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39.47% Desire of Immortality / Chapter 11: Physical Training

Chapter 11: Physical Training

The next morning, Darius and his grandfather are in the middle of the forest. Crawford was currently explaining to his grandson about the training he would undergo.


"Listen up, Darius, every day we will be doing physical, mental, and spiritual training."

"In physical training, I will teach you in the ways of combat and also make you exercise.

"In mental training, I will teach you in the ways of psychic power."

"In spiritual training, I will teach you in the ways of magic."

So there are three types of training I will do.

"We shall now begin your physical training. I will only use 0.1% of my power."

As soon as he said those words, he disappeared. I instantly put my guard up and looked for where he could be.

I tried using my senses, but I couldn't sense his aura. He must have used a spell to disguise himself.

Someone then tapped my shoulder, and I looked behind me. I was met with a fist to the face that sent me flying towards a tree.

My nose and back were broken, and I felt immense pain.

I tried standing but couldn't. The pain was immense, but it was nothing compared to when I injected the incomplete serum.

My body shuddered as I remembered that day. The pain distracted me from my thoughts.

However, the pain slowly went away, and as I looked up, I saw my grandfather with his hand glowing a green light.

"There, your wounds are now healed. Thankfully, I held back. Otherwise, more of your bones would have been broken."

Looks like I have a long way to go if I want to truly become strong. I stood up and looked at my grandfather.

"Do we continue with the fight?"

He looked at me in surprise, then smiled.

"No, we won't, not yet. Currently, you are too weak, so I will make you an opponent you can fight."

Crawford clicked his fingers, and a training dummy appeared. This dummy was different from the others.

It was more human like, more like a six year old.

"This dummy here is alive and can fight. This dummy is designed to be your opponent."

"Are you ready, Darius?"

As soon as I nodded yes, the dummy sprinted towards me with its fist raised.

I skillfully dodged the attack and tripped him like I did my brother. It got back up and threw a punch.

I dodged and landed a punch on the dummy. It felt like punching an actual human, reminding of the time in the dojo where I was learning to fight.

The dummy stumbled backwards, and I began my assault on the dummy.

I launched a barrage of punches and kicks at the dummy. It tried blocking, but I was too fast for it.

I kicked it's leg and it almost fell. I was about to continue my assault but my grandfather stopped me.

My grandfather looked in shock at what he was seeing.

"That's enough, Darius."

I stopped my assault and the dummy stood still like a statue.

I was getting really tired. This six year old body is a pain, so I'll have to exercise more.

"Tell me, Darius, who taught you to fight like that."

Grandfather asked in a curious tone.

"I just watched action movies and copied what they did."

He had a look of surprise in his eyes. Then he gave a piece of paper.

This paper had a list of exercises and how long I will do these exercises.

"Every day in physical training, you will fight against this dummy. Each day, it will get harder as it will adapt to your fighting style and copy it."

"You will also exercise as well in order to build up your muscles. You may now begin.

As soon as he said those words, I began my exercise by doing push-ups.

This is quite hard for me to do. Due to this small body of mine. I began thinking about the future and what I'll learn.

This training will benefit me a lot as it will help improve my brain health and strengthen my muscles and bones.

I could achieve this through magic or psychic powers, but I don't want to rely on them too much.

Sweat was starting to form, and my body began to ache, but I still went on, determined to strengthen my body.

Crawford POV

Outstanding, this child is adept at combat. He reminds a bit of myself when I was younger.

Back in the day, I was a powerful and cunning young man. I married that bitch in order to produce a powerful heir.

And it worked, Tybur was strong and intelligent. But he sought the love of his mother.

My wife, or ex-wife, should I say, stayed far away from my son. Seeing him as a monster like me, due to his usage of dark magic.

This made Tybur upset, but he kept his emotions inside.

I hoped that he would give up and become less of a little boy who was crying for his mother, into a man worthy of being my heir.

However, my hopes and dreams were crushed when Tybur got together Eliza Dagmire.

When I heard the news, I was filled with rage. The Dagmires were a huge pain in the arse, those pacifist pieces of shit.

When James, the Dagmire Lord, refused to let them marry. I was happy and hoped that Tybur would finally come to his senses.

But happen next made my blood boil. That fucking son of mine, swore to never use dark magic again.

This took the Federation by storm as there had never been a Blackburn who stopped using dark magic.

Tybur, basically, just spat on the Blackburn name.

I refused to consider him as my son and heir. I never even came to his wedding. Then I heard my ex-wife had come to the wedding.

Apparently, the Empress convinced her to come. Saying that Tybur was her son, not someone she should hate.

Speaking of the Empress, she is good friends with my ex-wife.

Most of my grandchildren disappointed me, Vivian wanted to be normal, Zack obeyed his parents, and Billy and Evie were just naive brats.

But then there was Darius. From what my servants told me, Darius was a bookworm and quiet. He stayed in doors and barely interacted with his siblings.

My interest in him grew when he talked about wanting power. And then he awakened his Psionic Power.

I was proud of him. A child his age awakening his psychic power was unheard of.

Then, there was the lesson I was teaching him and his siblings.

His confidence at winning the spar pissed of Billy, who attacked him but was effortlessly beaten.

And when Billy told his parents, Darius lied to his parents without a hint of shame.

I decided to help him out by telling Evie in her mind to say Darius was telling the truth.

This angered Billy, and so he charged Darius, clearly forgetting what had happened last time. Darius choked him with his power and threw him to the wall.

He made me even more prouder when he ignored the demon's temptations, which showed his strong willpower.

Thus, I came to a conclusion. If Darius succeeds in his training, I will make him my heir.

Let's see Darius, if you are worthy of being my heir.

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