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Bambi Understands How Powerful Alphas Are


How strong are Alphas actually? That was a question that most people in the New World had, but for someone like Bambi who had quite a direct experience with one of them, he could proudly say that, regardless of their disposition, they were strong, very very strong. 


First of all, the most basic knowledge that anyone had - Alphas had two traits. Traits were the name that most people gave to the supernatural abilities that the new people of this world. So, one would think that it would be pretty easy to rebuild society if we had such supernatural abilities right?




Bambi gripped his bag. The main reason, amongst many others, as to why humans couldn't just simply rebuild their lives was due to the existence of monsters, or more specifically, mutated animals and beasts, called 'Mutants.' And to be even more exact, a Mutant's sole ability to simply infect and take over a human's body and mind if they ever get a bite, scratch or basically, if they could somehow infect an open wound, or blood. Oh also, the stronger the Mutants were, the more useless guns, and bombs were.


And as such, most Mutants were categorized under three categories. 


The bottom of the list were the Mutants dubbed 'Green'. These were the most basic mutants, who weren't that dangerous to the point where even an armed Omega could kill them. 


Second were those dubbed 'Yellow'. Most mutants in the world usually occupied this grade, and usually required a Beta with a strong trait or multiple Betas to take care of them.


The first, and most dangerous mutants were those dubbed 'Red'. Such mutants within this category absolutely require an Alpha, or multiple of them in most cases. 


Who categorized them? Bambi didn't know. But, sooner or later, as he came across other Betas, Omegas and even Apollo in his travel to search for his sister, he learned about the three categories, but even then, he could say that, he hadn't met or even seen a 'Red' mutant, and had only seen one 'Yellow' mutant and that was from afar. 


And, these Wolves? 


Bambi checked around him, looking especially into the red eyes of these shadowy monsters, before gulping. Yeah, they were most definitely in the 'Yellow' category.

Which was why he was even more impressed with how easily Cleo was holding them off with her Trait, which he assumed was the ability to manipulate barriers, or was she manipulating space itself? That would be insane. Even for an Alpha, he had never encountered anyone who could manipulate space like she could, creating a barrier to protect them from the shadowy wolves that surrounded them.


A Wolf charged in again, this time, using it's mastery over shadows to 'teleport' behind them, from their shadows but Cleo saw it coming. 


Without even turning back, her barrier instantly expanded. "Stupid Mutt." Cleo sighed, as the sudden expansion of her barrier served like a rubber band, whipping at the Wolf, sending it yelping back, crashing into a tree. 


The other Wolves growled at that, revealing themselves from the thickets.


Bambi counted them, counting at least six of the creatures, and knew that they were in serious trouble. If he were alone, it would be a certain death.


Despite relying on Cleo's abilities, Bambi knew better than to fully trust anyone with his life. He quickly scanned their surroundings, searching for any possible escape routes in case Cleo couldn't handle the situation. As he did, he noticed one of the wolves charging towards Cleo with its mouth wide open, ready to rip her apart.




However, to Bambi's surprise and relief, he saw a barrier suddenly form around the wolf, trapping it inside and dropping it to the ground. 


'Holy Shit' Bambi's eyes were wide open. He couldn't even react to the wolf, and Cleo had simply trapped it just like that.


Cleo calmly walked towards it, her barrier decreasing in size as she did. Bambi couldn't help but feel amazed at her control and composure in such a dangerous situation.


As she approached the trapped wolf, Cleo scoffed and said, 'What a shame." Then, she pulled out a short knife within her black garment.


"You'd make a really good pet." With a swift movement, she stabbed it through the wolf's forehead, killing it instantly. Bambi couldn't help but flinch at the sound of the dying animal's whine, but managed to stare directly into the Wolf's scarlet eyes as they faded soon after.


Turning to Bambi, Cleo raised an eyebrow. "You're not disgusted?" she asked, surprised by his lack of reaction. Bambi could see the amusement in her eyes.


Bambi shook his head, his voice steady as he replied, "I'm not a little, naive boy."

Cleo's lips twitched into a small smile at his response. "I see," she said, her tone almost proud of him. Almost. 


Then, Bambi thought to himself. How strong was Cleo? Bambi couldn't help but wonder about Cleo's past or rather who she exactly was, but right now wasn't a good time to pry into her past.


Cleo suddenly turned to face the pack of Wolves that had been following them. Bambi could sense their aggression and hostility, and he instinctively stepped back, afraid of what was about to happen. He wondered briefly if joining Cleo was such a good idea after all.


But to Bambi's surprise, Cleo calmly addressed the Wolves with a question. "Do you know why most coves are led by an Alpha?"


Bambi was puzzled by the question, and he nervously replied, "Huh? Isn't it because Alphas usually have two traits, one more than Betas and two more than Omegas. Everybody knows that."


Cleo shook her head, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Wrong," she said, her voice laced with confidence. "After all, even if we have two traits, a bunch of Betas could simply gang up on us and overwhelm us with the quantity of their traits. So, why do you think they still choose us to lead them?"


"I don't know?"


Bambi looked around at the Wolves, their eyes now fixed on Cleo with a mixture of fear and respect. 


"So you see," Cleo started but Bambi noticed one of the Wolves' red eyes gleaming and felt a sudden surge of panic. 


"Watch ou-?!" Before he could do anything, the Wolves lunged forward at Cleo, seemingly wanting to destroy her barrier with brute force.


But to Bambi's amazement, Cleo held out her hand, and a powerful barrier surrounded the Wolves, imprisoning them inside. Her own barrier had shrunk in size, but it was still strong enough to contain the savage creatures. 


Cleo watched the pitiful little dog struggle inside her barrier. "I'll keep the answer short."


"It's simply because we're just this fucking strong," Cleo said with a smug smile, her fingers curled into a fist. In a split second, the barrier encasing all of the Wolves suddenly shrunk, compressing them into a small cube of flesh and blood. Bambi's mouth dropped open at the gruesome sight, and he couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.


Cleo chuckled at his expression. "Not a little, naive boy, huh?" she said, her voice teasing. Bambi's fists clenched at her words, but inwardly, he couldn't help but admire her strength. He had heard of the power of Alphas, but this was the first time he had witnessed it firsthand.


Bambi couldn't stop his mind from wandering to thoughts of Cleo. He couldn't deny that he was curious about her and her impressive strength. He had always been taught that Alphas were the strongest and most dominant in a cove, but seeing her in action had opened his eyes to a whole new level of power.


But it wasn't just her strength that intrigued him. There was something about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was like she had a hidden depth to her, and he wanted to uncover it.


He couldn't help but wonder if Cleo was even stronger than the most powerful Alpha of their cove, Apollo himself. Bambi shook his head to clear his thoughts as Cleo dispelled the barrier around them.


"Keep moving," Cleo ordered, clapping her hands together. "I want to get to the cove before sun-down."


Bambi nodded, his mind still reeling from what had transpired, before following behind Cleo, making sure not to step in the cube-sized gunk previously known as the Wolves.


Shit, he really should do his best to avoid making an enemy out of Alphas.




Norobo Norobo

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