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37.93% Ace combat In Multiverse?! / Chapter 11: Meeting Dr Kouzaki

Chapter 11: Meeting Dr Kouzaki

She appeared much like any other scientist in her lab coat, but what set her apart was the striking purple hair cascading down to her shoulders, accompanied by a captivating beauty that could captivate any man.

With her glinting Violet eyes, she looked to Lieutenant Irina first before looking at me in surprise "Hoho... finally, our main character is wakened up."

I remained silent, my disposition not inclined toward conversation. However, Dr. Kouzaki's attention was drawn to the shackles restraining me. "Oh my, I apologize. Lieutenant Irina, please remove the restraints."

After Lieutenant Irina swiftly confirmed, the two soldiers flanking me unfastened the shackles from my arms and feet, giving me a sense of liberation as the restraints fell away. Dr. Kouzaki then instructed everyone else to exit the room, leaving just the two of us.

Though they didn't seem pleased, she brushed off their objections. "Both his legs and arms are injured, and I don't see a single weapon he can use. I should be more concerned about him than myself."

That was rather impolite, and Dr. Kouzaki appeared to notice my reaction. "Oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to be rude."

I waved her apology away, eager to get this over with. "It's fine."

After a bit of reluctance, all of them left the room leaving Dr. Kouzaki and me. However, I was far from thrilled about conversing with her. Other people would have wished they were here talking to their favorite fictional character, but I am not.

Especially if it was Dr. Kouzaki, She has one of the worst traits of manipulating people just for the sake of completing Alternative IV. And I don't plan to be her testing goat.

She is beautiful, but I still don't want her trait at all.

"Apologies for the restraints, it's standard protocol," she said before continuing. "If you are a man at least introduce yourself, I am Dr. Kouzaki. A Vice Commander of this base you are?"

Reluctantly, I responded, "...My name is Renald Yoma. But you can call me Renald or Yoma."

"Interesting names" She replied in curios.

She rose from her seat and approached me. In an unfamiliar place and feeling guarded, I flinched as she began closely observing me from up close with a curious expression.

She brings her hand to her chin "Hm... So this is what the Demon lord looks like when he awakens"

Demon Lord again? Just why do these people keep calling me these? I need to find out the reason for this.

"You don't have the eyes of an experienced soldier, and I can see a bit of fear. What are you so afraid of? I won't bite." She has the eyes of playfully in her eyes.

Got dammit, there is nothing I can do about it. I was supposed to walk back and hug my Sister Elena. not meeting you of all people or being here.

I make a hard glare at her to not show my fear "If you people are done can you people let me go?"

She then chuckles and walks around me "Sure, after you listen to our proposal first we will let you go."

"...Alright what do you want?"

"Heh... Such persistent man, do you know how hard it is to keep you in... A lesh?"

Fucking lesh? Where was she taking this conversation? I couldn't help but retort, "I'm sorry, but I'm not anyone's pet."

She has the look of understanding and reaches for the stack of paper beside her and taps it a few times. "See this pile of paper right here?"

"Um, yeah..." I replied nervously with the way her glinting eyes.

She chuckled softly and regarded me with an amused expression. "Well, just so you know, this stack of papers represents the number of requests from people who want us to move you to a different sector."

"What? All of this?" I exclaimed, taken aback. And when I look closely at the number of papers she point out. "There's gotta be at least 200 papers!"

"I know, right? Even I was surprised by the sheer number," she said, her amusement evident as she walked a few steps and wiped the dust off the stack of papers. "Mostly from the Empire of Japan, Britain, Russia, Indonesia, the United States, and more..." Then, she pointed at me. "And they all want you for themselves."

"So, even if you manage to leave, everyone will be hunting you to the ends of the Earth," she added, delivering a sense of despair with her words.

I processed all the information she had just shared. Suddenly, people from all around the world wanted a piece of me? Could it be that they desired the technology I possessed? But that left one lingering question.

"I understand that these people want me... but what do you want?"

I knew there was no such thing as a freebie, and the fact that she hadn't placed me in an interrogation room to forcefully extract information meant she wanted to negotiate with me peacefully.

She looked at me, a smirk playing on her lips. "We, the United Nations, have managed to hold them off because we're intrigued by you," she said, stepping closer and locking her gaze with mine. "We want to know how the aircraft fired thousands of missiles, how you endured a G-force of around 30G without losing consciousness, how you faced a direct encounter with the Laser Class without meeting your end, and Soo many more"

Ah fuck, of course, they want to know the reason. I would to if I were in their shoes.

"H-heh such an honest answer."

"Because of so many secrets just for ripe in you! I want to know! I Want to know how it works!"

I was nervous with the way she conveyed her emotion, it was like every mad scientist would say. I need to get on her good side if I were to survive in this place.

I sigh a little "I am sorry but I have no clue on how it works either. One day I was suddenly given this aircraft 

"Hmm..." She wore a skeptical expression, clearly doubting my words.

"I understand your skepticism, but it's the truth." I said before trying to change the conversation a little "By the way, where is the Thunderbolt II?"

"Your aircraft, you mean?" She swiftly picked up a remote and aimed it at a large screen nearby, which displayed an image of my aircraft.

Soldiers surrounded my plane in the image, and there were numerous individuals in white coats studying it. At present, my aircraft has been disassembled into spare parts, with only the seat remaining at the crash site.

Ah, naturally, I should have anticipated this outcome if it were to survive too bad there is nothing left other than part of the aircraft. And Damn there goes $210.000 Worth of Aircraft gone to ash, Man when I thought I got attached to it.

But I noticed that in the background of the camera, I saw several TSF and aircraft circle around the skies. Curios I ask Dr Kouzaki "The Location is Sadogashima right? How's the situation over there?"

