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10.37% Fourth Calamity of the Beasts Pirates / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Incredible!

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Incredible!

The Navy executives were very interested in the new disaster caused by the Beast Pirates, which could develop such things.

Sengoku's eyes were serious as he said in a deep voice, "The matter of the Beast Pirates cannot be left to the spy agency CP. Our Marines must also intervene in the investigation of the Beast Pirates."

"You must know where the fourth disaster of the Beast Pirates is located."

However, this is also a follow-up plan. The most important thing at the moment is to clear the mess in front of you and try the four beans in your hand.

Not everyone has personally experienced the magical effect of these beans, and they are a little anxious to try them.

Currently, Sengoku, Garp, and the three Admirals have basically not been seriously injured. Garp and Sengoku have only been exhausted.

The best target now is the type of person who is on the brink of death. This can also prove if Kaido's previous statement is completely correct. After all, although Kaido was seriously injured at this time, he was not in an agonizing state.

At this moment, there were many wounded at the scene. Sengoku looked around and saw a doctor rescuing a Rear Admiral. He saw that the Rear Admiral's expression was almost exhausted, the lower part of his body was missing, and blood was flowing.

Seeing this, Sengoku looked at the bean in his hand and then approached.When the doctor heard footsteps approaching, he couldn't help but turn his head to look and saw the Marshal, Garp, and three high-ranking Marine Admirals.

After seeing Sengoku, the doctor showed an expression of helplessness and solemnly said, "Marshal, he, he will not be saved."

"It's okay, leave it to me," said Sengoku.

The doctor was very surprised, turned his head and looked at the Marshal confused, not understanding what he meant.

He saw Sengoku holding a green bean in his hand, and under the extremely strange gaze of the doctor, he put the bean into the mouth of the Rear Admiral, who had no lower body.

The doctor also wanted to dissuade Sengoku, after all, the Rear Admiral could not eat anything in his current state. However, before making any move, he saw the bean instantly turn into a green light after entering his mouth.

Immediately after, a burst of green light enveloped his entire body, and then something that surprised the doctor and Aokiji happened. The flesh and blood of the lower part of this Rear Admiral's body began to twist, growing at a visible speed.

Immediately after, the complete lower body was fully restored, and the pale face of this Rear Admiral, who had been slow to the extreme, was instantly lit up and his eyes were full of vitality.

The Rear Admiral sat up and looked at his revived body with confusion. He felt that his current statewas very good, even if his physical condition was not as good before, it was like he had a new life.

He looked at the lower part of his body, then his face turned red and he quickly covered his important parts.

However, the people around now didn't care about his state of nudity, they were shocked by the extent of his recovery.

The medical soldier couldn't help but rub his eyes frantically, unable to believe what he was seeing: "It's a medical miracle!"

This was the first time Aokiji had seen such a situation, and his face was full of astonishment and shock: "This is too scary!"

Although Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and Kizaru had witnessed Kaido's healing, the fact that they could fully recover from such a serious injury caused a storm in their hearts and they could not calm down for a long time.

At this moment, they have realized the true effect of this green bean.

With just this thing, it is enough to lead the direction of a war.

"We must do whatever it takes to uncover who the fourth disaster is!" Sengoku made a decision.

Enough to change the current pattern of the entire world...


Suddenly, a painful voice sounded, with choking and trembling: "Sengoku..."

This voice made all the Marine executives turn around, only to see an elderly man dressed in normal clothes embracing a severely injured elderly woman.

After seeing the elderly man, Sengoku's eyes violently shrank, "Uncle..."

The elderly man was Sengoku's uncle, and the elderly woman he was holding was Sengoku's aunt. Obviously, during Kaido's attack, she was severely injured.

"Sengoku, save your aunt!" Sengoku's uncle burst into tears.

Upon seeing this, the doctor hurried forward, but after seeing the huge hole in the woman's heart, his movements came to a stop.

The loss and sadness on his face: "There is no cure..."

Sengoku took a step forward to take his aunt from the elderly man. The moment he took her, he felt the lost warmth of his aunt, and couldn't help but show sadness.

This shows that she is dead and has already lost her vitality.

Sengoku placed his aunt on the ground and immediately draped the "Justice" coat over the corpse.

The elderly man looked helpless and cried like a child.

Garp clenched his fists behind him, gritted his teeth, and his face was full of anger: "That damn Kaido..."

The reason for all of this is Kaido's fault.

His aunt and uncle chose a bad day to visit Sengoku.

Sengoku was speechless and stood up to appease his old uncle. As Marshal of the Marine, he is the pillar of the Marine. All his grief could only be hidden in his heart, and he couldn't show any weakness.

The atmosphere was depressing and full of sadness.

Akainu looked at the "Justice" coat and his thoughts were churning. He thought about the renaissance of the Rear Admiral's lower body at this moment.

If it is said that a complete flesh and bone body can be restored, wouldn't it be possible to save the dead?

As long as the body's functions are complete, the body can function, then will people still die?

With Akainu's bold idea, he couldn't contain it anymore. He opened his mouth and said to the people around him, "Sengoku-san, I think the elderly woman can be saved."






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