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3.2% Demon King's Rebirth: Kaeru Chikara / Chapter 3: Spiravit Nima

Chapter 3: Spiravit Nima

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The bustling street brimmed with vitality as people went about their daily routines, their footsteps kicking up specks of dust with each stride. Laughter echoed among friends, customers bargained with store owners, and conversations filled the air.

I traversed the street, my steps brimming with youthful vigor, feigning ignorance to the whispers directed my way. I was what one might call an outcast. Having arrived just two days ago, I couldn't expect a warm welcome after intruding upon established social circles.

Continuing along the road, occasionally taking turns, the number of fellow pedestrians gradually dwindled to a mere twenty or so. All appeared to be around my age, indicating a shared destination—the Duranian Awakening Ceremony.

I assessed the individuals walking alongside me, though they maintained a considerable distance. A few stood out among the rest. One was a boy, slightly taller than me, with ordinary black hair and eyes. However, the way he carried himself and interacted with others revealed a palpable sense of authority, as if asserting his dominance.

The other was a girl, her hair an uncommon shade of pink and her eyes a captivating violet. Apart from her distinctive appearance, she clearly held sway over the group of girls. The boys, too, seemed drawn to her charm. Yet, as a 400-year-old demon, I failed to see her appeal. She remained a mere child to me... Huh?

"Why does my heart skip a beat at the sight of her face? In my previous life, I encountered many beautiful women, so why am I reacting this way? Could there be side effects from my taking over this body? I'll investigate later. For now, I must remain in character."

Deciding to disregard the girl to prevent any mishaps, I embraced the persona I crafted the previous night. It was time to commence the act.

Abruptly, I came to a halt. As my body ceased its movement, the others, seemingly vigilant to my every action, followed suit. I swayed, conveying a sense of exhaustion.

I opened my mouth, hesitated momentarily, and then finally blurted out the words that had seemed to be been weighing on my mind, "I can't take it anymore! Since none of you will, I'll address the sloth in the bush. Despite being an outsider to all of you, I suffer from severe memory loss. I feel no unfamiliarity whatsoever! Could you at least stop completely ignoring me!?"

I exclaimed this with a gust of wind, catching my breath. It was then that the dark-haired youth I had noticed earlier stepped forward, "You seek acknowledgment? Very well. I'm Spiravit, Spiravit Nima, and frankly, I don't like you. I don't appreciate a random person, about whom I know nothing, suddenly gaining entry to the Awakening Ceremony. I don't like how you expect us to accept you—an outsider—with open arms. And I certainly don't like that incessant yapping of yours!"

Without warning, Spiravit lunged at me, throwing a punch toward my face. 'So, this is why he assumes the role of the boys' leader—violent and hotheaded. Likely physically strong and skilled in combat. Though, judging by how he's throwing his punch, he's likely only comparable to a goblin in my previous world.'

Although I anticipated his attack and could easily dodge it, I chose not to. His right hook landed on my cheek, sending my body crashing to the ground beneath me. Holding my cheek, I feigned astonishment at the unexpected assault.

In the next instant, however, I gritted my teeth and rose to my feet. Spiravit's demeanor shifted, displaying a momentary surprise at my resilience, only to be swiftly replaced by a deliberately arrogant smirk.

Frowning, I rushed toward him and aimed a sloppy punch at his face. Spiravit sidestepped, evading my strike. The unreleased momentum in my fist propelled me forward, causing me to tumble to the ground once again.

Before I could lift myself, I felt a foot stomp on my back. All the air rushed out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath. I struggled to free myself from the pressure but to no avail.


The sound of a forceful spit reverberated through the street filled with teenagers. I felt a cool, bubbly liquid trickle down my face.

'This shithead just spat on me,' A burning fire surged within me, urging me to seek revenge. This, too, was peculiar. While I felt a tinge of anger, it still aligned with my plan, albeit not in the expected manner. Why was I growing so infuriated?

Before I could articulate my thoughts, Spiravit's voice rang out, filled with superiority and schadenfreude, "I thought you'd be more of a challenge after getting back up, but it seems I had my hopes up. Listen up everyone! If anyone associates with this guy, you'll be on my hit list! And you, Quis, was it? Pay close attention. I'm going to make your life a living hell. And until you can prove otherwise, beatings like this will become a regular occurrence."

After delivering his ominous speech, Spiravit lifted his leg from my back and returned to his group. Slowly, I rose to my feet, every eye fixated on me, anticipating my next move. I stared directly at Spiravit and calmly uttered three words.

"Bring it on."


The following ten minutes were filled with utmost awkwardness. Despite my earlier proclamation, I had no choice but to walk to the Duranian Awakening Ceremony alongside everyone else, including Spiravit. My clumsy movements portrayed my profound embarrassment.

'What a nuisance this had turned out to be. Although I did reach my goal of expressing a hot-blooded and somewhat dim-witted youth, that doesn't mean I wanted to get beat up in the process. And now, I was bound to become the target of bullying... or perhaps not. I could actually use this situation to my advantage.'

As I contemplated a plan in my mind, the entire group suddenly came to a halt. Before us stood an impeccable structure—or rather, that description fell short. It wasn't merely a building; it was practically an entire district.

Enclosed within a high wooden fence, a single gate connected the road to a magnificent garden. The area appeared vast, well-maintained, and breathtakingly beautiful. Towering structures, surpassing even the size of my own castle, adorned the landscape. It exuded the essence of a metropolis while emanating a serene ambiance, a place where one could sit and meditate without the slightest hint of strife.

Quickly snapping back to reality, I focused my gaze on the two individuals standing before the gate. They wore the same robes as the people I encountered at the Medical Hall, complete with matching belts. However, the truly intriguing figure was the one sandwiched between them. He too donned a robe, but his belt differed in color and texture, resembling coal.

The man with brown eyes opened them and offered a gentle smile. Yet, beneath that seemingly amiable smile lay an immensely powerful presence.

"Welcome to the Wood and Fire Fairy Sect's cultivation school," his words echoed in everyone's ears, particularly resonating with me.

It was the same man from the Medical Hall—the one who uttered those ominous words. I could recognize it immediately, both by his demeanor and the unmistakable aura of unwavering self-assurance.

He was undeniably dangerous.

MrChill MrChill

In case you didn't notice, this chapter had almost no explanation of Quis' schemes while he was acting them out. You can consider the first couple of chapters as a way of showing that when Quis does something, there is a purpose behind it. But from now on, most of the time at least, it will be up to you to figure out why he is doing what he does. If you have any theories while reading, do not hesitate in commenting them. It would be fun to see what you readers think he is plotting or where the story is going.

PS: I would appreciate it if you would drop a power stone on this book. It would be even better if you could leave a review. Thank you.

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