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Chapter 2: Eating A Magic Crystal

"W-what a-are you..." Xianth muttered with a shaky voice. Not only was this bird's appearance unbelievable, but even its size was absurd.

It easily towered over Xianth and it was way taller than him even if he grow ten times taller than he is now.

The Phoenix raised its brows as if it was offended. "I am the great Golden Lightning Phoenix. My terror spreads on the entire continent. How dare a weak human like you to not recognize this great being?"

Despite the fact that the unscientific creature answered his question Xianth still felt like he understood nothing. The last thing he remembered, he was in his first college class how come that when he opened his eyes he suddenly met face to face with a mythical creature?

As much as things don't make any sense, Xianth showed composure that is better compared to most people. His eyes start to scan his surroundings and just like what he expected he is not in his classroom anymore.

Based on his opinion, Xianth is inside a cave since this place was an enclosed space with walls made up of rocks. However, whether it be the ground, the walls, and the ceiling, glowing blue crystals were present.

Just like a Phoenix, Xianth has never seen such crystals before. He's not even sure if such a thing exists on Earth.

"I cannot see any exit and there's also no possible water and food sources that I could see. How am I supposed to survive here?"

Xianth ignored his terrible headache while starting to think about how he could survive in this place. If there was an exit he could go outside and search for survival necessities but the cave walls don't have any holes that he could use to go outside.

"Oii human, are you actually ignoring me? Do you want to die?!"

A thunderous voice rang inside the cave and Xianth was forced to cover his ears. He felt like even that voice alone has the power to kill him and he returned his gaze toward the Phoenix.

Xianth observed the Phoenix and despite the fact that it looks annoyed and offended it doesn't seem to have the intention to kill him.

"Hmm?" Xianth notices something and he narrowed his eyes. "You... are you unable to move?" He asked.

Aside from its mouth, facial expression, and the 'natural waves' of the Phoenix's 'skin', it was not moving even an inch at all.

"Huh? How long have I been sealed here that a mere human is mocking me? You know full well that the Saintess of Chains sealed me here! No matter how weak and useless you are, you should still be able to sense the Holy Energy on my chains!"

The Phoenix was furious but it was unable to do anything with its current state. If it was not sealed then a mere human like the one in front of it would die just from its mere presence alone.

"Holy Energy? Chains?" Xianth repeated and his instincts were telling him to close his eyes.

Deciding to obey his instincts, Xianth closes his eyes and spreads his senses which was an entirely new experience for him.

As he did so, he did sense the invisible chains trapping the Phoenix. This was a very curious experience for Xianth. It felt like he could see the chains but at the same time, he cannot. Humans have five senses but it feels like he gained another one that enables him to sense the so-called 'Holy Energy' and even the other free energy in the surroundings.

"Have I transmigrated?"

That was the thought inside Xianth's mind and a sense of excitement bubbled inside him.

The experience of sensing the Holy Energy is something new to him and is something not possible in his previous world. He could only guess that he actually transmigrated and this excites him.

On his first day, he met a Phoenix and gained supernatural senses. Is his boring life finally changing into an exciting one?

After he succeeded in sensing the chains created using some sort of energy that gives off a pure impression, Xianth opened his eyes with an excited expression on his face.

"Hey, hey, can you tell me about this world?" Xianth asked hoping to know more.


"So you're telling me that you are from a completely different world?" The Golden Lightning Phoenix said to the human sitting in front of it that nodded his head.

"That's what I think since a mythical creature like you are don't exist in my world" Xianth answered truthfully as he guessed that the Phoenix cannot do anything to him and if it does how could he resist a mythical creature?

The Phoenix does not want to answer any of his questions if he cannot provide anything that the Phoenix would like. Since Xianth doesn't have much to offer he could only attempt to use stories from his world.

"Do you believe me?" Xianth asked. He guessed that this is a fantasy world but crossing worlds might still be a far-fetched concept to its citizens.

"It's not impossible for creatures from other worlds to enter the Osmeon Continent but for your kind to not have any supernatural power, that sounds impossible. Everyone contains Divinity and received a [Gift] from the heavens, how could your people not have them? I thought you were weak but if you don't have a Divinity and a [Gift] then you'll be the weakest of all"

Two words cause Xianth's ears to perk up. Divinity? Gift? In this world, what do those things signify?

"Can you explain what Divinity and Gift is?" Xianth asked with eager eyes and the Phoenix raised its brows.

