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"Why would the Demons alter their focus like this? Irene, why aren't any of your clansmen helping?!" questioned Laffers, a prominent noble from the Land of Demons and also Irene Uzumaki's fiancé.

His agitation was palpable as he meticulously reviewed a report detailing the injuries sustained by his subordinates.

"Why would the Demons shift their focus in such a manner? Irene, why aren't any of your clansmen assisting?!" Laffers, still visibly agitated, questioned once more. His status as a noble from the Land of Demons and his betrothal to Irene Uzumaki lent weight to his words.

Irene replied in a bored tone, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. 

"Laffers, I've already explained that we've been utterly isolated from the world ever since the Demons were released. Can you imagine any of my clansmen being here if my clan didn't engage me to you for your wealth?"

"Irene! How many times have I asked you not to—" Laffers began to speak, only to be abruptly interrupted by a kingdom guard who urgently burst into the room, his demeanor clearly rattled. After catching his breath, he managed to speak.

"Your Honor! The reason behind the Demons' recent actions has come to light."

"What?!" The entire palace was immediately thrown into turmoil.

"It's because of the Fox Demon," the guard stammered out.

"Absurd!!!" Laffers immediately exclaimed.

"Your Highness! I assure you that everything I say is true and has been confirmed. I swear it!" The guard's voice trembled as he spoke, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

With her interest piqued, Irene suggested, "Laffers, perhaps we should hear him out..."

Laffers turned to Irene, his glare indicating his disagreement with her decision, but he eventually let out a sigh.

"Irene, you—" He began but was interrupted once more by Irene, her tone icy.

"Laffers, remember we have guests in our midst," she interjected coolly, fixing him with a gaze that sent a shiver down the noble's spine.

"Hmph... Very well, proceed," Laffers acquiesced, turning away from Irene to hide his fear.

The guard wasted no time and continued with his report, explaining.

"We've discovered that every time the Fox Demon becomes active in an area, all Demons actively avoid him. This has led to several demon tides hitting large towns. Further investigation revealed that in the past six months since the Fox Demon appeared, he has killed over twenty high-level demons, causing many of the higher-level demons to steer clear until the Kingdom of Draganof has been dealt with."

Upon hearing this revelation, a heavy silence descended upon the room. After a protracted pause, Irene muttered with genuine interest, "Could the Fox Demon truly possess such immense power?"

The idea that the Demons had to alter their course to evade the Fox Demon was almost inconceivable to Irene. Even she, who could easily take on multiple Demons, was incapable of this.

From a young age, Irene displayed extraordinary genius and talent, not just within the Uzumaki Clan but in comparison to other shinobi as well. 

Her abilities set her apart, and she quickly rose to prominence as a shining star within her clan. However, beneath her exceptional skills lay a profound emptiness. 

No matter how skilled she became or how much recognition she received, Irene could not shake the feeling that something was missing from her life.

She bore the weight of becoming the first Uzumaki Matriarch due to her unparalleled abilities, a position of honor and responsibility within her clan. 

However, this distinction did not come without its challenges. Irene's genius earned her both admiration and envy from her fellow clan members. The jealousy within her own clan only added to her sense of isolation.

In a move to solidify a valuable alliance and gain a substantial sum of money for their clan, Irene was betrothed to a noble from the Land of Demons. Her clan saw this as an opportunity to advance their interests.

Although she should have felt betrayed, she believed that fulfilling this arranged marriage was her duty as the matriarch, and she had long since grown indifferent to the world around her.

Throughout her life, Irene learned to hide her emotions behind a façade of false smiles. Her eyes, however, often betrayed the truth. Behind the elaborate disguises and feigned enthusiasm, her eyes revealed a deep sense of boredom and emptiness.

Suddenly, a spark of interest lit up inside her eyes for the first time.

"Why don't we go see this 'Fox Demon' then..." Irene thought with a truly graceful smile adorning her face.


The Land of Demons, once teeming with life and vitality, now lay barren and desolate due to the relentless onslaught of war. As Menma walked the scorched earth, remnants of fallen ninjas and innocent civilians bore witness to the aftermath of his recent battle.

"It seems that a lot of people got affected by my battle," Menma mused to himself, his gaze fixed upon the desolation that stretched before him. 

As Menma walked over the corpses of the fallen, he caught sight of a lone man emerging from the rubble of a shattered building.

"Y-You filthy Fox Demon... My family is dead because of you... You killed them!" The man's voice quivered with rage as he rushed forward, brandishing a kunai in his trembling hand.

A subtle smile tugged at the corners of Menma's lips hidden beneath his mask, observing the man's slow approach.

As the man closed the distance, Menma effortlessly swept his leg, sending the accuser tumbling to the ground. A sharp stomp from Menma's boot crushed the hand clutching the kunai, causing the man to cry out in agony.

