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Chapter 12

"What do you think she's like, Molin?" Asked Ningul, looking at Molin kneeling in front of him in the throne room. Raising his head, Molin began to explain." She is firm believer in the Sumerian Gods, my king. apart from that, it is obvious that she is educated, but her knowledge of the outside world is zero. She's been arrogant obvious. Her father spoiled her. Sir, is it really right to make such a woman the queen of Agade?"

"Remember, Molin, long-term benefits cover up some minor harms. " Molin, who thought that his king would not change his mind, shook her head. "With your permission, I'm about to leave, My King."

"You can come out, Molin." Allowing Molin, Ningul turned his head to Nashal, was standing next to him."Nashal, how is the situation of the other tribes?"

"It seems that the tribal leader is not pursuing a rebellious policy, my King. Instead, he began to pursue a unifying policy. I think we will assimilate them all within 10 years at the latest." Satisfied with the situation, Ningul turned his eyes to the clay tablet standing in front of him."It seems that some of the Sumerian states have accepted my offer."

Isin, Nippur, lagash and kish seem to have agreed." Looking at the Clay tablet in his hand, Ningul, he turned his eyes to Nashal. "What have they sent us, Nashal?"

"My king, the city of Isin has sent us methods for more piercing spears. Nippur has sent us a method to make more durable armor. Lagash, on the other hand, sent us a Clay Tablet about how to train a horse correctly. Kish sent us the method of how chariots are made sent a clay tablet explaining."

"Well, give these to Gulan immediately. Gulan can use all the resources to develop these technologies." Nashal, who had received Ningul's order, shook her head. Before leaving, she turned to ask questions to the King." My king, will you perform the marriage ceremony?"

"No, there's no need. Now we have to use our resources for this City." Nodding his head, Nashal went out and left Ningul alone in the palace. Then Ningul returned to his work.


"It's over, master. I spent the spell on a clay tablet." Bowing before Mephistopheles, the sorcerer's apprentice calmly said. Mephisto, who was looking at his student with coldness, turned his sharp eyes from the Apprentice to the clay tablet in his hand. "Well done, you wrote the spell correctly on the Clay Tablet."

Mephisto has been looking for people who are skilled in magic for a while. Mephisto settled in a village and then founded his own place. Mephisto hypnotized their family with magic. Then he made family decide to send they children to him. Mephisto taught the children the little spells he knew himself. Then Mephisto, recorded the spells on clay tablets to teach future magicians.

"Ningul, so you're getting married." said Mephisto callously. "I would like to prepare a big gift for you, but unfortunately I am away from Agade."

Mephisto, grinning sadistically compared to these kind words, dropped the clay tablet. Then he went out. Mephisto, who came out, started to go on his first mission for Gaia.

Mephisto's task was to eliminate the Villagers who wanted to kill Dragons. When Mephisto first heard about this mission, he was surprised and asked Gaia, "Why would a Goddess have mercy on a Dragon?" he asked. Gaia calmly answered Mephisto's question. " Because all Supernatural creatures are all my children."

When he heard the answer, Mephistopheles shook his head. Then he started to go towards the Anatolian lands for his mission.

Mephisto, who came to the south of Anatolia a month later, looked at the smoke seen even from a distance. "I have found you at last."

Smiling cruelly, Mephisto began to walk towards the the smoke. After a while, he saw a people attacking injured dragon in a savage way.

"I swear by Gaia, you filthy people will pay for your sins!" The Red Dragon exclaimed irritably. Then he attacked people without caring about their injuries.

Seeing the dragon coming to them, the soldiers immediately began to retreat. Looking at the retreating soldiers, the red Dragon disdained. "You will not escape, you cowardly people!"

The dragon accelerated even faster and flew towards the soldiers. After a while, seeing the soldiers retreating into the forest, the Red Dragon felt a person coming towards him as he was about to enter the forest. "Dirty human, come out!"

"Has no one taught you to be kind?" Mephisto, who appeared, said sarcastically. Looking at the human who was making fun, the Dragon felt angry. He opened his mouth. After a while, after collecting the flames in his mouth, he aimed towards Mephistopheles, who was curiously watching what the Dragon was doing. Then he let go, and the fire coming out of the Dragon's mouth began to go towards Mephisto. Seeing that the human did not escape, the Dragon became a little Suspicious.