"Hmph, since your origins piqued the interest of this Great Phoenix, I will answer your question!" The Phoenix boasts and the side of Xianth's face twitches. This creature is really conceited

"Divinity and Gifts are something that everyone has and they are connected with each other. Gifts referred to the power and abilities that a lifeform awakened whether that be the ability to control fire, water, or even something as special as space and time. Divinity on the other hand is the lifeform's level. The higher and stronger the Divinity is, the higher the state of one's being. As for me, considering that I am a noble Golden Lightning Phoenix, I have both top-notch Divinity and Gift. Someone as puny and small as you are couldn't possibly reach even just the tip of my nails"

Xianth ignored the narcissistic remarks and he sank into a deep thought. Apparently, everyone has Divinity and Gifts and they are able to create supernatural phenomena with them.

Considering that Xianth is from earth and no one there has a superpower, does he also have a Divinity and Gift? If not then is he to live his life as the most powerless of all?

Xianth is already in a world that he previously thought are mere fantasy. He wants to see more of this world but that should only be possible if he has the power to survive against beings like this Phoenix.

Once more, Xianth closes his eyes trying to sense if he has anything special and his instincts were almost screaming at him.

He cannot describe nor explain it but Xianth can feel it. He has Divinity and a Gift, that is what his instincts were telling him.

He willed it and sure enough, he was able to activate his [Gift]. His body released some sort of bluish energy and it thinly covered his entire body from head to toe

"Huh? Human, you told me that people from your world don't have Divinity and Gifts. How dare you lie to me?"

As usual, the Phoenix with a short temper was furious again but seeing that it cannot do anything, Xianth was not afraid.

"I didn't lie, this is also the first time that I did this!" He said with a smile. He can sense that his physical abilities were greatly enhanced and he was brimming with energy.

Wanting to test it, Xianth lowered his legs as he leaped into the air. From that simple leap alone, he jumped for more than ten meters.

Even five meters alone is more than enough to be considered a superhuman feat in his previous world much less ten meters.

"Hahaha! This is great!" Xianth laughed brightly as he braced himself for the impact. If humans jump on a ten meters platform it is dangerous for them but Xianth was different. He easily landed on the ground without any problem.

He wants to continue testing his new power and he started running around as fast as he could. He knew that with his speed he could make even the most talented athletes blush in shame.

"Oi human stop playing around and tell me more stories from your world" the Phoenix demanded but the marvel of having a superpower wouldn't easily die off just like that.

"Later!" Xianth shouted angering the Phoenix but he doesn't care. He tested his physical capabilities by running, jumping, and also kicking, and punching the air.

"Hmm, my physical abilities are surely great. I can even feel that I can crush a small rock with a punch but is that the limit of my abilities?"

His instincts once again guided him and Xianth closes his eyes. He controlled the thin layer of energy that covered his body and they concentrated on his right palm.

When he opened his eyes, a small beam of blue energy flew out from his palm and landed on the wall. However, not even a small scratch was left on that wall.

"Energy beams!" Xianth's glowing eyes widened and he continue shooting energy beams from his palm like a madman.

"Oii, are you still not done? Stop that, I want more stories!"

"Be patient!"

"Tsk! Insolent human!"

Xianth shot one energy beam after another and after some time his body suddenly felt heavy as if he was drained of energy and his knees gave out.

Sweat covered his body and a huge sense of powerlessness engulfs him

"Oi human, that's what I told you to stop and just give me my stories! With my current state, I cannot help you. If you die, that is on you!" The Phoenix said but Xianth don't have the mental capacity to listen to its words.

"Hungry... I'm hungry... I'm terribly hungry!"

A sense of hunger that Xianth had never experienced before engulfed his mind. His stomach was hurting very badly from that hunger but no matter how hungry he is, how could he eat? There is nothing in this cave to eat.

His vision blurred as the sense of hunger increased until he felt like he would lose his rationality. Even the words of the Phoenix can't be registered by his mind.

"Food... I need food! I need to eat!"

The desire to eat swallowed Xianth and his eyes darted to a glowing blue crystal near him and he can sense the mystical energy that it stored.

Suddenly, as if he just saw the world's tastiest food, Xianth jumped on that crystal, wanting to eat it.

"Oi, oi, no matter how hungry you are how could you possibly eat these magic crystals? You could die if you eat them and even if you want, these magic crystals are not something that a normal human can bit—" Before the Phoenix could even finish the word 'bite' it stops.

It was a fact that no normal human could use their bare teeth to crush and bite a magic crystal but Xianth proved him wrong.

Based on Xianth's earlier display, the Phoenix estimated the former's power and even ten of him could not possibly crush a magic crystal using raw teeth but that is exactly what was happening.

Xianth bit the magic crystal and it broke off like a carrot. The bits and pieces of the crystal were swallowed by him as if it was tofu and Phoenix can sense that Xianth's mana was regenerating at a rather incredible speed for a puny human at his level.

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