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Chapter 3: Chapter 0003 discusses the importance of learning a foreign language 

Jenny is an unremarkable American high school student with glasses and braces, to be precise. She is a flat American high school girl who always wears the same uniform.

Such students are isolated targets for bullying at any time and in any country. After all, honest people are easy to bully!

Of course, at school, she was not the only one who was bullied. There was Barry, who looked very honest and had a mop of hair.

The two become the targets of all the students' rejection. As the bullied duo, they gradually come together and stay together.

Towards the end of junior year, the pair decided to take it to the next level and give each other up.

Jenny was in Barry's car when they pulled up to a wooded area outside New York City. Barry parked the car and flipped from the front to the back seat.

"Hi! What a nice moon today!" Barry scratched his head nervously and looked at the bespectacled girl in front of him. She looked pretty ugly, but after all, they'd spent so much time together that they'd done nothing but hold hands, but they knew each other, he was convinced.

"HMMM! Jenny nodded and looked down shyly as the atmosphere in the car grew awkward.

"How about... How about we get started!" The goofy Barry decides to get straight to the point: "I mean we..."

"HMMM! Jenny knew what she was getting into, but she thought it was the best thing she could do.

Just as Barry leaned over to kiss Jenny, there was a loud banging on the car window. "Boom boom!

They followed the sound as they looked out of the car. A dark-haired man in black combat gear and sunglasses was pounding on the window.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" "Cried Barry, his heart wrenching as he looked outside at this unlikely man.

The man outside did not speak. Seeing that they were not going to get out of the car, he tried to pull the door and found that it was locked. Without hesitation, he raised his fist and smashed the window, then pulled Barry out of the car by his hair.

"You --" Barry shook his confused head and tried to stand up to argue with the man. Suddenly he felt a chill in his neck and a dogleg knife was against his neck.

"Ah!!" Jenny seemed to realize what was happening only then and screamed.

"Shut up!" she cried. An angry drink came out of the black man's mouth, and Jenny found herself with something black in front of her, but the flash of light on its head seemed to say, I can easily penetrate your skull. Jenny knew it. It was a crossbow of great attack, and her screams grew louder.

"I told you to shut up! Howard, who had handcuffed and shackled Barry, unlocked the car, pulled open the door and sat in.

As Jenny dances in defiance, Howard finds it difficult to restrain the spectacled girl without hurting

her. In desperation, Howard jumps on her, uses his weight to suppress her, and, with Jenny's screams, handcuffs her with his feet.

"Hey, you don't bully her, what come to me!" 'shouted Barry from outside the car as he struggled, then seemed to lose his nerve again, saying:' You can have the money if you'll just leave me alone and I'll have all the money I've got! Just don't hurt me! '

His voice quavered at this point!

Howard's English was so bad that he had learned two words for the operation: Shut up."Damn it, these two are never done with each other! Howard looked at them. One was screaming and sounding so angry that he could scream for another half hour without a problem, and the

other was outside, talking very fast in the English he hated the most.

In anger, Howard reached under Jenny's dress, in exchange for louder screaming and Barry's faster English outside.

"Zap! Howard picked up his dogleg knife and it went up and down...

Not to kill Jenny, of course, but to cut her panties to pieces and put his hand in Jenny's mouth.

"Whoo... Purr purr..."

'The whole world is so much quieter! Howard had barely reached that point when Barry's voice,

vaguely named "Jenny?" came from outside the car.

"Well, I forgot there was another one outside..." Howard got off the bus, followed suit, and gagged

Barry, not with his pants, of course, but with his stinky socks.

"Whoops..." Howard, back in the car again, looks at Jenny writhing there, pleading with her eyes!

"You want to say something?" "Howard asked tentatively.

"Whoops... !" Jenny nodded furiously and seemed to understand Howard's Mandarin.

"All right! I'll let you go, and if you scream again, next time it won't be pants, it'll be socks!" With that, Howard reaches up and removes the panties from Jenny's mouth.

"Is the mud for Superman?" "Jenny asked in the mandarin language of her two swords, as soon as her mouth was free.

"Wow, I didn't expect to meet an American who spoke Mandarin!" Howard was surprised that when he saw the movie, it didn't show that.

"Of course I can speak Chinese!" Jenny's Mandarin seemed to be getting better and better. "My neighbors are from China. They make really good burning POTS!"

"A pot on fire?" It took Howard a long time to figure out what she was talking about. "You mean hot pot!"

"Yes, yes!" Jenny thought she was too clever. The worst fear of being kidnapped was that the robber would not communicate. If only the robber would communicate, everything could be saved. "Who the hell are you? If you try to kidnap us for ransom, I think you're going to be very disappointed, because... '

'Who said I wanted ransom! Howard was Jenny's words to make a joke, he just let the two goods for a while not to trick themselves, so that they have a good access to the energy in the meteorite into Superman on the line. "You just stay here for a while, and I'll let you go when I'm done!"

'Are you going to rob me?' Jenny's face suddenly changed, "Oh NO, I'm still a virgin and I want to lose my virginity to someone I like!"

"Who said I was gonna have sex with you?" Howard gave her a sidelong glance, and the contempt in his eye ignited a rage of feminine pride in Jenny.

Jenny pauses her upper body hard, but B-'s grief is useless.

Howard looks at her, then shakes his head speechless and sighs.

Jenny felt like she was going to explode. This man was still wearing his glasses, but she could feel the pity behind them... As she wriggles to bite Howard, there's a flash of light outside the car. Howard's face changes and he quickly opens the door and rushes out.

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