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23.25% Heir of the Uzumaki / Chapter 9: Ritual

Chapter 9: Ritual

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"Shizune is now in the Nation of Hot Springs. We took different paths to lose the collectors and agreed to meet here in 3 weeks…"

Tsunade was currently sitting on a dining room chair, facing Menma. Her dull gaze, eyes wide, and pupils dilated were all signs that she was totally under Menma's power.

She was now wearing the same lingerie set as Kushina and Konan, who, behind their master, were looking at the entranced Tsunade with wicked smiles.

After hearing what Tsunade had said, he decided to use his Kinjutsu to manipulate and comb her memories.

"Very good…"

The Uzumaki Prince smiled at the possibility of also controlling the other famous Medical Ninja.

While combing through Tsunade's mind, he found something exciting.

Menma soon saw the story of Tsunade and Minato from her perspective.

He learned about everything, from the sweet story of the Sannin and this Dan, the terrible depression she suffered with the death of the Katou, which led her to the documents of Kato Dan's experiments, her human experiments, and above all, the affiliation with Minato…

The most profound secrets of the renowned Kunoichi were soon revealed without her even being able to defend herself.

"Wow, how interesting."

Menma murmured, stopping the Kinjutsu.

"So you're more or less my Aunt…."

He said as he gently ran his fingertips over Tsunade's beautiful face.

"But then again, I noticed that you seem to use a Jutsu on your body to hide your age… I want to see what you really look like. Stand up and release your Jutsu…"

The woman obeyed instantly.

She stood up and performed a hand seal before her face, gradually transforming into a slightly stooped old woman with a complexion that was roughed up by age and considerably wrinkled.

While she maintained her generous proportions, the passage of time showed her breasts and her sagging ass. Her figure also became slightly more robust due to the loss of elasticity in her skin.

"Heh…I knew she was hiding her appearance, but I didn't imagine she looked so old. Maybe I should call you grandma instead of aunt."

Menma said with his wicked smirk as he looked at the defenseless older woman.

"Tsunade, over time, has used various Medical Ninjutsu which, due to its complexity, has shortened her life."

Kushina spoke, adopting a serious expression.

"According to my accounts, Tsunade isn't even 50 years old, and her appearance is that of a woman no less than 60."

Konan added analytically.

"I guess that should be it… So listen up, enslaved people…"

Both women instantly adopted a rigid military posture to answer in perfect coordination.

"Yes, master!"

"I want you to get ready so that you can leave immediately. Go bring me a woman the same age as you two as soon as possible. Preferably somebody with a decent amount of strength."

The Uzumaki Prince declared, astonishing the slaves with his authoritative tone.

"As you order, master!"

They said at the same only to disappear in simultaneous clouds of smoke.


The boy laughed maniacally with no regard for the entranced Sannin next to him.

"When I finish with you and them, you will be my perfect slaves and weapons."

Menma said before facing Tsunade.

Faced with his aunt's total lack of reaction to those words, the prince again began to laugh sinisterly.


Rukia Abarai, who had shoulder-length black hair and a lock of hair halfway down her face, was a Kunoichi of renowned swordsmanship.

She liked to walk at night when the sky was clear to look at the stars in her firmament. She was walking through the streets of a Konoha with almost no lights on in the houses, just after midnight, without knowing that she was being watched by two shadows hidden atop a nearby tree...

Kushina and Konan carefully observed their target, who was 27 years old, the same as both of them. They wore extremely tight black suits that revealed their toned bodies and wore black veils over their faces that only allowed them to see their eyes.

They wore thigh-high Ninja boots and accessorized their outfit with dark gloves. They had metal protectors on their forearms and shins and red sashes tied around their waists.

" Rukia was my classmate during the academy. She's also our age…"

Kushina murmured in Konan's ear.

"It's perfect then, just what our master asked us for."

Konan replied with the same calm tone.

"Let's go…"

The Kunoichi walked oblivious to the danger lurking around her, dazzled by the wonderful vision of the milky way fully visible in the sky.

She knew that her habit was strange, but she couldn't help it because she had been captivated by the stars since she was little.

Suddenly she felt some sort of paper soaked with chloroform landing on her face. She tried to peel it off, but soon several more pieces of paper landed on top of the first, and the substance started taking effect.

She tried to use her willpower not to lose consciousness, but more pieces of paper began to land on her face and also covered her eyes so that she couldn't see her attacker.

Before losing consciousness, Rukia Abarai could feel how her arms were violently tied to her body by a metal chain. The last thing she perceived before losing consciousness was the sensation of a violent pull toward her back...


Menma looked coldly at his two most faithful servants before him as they bowed their heads and looked at the ground.

In front of the two beautiful Kunoichi was a woman in a Jonin uniform, unconscious and with several sheets of paper stuck to her face so that the effect of the substance would be maintained.

"Well done, slaves…" the boy muttered coldly, causing his slaves' pussies to become soaking wet due to the imposing tone of voice he used.

"Thank you, master…"

They both smiled with reverence in their tones.

"Now, follow me and bring her with you. It's time to finish with my newest slave…"

The prince motioned towards the interior of his base, and the women immediately stood up to carry their unconscious victim carelessly.

They quickly caught up with their owner and entered one of the many rooms in which the old Tsunade was standing rigidly, a sign of total control over her mind without any will. Below her was a spiral with its vortex inward, drawn in blood, surrounded by a circle also painted with the vital liquid, and she was exactly in the center of that line.

