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82.96% Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale / Chapter 297: Chapter XXIII: Jarls, Clans, And Priests

Chapter 297: Chapter XXIII: Jarls, Clans, And Priests

With a complete lack of care for the supposed solemnity of the situation I took Skald's axe and started flipping it in my hand while looking down at the kneeling man. For a moment I debated just cracking his head open for being such a massive idiot and leading thousands of his people to die but that thought disappeared as quickly as it came... No, wasting effort for this prick just wouldn't do.

"Get up." I command and offer the axe to Tullius who had approached with his group behind me.

"Court Mage." The General greets me with a nod "I see your proposition worked."

Startled by Tullius' words Skald steps back "What do you mean his proposition?" He asks, genuinely bewildered.

"Personally." Tullius glares at him "I would have preferred the city pacified more thoroughly..." He looks over the men and women slowly descending the battlements and laying down their arms "But the Court Mage convinced me that our... thorough victory was more than enough to ensure your submission." His commanding glare seemed to apply actual weight on the now deposed Jarl "Was I mistaken, Skald?"

He rapidly shakes his head "Of course not General, you can be assured order will be upheld..." He winces and gives me a look "Just please make sure no one gets burned."

It starts as a low chuckle but is soon replaced as a full blown laugh that seems to scare the surrendering troops even more than my earlier threat "Oh don't worry your bald head about it Skald." My mirthful look turns to a glare "It was you and your fellow rebels who forced me into butchering people by the thousands after all."

He gulps and nods "What... What is to become of me?"

At this, Tullius gives me a look to which I shrug "You will be brought before the High King where you will be given a fair trial." I pause briefly and pretend to ponder something "Although you should already be aware of the punishment that awaits you."

To my surprise, his earlier fear seems to leave him as he offers a much firmer nod of acceptance this time "I am aware." He almost manages to keep his voice level but a hint of fear still comes out.

"Good." I say a bit darkly "So long as you do not try anything stupid you may just meet your ancestors with honor."

Not waiting for a response I turn around and fire a blast of ice into the air, and moments later distant sounds of marching follow.

The city was ours.


I planned on immediately finding the priest of Mara who should have a bit more information on the Vaermina situation in the lighthouse but unfortunately, I was immediately dragged off to the Jarl's Keep by Tullius.

It would seem that the politicking was not yet done as we found ourselves seated around a long table, with Skald present unarmed but yet unbound.

Across Tullius and I sat an older Nord woman, flanked by a standing bald and clean-shaven man wearing older Imperial plate armor. And a person who I was not aware, yet could immediately guess the identity of was sitting to her side. A tall Nord man with a familiar shade of blonde hair.

The loyalist representative Brina Merilis was the first to speak, beginning with the pleasantries "I am glad to see the Empire did not hesitate to deal with this rebellion so promptly, further fighting would have torn the spirit of our people irreparably." 

"Quite." Tullius hums non-committedly "The Emperor's subjects fighting amongst each other is an unacceptable travesty."

I interrupt the waste of my time by clearing my throat "Thane Brina Merilis, Housecarl Horik Halfhand... and Clan Head Belor Flame-Heart." I make eye contact with each as I name them, specifically pausing at the mage "I trust that I will not have to deal with people claiming that you are not, in fact, the chosen representatives of Dawnstar in the name of King Torygg?" I ask leadingly.

The Thane frowns momentarily but immediately hides it while Belor doesn't even bother hiding his irritation, Horik... well Horik was just looking at me with a grin. As before, it is Brina that speaks "We have held a proper election, as is due when a Jarl is changed."

"And you have been chosen in his stead." I stare at the war veteran for a while, causing her some slight discomfort "Good, the last time I did this I had to deal with a whiny child better left to Cyrodiil's politicking than ruling a hold, a veteran should be easier to deal with but the world seems to always take that as a challenge so I will not be holding my breath."

My completely dry delivery seems to take the two nobles aback momentarily, Horik just lets out a wet snort.

Brina cautiously looks over to Tullius and silently clears her throat to catch his attention "Pardon me, General... But who among the two of you holds the authority to finalize the transfer of the title?"

Tullius seemingly doesn't so much as twitch but things are different to my trained eye as I notice him hiding a smirk "The Court Mage holds civil authority in the name of the High King, a General would only take command in military matters, or if there was no other representative present."

I let out a light chuckle "There is no need to fear the big bad Dunmer." I say with only slight mockery "Just making sure everything is on the up and up before handing over the reigns as you are quite literally incapable of lying to me."

Belor speaks for the first time "Wait, that wasn't a lie?!"

My deadpan stare almost makes him flinch "No."

Brina visibly relaxes at that "That is good to hear. No offense Court Mage, but you do have something of a... reputation here."

"You can just say you are scared shitless and be done with it." I point out dryly, causing her housecarl to laugh at her, which in turn earned the bald man a glare.

"Right." I shake my head "Let us get all of this over and done with, I will accept your oath and then I can get to dealing with the obvious Vaerminan Daedric infestation happening in your lighthouse."

All of them pale as one as I drop the information and Brina immediately gets to work.

Never in my life have I held a more efficient ceremony.


I leave the newly sworn-in Jarl and her housecarl with Tullius with Flame-Heart following behind me.

