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67.44% Heir of the Uzumaki / Chapter 28: Time Goes By

Chapter 28: Time Goes By

As quick as his time at the Acadamy had started, it had ended…

Time went by fast...

It took Hinata a little more than three months to make up her debt for Menma's supposed treatment. In reality, she was constantly being conditioned and brainwashed to be a loyal member of the Uzumaki Clan.

In addition, Hinata had also been visiting Tsunade's laboratory for regular injections into her ass and breasts to make them more plump and elastic. Menma had decided to bring her already busty body to another level instead of sliming her to an athletic physique like the rest of his slaves due to her role as a non-combatant.

Her biggest worth to the clan was her incredibly pure Byakugan.

During that time, she also received money from a couple of secret accounts that Koharu had at her disposal to show that she did receive remuneration for her work. She then used that money to buy things for her daughter, trying to fulfill all of her requests. On the other hand, Boruto was constantly being punished and scolded for anything in the small amount of time they spent together...

Little by little, the Hyuga siblings got used to their mother's absence while also distancing themselves from each other as the days passed.

Himawari continued to hang out with her friends more and more frequently, and in the little time she spent at home, she only spoke to her brother for essential things, such as heating up the food their mother left them before going to bed.

Ramen had also become the staple food of the house, much to the annoyance of Boruto, seeing as he hated it. No matter how hard he tried to eat it, he could never get over its greasy taste.

Himiwari also recently told them that she would spend more time with Chouchou and Sarada since the three of them wanted to be roommates and a team when they became Ninja.

Every day she was getting more and more friendly with Chouchou and Sarada and ended up considering the two best friends. She now practically lived either in the Akimichi compound or Sarada's house, returning home only to eat and sleep.

Finally, Hinata returned home after the deadline. Still, the first thing she did was make it clear that she would continue to assist the Uzumaki family with their household chores since the pay was quite good.

However, returning home did not help improve the family situation for Boruto.

If anything, Hinata and Himiwari treated him with a cordial coldness. Boruto tried one last time to raise his voice to his mother because he felt relegated to the background within his home, but...

The result was different from what he expected. Not only were his claims that he felt left out and ignored since the incident dismissed, his mother "reassured" him with lashes that even before the incident, he needed more discipline...

However, the punishment was excessive for any child as she sat him on her lap before using Chakra on her right hand to lash him.

Her strength was so strong that it left his flesh raw due to the amount of lashes he received.

And although the pain in the boy's buttocks was so intense and long-lasting that he could not sit without feeling pain for two weeks, the greatest damage he received was emotional. In addition to the excessive punishment, when he wanted to receive support from his sister's mother, they responded with utter indifference and coldness.

Little by little, the boy was submerged in grief due to the belief that his attack on Menma that day had torn his family apart.

Far from thinking about avoiding trouble, however, his resolve to make his half-brother pay for what was his own fault grew more.

Kiba was the only reason he had not fallen into complete depression. Kiba ended up becoming the only real support he had.

Although he wasn't lacking in material things, he missed that affection that in the past he considered as something that would make him weak…

On Menma's side, because Chouchou, Himawari, and Sarada's minds were still developing, he decided that he should be careful with any deep conditioning. For Himawari and Sarada, he had only had Chouchou use a jutsu he gave her to put them to sleep. While asleep, he had her put a seal on them that he had given that would allow him to subtly heighten their emotions around him by pumping certain chemicals that the brain produces to incite emotions.

This wouldn't have worked so well if the two of them didn't already have a small crush on him.

He was just going to begin conditioning them, but he didn't want to touch their minds while there were still developing and risk something going wrong. Not out of compassion but due to the lesson he learned from attempting to brainwash Chouchou.

Due to her mind being undeveloped, when he began conditioning her, he realized a problem. Chouchou's brain couldn't compute some of the programming he had placed, which resulted in her brain overclocking.

If he hadn't found out fast enough, she would have got brain damage and eventually become braindead. Fortunately, he stopped fast enough, but he was only able to get some basic conditioning in.

He wouldn't mind continuing to take the risk if it wouldn't alert all of Konaha, which was still on edge from the Uchiha genocide. Having the Akimichi Heiress or anyone else become braindead out of nowhere would certainly set off some flags.

In the end, he decided to take it slow until he could assault their minds without worry of their brains dying on him.

So during this time, Menma tried to keep a low profile and avoid trouble while influencing the village's policies from the shadows. He played the part of being an average student who was neither the best nor the worst.

