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78.68% The Legendary Trainer / Chapter 47: Chapter 46: Bellosome in a Pinch

Chapter 47: Chapter 46: Bellosome in a Pinch

The light of evolution appeared from Zubat. After defeating the powerful enemy Poliwrath, and in the face of the enthusiastic cheers from around, Zubat, who was in high spirits, finally broke his shackles and began to evolve into a new form.

At this time, the original warm atmosphere on the scene suddenly stopped. Seeing the light of evolution on Zubat, everyone consciously calmed down, and then looked at the evolution of Pokémon in front of them with surprise.

In Pokémon world, basically people with a little common sense know very well that when Pokémon evolves, you must remain calm, because Pokémon is at the most vulnerable stage in the evolution process, and any stimulus interference may interrupt this precious moment.

"Damn, the Zubat who defeated me has evolved, uh!"

Seeing Zubat stepping on his Poliwrath's body and starting to evolve, Ishida Taro's face, who had just recovered Poliwrath with a Pokéball, looked very grim.

But when he wanted to use a small needle to slightly influence Zubat's evolution process, a cold gaze immediately stared at him.

Suddenly, a sense of fatal threat came out of his heart. He felt that Death was coming for him. Taro Ishida's body movements became stiff and he dared not act blindly without thinking. He turned his head slightly along with the feeling and saw unexpectedly Kaede's eyes were full of killing intent staring at him.

At this time, Kaede was next to Bellossom, holding a dark-green Energy Ball in her hand, and the target of this Energy Ball was obviously Taro Ishida.

"If I dare to do any movements, this guy will let his Pokémon kill me."

Feeling the cold killing intent from Kaede on him and seeing the dark-green Energy Ball in the hands of Bellossom next to him, Taro Ishida slowly put down the small needle in his hand, and then froze in place like a piece of wood and did not dare to move, And one after another bean-sized cold sweat began to fall down his face onto Ground.

When the light of evolution turned into Bright Powder and quickly dissipated in the air, an unusually strong Golbat appeared in midair, and the newly evolved Golbat showed off with the beat of his wings.

In an instant, with him as the center, a white cyclone with a diameter of more than 3 meters suddenly appeared. The strong wind spreading from the center blew from the white cyclone. A strong wind suddenly blew across the battlefield, causing the audience in the auditorium to close their eyes.

A few seconds later, Golbat, who had adapted to his new body, quickly flew from the air to Kaede's body, and then fell on his outstretched arm.

"Hahaha ~~ Congratulations, Golbat, your strength has taken a big step forward from today." Looking at the big bat in front of him, which is more than twice the size of the normal one, Kaede grinned, and said with a big smile.

Soon, under referee's reminder, Kaede took Golbat and Bellossom off the court.

However, he didn't enter the player lounge and waited for the next match. Instead, he sat in the auditorium next to the exit of the player passage, and then watched other players from the side at close range.

At the same time, Kaede also took out a laptop, and through the detection capabilities of the system, these players on the battlefield, together with their Pokémon data, were recorded in detail on the computer. Theres no doubt one of these people would be his next opponent.

"They are all powerful opponents. Very good. I am very lucky to be able to play against them. As long as I can defeat them one after another, my Pokémon will definitely be able to gain rich experience." he said looking at the Pokémons fiercely in front of him.

Soon, the Pokémon match in front of Kaede was over, and a female staff member also came over to inform him that it was his turn to play in the next match.

When Kaede boarded the battle platform, the opponent on the opposite battle platform was already a little impatient, and was looking at him with an unhappy expression.

"Hmph, don't think that defeating Ishida Taro makes you some kind of a bigshot. Let me show you what real Pokémon battle looks like. Don't cry later, hahaha~~"

Seeing Kaede ascending to the high platform, the yellow-haired gangster gave him a ferocious smile and said eccentrically.

