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Bambi Arrives At Cove Woods

Bambi's knees felt like they were going to give out at any moment. He had been on his feet for what felt like hours, following Cleo through the thick, dense woods. Every muscle in his body ached and he could feel the exhaustion weighing him down.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling frustrated and exhausted. Seriously, every single day, he hated the fact that he had to be awakened as an Omega. He can't believe he's in this situation, constantly running and fighting for his life.

Finally, Bambi couldn't take it anymore and he collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. "Wait...wait," he managed to gasp out.

He looked up at Cleo with irritation, wondering how she can still have the energy to smirk at him. "What? I can't get tired now?" he snapped, feeling a bit of guilt for his tone but too tired to care.

Cleo rolled her eyes and flicked her head impatiently. "We'll be there in the next five minutes," she said, before turning and continuing down the path. "Keep up."

Bambi took a few deep breaths, trying to catch his breath before he pushed himself back to his feet. He couldn't afford to fall behind. 

His mind went back to the events of the past two hours. For these two hours, he's been running, dodging, and fighting. Okay well, maybe he wasn't fighting since it was mostly Cleo leading the way and doing the work, with him trying his best to keep up. 

But either way, he had stayed behind her, not wanting to get in her way or risk getting attacked by any mutants that might be lurking in the woods. But it seemed that Bambi's presence was enough to attract the attention of these creatures. Every few minutes, they would be ambushed by a group of mutants, drawn in by the pheromones that Bambi, being an Omega, emitted.

They've encountered countless mutants, drawn to Bambi's Omega pheromones, but none had managed to get past Cleo's barrier. He knows she is more than capable of protecting them both, but it still awes him every time she effortlessly dispatches the attackers. 

Cleo must have known this, yet she had never mentioned it. Bambi wasn't sure if she was trying to spare his feelings or if she just didn't care. Either way, he couldn't help but be amazed by her strength and bravery. No matter how many mutants came at them, Cleo always managed to fend them off with ease. 

He remembered with a shiver, the time he had tried to touch the barrier out of curiosity. Cleo's warning still rang in his ear, reminding him how dangerous it would be to do so. As much as he may hate it, he knew that he was lucky to have Cleo by his side.

For the past two hours, Bambi felt like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Honestly speaking, he was tired, hungry and scared. But, every time he felt like giving up, and just going back, the thought of being captured by Apollo popped up in his mind. 

He shivered. Yeah, he'd rather face every mutant in these woods than be at Apollo's mercy.

Fuck. That. Dude. 

So he pushed through the pain and kept moving, even though every step felt like a struggle.

"So, are we there yet?" Bambi asked. 

But, of course, Cleo didn't answer, and rather just kept walking. 

Bambi still kept asking. "I'm taking that as a no."

Cleo shook her head, before parting a couple of annoying branches out of her way by simply wafting her hands, as a barrier formed around them. Throughout the way, Bambi looked around, trying to see if there was any other hint of danger but for the past ten minutes, he didn't sense any mutants nearby anymore. 

So, they must be close. 

And, just as he thought, for the first time in a while, they stopped. 

"We're here," Cleo said. 

Bambi followed Cleo's line of sight, and saw to his grand surprise - a tree with a rather stout trunk. It looked funny but that was pretty much it. His curiosity piqued as he wondered what could be so special about this tree.

"So we are," Bambi said sarcastically. 

"Of course you're sarcastic as well," Cleo muttered underneath her breath before standing in front of the tree, her eyes scanning the area before she approached it. 

Bambi stood back hesitantly, unsure of what to expect. "I swear to god if this tree blows up in front of our face or someth-"

"Hush," Cleo silenced him. She placed her hand on the trunk, and for a second, it looked like nothing happened before the tree seemingly came alive, as space distorted before Cleo's hand went inside the trunk.

Bambi immediately jumped back. "What the fuck?!"

"You can come in now," Cleo said, before simply walking towards the tree and disappearing inside. 

And, now only Bambi was left. Usually, he would hesitate, wonder if he should really trust an unknown woman inside what appeared to be a mystical, harry-potter fucking tree, but then, he heard creepy sounds coming from deep inside the woods, and he decided that the tree didn't look so bad after all.

"Every fucking day I regret being an Omega," Bambi cursed before picking up a rock and throwing it inside and saw that the rock was swallowed inside as well. 

"Welp, here I go."

Bambi hesitantly dipped his toe in first, and it felt weird. Like his body was cool due to the cold, dewy atmosphere of the woods but his toes felt warm like summer.

"Fuck it!" He jumped into the tree trunk, and for a split second felt like time and space warped around him, nearly making him hurl before he fell face-first onto what felt like cold, hard rock. 

He looked up from his position, and saw Cleo's shoes. "Shut up."

"Stop wasting time already and get up," Cleo said, before turning around.

Bambi got up, before dusting himself. "Well, thanks for the help anyway." Then, he finally got to take a good look at the cave. 

"Woah. . ."

Crystals and dungeons. That was the first thought he had in his mind. Bambi couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream. The walls were lined with glowing crystals, casting a soft light that illuminated their path. 

This kept going on and on until finally, there was a blinding light in what appeared to be the exit of the cave. 

"You might want to cover your eyes before going out," Cleo said, but she herself didn't do so as she simply walked out of the cave and into the light. 

Bambi gulped, before shielding his eyes instinctively, only to open them as he exited the cave, and by the gods was he stunned by what he found. 

The sight took his breath away. The smell of the fresh air, the sound of birds chirping in the distance, and the sight of cabins scattered across the expansive grassy area all seemed too good to be true. Bambi couldn't believe his eyes, it was like stepping into a fantasy world.

Cleo smiled at his reaction. 

Bambi was speechless, his jaw hanging open in awe. He had never seen anything like this, a thriving camp in the midst of a dystopian world. It was a stark contrast to the harsh and desolate landscape they had traveled through to get here.

There were cabins made of wood and stone, a central gathering area with a roaring fire, and even a makeshift marketplace. It was a community, a place of safety and camaraderie.

Bambi noticed groups of survivors scattered about, some cooking over the fire, others chatting and laughing on porches. It was a stark contrast to the constant fear and danger he had experienced since the world went to ruin. And for the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of hope. 

Bambi couldn't find the words to express his amazement. Everything in front of him looked straight out of a book, with the smell of the fresh air and the peaceful atmosphere. Bambi couldn't believe that such a place existed in the midst of all the danger and chaos they had been through.

"Oh my god," Bambi said, his jaw dropped in awe.

Cleo smiled and announced proudly, "Welcome to Cove Woods."

Norobo Norobo

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