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Chapter 47: Serene Moments

The lively atmosphere of the party engulfs the hall as Master Liang leads Master Magnus away. Damian bids farewell to Kai and quickly heads off, leaving Kai standing alone for a moment.

Kai takes a moment to gather himself before making his way toward his friends, curious about what they are up to.

He notices Leon and Michael indulging in the delicious food spread out on the tables. Aoi is engrossed in a conversation with Emily and Rachel, while Ethan seems to be engaged in a lively discussion with Sarah. Jackson finds himself in an animated conversation with Ava.

To Kai's surprise, Alex is conversing with Amelia.

While observing the scene, Kai can't help but notice that apart from Leon and Michael, who make an odd pair, each of the boys is paired up with a girl.

Kai thinks to himself, "Well, at the moment I don't have any interest in a romantic relationship. However, it is intriguing to see how things are unfolding." With a nonchalant shrug, he casually picks up a glass of juice and takes a sip.

Content to observe the dynamics among his friends.

Soon, a dance commences, and Kai knows he isn't skilled in that department. Opting out, he makes his way to a secluded balcony with his glass of lemon juice.

The cool evening breeze brushes against his face as he gazes at the starry sky. It is a serene moment amidst the lively party.

Taking advantage of the tranquil setting, Kai decides to check on the progress of the system update.

He summons the System, and a screen appears in front of him, displaying the ongoing update progress.

[System Update Progress] [32.24%]

Satisfied with the update's progress, Kai closes the screen and turns his attention back to the enchanting view.

The twinkling stars seem to dance in sync with the rhythm of the music floating from the party hall.

As the night unfolds, the party reaches its peak. Laughter, music, and conversation fill the air. The dance floor comes alive with vibrant moves and graceful twirls.

Friends and acquaintances share joyful moments, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Kai, leaning against the balcony railing, can't help but smile at the infectious energy surrounding him. He feels a sense of happiness, being a part of this lively celebration while enjoying his solitude.

Throughout the night, he mingles with his friends, engaging in light-hearted banter and laughter. They share stories, exchange jokes, and revel in the camaraderie that binds them together.

As the party draws to a close, Kai looks back on the evening with fondness. It has been a memorable and enjoyable experience, filled with laughter, friendship, and moments of quiet reflection.

He rejoins his friends, who are now bidding their farewells and exchanging contact information. The hall gradually empties, but the memories of the night linger in their hearts.

With a sense of fulfillment, Kai and his friends make their way back to the resting quarters, their steps light and hearts full.

As they settle into their beds, the echoes of laughter and music reverberate in their minds. Sleep embraces them, carrying them into a realm of dreams filled with the joy and warmth of the unforgettable party.

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