"This will show you your place, human." Looking at the smoke that was forming, the Red Dragon said proudly. Then he turned to go towards the people hiding in the forest. "Where are you going? I'm not done with you yet."

The dragon looked fearfully at Mephistopheles, who was looking at him with deadly intent with his slightly soiled dress in the middle of the scattered smoke. No one had ever survived a fire before. Now Dragon was no longer thinking of fighting, but of running away.

"I wonder why Gaia didn't tell me that you were such an idiot!" Dragon thinking about running away from Mephisto stopped and asked excitedly."Do you know my mother!?"

Seeing that the dragon was excitedly asking him questions, Mephisto stopped cleaning his dress."Yes, your mother sent me."

"Well, I'm ordering you to kill the people in the forest!" Dragon, who was trying to speak grandly, looked at Mephisto. Hearing the Stupid Dragon giving him orders, Mephisto frowned."I work for your mother, not for you."

"Tch, then I'll go!" Mephisto sighed as he looked at the Dragon preparing to take off. "Idiot, can't you see that people are setting you up."

The Dragon, hearing Mephisto, came back down and looked at Mephisto. "Well, what shall I do!"

"Let me show it to you" The Dragon looking at Mephisto smiling cruelly, got scared and retreated. Then he looked at Mephisto, who had come in front of the Forest. Mephisto held out his finger forward. Then he threw the flame from his finger into the tree. Soon the tree began to burn.

The Dragon, who was looking at what Mephisto had done, wanted to complain, but when he remembered the time he survived Mephisto's flame, he fell silent.

"Sometimes even a small flame can burn down a city. now just watch the show!" With him raising both hands in the air, the weather began to worsen. The tree was burning with the aggravation of the weather, until the flames jumped to another tree, and then to another. After a while, most of the forest began to burn.

"I'm on fire...!!!" Please, Rain god...!!! It hurts...!!!" Screams began to come from inside the burning forest. Then the people who were hiding in the forest started running out. The area that looked like Heaven just now looked like Hell. The soldiers were burning, they were asking for help. From their gods, commanders and friends, but no one was helping out of fear.

The surviving soldiers looked at the Forest with fear. While some soldiers curse their Gods for not helping. Some of them had already started to run away.

The Dragon, admiring Mephisto, was wondering what Mephisto would do to the surviving people.

"Let this be a lesson to you, Dragon. Sometimes it's better to use your intelligence than brute force." Nodding respectfully, the Dragon looked with disdain at the fleeing soldiers. "Dirty people, they don't even help their own race."

Hundreds of balls of flame formed behind Mephisto, who raised his hands, and lit up the dark area again with the departure of the sun.

"Is this the power of a God?!" One soldier looked despairingly at the balls of flame standing in the air. Not only this soldier, he had lost hope in other soldiers. Balls of Flame, which remained in the air for a while longer, suddenly began to fall into the forest when Mephisto lowered his hand.

The soldiers, who have already suffered great losses, have suffered more losses with this attack. Falling fireballs fell on the soldiers and burned their bodies to ashes. They were burned before the soldiers even had a chance to scream.

After a while, all the soldiers died. Then Mephistopheles turned to look at the Dragon standing behind him. The dragon was looking at Mephisto with reverence. Before Mephisto had a chance to speak, the Dragon bowed and started talking in an excited voice. "Sir, please take me with you!!"

Mephisto thought about the benefits of having a Dragon. Then he decided that the benefits were many. "Okay, do you have a name?"

The Dragon was excited when he saw that Mephisto accepted him. "No, I have no name."

Mephisto, who had been thinking about the name of the Dragon for a while, finally decided. "And how is Etrigan?"

The Dragon, who liked the name, shook his head excitedly. Seeing that the Dragon accepted, Mephisto smiled and then jumped on the Dragon." Do you know where the tribe that attacked you?"

"Yes, I know. Do you want me to take you there or not?" The dragon said with rancor. "Yes, take me there."

Etrigan took off and flew towards the village with Mephisto.


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