"What did you wish to discuss, Court Mage?" He asks, still failing to hide his dislike of me. Oh, the man was perfectly respectful but me being the only reason he and his kin did not join the rebellion was grating on his nerves more than his reasonable fear of me was keeping them at bay.

Also, effectively keeping his kids as hostages in the legion probably did not help.

Before I answer I let out a sharp whistle, making the mage immediately become guarded and causing one of my agents to appear from the nearby shadows.

The agent kneels and bows his head "Your command?"

Still staring at the frightened Clan Head I say "Summon the twins, they should be with the new arrivals from the docks."

"By your will." Jackal bows deeper and disappears.

As he does so, Belor glares at me "Was there any purpose to this... demonstration, Court Mage?"

"Not really." I shrug "Just felt like annoying the cunt who has been stealing my friends' achievements and wealth for the past few years."

His face reddens immediately "Those two traitors have no ri-"

The sudden glow coming from my eyes stops him in his tracks "Go on then." I smile eerily "Insult my friends again." My face is an inch from his as he refuses to so much as twitch "House Dagoth will be more than willing to accommodate your idiocy and accept the feud with your clan."

He immediately steps back as his eyes widen "That w-won't be necessary."

"Exactly as I thought." I nod contentedly "Now, as you may have expected your earlier leanings will have consequences, however slight."

He stares at me for a moment before sighing "What are your demands?"

"Good, it would seem that you aren't a total idiot." I smile.

'Kicking a dead horse there pops.'

'Let me have my fun.' I keep my eye from twitching "I am going to be taking the twins with me to solve the nightmare issue your city is beset with, after their glorious return you will step down and allow Bor to take your position. Any deviation from this very simple course of events will see your clan brought to ruin, do I make myself clear?"

Had I not been who I was that would have probably earned me a fireball to the face, but all the man could do was grit his teeth and force out a "Crystal, Court Mage."

"Most excellent!" I clap my hands "Now smile, your kids haven't seen you for over a year."

Before he can process my words, two individuals with the same shade of blond hair clad in legionary Battlemage armor step into the side street we were in.

Bor and Brienne looked much the same as the last time I saw them but their demeanors were much diminished, their mere presence in their home city seemingly sucking the life out of them.

Ignoring the building tension between father and children I raise my hand lazily "Sup?"

Both of them startle but once their attention falls to me their reactions are completely different. Brienne smiles radiantly and goes in for a quick hug while Bor seemingly holds back a glare.

"So, how have you two been?" I ask, uncaring for the brother's mood.

"Legionary life has been fine I guess." Brienne shrugs "Not to mention the pay." She adds "But... I think I will prefer it when everything calms down and we can go back to our adventuring."

"As if we had a choice." Bor grinds out, now actually glaring at me.

"Four thousand three hundred and twelve." I state simply.

He blinks "What?"

"Four thousand, three hundred, and twelve." I repeat a bit slower this time while giving him an eerie look "That is how many people I have slain in less than four hours." The statement stuns all three of them utterly "Tell me, Bor. How would you have liked it if your family was added to that number?"

Whatever comments or rants he had probably been keeping bottled up for months now die before they leave his mouth as he simply gapes at me, his sister giving me a sad look instead.

"Right" I shake my head "You said you wanted adventuring, right?" I smile "How about you join me for a little trip to the nearby lighthouse?"


It did not take much to convince the duo to follow me on my 'mad quest' as Bor jokingly called it, and the three of us soon found ourselves walking toward one of the local inns.

Our search was short and after only stopping once to ask for directions we stepped in on the scene of a Dunmer in the priestly robes of Mara comforting an old man.

"Do not let these false images shake your faith Jolf." He pats his shoulder comfortingly "Hold yourself to the teachings of the Divine, and the nightmares will soon dissipate."

The old Nord nods gratefully "Of course Erandur, I thank you for your words."

As they share some more words and the Nord leaves, the priest focuses on all of us, his eyes immediately zeroing in on me. It takes him a moment but as soon as he realizes who he is looking at he bows deeply "Welcome to Dawnstar, Lord Dagoth. How may I assist you?"

I raise a surprised eyebrow at the welcome but get over it easily enough "I have come to deal with the nightmare issue." I state without preamble "I have been informed that you are... inordinately knowledgeable on the topic."

He holds back a slight wince before slowly nodding "I have been researching the nightmares for some time now, Serjo."

"Researching you say..." I trail of while giving him a knowing look "Tell me what you know then, Casimir."

The moment I mention his real name his face pales, catching him so off guard he fails to keep his mouth shut "Shit." By the time he realized he essentially admitted to me being right it was already far too late and knowing this he let his shoulders slump in defeat "You've caught me, I know far more than I let on."

"That is good to hear." I smile "How about you enlighten us with that knowledge so that we may liberate the good people of this fine city, hm?"

He stares at me for a long surprised moment before smiling in turn "I will be more than happy to help banish that creature."

'Awww, but I wanted to threaten him!' Scorch wines petulantly 'His eyes look delicious!'



A foul creature has started infiltrating homes in search for the vaunted stones.

Worry not though for we, the House of Dagoth offer to keep your stones safe for the measly cost of 1 stone per 1 stone kept.

Aren't we generous? 

If you want to support me directly and get access to 35ish chapters (Some 70k-ish words) in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156

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