For now, everything was under control with no way to be taken by surprise due to Koharu…

Koharu, in terms of influence, was the most valuable of his slaves.

She gave her access to numerous material resources and could provide support in case he made a mistake or missed any detail.

Due to this, Koharu had more independence in her orders compared to the others. She had to have good judgment to make decisions on the fly or improvise a plan due to the environment in which she was operating.

The veteran Kunoichi had access to classified information and many Jutsu that, although not clan secrets, were valuable due to their rarity.

As quick as his time at the Acadamy had started, it had ended…


Eight years had passed, and he was now Sixteen years old. During this time, a lot had happened.

During his time in Acadamy, he found this his homeroom teacher Asuma Sarutobi, was in love with his Genjutsu teacher Kurenai Yuhi. This gave Menma the idea that they had been planning to destroy Asuma's life somehow.

Why? For the simple reason that he always seemed to find reasons to bother him in class.

Some may call him petty, but what did he care? A demon from birth, it was right to do as he liked, and right now, it could be exciting entertainment.

Not to mention the bonus of Kurenai Yuhi…

So over the years, he started to make a plan regarding obtaining Kurenai, who was under the strict watch of Asuma.

In the classroom, he purposely neglected the Ninjutsu class to seem like a waste Ninja in the eyes of Asuma and, in turn, the high level of Konoha. Menma never doubted that his Acadamy progress was being strictly monitored, and any sign of genius would have doubled the time spent spied on.

During the day, he would lie low and observe while occasionally letting Tennyo take his place. The only other Masked beast left was Shinigami, who had become an unknown bounty hunter.

He had raised 500 million in his eight years of bounty hunting under the alias of "Reaper" to prevent information leaks. Shinigami would be a crucial member of his future organization, so giving away his information now would be pointless.

Another project he had completed was expanding the hidden part of the Uzumaki house. Their bunker, several meters deep underground, had now become a large underground complex…

During the days that Tennyo took his place, he would continuously work on it to secure it as a future stronghold.

The complex now contained a large gymnasium, one empty classroom, two large-scale conference rooms, one temple, and many rooms for people to live in. At the moment, Mikoto was the only full-time occupant due to obvious reasons. A woman presumed dead in the village couldn't walk down the street like nothing.

During this time, she devoted herself to studying Genjutsu and the mind. At first, he was quite hesitant as he wasn't sure her programming was perfect, but he decided to let her continue with his continued observation.

Some part of her wanted to leave her old life behind as she happily embraced the new persona he had planted in her. Although after thinking it over, Menma could understand that Mikoto had nothing left to live for. Her very own son killed her clan, she was forced into a loveless marriage, and her family died.

One day as she continued her research practice, she accidentally unraveled her conditioning, giving way to the memories of everything that had happened. She was terrified and wanted to run, but this soon turned to grief.

Menma had happened to be watching over her at that time and was going to rush over and subdue her but decided to see what she would do before that. After a couple of hours, she had come to a decision and walked out of the room she used to practice.

That day she came to him before prostrating herself before him and told him what happened with tears in her eyes before begging to be made into his slave again.

She didn't know why she returned to him but had nothing left. The only happiness she has had in the past few years was when she made a breakthrough in Genjutsu and reported it to her Master. Although the feelings might have been fake, they felt much better than her feelings of depression when she thought of her own life. Each time she would come to him and prostrate before him with her findings, begging him to make her a perfect slave.

Menma smiled as he looked down at her before he came up with a wicked idea.

To really destroy any sense of her former self, he had her brainwash herself for him.

He still remembered the look of absolute horror that passed on her face when he said it. She began to hesitate on whether or not to do it, but he was patient.

He watched as she stood in front of a mirror and flared her Sharingan before removing any remnant of her old self and leaving only the persona of his perfect slave.

That day Mikoto had become his first perfect work. Truly accepting what she was and erasing her former self for his satisfaction.

However, it wasn't all fun and games, as he also began firm military training for all slaves. Although it may not be needed, training an army for himself would be important. For that, they needed training, and he himself needed experience.

Initiative, intelligence, mobilization, strategy, tactics, logistics, espionage...

On top of that, he also commissioned Shizune to infiltrate and get the latest written intelligence for all villages. Shizune diligently fulfilled the assigned task by infiltrating the other Ninja villages in order to find the recent military activities, spy on the enemy's defenses, and find any potential slaves to recruit in the future…

The trips with Tsunade had been very useful in this aspect because she needed to have experience in covering her tracks and creating credible disguises that would not arouse any suspicion wherever she went.

