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Chapter 3: Mortal Misadventure

The horror etched on the young man's face mirrored that of Tian Wei's, as he felt the soft, warm, boneless texture of human flesh in his hand. His jaw dropped in shock.

Instead of encountering cold, unyielding metal, his hand had unexpectedly come into contact with flesh at the most unlikely part- the man's manhood. And where he had anticipated the sight of a sword, he instead beheld the figure of an impeccably handsome skinny young man.

Unable to retrieve his hand in time, he sensed the rush of wind, crackling electricity in the air, a peculiar aura enveloping him, and then a fist forcefully struck his chest.

He heard the sound of something crack and dizzying sharp pain swept his entire being. The entire sequence of events happened in a blur, leaving him defenseless and overwhelmed by the sudden assault.

As he was sent hurtling through the air, the young man quickly shoved a recovery pill into his mouth. Despite the attack's debilitating effect on his eyes and the searing pain he felt, he could see the naked man preparing for a second assault.

It was evident that this man was determined to kill him, but where this man had conjured himself out from, remained a mystery. Unless he took action, his chances of survival seemed bleak.

"Mister, please understand that this is a misunderstanding," he pleaded, realizing that his only hope for safety lay in the mercy of this formidable opponent. He knew he was no match for him, lacking both the strength and speed necessary to defend himself.

"Tell that to my fist," the relentless man retorted.

Summoning every ounce of strength he could muster, the young man focused his willpower. Despite his already injured state, he entered the Gathering Energy phase, striving to harness whatever power he could.

With a tremendous effort, he managed to conjure a dome-like shield of energy in front of him. However, he was acutely aware that his strength paled miserably in comparison to his opponent's.

The naked man's hand shattered the shield, unleashing a blinding burst of light and electricity upon impact. The once formidable dome disintegrated like fragile glass without any resistance.

The force of the man's fist collided with the young man's crossed arms, breaking bone and igniting a searing pain that rippled through his entire arm. The remaining impact crashed into his chest, causing him to cough up blood.

In the span of what seemed like two merciless strikes, the young man found himself reduced to a wretched state, teetering on the precipice of life. Gasping for air with failing lungs, he mustered his remaining strength to utter a plea, his eyes shimmering with a fountain of tears.

"P... please," he managed to choke out, his voice barely audible.

"Die," the man coldly insisted, his determination evident as he prepared for yet another attack.

As a young master, he had never imagined that his life would end in such a manner. It was undeniably a stroke of terrible luck, but he had never anticipated that death would arrive so swiftly, robbing him of any chance to learn the name of his assailant.

At this juncture, resistance seemed futile. He resigned himself to his fate, embracing the inevitable.

If he were to die, he would do so while gazing upon the beauty of the man standing before him. In this final moment, a sense of tranquility washed over him, and he found solace in the acceptance of his fate.

This man possessed an unmistakable, godly physique. His hair and eyes were an intense shade of jet black, perfectly complementing his stature. Standing at a similar height to the young man, his slim but well-defined muscles exuded strength, and his flawless skin added to his remarkable appearance.

He bore no visible battle scars or signs of rigorous training and therefore no tangible evidence to explain the source of his immense strength. His prowess seemed to be innate. He was possibly a genius in his own right.

Tian Wei, observing the expression on the young man's face, noticed fear dissipating from his eyes. In this brief moment of respite, he felt compelled to offer him the courtesy of knowing the identity of the one who had taken his life.

"This Immortal is called Tian Wei," he declared, his fist closing in for the final blow.

To Tian Wei's surprise, the young man broke into a smile. It was an unusual reaction, as most would not greet death with such an expression. Yet, this young man seemed to possess a strange demeanor. There were likely many reasons behind his smile, and perhaps the most immediate one was meeting his end at the hands of an immortal.

There was not shame to die in the hands of stronger people.

As darkness enveloped everything, the young man's smile lingered, his consciousness slipped away.

It was uncertain whether his absence would be noticed in his small village. In terms of talent, he was unremarkable. Passion was not a driving force within him, and discipline was a trait he sorely lacked. Would anyone even discover his lifeless body?

He had taken the clothes of a servant to sneak out and indulge in some forbidden enjoyment. His clan was affluent enough to potentially launch a search, but considering the distance he had traveled, it seemed unlikely as they did not have that much resources.

Compared to bigger clans, they languished in poverty. Moreover, the Xuan Yi clan faced numerous other pressing issues.

Driven by his desire for wealth, he had succumbed to impulsive tendencies, leading him to want to obtain a mysterious sword that ultimately turned out to be connected to this terrifying creature. He didn't know that this creature and the sword weren't different.

However, it mattered little now. The identity of his assailant would remain forever concealed. Even if his body were to be discovered and recovered, justice would elude those who sought it. No witnesses existed to testify, except perhaps the indifferent heavens above, indifferent to his plight and the injustice he had suffered.

skylit3r skylit3r

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