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57.14% The Walking Dead: Reborn as Leon Kennedy / Chapter 4: 「A Call to Action」

Chapter 4: 「A Call to Action」

Extra chapter cause I got bored~! Please give me stones as a reward though!


The morning sun painted the desolate streets with a faint glimmer of hope, filtering through the cracks in the boarded-up windows. Leon, with his keen eye, observed the emptiness outside, the walkers seemingly cautious of the sunlight, avoiding its rays as if to preserve what remained of their decaying flesh. Rick stood by his side, taking in this newfound knowledge, understanding the walkers' behavior.

Morgan and Duane, still groggy from sleep, joined them. The weight of their encounter lingered in the air as they exchanged greetings. Morgan's somber tone hinted at a profound sorrow, their plans to head to Atlanta tainted by tragic events.

Rick, surprised and concerned, questioned Morgan's decision to part ways. "You're not coming with us?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care and friendship.

Morgan hesitated, his eyes clouded with a mixture of grief and determination. "Duane and I... we still have something we need to do," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of unfinished business. "We heard Atlanta was safe, a refuge protected by the military. That was our plan, but after what happened with my wife..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken pain resonating between them.

Leon interjected, his voice laced with authority. "Atlanta is not safe," he declared firmly, shaking his head dismissively. "The city was overrun, and the government resorted to carpet bombing it, trying to eradicate the threat. But it wasn't enough. The streets are flooded with walkers, making it a death sentence to step foot there."

Morgan's expression shifted, a mixture of despair and resignation. "So nowhere is safe?" he muttered, his hope wavering.

Leon's gaze turned resolute as he spoke, his voice brimming with determination. "No, but that's exactly why we can't give up," he asserted. "We have to make the world a safer place. We have to endure the suffering so that our children can thrive in the future. Humanity is threatened from time to time, but it's people like us, people who refuse to give up, who keep the flame of humanity alive."

Silence enveloped the scene as Rick, Morgan, and even young Duane absorbed Leon's words, the weight of his conviction sinking deep into their hearts. Leon continued, his gaze meeting each of theirs with unwavering determination.

"When I said we were looking for someone like you, Morgan, I meant it," Leon proclaimed. "We need you and your son. If we're going to fix this broken world, if we're going to stand against the tide of darkness, we need people who have the strength to fight for what's right. Atlanta may be lost, but right here, right now, we have a chance to make a difference."

Rick, inspired by Leon's unwavering resolve, added his voice to the call. "Morgan, you're not alone in this," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "We've lost so much, but we still have each other. We have the opportunity to build a community, to fight for a better future. Together, we can make a stand against the horrors that surround us."

Morgan's eyes shimmered with a mix of gratitude and newfound determination. He looked at Duane, his young son, whose innocence had been robbed by the world they lived in. A spark of hope ignited within Morgan's heart as he made his decision.

"I'm with you," he said, his voice filled with newfound resolve. "We'll fight and build something better. For our children, for the future."

The scene echoed with a sense of purpose and unity as the group embraced their shared mission. They knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, filled with unimaginable hardships, but they also understood the importance of banding together, of facing the darkness as a united front.

"But wait, that thing I needed to do..." Morgan hesitated before taking another look at his son, who returned his stare with tears welting in the corner of his eyes before nodding himself. Seeing that Morgan looked back at Leon resolutely. "Give me a minute, and that rifle too," Morgan said, pointing to the rifle slung over Rick's back that he had taken from the Sherriff's office. Half-hesitantly Rick unslings the rifle with a scope that he had on his shoulder, giving it to Morgan along with a couple of rifle rounds. "Please, watch my son for me for a moment..."

Rick understood the gravity of the situation and respected Morgan's need for a private moment. With a heavy heart, he watched as Morgan ascended the stairs, his steps filled with both determination and sorrow. Duane, sensing the weight of the moment, sat down on his sleeping bag, seeking solace in the silence.

Leon's gesture of restraint reminded Rick of the importance of allowing grief to run its course. He stood beside Leon, offering a silent presence of support for both Morgan and Duane.

Time seemed to stretch as Rick and Leon waited, their minds preoccupied with the uncertainties of the world outside and the personal struggles within. The minutes felt like hours, each passing moment laden with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Finally, the faint sound of a gunshot pierced the silence, sending a shiver down Rick's spine. He instinctively reached for his weapon, his grip tightening around the handle of his Colt Python. But Leon's firm grip on his arm reminded him to wait, to trust in the process unfolding upstairs.

After what felt like an eternity, Morgan descended the stairs, his countenance burdened but resolute. Rick could see the weight of the world etched into every line of his face. Morgan approached them, his hands stained with dirt and sweat, and he handed the rifle back to Rick, now devoid of ammunition.

With a deep breath, Morgan spoke, his voice laced with both sorrow and newfound determination. "It's done," he said, his words carrying the weight of his actions. "I couldn't leave her out there, suffering."

Rick, though haunted by the knowledge of what Morgan had done, understood the necessity of the act. In this world, mercy often came in the form of a bullet.

Leon, ever the pragmatic realist, nodded solemnly. "You did what had to be done," he said, his voice steady and unwavering. "In this new world, we have to make the tough choices, the choices that preserve what's left of our humanity."

Morgan's gaze shifted towards Duane, who looked up at his father with a mixture of relief and sorrow. The two shared a moment, their eyes speaking volumes, conveying a deep understanding between father and son.

Rick approached Duane, his voice gentle yet filled with empathy. "We're here for you, Duane. You're not alone," he assured the young boy, offering a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

As the group prepared to leave the desolate house behind, they carried within them the weight of their losses and the resolve to fight for a better future. They knew that grief would continue to shadow their journey, but they were united by a shared purpose and the belief that together, they could overcome the darkest of times.

