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Chapter 13: Berserk

"So, it's been four long years of rigorous training," mused the teacher, a glimmer of anticipation dancing in his piercing eyes, like flickering flames in the night.

"Oh yeah!" Isaac's voice brimmed with unbridled excitement, his muscles taut and ready for the challenge that lay ahead, pulsating like coiled springs.

"Today, my young warriors, we shall engage in another round of sparring," announced their teacher, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, revealing a hint of his unfathomable skill.

"You will face off against me."

Ethan's eyes widened in a mixture of awe and apprehension, his heart racing like a wild stallion.

"Fight against you?" he questioned, the weight of the impending battle settling upon his shoulders like a heavy cloak.

With a reassuring nod, the teacher responded, his voice a low, steady rumble.

"Fear not, my students. I shall not unleash my full strength upon you. But be prepared nonetheless."

With hearts pounding like thunderous drums and adrenaline coursing through their veins like wildfire, the trio steeled themselves for the imminent clash.

The teacher, Draydon, took a deliberate step forward, his eyes narrowing with focused determination, their icy gaze fixated on the task at hand.

In an instant, Draydon exploded into motion, his sinewy form a blur of calculated aggression.

He hurtled towards Ethan, a tempest of power, his fist slicing through the air like a speeding bullet. Ethan's instincts kicked in, his mind a whirlwind of defense as he brought his arms up in a desperate bid to block the incoming blow.

But the sheer force behind Draydon's strike shattered Ethan's feeble barrier, sending him stumbling backward like a ragdoll, his body an echo of the impact.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Ethan's vulnerability, Cato lunged forward with unwavering resolve, his muscles rippling with unleashed potential.

With a grace befitting a predator, he launched an attack at Draydon, his fists guided by a burning desire to prove himself. But Draydon, a paragon of awareness, was no ordinary prey.

In an awe-inspiring display of agility, he fluidly sidestepped Cato's assault, his movements a mesmerizing dance of evasion.

Then, in a burst of controlled strength, Draydon's leg arced upwards, a fierce testament to his mastery, meeting Cato's abdomen with a resounding impact.

The force of the blow sent shockwaves through Cato's body, stealing his breath and momentarily shattering his fighting spirit.

Undeterred by his comrades' setbacks, Isaac surged forward, a beacon of unwavering determination amidst the chaos.

His eyes gleamed with fierce determination, like twin stars burning with unquenchable fire. He sought to gain an advantage by employing cunning tactics, his lithe form sneaking up on Draydon, arms poised to seize his teacher's neck.

But Draydon, ever vigilant, sensed the encroaching danger, his instincts honed by countless battles. In a breathtaking display of skill, he swiftly pivoted, his body moving with an otherworldly grace, evading Isaac's grasp.

Seizing the opportunity with lightning-quick reflexes, Draydon's hand shot out, finding its mark on Isaac's vulnerable frame. The force of the impact shattered the illusion of control, hurtling Isaac towards the unforgiving ground.

His body collided with the earth in a violent symphony of pain, leaving behind a testament to Draydon's relentless dominance.

From the shadows of a nearby tree, Sun emerged, a silhouette bathed in golden rays that danced through the leaves above.

His gaze locked onto Draydon, determination etched deeply into his features, like a warrior ready to embrace his destiny.

With a resolute leap, Sun soared through the air, defying gravity's grasp, his body moving with a fluid grace that mirrored the elegance of a hunting falcon.

The wind whispered its anticipation, carrying the faint rustle of leaves, as Sun closed the distance between himself and his formidable adversary.

Time seemed to slow as Sun's fist hurtled towards Draydon, a testament to his unyielding spirit. But Draydon, a master of anticipation, anticipated the attack with preternatural reflexes.

His body shifted with an uncanny swiftness, evading Sun's outstretched hand by a mere hair's breadth.

Undeterred by the near-miss, Sun pressed on, his relentless assault a storm of rapid strikes, each blow a testament to his unquenchable determination.

His fists became a blur, moving with a rhythm born from countless hours of training and an unyielding will to surpass his limits.

But Draydon, a living embodiment of martial finesse, stood like an immovable mountain in the face of Sun's storm.