"Come on, Sato Kaede once again has boarded the opposing platform, and his opponent this time is the Blackstone who has 25 wins. Sato Kaede has just defeated Ishida, who has 21 wins. I believe that both sides are very strong. Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Please turn the game wheel".

The commentator briefly introduced the players of both sides and immediately turned the battle roulette to determine the starting player and the battle field.

After a frantic rotation, the pointer of one roulette finally pointed to Sato Kaede, and the pointer of the other roulette pointed to the water site.

"Okay!!! The pointer of the match roulette stopped. According to the result of the match roulette, the starting player this time is Sato Kaede, and the battle field is a water field. What will happen next?, let's wait and see." The commentator announced enthusiastically.

"Bellosome i choose you!!". Kaede took a Pokeball and released Bellosome from it.

After he released Bellossom, Blackstone showed a triumphant smile on his face, and then released a Toucannon.

At this time, Kaede took advantage of the system's detection capabilities to see the opponent's information.

The information of Toucannon is as follows:

Pokémon: Toucannon

Level: LV28

Attribute: Flying/General

Characteristic Trait :Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Ability: Drill Run, Pluck, Peck, Growl, Leer, Pursuit, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, Mirror Move, Assurance, Agility, Heat Wave (TM), Air Cutter (TM), Protect (TM)

"Trouble. In terms of attributes and moves, opponent is restraining Bellossom in all directions. To defeat him, we must win by a strategy and a little bit of luck."

As the referee dropped the flag in his hand, the battle began.

Kaede discovered through watching the battle that the Pokémon here have an advantage. They all know how to seize the opportunity to attack. As long as the referee flag falls, even if Trainer does not verbally command, they will immediately want to attack first.

In fact, as Kaede had expected, the moment the referee flag fell, the Toucannon in the air immediately took action, and immediately swooped down. At the same time flying type energy began accumulating at its rainbow beak. Toucannon just used Pluck without any command.

However, facing the sudden attack of Toucannon, Bellossom, who had already been reminded by Kaede beforehand, was not panicked, and began to dance gracefully on the small wooden bridge.

Immediately afterwards, dark-green leaves quickly appeared beside her, dancing with her. In the blink of an eye, Bellossom's silhouette was completely enveloped by dark-green leaves. It was Magical Leaves.

"Hmph, such insignificant ability, but it's useless to cover up. The Pluck move of the Toucannon will definitely hit its mark."

Indeed, even though Bellossom has large number of leaves concealing its silhouette, for the Toucannon with Keen Eye, these conceals are all in vain, as there are still tiny gaps between the leaves, Bellossom's silhouette is still visible in the eyes of a Toucannon.

"Opponent is coming. Now, show off your training results, Bellossom."

Kaede's naturally would not forget the characteristic of Keen Eye. When the Toucannon was about to dive down from the sky, he immediately gave instructions to Bellossom.

Kaede tone barely fell, Bellossom move was ready, many dark-green leaves began to stack up on themselves, and finally formed a thick dark-green shield in front of Bellossom at an astonishing speed.

When the shield was formed, the Pluck attack of the Toucannon also came. Under the attack of the concentrated strength of the long and hard beak of the Toucannon, Bellossom's Magical Leaf shield was almost punctured, and the long beak of the Toucannon pierced at Bellossom.

However, Bellossom's Magical Leaf shield did play its role. Toucannon's Pluck attack was resisted by the Magical Leaf shield just enough to give Bellosome time to dodge and create some distance between its opponent and herself.

Moreover, when Bellossom opened the distance between the two sides, a stream of purple powder also floated from the two flowers above her head.

"Don't chase, Toucannon, be careful of the opponent's Poison Powder, scrape them away and get back in the air to regroup."

Hearing the trainer's reminders and orders, the Toucannon gave up the idea of ​​chasing it, and quickly slapped its Wings, blowing the floating Poison Powder away, and then flew back in the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the exciting offensive and defensive battle started as soon as the match started. Oh my god, Bellossom's dance to avoid the Toucannon just now is really beautiful and wonderful!!!"