She would come back periodically to Konoha to inform her Master of all her progress and reinforce her conditioning.

Tsunade had begun researching and conducting several experiments on her Master's orders. She was developing a large number of drugs that would enhance the performance of slaves on the battlefield, as well as various substances to speed up recovery in case of injuries. She also began many experiments that looked into longevity and biological cloning.

With Menma's repeated conditioning, any moral issue when it came to research had become unimportant. With no ethics or guilt when experimenting, her lab was practically identical to Orchimaru's, littered with body parts and human experiments.

Menma, being a product of perhaps the most complex human experiment in history, had no problems with it…

In addition, the famous Sannin member had tasks commissioned by the village when she wasn't maintaining her disguise as director of the village hospital, which provided her with any materials for her experiments...

The Uzumaki Prince trusted her because, with the complete submission of Mikoto, all programming he had placed on his slaves had become practically possible to break. With years focused solely on the mind and Genjutsu, her experience had risen to a terrifying level.

Two perspectives are always better than one, and Mikoto has become someone equal to him in giving his slaves the "enlightenment" they need.

That was not to say his level had not risen. In the past eight years, his level had risen to an extraordinary level. He had mastered all of the information and experience in his Legacy before practicing independently.

Upon viewing some Ninjutsu left behind by his father, he had come across one Ninjutsu named Rasengan.

In his practice, he had inadvertently created an entirely new Jutsu he named Spiralling Ring. With it, he creates a dark purple Rasengan-like orb of Chakra surrounded by a series of white rings of Chakra that orbit the main sphere.

He also developed another variant based on the Spiralling ring named Great Spiral Ring, which he theorizes could decimate a village if used at full power.

Another bonus was his ability to use the Nine Tails' baleful aura to make his own unique sage mode.

It surrounds him in a dark aura that enables him to perform feats such as flight, enhanced Ninjutsu, and enhanced taijutsu.

In another aspect, Konan had been simply helping her Master run the plan in general terms. As his personal Angel, she ended up becoming his personal secretary. Things such as collecting material sent by Shizune and the money they received from funds siphoned off by Koharu we all handled by her.

Under his and Mikoto's repeated breakthroughs, he continued the programming of Konan and Pussy Bitch.

For Kushina, now known as Pussy Bitch, her vision of her relationship with Minato Namikaze had become a passing relationship. In her mind, all Pure Uzumaki women had to devote themselves completely and become loyal slaves to their first children. Knowing this, she had never thought to care about Minato much, knowing she would eventually have a child she must serve wholeheartedly.

In her mind, the moment she gave birth to Menma, it was simply her Pure Uzumaki blood triggering, which gave reason to her sudden enslavement to him. She now completely believed that her constant days of humiliation, shame, and lust were all her duty as a Mother and only made her more proud of her service to her son.

For Konan, Menma had warped her perspective regarding the bond she shared with Yahiko to an incredible degree. The organization she had once been a part of had been destroyed, leaving her alone. For this, she felt nothing but grief and hatred for those who had left her all alone. All of that grief led her to try to find a way out of religion.

In time she became a religious fanatic, and with days spent praying, she received a 'divine prophecy' of the one true god. She immediately moved to Konoha, hoping to meet her God-given form.

With this false backstory in her mind, her brain had a much easier time accepting the conditioning seeing as she hadn't been religious before.

Konoha, meanwhile, didn't have the slightest idea of ​​what was brewing in their midst.

Currently, they were much more concerned with things like the Traitor Ninja Orochimaru and the problems on their borders. The High Command of Konoha, with the obvious exception of Koharu, couldn't even imagine the threat that was growing under their noses, waiting to swallow them whole.


Sorry for no chapter upload yesterday. I made this one a longe one to make up for it.

I had some stuff I needed to get done as I'm going on my trip today.

When this is uploaded, I'll most likely be heading to an airport for a 9-hour flight.

I'm going to write on the plane, and hopefully, I'll be able to have a chapter every day for the next week, but I may end up not writing enough.

In that case, I can only apologize and let you guys know I'm coming back.

Menma's age now is 16. I had once said that when he get's out of the academy, he would be 14 but as I got to it, I found it too uncomfortable.

I want to get to some smut as I'm sure your guy's to too, but I didn't feel comfortable doing the when he is 14 or younger. 16 was the lowest I could manage, and I felt like I needed to for the timeline to make sense.

If any of you felt the timeskip was to long and not enough was done, that was the reason why.

I hope you can understand my ideas and I can only hope you guys continue to enjoy my content.

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