"You can give up right now. You are aware that is a choice, right. If you are wise enough, you will know that number two is a good enough number for you, you will still be able to get into the Class-B." Peyton walked up to him, trying to convince George to be happy where he was.
George stood up, his injuries all healed, smiling and walking towards Jame, "So, how much have I won!"
Jame took out a bigger pouch, he smiled, and it looked like the smile wasn't going anywhere from how much money he had earned from the bet. "You got about 680 silver coins, but since it will be too much for you to carry, this is 7 big silver coins."
"And these big silver coins are equivalent to?" George asked as he took the coins.
"700 silver coins, and don't worry about the extra 20, I earned more than that from this. So will that be your last bet?"
Give me a gift lol