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Chapter 12: Attacked

My plan worked. to think my son would take on such a dark-out look on life, this was what he wanted. I knew Naruto would never come to hate humans, so I had to give his brightness dark, making Naruto take on a dark sense of justice. it worked, Now Naruto was thinking of being the villain that would force the world to become. He would see his actions as good, after all in his point of view he would become the hero this world needed but never wanted... this in a way makes me a good guy, after all of this I had my son become a hero for these low life. truly I'm a saint.

"I can't say you're wrong... I would need to think about this. after the chunin exam, I will tell you. What you said is deep." I said softly, to which Naruto looked at me in shock for a moment, In his eyes I was some all-knowing being but for the first time, I was left speechless. He nodded at my words while leaving to think for some time about what just happened

'Can I become the villain that would unite this world? am I strong enough? no, Father told me I had the 9 tails inside me. the strongest tail beast in the world, if I can use its might... I can play the act of a great evil villain, forcing this world to unite for the sake of their survival. if I can force them all to pick a leader, build one village, and become one for the sake of taking me down... after I'm gone, would there truly be peace? No... I will wait for father's words after the chunin exam.' Naruto thought while looking at his palm, and taking a deep breath, Of course saw me as his father, even though I told him Minato was his father

time passed and the day for the 3rd part of the exam began, the tournament. I went to watch and cheer for my son, above everything else, I was a dad. but amongst those taking part in the tournament was another person like my son, jinchūriki of the 1 tails.

I smirked slightly while looking at Gaara, the jinchūriki of Shukaku. Shukaku was dark, compared him to me and I seemed nicer. why? Gaara was unable to sleep because of Shukaku, he would take over Gaara's body the moment he fell asleep. Shukaku would also speak in Gaara's head, this leads to Gaara being a person who thirsts for blood and to kill. from the moment he was born to now, Gaara's childhood was far darker than Naruto

Gaara's father made him a tool and nearly killed him when he thought that Gaara was a failure. Unlike Naruto, Gaara didn't know the concept of love and pain. he had no concept of such things, he was born in the darkness and only walked in the darkness.

I of course could care less, since when would I give a damn about a human? Plus, Shukaku liked Gaara. He made Gaara into someone who would do anything if he asked, if he were to ask Gaara to kill, Gaara would follow without a second thought. Sora told them to find their perfect host, so did just that with me helping them to do so.

I didn't care much for the tournament, Sasuke and Naruto were considered the strongest genin here. One's growth is far higher when you have a rival to push you, Sasuke and Naruto had just this growing up. neither wanted to lose to the others, so they always trained. I was too lazy to train Naruto most of the time, only doing so when Naruto used his puppy eyes, which I was too soft to ignore. I will repeat, I'm not evil, I just don't like humans

As the tournament went on, my attention was soon drawn towards the 3rd hokage and the Kazekage of the village hidden in the sand. why? because the Kazekage was dead, and taking his place was Orochimaru. there seems to be a show on the way, and for some reason, I felt like I had seen this before.

So, this made me realize that this happened in the anime, which only left me speechless. did my actions not change the cannon? Or was the anime I was watching all because of my actions? but I shook such thoughts off, Naruto in the anime was a bright kid with the goal of becoming the hokage so everyone could respect him. currently, Naruto is an Emo kid with the goal of living in the shadows to change the world.

plus, in the anime, I remember Sasuke would leave the village seeking power. but the current Sasuke was well... he didn't seem like he had the goal of doing that. Sasuke was an emo kid, but he should be stronger than in the anime. he still dreams of killing his elder brother, but he isn't as dark as... Naruto.

Sasuke lost many times to Naruto, and Naruto lost many times to Sasuke. It was a back-and-forth between the two. they were rivals, and this river was what going to goal Sasuke to the village. Unlike Naruto whose mind was aimed towards peace...

Gaara vs. Naruto was an interesting battle that happened in the second part of the tournament. I should also note that Naruto was trained by Jirayal before the tournament began, and Sasuke was trained by Kakashi... I didn't care to check if Sakura was trained by anyone, and it seemed like she was ignored.

Anyway, Naruto was stronger compared to when they were taking the second part of the exam, so he fought Gaara, and it was a fight that caused the crowd to be shocked. Gaara had what he called a perfect defense called Sand Shield. any attack is blocked by his sand, whether he wants it to or not. the sand acts on its own to shield him, So Naruto had to move faster than the sad, which he did.

Naruto flashed all over the place, giving a few people the illusion that they were looking at Minato once more. Naruto landed blows and blows on Gaara, before disappearing before his sand could reach him, but Gaara had another layer of defense called Sand armor, which he had to break through.

As the name implies, Gaara covers his body in a layer of sand, wearing it like armor. Although it defends him from attacks that bypass his Shield of Sand, maintaining it consumes a great deal of chakra. Furthermore, it does not activate automatically like the Snad Shield,

Gaara for the first time in his life felt... pain, something which drove him mad, leading to the 1 tail to begin taking over his body. this shocked Naruto, but what was even more shocking was that shinobi from the village in the sand suddenly began attacking, with the hokage being taken hostage by Orochimaru.

I clicked my tongue slightly, the more I saw the more I realized that my actions did nothing to the plot. none of this shit makes sense, how could my actions not have any major butterfly effect? How could these people be born with the number of people he had killed? either they were fated to be born, or something else. but he didn't like it, it made him feel as if his actions were limited or something

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