With renewed determination, they stepped out into the unforgiving world once more, their footsteps echoing with the resilience of those who refused to be consumed by despair. The road ahead was still fraught with danger, but they faced it with unwavering resolve, ready to fight for their survival and the hope of a brighter tomorrow.


As the car continued its journey, the conversation flowed easily between the occupants. Rick was eager to learn more about the camp, his curiosity piqued by the thought of a larger community surviving against the odds.

"So, Leon, how did you all come together at the camp?" Rick asked, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.

Leon adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, glancing briefly at Rick in the corner of his eyes. "It's been a mix of chance encounters and shared goals," he replied. "Some of us were already familiar with each other, having banded together in the early days of the outbreak. Others joined us along the way, seeking safety and strength in numbers."

Morgan leaned forward, his voice tinged with both curiosity and caution. "Are you all survivors like us, or do you have any... military personnel?"

Leon chuckled, a faint trace of bitterness coloring his laughter. "No, we're not a bunch of soldiers. Just regular folks doing our best to adapt and survive. But we do have some former law enforcement officers, like me and Shane, who help maintain order and keep everyone safe."

Duane, sitting quietly beside his father, piped up with youthful enthusiasm. "Do you have enough food and supplies for everyone?"

Leon nodded, his expression earnest. "We do our best. It's a constant struggle, but we've managed to establish a system for gathering resources and rationing them out. Hunting, foraging, and occasional supply runs help us stay afloat. But we could always use more hands to help secure and replenish our provisions."

Morgan looked thoughtful, his gaze fixed on the passing landscape. "What about the future? Do you have any plans beyond survival?"

Leon's eyes glimmered with a glimmer of hope. "Absolutely," he said firmly. "Our goal is to build a sustainable community, a place where we can not only survive but thrive. We want to create a safe haven where future generations can grow and rebuild. That's why we're not just focused on day-to-day survival but also on building skills, training people to defend themselves, and finding ways to make life a little better, even in the midst of all this chaos."

Rick, who had been quietly listening, chimed in. "And that's where you and your son come in, Morgan. We need people like you with a strong will to persevere and a determination to protect their loved ones."

Morgan's eyes met Rick's, gratitude shining through the weariness in his gaze. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep Duane safe," he said firmly, his voice filled with resolve.

The car pressed on, the conversation fading into a comfortable silence, filled with anticipation and a renewed sense of purpose. Each occupant carried their own hopes and fears, bound together by the common thread of survival and the belief that together, they could shape a better future in this fractured world.

As the miles passed, the camp drew nearer, and it wasn't long before the party of four found themselves in front of a complex amassed of wooden logs.

Leon honked the horn of the car lightly before yelling from his open window. "It's me, Leon! I'm back and I got the stuff we talked about. Also, I got a big surprise for Carl and Lori, oh yeah, hurry and get Shane too!"

It wasn't long before the two grunts were heard from the other side of the log gate, and the gate was slowly lifted via a pulley system to reveal what was inside.

Pulling into the compound, Rick, Morgan, and Duane stepped out of the car after it came to a complete stop, taking in the sight of the camp's fortifications. The atmosphere was bustling with activity as people moved about their daily tasks, their faces showing a mix of weariness and determination. It was a community forged in the crucible of survival, and every inch of the camp bore witness to their resilience.

Rick's eyes followed the lookouts perched atop the RV, scanning the surrounding area with a watchful gaze. "Impressive," he remarked, a sense of admiration in his voice. "You've really managed to create a safe haven here."

Leon nodded, a sense of pride evident in his expression. "We had to work together, pooling our skills and resources to build this place. It took time and effort, but it was worth it. Our walls and defenses keep the walkers at bay, giving us a chance to focus on more than just surviving day by day."

Morgan observed the people bustling around, tending to chores, and engaging in conversations. "Seems like everyone has their role," he noted. "How do you manage to maintain order and organize everyone?"

Leon gestured towards a makeshift bulletin board nearby, covered with notes, schedules, and lists. "We have a council that helps make important decisions and ensure things run smoothly," he explained. "But ultimately, it's a collective effort. We all have a say, and everyone is encouraged to contribute in their own way. We assign tasks, rotate responsibilities, and work together to solve problems that arise."

As they made their way deeper into the camp, Morgan noticed a communal area where people gathered, sharing meals and engaging in conversation. "Community is important," he remarked, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. "It's been a while since I've been part of something like this."

Leon nodded, understanding the sentiment. "We're more than just survivors here. We're a family, bound by our shared experiences and the goal of rebuilding. We look out for one another, support each other, and find strength in unity. It's what keeps us going in the face of adversity."

Rick's gaze shifted to the children playing together nearby, their laughter breaking through the somber atmosphere of the world beyond the camp. "And the kids? How do you protect them?"

A warm smile spread across Leon's face. "The kids are our hope for the future," he said softly. "We do our best to create a safe environment for them, teaching them survival skills, but also making sure they have a sense of normalcy. We've set up schooling, activities, and ensure they have a support system. It's vital to give them a chance at a better life."

Morgan's eyes scanned the camp, taking in the sense of resilience and camaraderie that permeated the air. "I'm glad we found you, Leon," he said sincerely. "We've been through so much, and it feels good to finally have a place where we belong."

Leon clapped a hand on Morgan's shoulder, a shared understanding passing between them. "You and your family are part of this now. We'll face the challenges together and build a brighter future. Welcome home."

With those words, the weight of their journey began to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of belonging. They had found a sanctuary amidst the chaos, a place where survival meant more than just staying alive—it meant rebuilding, thriving, and finding hope in the darkness.

_Hachiroku_ _Hachiroku_

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