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Mission Accomplished


Miroku gulped, looking at the Ghost Army as far as the eye could see. Faced with such a large number, it's no wonder that five small countries were leveled.

"Ars-sama is sure to do it alone? Is there no need to call for reinforcements?"

Even though she knew that she would not die today because there was no dream through [Future Telling], she was worried that this problem could not be resolved.

"Watch how I obliterate the pile of rocks below."

Ars was too lazy to explain it to her and started chanting a spell.

"This is the fire of the beginning."

"This is the final fire too."

Fifteen layers of gigantic flame vortexes piled on top of each other suddenly appeared above the Ghost Army.

This incident naturally attracted the enemy's attention. Five people who were most likely the upper echelon of the Ghost Army appeared and looked up.

Despite knowing there was an enemy, they couldn't do anything because the other side was in the air, and neither of them could fly.

Ars watched the five people, and through [Magic Sense], he sensed a middle aged man had the most chakra, and his aura was filled with evil.

He guessed the middle-aged man was Moryo. Even so, his mouth didn't stop chanting, and a terrifying energy gathered in his right palm.

"The present, the past, and the future."

"A forbidden power far from your imagination."


"I am a destroyer and a heartless person."

"Now with my blood, my flesh, I disobey the ancient gods."


The energy ball in his hand slid up into the topmost fire vortex and slid down.

The next moment, there was a violent explosion.


The sound of the explosion was so loud that Miroku could still hear it clearly, even though she had covered her ears.

The radius of the explosion continued to expand, and the Ghost Army, which was considered invincible in the eyes of ordinary people, instantly disintegrated without resistance when it was hit by the explosion.

"I have to learn another AOE technique. It's so boring using the same moves over and over again." Ars muttered while rubbing his chin, then said: "I'd better learn a more environmentally friendly AOE technique like Rimuru's skill, [Meggido (The Fury of God)]. It is not good to continue destroying the environment."

It's not like he never tried to imitate [Megiddo], it's just that he didn't succeed. After all, he didn't have a [Raphael] like Rimuru.

"[Explosion] is powerful, but it's too damaging to nature, and I can't use it near human settlements."

As Ars was contemplating whether there was an AOE Ninjutsu that met his criteria, the explosions slowly stopped.

As soon as Miroku opened her eyes, she was stunned to see that there was only destruction in front of her.

A gigantic crater had formed in the previously fertile land, magma could be seen flowing from the ground, and the majestic and mighty figures of the 10,000 Ghost Army were nowhere to be seen.

"AA-Ars-sama did this?" Miroku said with trepidation.

"Of course it's me, could it be you?" Ars said indifferently.

"Unbelievable... Just one hit, all of the Ghost Army were annihilated... Incredible."

If before Miroku saw Ars as a reckless and unreasonable young man, now her view has changed 180 degrees. There was only admiration in her eyes.

"Don't be happy too soon, the mission is not completed."

"Haven't all the enemies disappeared?"

"There are no anchovies anymore, but their boss is still alive."


When Miroku was confused about what Ars meant, suddenly someone appeared from the ground.

"How dare you do this!!!"

The one speaking was a gigantic snake creature with an extremely long, deep purple body and multiple dragon-based heads. His eyes were fiery red, and his tongue was blue. There was an even brighter purple aura surrounding his body.

The giant snake glared at Ars with deep hatred.

"It is..."

"Soul Moryo, after his physical body was destroyed, only his soul remained. Her soul form isn't that of a human... Is this a side effect of forming a contract with a devil from another dimension?"

"This is not the time to observe the opponent! He's coming."

Miroku reminded the muttering Ars.

*Whooosh Whooosh Whooosh*

The darkness's energy formed countless tentacles and attacked Ars and Miroku, who were in the air.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a tentacle fetish."

After Ars said that, a tentacle arrived in front of him. However, all the tentacles couldn't stop within three meters of him.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? I can't believe I can't destroy your invisible barrier. Since you destroyed your physical body, I will seize your body."

A look of greed was clear in Moryo's eyes, and his attacks intensified. Even so, he couldn't break through [Mugen (Infinity)].

After attacking relentlessly, he saw that his attacks weren't effective, so he changed his attack method.

The dozen or so dragon heads gathered energy in their mouths and shot the energy ball at Ars.


Ars clapped once, then he and Moryo switched positions. This was a spatial technique he had developed based on Todo Aoi's Curse Technique, [Boogie Woogie].

He had a basic understanding and spatial understanding thanks to [Teleportation], so it wasn't difficult for him to imitate [Boogie Woogie].

Then Moryo was hit by an attack of his own.


Without even having time to react, Moryo fell from the air like a broken kite.

"Very hot..."

Miroku felt the heat hit her skin, and her whole body was drenched in sweat.

Ars, who was carrying Miroku on his back, felt two large and soft round objects pressing against his back.

In this era, there was no such thing as a bra, so women wore nothing under their clothes.

"Ars-sama, I..."

As a priestess, Miroku doesn't have much contact with men. Now, she was not only being carried, but also having her breasts press against the man's back, which made her extremely embarrassed.

Unfortunately, Ars is a man of stone after a millennium of polish. He wouldn't be like a romcom protagonist who would become like a hot worm just for having intimate contact with a woman.

"Hold on a little longer, this will be over soon."

So that Miroku wouldn't get too hot, Ars jumped off the ground and hovered at a height of 100 meters. His eyes fell on Moryo, who was slowly getting up on the ground.

Learning from his previous mistake, Moryo didn't dare to shoot the energy ball, he improved the quality of his tentacles instead of relying on quantity.

*Bang Bang Bang*

This time there were only dozens of tentacles attacking, but the strength was much stronger than before.

Ars's two hands formed a handprint.

"You should be proud to be my first enemy to experience this technique."

"[Fūkōsoku: Gochū Koukan (Sealing Restraint: Five-Pillared Steel Weights)]."

The five tall and thick pillars that weighed tons fell with great force, pinning Moryo to the ground and sealing him in place.

In the blink of an eye, Moryo lost all his strength. Apart from his hideous-looking large body, he was powerless.

"Damn it, let me go! I will build an empire that will last 1,000 years! I can't stop here!"

He struggled to free himself, but his efforts were in vain. The pillar didn't move an inch.

As soon as Ars landed on the ground in front of Moryo, Miroku hurriedly got down from his back while hugging her chest. A blush appeared on her face, either from embarrassment or heat, or maybe both.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have ruled this world!"

Dozens of dragon heads stared at Ars with traces of loathing.

"You're mistaken, even if I wasn't around, there would still be others who could suppress you easily. Don't think that just because you destroyed a few small countries, you think you are invincible."

"Alright, let's stop the useless talk. Time to send you to meet the King of Hell."

"W-Wait a minute, let go of me, and I'll give you everything you---"

Ars didn't want to listen to a loser's pleas. He said quietly.

"[Large Partisan]."


A gigantic 50 meter long sword was created, then it shot like a bullet and cut Moryo in half.

After Ars made sure his enemy was dead, he turned around to see Miroku staring at him.

"Mission accomplished, let's go home."

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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