In front of the first drawing was a second sketch identical to the first, except that the spiral was in the opposite direction. A detailed chain of stylized fretwork linked both drawings.

"Set the woman down on the free spiral"

Menma said as he looked seriously at his slaves.

"As you command."

The two obeyed instantly, approaching the area and letting Rukia fall without any sort of gentleness.

"Now, move away a bit... I don't want you to be affected."

The two Kunoichi looked curiously at what was happening, and soon Kushina realized that it was a Shikijutsu (Ritual Technique), a taboo art from the Uzumaki clan.

Said art consisted of an advanced version of Fuinjutsu that involved people, who were either a target or material for its performance and had amazing effects...

"Is it a Shikijutsu?"

Kushina asked curiously.

"To be specific, it is the Toshikoukan no Shikijutsu (Age Exchange Ritual Technique)."

Menma explained calmly.

"Toshikoukan no Shikijutsu?"

Konan repeated with curiosity.

"That's right! Our master will use the traces of blood as a supernatural link to exchange Rukia's age with Tsunade's."

Kushina replied with excitement and a wicked look in her eyes.

"Our master is amazing…"

Konan said with amazement in her eyes.

From the knowledge at his disposal, Menma knew that it was a heretical and demonized jutsu. For the Uzumaki, whose longevity was widely recognized, it was an aberration to literally steal years of life from another person.

However, during the gestation of Operation Spiral, many taboos that the Uzumaki had were overcome by despair and, more than anything else, by the desire for justice and revenge against their enemies.

Seeing as he was going to start, the two females moved away as Menma positioned himself right in the center of the two spirals, an equal distance from Rukia and Tsunade.

The kidnapped woman on the right and Tsunade on the left, waiting to begin the ritual...

Soon he was surrounded by a subtle blue Chakra, which began to react with the blood, initiating a visible bluish Chakra resonance.

Then, Menma performed a slow and methodical sequence of hand seals using all twelve and was finally surrounded by that celestial flaming glow. He then placed his hands on the frets.

"Toshikoukan no Jutsu!"

Menma yelled with all his might.

The Chakra in his body soon became one with traces of blood and quickly spread throughout the sketch before the slaves. The fiery Chakra soon surrounded the immobile Tsunade and Rukia...

It was then that the metamorphosis began: little by little, Tsunade's complexion slowly cleared, while the stature of the unconscious Rukia began to decrease slightly.

On the contrary, the wrinkled skin of the female Senju began to become smooth and elastic, just as she had during the use of her technique.

"Look, it's working!"

Kushina was surprised by the rejuvenation Tsunade was experiencing.

"Yes, he is also doing it with Rukia…"

Konan spoke, looking indifferently at the victim of the Jutsu.

Contrary to Tsunade, the black-haired woman was slowly aging. Her skin gradually lost firmness, and even her hair gradually turned gray. The skin that her clothes revealed showed the presence of wrinkles, the number of which was increasing progressively.

The process lasted a long time, about half an hour, and it didn't end until Tsunade recovered all the beauty of that period of her life. Her deadpan gaze was noticeably sexier through her fresh, renewed face.


The two women suddenly ran worriedly towards Menma as he dropped to the ground, trying to catch his breath.

They helped him get back up so that he could see the result of his Jutsu, and he did so, smiling with a tired expression knowing that he was the owner of that voluptuous and immobile female who was waiting for orders to obey.

"Are you okay, master?"

Kushina asked, distressed by the boy's state.

"Yeah... One night's sleep and some stealing of the Kyuubi's Chakra, and I'll be as good as new..." Menma replied weakly, although he sported his signature smirk.

"So… what do we do with Rukia?" Konan asked expectantly.

"Make her disappear. I'm getting tired, and I'm going t to rest."

Menma stated firmly

"As you command…"

Both women said jointly.

"And as for you…"

Menma spoke as he turned to see his newest acquisition.

"Come with me. I want you to sleep with me…

The voluptuous blonde didn't say anything as her eyes flashed crimson, and she began to walk towards her master silently.

Kushina and Konan understood and, complying with their master's wishes, went to the unconscious victim and roughly carried her.

"The important thing is to get rid of this woman as soon as possible."

Menma ordered when he saw his slaves leaving.

"And don't leave any traces…"

"As you command." Kushina nodded.

"We won't be long," Konan spoke.

"Don't worry. I have this bitch if anything happens."

Menma said, grabbing Tsunade's ass as he saw the concern in his slave's eyes.


Both females nodded at the same time.

The two women disappeared in clouds of smoke, leaving Menma and Tsunade alone. Menma immediately locked eyes with Tsunade, transforming his eyes into Sharingan quickly. His eyes soon replicated the Uchiha's Sharingan, and the brainwashing began.

"Let's go to my room to sleep, bitch…"

The Uzumaki Prince said with a cackle.

"Yes, master…" Tsunade answered with a mechanical tone.


Kushina and Konan arrived at an impressive and deep canyon located a couple of kilometers from the village, with the still incapacitated Rukia in their arms and unconscious.

They carefully lowered her so that she wouldn't wake up, and soon Kushina used her Adamantine Chains to totally chain her.

Afterward, Konan used her papers to quickly cover her entire body with a thick layer of paper.

"Do you think that's enough?" Konan asked.

"Yes, besides, the river at the bottom of this canyon will swallow her within a day…"

Kushina answered seriously.

"Very well, then dump her…"

Konan spoke blankly.

Without mercy, they kicked the defenseless woman with perfect coordination, who fell silently to the dark bottom of the canyon.

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