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80% Eternal Life in Twilight / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First day in the new school

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First day in the new school

Today is the first day of school so I offered Bella to ride in my car but she refused as she never held much money in her value's. Plus I'm rich and she knows if she needs I'll just give her but she's never asked for anything from me yet so I just nod and ride my car to school. Bella follows me in her red truck.

Reaching school, most of the students were looking at my car as I parked it and then Bella came and got out of her truck so I just got out of my car and followed her next to her.

As we made our way to school, the morning air carried a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The halls were abuzz with chatter and the occasional glimpse of curious glances directed at Bella and me. Eric, the self-proclaimed "eyes and ears" of the school, approached us with an eager smile, instantly recognizing Bella as the new girl and introducing himself to both of us.

He seemed excited to capture a picture of me, fascinated by the uniqueness of my violet eyes. Politely declining his request, Bella and I continued on our way, navigating the bustling corridors.

As classes commenced, I found myself immersed in the rhythm of learning, eager to absorb new knowledge. Surprisingly, I managed to navigate the school day without any encounters with the enigmatic Cullen family. The ordinary routine of attending classes, interacting with classmates, and engaging in discussions unfolded in a somewhat predictable manner.

People approached me out of genuine curiosity, struck up conversations, and shared tidbits of their lives. I made a conscious effort to reciprocate their friendliness, ensuring I didn't come across as distant or arrogant.

<Lunch Break>

During the lunch break, Bella opted for a solitary spot, her desire for solitude evident. However, I couldn't resist the urge to join her, finding solace in her company. I approached her table with my lunch tray, noticing a boy's ill-advised attempt to steal a secret kiss on Bella's cheek.

Sensing her discomfort, I decided to intervene subtly, utilizing my telekinesis to make him trip and inadvertently switch chairs with the girl sitting next to Bella.

The commotion that followed as the boy chased after his chair-swapping accomplice provided a momentary distraction, allowing me to introduce myself to the group gathered at the table.

With a warm smile, I extended a hand towards them. "Hi, I'm Maximus Swan, but you can call me Max," I introduced myself, hoping to break the ice and foster a sense of camaraderie.

The girls and boys at the table reciprocated my introduction, sharing their names and engaging in light-hearted banter. As the conversation flowed, Bella's gaze momentarily shifted towards the window, catching sight of the enigmatic Cullen family. Intrigued, she couldn't help but voice her curiosity.

"Who are they?" Bella inquired, her eyes flickering with genuine interest.

"They're the Cullens," Angela, one of the girls at the table, responded, her voice tinged with a hint of mystery.

Jessica, always eager to share the latest gossip, chimed in with additional details. "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster children. They moved here from Alaska a few years ago."

"They're quite private," Angela added, her voice lowering to a hushed tone as if sharing a well-kept secret.

"Yeah, like, they're together-together," Jessica giggled mischievously, hinting at a deeper connection among the Cullen siblings. "That girl with the black hair, Samantha, and the one next to her, Emmett, they're, you know, together. It's hard to believe it's even legal," she added, unaware of the heightened senses that could pick up her conversation.

Angela, quick to clarify, chimed in, "Well, it's not illegal since they're not biologically related."

Jessica continued to provide tidbits of information, gesturing towards a couple within the Cullen group. "See that dark-haired girl over there? Alice. She's a bit peculiar. And she's with Jasper, the blond one who always seems to be in pain."

Her attention then shifted towards a blond girl who seemed to exude an aura of aloofness. "And that one walking with the Cullens, that blond girl is Rosalie. She's known as the ice queen," Jessica whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and intrigue.

As Rosalie's name was mentioned, my gaze instinctively turned in her direction. Our eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to slow down. I found myself captivated by the golden hues of her eyes, mirroring the intensity of my own violet gaze. It was as if a magnetic pull drew us closer, creating an inexplicable connection between us.

Samantha, keenly observant, couldn't help but notice the sparks that ignited between Rosalie and me. Her eyes briefly shimmered with a knowing gleam before she smiled and spoke to Rosalie, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. "Congratulations, it seems the mate bond is forming."

