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52.24% DxD: The Dragon Oppai / Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Mittelt!

Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Mittelt!

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"Hey Issei, I didn't know you were awake. Are you expecting someone today? Is it your friend?" Irina inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Issei shook his head, a mix of annoyance and apprehension clouding his expression. "Not really... I was actually about to head out."

"So, who the heck is that then?" Irina pressed, her curiosity demanding an answer.

Before Issei could respond, the doorbell rang again, its persistence amplifying his exasperation. With a resigned sigh, he trudged toward the door, his mind already bracing itself for the unwelcome possibilities that awaited him.

Slowly, he swung the door open, revealing three individuals on the other side. Two of them were familiar faces, but the third was a stranger, adding a layer of confusion to the already disconcerting situation.

'Raynare? Kalawarner? And who the hell is this blonde chick?' Issei's mind raced as he recognized the two individuals from his past encounters.

A sense of dread washed over him, intertwining with his desperate desire to spend the day with Red, the Dragon of Dragons.

'Oh no, what the fuck are they doing here? I can't deal with this right now... not today!' A wave of horror surged through him, threatening to overwhelm his composure as he struggled to conceal his discomfort.

"Good morning, Issei! It's been forever since we've seen you!" Raynare greeted him with a disarming warmth, oblivious to the turmoil she had unwittingly stirred within him.

Issei closed his eyes, his head sinking for a moment as he battled the conflicting emotions swirling within him.

'Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is going to stop me from hanging out with Red today,' he resolved, his determination blazing like an untamed fire.

"What are you girls doing here?" Issei asked, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and apprehension.

Kalawarner, her demeanor exuding a sultry charm, responded with a mischievous smile.

"Nice seeing you again, Issei. Sorry we haven't been visiting lately. We wanted to come by and see you as well as talk for a bit. Can we come inside?" Her voice had a hypnotic quality, reminiscent of the suggestive tone from Issei's morning alarm clock.

Issei found himself momentarily lost in thought, pondering the uncanny similarity between Kalawarner's voice and that of the alarm clock.

"Man, she sounds exactly like my alarm clock did this morning. I wonder if she's a voice actor on the side?" he wondered, unaware of the unintended effect his staring had on Kalawarner.

Blushing slightly, she questioned Issei, "What? Why are you staring at me?"

Caught off guard, Issei quickly averted his gaze and replied nonchalantly, "No reason," before shifting his attention to the other two girls.

Raynare intervened, attempting to steer the conversation away from any potential awkwardness. "Jeez, Issei, I know Kala's sexy, but have some shame, will you? Anyways, I brought you breakfast again! Can we come in?" She sought to regain his attention with a peace offering.

"You did? Sure, I guess. Come in," Issei agreed, motioning for Raynare, Kalawarner, and the mysterious blonde girl to enter.

Xenovia and Irina, initially taken aback by their unexpected arrival, maintained their composure as they took their seats on the couch.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, both girls adopted a serious demeanor, anticipating that this visit likely had a deeper purpose. Issei positioned himself between Irina and Xenovia, gesturing for the three fallen angels to occupy the other couch.

Raynare, making an effort to be civil, placed an assortment of food on the coffee table. "I even made some for your human friends, Issei," she offered, attempting to bridge the gap between their worlds.

The room fell into a tense silence, the air thick with unspoken questions and hidden intentions. As Issei observed the scene unfolding before him, he couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter held greater significance than a mere social visit.

"Thanks for the breakfast, Raynare, but before we dig in, can you guys explain why you're here and who the hell is blondie in the Lolita getup?" Issei asked, his curiosity piqued as he pointed at the blonde fallen angel among them.

Mittelt, the blonde fallen angel, spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of defiance. "Maybe you should ask me yourself instead of talking about me like that."

Issei turned his attention to her, his interest now fully piqued. "I'm guessing you're one of the few with their group?"

Mittelt nodded, confirming his assumption. "Bingo. The name's Mittelt."

Unable to suppress his curiosity, Issei couldn't help but inquire about her unique choice of attire. "What's with the Gothic Lolita dress?"

She shot him an annoyed look. "What's wrong with it?"

He chuckled, attempting to defuse any tension. "Nothing at all. I think it's a cute outfit for a cute girl. It's just unusual to wear cosplay without a specific reason."

Mittelt scoffed, her confidence showing through. "What, are you eyeing me up now?"

Issei playfully retorted, "You wish. If I were actually eyeing you up, then you'd know it."

"Pfft, yeah right!" Mittelt responded, smugness evident in her tone.

Undeterred, Issei locked eyes with her, intensifying his gaze. The room fell into an awkward silence as Mittelt's discomfort grew. Unable to withstand his piercing stare any longer, she averted her gaze, her face flushing. "Stop doing that! It's weird!"

Issei, satisfied with his effect, stepped closer to her, intensifying the intensity of his gaze. Mittelt's discomfort escalated, causing her to sink lower into the couch.

Shifting his attention to Raynare, Issei inquired, "So, why did you bring her along?"

Raynare let out a sigh, her tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. "Well, Kala and I were coming to see you, and Mittelt and Dohnaseek expressed interest in meeting you too. However, Dohnaseek had some business to attend to, so we only brought Mittelt."

"I did not want to come here to meet him! I just wanted to see this dragon you two have been gushing about nonstop!" Mittelt interjected, her embarrassment evident.

Choosing to ignore Mittelt's defensive protest, Issei began to enjoy the food Raynare had prepared for him. As he savored each bite, a contented smile crossed his face, causing Raynare to beam with happiness at the sight.

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