Snatching up a broken tanto from the ground, Menma plunged it into the man's chest, pinning him in place.

"What do you mean I killed them, I wonder? Is it not the demons who killed them?" Menma inquired, his voice soft and contemplative.

"Y-You! They came here for you!" The man struggled to speak through the pain.

"How do you know they came for me? Didn't I kill them? I tried to protect you, didn't I?" Menma knelt down, raising the man's head to meet his gaze.

"Stop talking nonsense! W-Why else would they come here if not for you...!" The man gasped, his breath shaky and desperate.

"It's the same everywhere... People always seek reasons for their own misfortune... But could it be that you were merely unfortunate?" Menma sighed, his words laden with resignation.

The man's eyes widened, and he attempted to respond, but a sudden breathlessness overcame him.

Menma regarded the dying man and slowly rose to his feet.

"It seems I've punctured a lung... How unfortunate for you..." Menma spoke with an air of feigned remorse.

"It seems that the people are doing worse than I expected," Menma remarked casually as he continued his stride.

Although Menma engaged in battles with the demons to accumulate combat experience and practice the Demon Slaying technique, he hadn't been killing them to save people.

"Haha... It's always the same... Even If I save them, they still hate me." Menma chuckled to himself as he continued to walk. 

In Konoha, he had the Nine Tails sealed within him for the safety of the village. He should be considered a savior; instead, he was an outcast, and several attempts were made for his life.

Now, he was killing demons, resulting in many lives being saved, but instead of a hero, he was considered a demon himself.

"It's different now, though... In the future, it will all be different..." Menma thought with a smirk.

Pulling away from his thoughts, Menma's gaze suddenly fixed on a disturbance ahead. He addressed the decimated forest beside him with a cold and authoritative tone.

"You can come out..."

"Please, "Fox Demon," do not be angered. We harbor no ill intentions," responded a charming woman's voice. 

Emerging from the shadows was a group of ninjas. Leading them was a red-haired woman of striking beauty. 

At the sight of the red-haired woman's face, Menma involuntarily perked up his brows.

He could unmistakably see it in her eyes – that familiar expression mirroring the one he used to wear before that day his life changed for the better. A look of complete boredom for the world hidden behind a thinly veiled mask.

Irene's face became puzzled, noticing the raised eyebrows on Menma before she shook her head and bowed slightly in a gesture of respect. 

"I am Irene Uzumaki of the Kingdom of Dragonof. Today, I extend an invitation to the Fox Demon to become the protector of my nation."

"Irene?" Menma softly muttered upon hearing her name.

To think this was the former Uzumaki Matriarch who was sent out to the land of demons. The creator of the Demon Slaying technique and one of the strongest female Uzumaki to date.

What stunned Menma even more was the proposal she had just made. It wasn't every day that someone extended an invitation to him, especially one hinting at becoming some sort of protector.

In response to the proposal, Menma didn't bother concealing his chakra. He flared his chakra, causing the surroundings to become colder as a dark aura seemed to surround him, the markings on his arm pulsing.

Menma expected Irene to back away,, but upon seeing his chakra,, her eyes widened as her face became adorned with a charming smile.

"To think you would come so far with the Demon Slaying technique and not lose your mind..." Irene said with a smile.

Menma saw her look and shook his head. He knew her smile was fake, as he used to be the same.

Before he found himself as the heir of the Uzumaki, his life was dull. He could tell Irene was the same.

"Hmm... Perhaps I just need to give her a purpose..." Menma thought as a smirk grew underneath his mask.

"Let's go... and my name is Menma." 


In the Kingdom of Dragonof, the feeling of Menma's chakra struck fear into both citizens and ninjas alike. 

Why had Lady Irene brought such a monster into their midst? However, no one dared to voice their concerns; they were all too fearful of Menma's power.

Inside the palace, Laffers was initially taken aback by Menma's appearance. However, he managed to regain his composure and approached with an outstretched hand and a smile that veiled his disgust.

"Hello, Fox Demon..."

Before he could finish his greeting, Menma strode past him and lounged on the throne that once belonged to Laffers.

"I've been sleeping on rocks lately; it's been a while," Menma remarked lazily.

Laffers was left in stunned silence, his face contorted with anger. Irene quickly approached and gestured for her fiance to remain composed.

Irene ascended the steps to the throne and declared loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new protector, Lord Menma."

"Hold on a moment. When did I agree to become a Protector?" Menma interrupted her with a leisurely tone. 


Hey guys, I know the chapter was a little short, but I wanted to get something out.

This was mainly a chapter on the backstory of Irene and Menma's character. It also gave a bit of a glimpse into what I had planned.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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