I overheard her words, courtesy of my enhanced senses, confirming the inexplicable connection that had momentarily entranced us both. Rosalie responded with a playful smile before redirecting her attention elsewhere, leaving me with a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

Meanwhile, Bella, unaware of the intricacies unfolding between Rosalie and me, directed her attention towards the enigmatic Cullens. Her curiosity piqued, she turned to Jessica and asked, "And who is he?"

Jessica's eyes widened as she took a moment to respond, seemingly cautious of her words. "Edward Cullen. He's... different. Rumor has it that he and his siblings are adopted by the Cullens. But Edward... he keeps to himself, like a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Some say he's kind of a loner, and others find him intriguing. But really, no one knows much about him." Jessica's voice held a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty as she shared her limited knowledge of the enigmatic Edward Cullen.

Bella's eyes sparkled with a newfound interest, the enigma of Edward drawing her curiosity further. Little did she know the extraordinary connections and secrets that lay within the Cullen family, awaiting discovery as our paths intertwined in the days to come.

<After Lunch Break>

After lunch, we made our way back to class, for my last class I find myself in the physics classroom. Taking my designated seat beside Rosalie, I couldn't help but be captivated by her ethereal beauty. Standing tall at 5'9", she possessed an elegant and statuesque figure that could rival that of a professional model. Her long wavy blond locks gracefully cascaded down to the middle of her back, perfectly complementing her mesmerizing golden eyes.

As the teacher began the lesson, I leaned in closer to Rosalie, careful to keep our conversation private. The knowledge that even the softest whisper could be heard by a vampire like Rosalie made me conscious of our surroundings. "So, I'm your mate?" I murmured, my voice barely audible to human ears.

Rosalie looked at me with surprise, her eyes widening at the revelation. There was a sense of relief and comfort in her expression, knowing that she didn't have to explain our unique bond. She replied, her voice barely a breath, "Yes, I'm your mate. So, are you one of us?"

Realizing the significance of our connection, I responded just as softly, "No, I'm something special. I'll explain in a better place. Can I hold your hand?"

Rosalie reached out, her hand meeting mine under the shelter of the table. Her touch, initially cool to the touch, warmed with the comforting presence of our bond. Drawing closer, she nestled her head on my shoulder, and together we created an intimate world, shielded from the prying eyes of our classmates.

Using my illusion creation ability, I skillfully manipulated the perception of those around us, making everything appear normal while Rosalie and I shared our private moment. The class carried on, and as the lesson concluded, I turned to Rosalie, informing her of my busy schedule due to the recent move. "I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

Rosalie bestowed upon me a gentle smile, her eyes gleaming with affection. "Okay, make sure to look after yourself too." In a fleeting gesture, she placed a soft kiss on my cheek, her gaze quickly darting around to ensure our display of affection went unnoticed by prying eyes, despite our awareness that our actions were easily visible to everyone.

With a parting exchange, we went our separate ways. As I made my way through the corridors, I caught sight of Bella walking with Edward a few meters behind her. Approaching Bella, I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, inquiring about her day at school.

"Good," she responded, her voice tinged with a hint of monotony.

"What's wrong?" I probed, concerned.

"Do I smell bad?" Bella questioned, her tone slightly insecure.

I took a moment to take in her scent before reassuring her, "Nah, you smell good. And remember, the perfume I bought for you is quite expensive, so it has a lovely scent to it."

Bella sighed, her frustration evident as she continued, "Edward was acting as if he's about to barf the moment I entered the room."

"That's pretty weird. I mean, you look beautiful and smell great, so it must be an issue with his head... I think I'll start calling him 'Edweird' from now on," I quipped, my voice carrying just enough for those nearby to hear. Laughter erupted among the guys, and after a moment of hesitation, the girls joined in, the amusement spreading contagiously.

Edward, who overheard my remark, appeared visibly annoyed and perhaps a tad angry. Choosing to ignore his reaction, I simply continued on my way without further engagement, leaving the echoes of laughter echoing in the corridor.

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