happened jay3 got into the bronzes call

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