Seeing a thrilling offensive and defensive battle erupted as soon as the two sides came up, the commentator at the narration stand immediately picked up the microphone in his hand, and exclaimed with excitement.

At the same time, the audience in the auditorium also clapped and applaused unscrupulously, applauding for Bellossom's evasion dance just now.

"Bellosome use Magical leaves once again but this time attack Toucannon head on". Kaede regrettably commanded seeing as his Poison Powder was seen through.

Facing the magical leaves attack Toucannon used agility to avoid getting hit but it was a futile attempt. As Magical leaves lock on its target and is a sure hit attack.

"Toucannon, don't dodge, these are Magical Leaf, they automatically track and target its opponent. Dirrectly destroy them with Heat Wave move, and then use Heat Wave move on Bellosome to defeat the opponent."

Listening to its trainer Toucannon whole body immediately got covered with fire type energy and it dove head first to the Magical leaves burning them to cinders while it did effectively removed the attack it also dealt some damage to Toucannon.

After using Heat Wave moves to break Bellossom's Magical Leaf, the Toucan continued to follow Blackstone's commands and on Bellossom used Heat Wave at the wooden bridge.

A burst of strong high temperature and strong wind blows in, and Bellossom who cannot dodge way is inevitably going to suffer, and can only use the Magical Leaf shield again for a little defense.

However, the Attribute restraint of the fire to grass is domineering, the Magical Leaf shield formed by the Grass Type energy and the Heat Wave move that contains the fire system and the Flying Type soon crushed the Leaves shield.

Then, a scorching wind rushed towards Bellossom, and she was blown away, and at the same time she was seriously injured, and the flowers on top of her head and the skirt of leaves under her body began to wither due to the hot wind dehydrating it.

The situation began to take a turn for the worse, and Bellossom fell into a huge crisis.

"Bellossom quickly jump off the bridge and into the water." Kaede immediately ordered while still running various scenarios on how to win this match.

Bellossom obeyed Kaede's instructions, jumped into the water from the bridge, and then smoothly avoided another Heat Wave attack by the Toucannon.

At the same time, because of the absorption of enough water, the flowers and leaf skirt on Bellossom's body became full again, and then Bellosome surfaced again and climbed onto a floating board floating on the water, while Blackstone commanded Toucannon to keep attacking using Heat Wave.

Kaede and Bellossom would naturally not wait to die. They have been using Magical Leaf or Energy Ball to attack the Toucannon in the air, but when the Toucannon uses Heat Wave, Bellosome jumps into the water to avoid getting hit

It's a pity that Bellossom's efforts during this period of time have little effect. Most Magical Leaf and Energy Balls failed to hit the Toucannon. Even if they were hit, they could not cause much damage to it. Things were not looking good at all.

"It's really exciting. Players Sato Kaede and Bellossom still didn't choose to give up. They are now using water field to there advantage and dealing with the Toucannon occupying the air. What will the battle ending be like?"

Seeing Bellossom and Toucannon launching a "fierce" offensive and defensive battle, the Commentator on stage picked up the microphone and shouted. Unfirtunately audience didn't buy into his enthusiasm as this was a very boring looking battle. Since this offense and defense has been going on for about 7 minutes now and the crowd is getting bored.

"Cut the dying struggle, this is just painful to look at you are so weak, don't worry Toucannon, take your time, let them enjoy being steamed to death."

After hearing Blackstone's instructions, it slowed down the attacking rhythm and began to use Heat Wave little by little to warm the water field and Bellossom below it, since this has been going on for about 7 to 8 minutes the surrounding temperature has started to soar.

Although the water in the pool hadn't boiled yet, Bellossom didn't dare to stay in the water for too long, so he had to use his wet body to greatly weaken the damage of Heat Wave moves.