"Thanks to you not only was Sadogashima's line of defense secure, but humanity managed to recapture lost land for the first time with the help of unconventional Methods"

Unconventional Method? That's a weird way of saying it's my aircraft's fault that the Operation won.

Well, Sadogashima was supposed to be wiped out from the map because of Susano II self Destruction after the failed attempt of using A-02. But because of my intervention, Sadogashima was secure and a new defense line was made.

And currently, I am seeing with my own eyes, the Empire of Japan forming a new defense line around Sadogashima.

She then turned off the TV taking off my gaze and looking at her "Honestly, UN Protocol would have put you in prison""

"H-huh? Why?"

"Are you seriously asking that?" She raised an eyebrow and began to count off on her fingers one by one. "Illegal possession of weaponry, unauthorized entry into UN and Empire of Japan theater operations..." She trailed off, finally dropping her hand. "I could go on listing the number of war crimes you've committed, but the list would never end."

"And so why did you not do it then?" I ask

"Because... We want to hire you." She pointed her hand at me "This brings my question to the next, which organization are you affiliated with?"

Organization? Ah, she had the impression that I was under the command of someone else maybe? I could tell the truth that I work alone but that would raise suspicion.

I raise my right arm to my chin with a thoughtful face "Instead of organization, Maybe a Mercenary is a right word." Dr. Kouzaki raised both eyebrows in surprise "I was given money as long as I completed the mission, and that was it, nothing more nothing less"

She looked me in the eyes for any deceitfulness on me for a few moments before answering "...I see, and how much do they give you? And can you tell me who your client is?"

How much again? I'll make a rough guess since I did not get the chance to look at "Maybe about $350.000 Dollar as abou-" I began, but my words were abruptly cut short by the sight of Dr. Kouzaki slamming her head onto the table in.

I was completely off-guard by her action and moved to her in a bit of worry "A-are you okay?"

She looked at me and had the face of a salesman "Double-No we will triple the amount they pay you if you decide to join us!"

Dr Kouzaki, it's $350.000 per flight. But I think that will just break her mind.

And besides, why would I join when this world of money has no use... when suddenly I have an idea?

Actually, the deal is not bad at all Instead of money I should take advantage of the time difference between this world and my world. So if I stay here using their hospitality I can recover my health. Once I recover my health I can head back home without bringing suspicious to my sister and neighbors about my health issues.

And besides, even if it's a contract with Her it will go void the moment I am gone from this place. So it is a win-win situation for me.

"And if possible, you could move your sister to Japan for the medical bills you needed." She added on the very last which I looked at Dr. Kouzaki quickly with wide eyes while being tense.

Her suggestion caught me off guard, and I tensed involuntarily. "How did you—" I began to speak before realizing the connection.

'I still have not paid my sister's medical bill! So either take these off or-'

I massaged my temples, cursing my own impulsive words driven by stress. Ahh.. slip of the tongue. But still...

"I accept the deal"

Her smile then brightened when hearing this, She went to her computer and typed a bunch of things on her keyboard

Once she was done the printer beside her was making noise, and once she was the noise was over she tossed me a piece of paper which I grabbed with my right hand "Great sign the contract and it is a deal" She said.

I read the paper carefully to see what she is offering.

She will pay me 1,200,000 Yen per month. In exchange, I will be temporarily under Dr. Kouzaki's command for 6 months. If I were to break the contract I Would be fine with triple that amount.

There was also extra information on the very last that all medical bills and insurance will be paid by the United Nations for the next 6 months with some extra house prepared, that's... very thoughtful of her.

If I had been living here in this universe, I would have accepted the deal wholeheartedly considering that even to this moment people are hungry from the lack of food and the nation focuses more on the military like North Korea.

And I would accept Dr. Kouzaki's order even if she ordered me to go on a suicide mission in the most dense BETA.

Too bad it is very useless once I head back home, but still useful for me in other ways. Especially the medical benefit, oh boy that is very tempting for American people like me.

I look back at her to see her still smiling at me "So how is it?"

Hah... my point of view? This was like a slave contract. Binding me at the mercy of a united nation. There is not a single benefit in my eyes to accepting the contract, money is also useless, and health issues are not needed since these are not my real world.

I know I should not accept the deal but...

"Sure" I grab the nearby pen and begin signing on the paper

There was a look of surprise on Dr Kouzaki's face "Really that's it?"

I look straight into Dr Kouzaki's face with a chuckle "Nah, this deal is extremely bad even for a mercenary like me" I look back at the paper "I only accepted it because you are interesting people, so the moment you are not interesting I am done even with the breach of contract."

After I was done sign the contract. I felt some kind of cloth above my head, I picked it up and saw gray clothing alongside some pants and looked back at Dr. Kouzaki with her amused face showing "I hope you don't regret joining us even for entertainment"

I title my head to the right with a smirk "Oh, surely. I won't regret it Dr Kouzaki"

Since I will be the one making the profit.



Congrats!! we have reached 400 Favorit in just 1 month and 2 weeks. A staggering speed that I never thought of.

You know, I did not ever think that we reach 400 Favorit in just another week. Like wow. Last time It took me years to reach 500 Favorite on my last fanfic, but now... Thank you.

And my god I can't keep up with the supply and demand of chapters, I want to upload more considering I still owe you guys two chapters. But I can't keep up with the demand. Sorry, I try my best but it is impossible. But there will be a chance, next Thursday to Sunday I have a day off so I will take the chance to make more series and chapters when that days come.

Anyway, don't forget to leave a comment and review, if you want to support me go to my Patreon on the link below.

With that said see you all next chapter byeee.

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