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38.92% One Piece - I'm Whitebeard / Chapter 123: 123 Doflamingo have mental breakdown

Chapter 123: 123 Doflamingo have mental breakdown

Thud! Thud!

His arms swung, creating a thunderous cracking sound.

Several nearly invisible threads materialized, glistening with an icy luster in the sunlight, and shot rapidly towards Vista.


Vista's eyes narrowed, and he swiftly raised his sword to block the attack.


The sound of metal clashing echoed.

Due to Doflamingo continuously emanating his Conqueror's Haki, it was becoming challenging for him to withstand Doflamingo's thread assaults.

The fine silk thread, infused with Armament Haki, struck the longsword like a sharp blade, causing the longsword to clash against it.

Doflamingo launched this attack at an even faster pace

With silk threads appearing one after another and attacking from different angles.

Clang, clang! Clang!

The sound echoed continuously.

However, Doflamingo, despite his relentless attacks, did not advance but instead continued to retreat.

After a while, he retreated all the way to the beach.

"Everything I've lost today, I will definitely take it back!"

Doflamingo face grew extremely gloomy. He then turned to Trebol and the others, speaking with a heavy heart, "Now, I issue my final order as captain. For the Donquixote family, you will assist me in stopping the Whitebeard Pirates, even if it costs you your lives!"

That's right!

He is going to abandon Trebol and other senior cadres!

Because he understands.

Whitebeard is coming here, and he knows he can't defeat Vista instantly on his own.

Continuing to engage is simply a waste of time.

Once Whitebeard arrives

He's as good as dead!

To survive

He has no choice but to abandon his so-called family!

He grabbed Sugar and jumped up.

He jumped right onto the ship docked at the beach and immediately took control of the helm, trying to make his escape.


Trebol's expression froze.

Unexpectedly, Doflamingo had chosen to abandon him and make an escape with Sugar.


"It's really decisive, abandoning your own crew to save yourself!"

Vista sneered.

"He's always been like this, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals" 

Law shook his head, not surprised by Doflamingo decision.

He understands what kind of person Donquixote Doflamingo is.

He's a complete villain.

The concept of family and unity is just a tool for him to gain control over his subordinates.

Back then, Doflamingo was willing to kill even his closest brother, let alone senior cadres like Trebol.

"But it's a little troublesome."

Vista frowned.

While the Donquixote family's cadres may not be good enogh to stop him, they are not useless either.

They should be able to delay him for a few minutes.

And those few minutes is enough time for Doflamingo to set sail.

"Doffy, are you really going to abandon us?" 

Trebol panicked, his face filled with horror.

"Don't forget why the Donquixote family became strong in the first place!"

"Are you going to disobey my orders?"

"Or have you completely forsaken your loyalty to the Donquixote family?"

Donquixote Doflamingo, who had already turned the ship's bow, suddenly snapped his head back upon hearing this, his eyes filled with cold determination.

Just as Law had said, 

In order to survive, he was willing to forsake anything.

Including the so-called family!

So at this moment, Trebol and the others were no longer family members but mere tools to ensure his survival.


Trebol looked betrayed.

"Shut up!"

Diamante, standing nearby, suddenly yelled and glared at Trebol: "This is the young master command. Do you want to disobey it?"

Diamante was well aware of the consequences of staying there

but he didn't care.

For him, it would be an honor to die for the Donquixote family and the young master.

So he didn't allow anyone to disobey this order.

"Let's do one last thing for the young master!" 

Pika shouted with determination.

Like Diamante, he didn't complain about Doflamingo order, and was willing to give up his life for Doflamingo.

"I'll repay your hatred!" 

Doflamingo whispered to himself.

With that, he no longer hesitated and steered the ship away.

"He's escaping!" 

Law's face changed drastically, and he quickly rushed out.

But before he could take more than a few steps, he was halted.

"Young Master will return to the New World one day, and until then, I won't allow anyone to harm the Young Master!" 

Diamante blocked his path, then launched his attack.

At the same time, Pika and the others charged toward Vista, preventing him from pursuing Doflamingo.

"They are truly loyal!"

Vista couldn't help but sigh, then shook his head and said, "But it's useless, because the old man has already arrived!"

As he spoke, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed from the distance. 

The senior members of the Donquixote family turned their attention in that direction.

They saw a tall figure with a unique crescent mustache, shirtless except for his coat, and holding a large naginata in his right hand, walking down calmly

Upon seeing this man, all the cadres trembled.


The man known as the strongest in the world finally arrived.

Fear surged into their hearts, causing Diamante and the others to break out in cold sweat. They hadn't expected Whitebeard's arrival so soon.


Vista greet him


"Doflamingo, that boy, abandoned his crew and escaped on his own" 

Whitebeard said as he looked at the ships out at sea, wearing a faint smile.

"It's truly shameless to do something like that just to survive" 

Marco expressed his disgust.

"Whitebeard gramps, are you just going to let Doflamingo escape?" 

Luffy was getting anxious


Law wanted to speak but hesitated.

He came here for one reason: to seek revenge on Donquixote Doflamingo.

If he allowed Doflamingo to escape this time, it won't be that simple next time he want to catch the other party.


"Now that the old man is here, he won't let that guy get away" 

Vista laughed

"Yes, the sea is Oyaji's domain!" 

Marco added, also didn't fazed in the slightest

As long as Doflamingo remains at sea, there's no way to slip away under Whitebeard nose


"Don't worry, that kid can't escape" 

Whitebeard said with a calm smile.

As soon as he spoke, he raised his naginata high and slammed it forcefully into the ground.

Then, he raised his fist sideways and struck the air.


A deafening sound exploded.

The punch shattered the air, creating cracks that spread rapidly in all directions.

The previously calm sea suddenly trembled and roiled.

A terrifying wave surged forth, rushed toward the island.

The ships on the sea trembled violently, then surged toward the shore on massive waves.


Doflamingo's face on the ship distorted in shock.

He looked towards the shore fiercely, and then saw a figure he desperately wished to avoid.

Despair engulfed his heart.

He knew he couldn't escape, and it was only a matter of time before he was brought down!





I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 25+ chapters ahead of everyone. 

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