"Hold it, hold on, the opportunity is coming soon.

seeing Bellosome being driven to a dead end Kaede gritted his teeth and commanded it while Bellosome also recognised the fighting spirit of Kaede and decided to grit her teeth through this torturous situation. At the same time the Flowers on her head are shining even though the lighting her is not enough it still can make do for it to perform synthesis here. So while it was getting damaged Bellosome was also healing itself little by little.

"It has persisted for so long even in this situation, so tenacious this Bellossom is, is this the resilience of Grass Type Pokémon? It's amazing. Now, the seemingly inevitable situation has begun to be reversed."

In the lounge, looking at the images displayed on the big screen, the young woman trainer thought in a daze.

Now Bellossom is riddled with scars, but is holding on due to the 2 flowers above her head that are still collecting light sources for synthesis. From time to time, a burst of dark-green rays of light appears on her body, making its injuries and physical strength recover slowly.

While on the other hand Toucannon is getting tired and even though it was not hurt too much but it has no way of recovering its injuries or stamina. As Kaede said there chance was coming they just needed to hold on, and now the scales of this match started tipping in favour of Bellosome.

"How could this be, impossible, Toucannon, don't admit defeat, do your best, use Pluck on Bellossom."

Seeing that the Toucannon will soon fall due to exhaustion, he hastily yelled to it.

Hearing its trainer Toucannon swooped down with his last strength, launching a final attack against Bellossom, who was standing strong below.

"Good job, Bellossom, our chance to fight back is here, jump into the water, and use Nature Power."

Faced with the attack of Toucannon that are slower than the first, Bellossom didn't panic at all. it obeyed Kaede's orders, endured the pain caused by the high temperature water, and then tried its best to use Nature Power.

In an instant, a huge water column soared up into the sky, then hit the Toucannon that had just swooped down to attack it.

In the water environment Bellosome Nature power move effectively transformed into Hydro Pump which dealt great damage to Toucannon.

This Hydro pump was not a normal one it was a water beam with high temperature water and Toucannon reaped what it sow.

Toucannon passed out immediately on impact.

"Come back, Toucannon."

Without waiting for the referee to announce the result of the battle, Blackstone, with an extremely ugly face, quickly took the Toucannon back, and then hurriedly left the battle platform. It can be seen that Blackstone still loves his Pokémon very much.

"The Toucannon has lost the combat capability, so the winner of this time is Bellossom."

Although he finally won, Kaede's was not even slightly happy at this time. He knew exactly how this hard battle was won. He knew very well inside.

This victory is largely due to the arrogance of Blackstone who instead of using the various moves his Toucannon had chose to humiliate Kaede by boiling Bellosome in the water which was wishful thinking. Kaede learned a lot in this battle and the best lesson that he will keep in his heart is never be arrogant.

Kaede gave Bellosome a Gem Pokeblock and put it into Pokeball immediately for it to recover a little. He made his way to the medical wing and gave Bellosome to the nurse so she could heal it.

After defeating Taro Ishida and Blackstone in this Pokémon battleground, Kaede has now eraned a small reputation. While waiting for Bellossom's treatment, some trainers gathered around him to discuss the battle just now.

When the time came to 11 o'clock, Kaede left this Pokémon battle place, during this period he successively faced 7 new opponents.

However, compared to his first two opponent, the strength of the seven trainers he faced was relatively weak.

Therefore, relying on Golbat and Bellossom, the two excellent Pokémons, the detection capabilities of the system, and his own good tactical command, after some fierce battles, they finally successfully won the Pokémon battles and continued to maintain their streak of victories.

Through the detection ability of the system, Kaede discovered that the Levels of Golbat and Bellossom have reached Level 28 and Level 29 respectively.

"Sure enough, it is necessary to fight against other opponents at the same level, so that Pokémon can grow better." Walking on the still bustling street, Kaede thought secretly.

To be Continued.....

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