With calculated precision, he caught both of Sun's fists mid-flight, his hands closing around them like vise grips.

The sheer strength emanating from Draydon's grip sent tremors through Sun's arms, his muscles straining against the resistance.

In a single fluid motion, Draydon unleashed his power, releasing his grip on Sun's fists and propelling him through the air.

Sun hurtled toward a towering tree, the bark reaching out to meet him with unyielding force. The impact resonated through the air, the collision leaving behind a testament to the vast chasm between Sun's aspirations and Draydon's indomitable might.

As the dust settled and silence draped the training ground, the defeated warriors struggled to catch their breath.

Bruised and weary, they exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and a burning resolve to rise from their current defeat. Draydon's dominance, like an ancient mountain peak piercing the heavens, had been laid bare before them.

And though they had been bested, they understood that this was not the end of their journey, but merely another step towards the summit of their own potential.

After a brief respite, the weary combatants gathered together, their bodies bearing the marks of their valiant struggle.

"Damn, today wasn't so hard," Isaac remarked, a hint of fatigue tugging at the edges of his voice.

"I mean, we've been doing this for a year now."

Draydon, his hand absentmindedly reaching up to touch his forehead, froze at Isaac's words.

His gaze grew distant as a flurry of memories rushed forth, clawing at the recesses of his mind.

"You said it was easy, Isaac?" Draydon's voice held a tinge of incredulity, his fingers lingering on the old scars etched across his brow.

Isaac's eyes met Draydon's, filled with a quiet confidence.

"Well, I mean, we couldn't even touch you, but... over time, we've grown accustomed to your skill. It's become second nature to us, so it feels easier, you know?"

A soft chuckle escaped Draydon's lips, though it was tinged with a flicker of something deeper. "Easy, huh?"

But then, something shifted within Draydon, a fierce determination ignited by the embers of a long-forgotten past.

He clutched his head, his eyes darting around, as if battling against an inner storm threatening to consume him.

"No," he muttered, his voice raw and filled with an unyielding resolve.

"Today... it will be different. It will be hard. I won't let that happen again. Not this time."

And in that moment, Draydon's transformation began. A primal energy coursed through his veins, animating his very being.

His muscles bulged and swelled, expanding with a terrifying power. Fur sprouted from his skin, a wild mane of untamed strength.

With each passing second, he grew larger, towering over the surrounding trees, his colossal form eclipsing the landscape.

A deafening roar erupted from Draydon's transformed self, the sound reverberating through the air like a thunderclap.

His eyes, once filled with a calm wisdom, now burned with an untamed fury. The towering simian visage stood as a testament to his untapped potential, a fearsome creature born from the depths of his determination.

In the tranquil village, the elder sat in his humble abode, diligently tending to his paperwork.

The peaceful silence was abruptly shattered by a piercing scream that pierced through the air, causing the elder to jolt in his seat. His weathered face contorted with concern as he recognized the voice that carried on the wind.

Without a moment's hesitation, the elder sprang to his feet, his aged bones protesting the sudden movement.

Determination etched deep lines on his face, a reflection of the weight he carried as the guardian of the village. He knew that something dire must have befallen Sun and the others on the treacherous mountain.

Pushing himself to his limits, the elder dashed outside, his footsteps echoing with urgency. His eyes scanned the towering silhouette of the mountain, the distant echoes of the scream still ringing in his ears.

His voice, though strained with worry, held a commanding presence as he addressed the villagers.

"You all, be careful. I will check what's going," the elder declared, his voice laden with unspoken fears.

It was a silent plea, urging them to stay vigilant while he risked his own safety to confront the unknown threat that had ensnared their comrade.

With a determined nod, the villager exchanged anxious glances, their eyes mirroring a mixture of concern and unwavering trust in the elder's abilities.

They understood the weight of responsibility that had been placed upon their Elder shoulders, and they resolved to hold the fort, ready to lend their strength if needed.

The elder's voice, though weary, resonated with unwavering determination as he muttered to himself,

"Hold on, Sun. I am coming."

And with those words, the elder disappeared into the treacherous depths of the mountain, leaving behind a village filled with bated breath, their hope and prayers intertwined with the fate of their beloved companion.

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