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24.32% Futa Diaries / Chapter 9: Disgraced Elven General (2)

Chapter 9: Disgraced Elven General (2)

With the dagger in my hand, I slunk through the underground tunnels of the prison with surprising ease, only to feel my heart bleed as I witnessed the quality of the guards inside the prisons depths.

I caught two women fucking inside an empty cell, holding one another quietly as they took turns thrusting into the other, the entire area around them reeking of sex.

Many of the other guards chatted boisterously in groups, occupying a single post with up to a dozen guards, which left the other posts completely empty.

If those posts weren't empty, the guards were snoring as they lounged on the benches and chairs given to them for their breaks.

Shaking my head in disgust, I wondered if anyone would even know I was gone until the end of the week, and I didn't know how to feel about it.

The Kingdom itself didn't betray me, the upper echelons did.

Seeing the state of my beloved Kingdom falling so far from its grace made my heart ache something fierce, but at the same time it fueled the anger I harbored for those at the top.

This was all their fault.

When I was still a storied General, this prison was run perfectly, and no one took their jobs lightly.

If you were even three feet off of your post, you were reprimanded.

This prison had a system in place, and that system let the prison have zero escapes in multiple centuries.

Whilst our cities and villages may be peaceful, we were still at war with other countries, and any captured Generals or Soldiers of Interest were chained inside these cold walls, but now...

Most were dead, and I could see a few broken shackles here and there, suggesting some of the prisoners took this opportunity to escape.

Scoffing quietly, I continued to creep through the dark, dingy tunnels, the scent of mildew and unwashed bodies barely registering to me anymore.

My own body was caked in dirt and grime, and my long blonde hair had long since lost its luster.

I bet few would recognize Gwyneth of the Oak in this state...

Tightening my grip on the heavy dagger that guard had slipped me, I continued to prowl through the ever winding tunnels that lead up towards the surface, my exhausted brain running on fumes as I tried to recall the interior schematics of the prison.

Listening to the chatter of the guards and occasional moaning too, I avoided any groups of people before eventually reaching one of the three exits, which was guarded by two yawning young men.

Observing their dull spears and untucked uniforms, I shook my head as they rested against the walls, staring out over the empty street that led out into the city.

Approaching them, I looked between them before shaking my head, pitying the poor fools who believed this an easy job.

Slamming the pommel of the dagger into the first guards temple, I turned to the other and flickered forwards, my aura enhanced physique gifting me speed far beyond this whelps imagination.

Repeating my actions again, I left the two young Elves unconscious behind me as I began to run through the street, finding the intersection I needed and jumping onto the roof.

Our capital city, Lyna Esaria, was built under the great tree Lyna, where Aura Fruits grew in abundance.

Ever since the dawn of our Kingdom, this great tree has been our home, and we lived mainly amongst its roots, building our homes under the extensive - and large - root system it had sprouted, using the excess wood for our constructions.

The prison was dug under one such root, made into a secure facility that was surrounded by Lyna Wood, which was indestructible.

As I moved over these wood houses and giant roots, I rushed as fast as I could towards the border of Lyna Esaria, not wanting to take any chances with the seemingly incompetent guard.

All it would take was one guard being curious or stupidly leaving their post for my absence to be noted, and then the city would be on lockdown.

Thankfully, it seemed that the Kingdom had become a shell of itself, as I leapt over the shadow covered walls and entered the Verdant Forest of Elves.

I needed to leave my home behind, to venture far from the borders of the Forest, but first I needed to clean up and disguise myself.

Tanned Elves weren't rare; as much as the humans love to believe us fair skinned, ethereal creatures of nature, we were like any other race.

We worked in the sun, and those of us that did grew darker.

Some were born darker skinned, and those tended to be the Wood Elves, who comprised the labor class of the Kingdom.

Others were truly 'darker' skinned, sporting grey and charcoal skin tones, and those were the Dusk Elves and Dark Elves, who lived in the deeper parts of the Forest or inside the various mines that we needed to supply our various metals.

Then there were those without the palish pink skin that the average human had, like the yellow skinned High Elves - which were the Royal Family and other important Nobles - or the orange skinned Sun Elves, who were our entertainers and storytellers.

Me, I came from muddled origins.

Mother was a Wood Elf, and my father was a Half Human-Sun Elf hybrid, which gave me a darker complexion.

Though, my eyes were apparently inherited from my paternal grandfather, whom I had never once met.

Which, would be the thing I needed to hide, since I was - as far as I knew - the only Elf with such strikingly violet eyes and tanned skin.

The Dusk and Dark Elves have purple and pink eyes, but Wood Elves have brown or green, while the Sun Elves have orange or red.

Unique wasn't great when you were a fugitive, but luckily I had an idea for that.

But first, bath.

As I ventured deep into the wilderness of the Verdant Forest, I eventually happened upon one of the many springs, where I swiftly cleaned the dirt from my lithe, scarred body.

It was as I was cleaning myself up that I felt a shudder run up my spine as I washed off my legs, and I frowned as I looked down towards my vagina.

Gently brushing a finger over my exposed lower lips, I shuddered slightly as I held in a moan, and I sighed as I tried to ignore the pulsing need that came from my womb.

Washing my clothes as well, I thought on my destination for a bit, trying to locate the best place for me to hide, all while I focused my aura onto my eyes, slowly shifting them from purple to blue.

It was a temporary measure, but one that could save my life, and would make my life much easier going forwards.

However, as I was deep in thought, I had to sigh as I realized how terrible my options were.

Outside the Verdant Forest were three locations that I could go to.

The Human Empire - known as the Empire of Incradro - was a terrible idea, as they heavily believed that the Elves were their main enemy, since we were very similar to each other but we had longer life spans and better attunement to aura.

That was a terrible idea since I'd likely be killed or turned into a sex slave for a Noble if I went there...

Next was the Dwarven Mountains Morckander, and while I would have better luck there since the Dwarves and Elves trade often, we had clashing ideals that often led to fights.

However, compared to the last option, I knew I would fare better there...

The Fenryika Horde occupied the last swathe of land, and I shuddered thinking about living there.

I would rather be some fat, greasy human's personal toilet then live amongst the Horde.

Comprised of mainly Orcs and Goblins, the Fenryika Horde fought against everyone and everything for supremacy, and they weren't honorable about it either.

I had seen Elves strung up and carved open - while still alive - only to watch as the Orcs fractured and broke their ribs open, revealing the various organs that would fall to the ground afterwards.

Then they would begin to torture the poor Elf until they finally were allowed to die - by flames.

They were barbaric and utterly deplorable, and if I could help it, I would never step foot inside those deserts ever again.

My first three campaigns had been against the Horde, and I remember each battle vividly.

Friends and comrades had died by the dozens there, and I don't think I could ever forgive the Orcs for what they did to my kin.


Ketsueki_Hasu Ketsueki_Hasu

Will be a bit darker, but I also want to explore a few things with this, so... shouldn't be too bad though, not when compared to my other works. I think.

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