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83.63% Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer. / Chapter 44: End of Hosu Arc.

Chapter 44: End of Hosu Arc.

(Let us rewind some time back, shall we?)

Kaito was engaging against the Nomu in a fierce battle. The Nomu would attack him by generating those steel rods to try and pierce Kaito but he dodged every single one of them.

Kaito was still pondering about the voice he heard earlier.

'What was that? I'm sure that there's no one in here so, where did that voice come from?' Kaito.

The Nomu tried to attack him but Kaito still dodged his attack.

With the press of a button and the iron sand that was on the Nomu's injuries came back to the sword, tearing its skin apart in the process.

The Nomu charges furiously towards Kaito, trying to attack him with his damaged arms. Kaito decides to counter with his Demon-Slayer Sword.

[Dark Breathing: First form: Demon-Slayer: Rock Smash!]

Kaito smashes the flat side of Demon-Slayer against the fists of the Nomu and a shockwave is generated. Kaito wasn't giving in against the power of the Nomu but, it was a matter of time before it fully healed and pushed Kaito back.

Kaito stabs the Nomu in the neck. with Demon-Slayer and flies back. Before hitting a wall, Kaito pressed another button on Demon-Dweller and he begins to slowly decrease his speed. Kaito then gets pulled over against the Nomu, who was trying to take Demon-Slayer out of his neck.

Kaito gets closer and closer to the Nomu, aiming to behead the being. The Nomu manages to pull the sword out and counters Kaito's attack with his own sword.

Unfortunately for him, Kaito had already thought of a similar scenario and was already prepared. Kaito took a small device from Nezuko and pressed its button.

The Demon-Slayer Sword let out all the iron sand surrounding itself like a spiky ball. The Nomu roars and tries to take the sword out of his hand. Kaito, not letting the chance go to waste, decides to stab the Nomu's head with his Demon-Dweller and end the fight.

Kaito stabs the Nomu's head and he then cease to move. The Nomu slumps to the ground and Kaito retrieve his sword back, after de-activating the security protocol of course.

Kaito looks at the Nomu and makes some distance, he takes out some ethanol and began to pour it on the Nomu.

He wasn't entirely sure that the creature was "done" so, he had to make sure by destroying the body as much as he could, and what better way to start than fire?

Kaito took some steps back before lighting a match. Before he could throw the match, he felt immobilized by something.

A purplish portal was below him, retaining him from moving. Kaito knew what was happening and looked at the Nomu. The Nomu was healing himself from the injury and began to dash towards Kaito.

Kaito stabbed the portal several times but it was ineffective. The Nomu bashed Kaito and he crashed into a wall.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri, who where on a nearby building, watched as the youngster crashes unto some buildings.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Die, die, die! Nothing will remain from your corpse!" Shigaraki.

"Young master Tomura, we should get out of here while we can. We've intervened enough." Kurogiri.

"No! I'll watch him die live. If you try to stop me, I'll turn you into dust." Shigaraki.

Kurogiri sighs and follow his young master's orders.

Kaito tried to get up but the Nomu continued his assault on the young hero. The Nomu threw a barrage of punches to kill Kaito, the youngster retaliated by blocking and countering but still received some punches.

Kaito's resistance was exceptional but, even he would fall due to his injuries while the Nomu would regenerate constantly. Kaito stabbed the Nomu's head in an attempt to disable him once more but another portal redirected his sword and he stabbed himself in the shoulder.

The Nomu punched him again and this time, several walls were destroyed. Kaito was still conscious but decided to play dead.

The Nomu was preparing for a final attack while Kaito was taking deep breaths.

[Beast Breathing: Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness]

Kaito poured all his focus into pinpointing Kurogiri's position to somehow get rid of him. The Nomu charged towards Kaito to kill him but the youngster evaded the attack, he pierced both of the Nomu's arms together and ride his back.

"Yeehaw!!! Giddy up, ugly! We're going for a ride!" Kaito.

Kaito took off his white yukata and used it to blind the Nomu. The Nomu, not happy with this, began to rampage through the buildings to try to shake Kaito off. What the Nomu didn't know was that Kaito was guiding him towards Kurogiri, who changed locations alongside Shigaraki.

"Young master Tomura, we have to escape." Kurogiri.

"NO! I want to see him dead!" Shigaraki.

Kurogiri sweatdrops at the statement.

"If we don't leave, we-----" Kurogiri.

"Yahoo!!!" Kaito yelled as he lured the Nomu into jumping.

Kaito jumps off the Nomu, making it fall unto Kurogiri, and pierces Shigaraki's left hand.

"ARGHHHH!!! What the hell is your beef with my hands?!" Shigaraki.

"I dunno. Maybe the fact that they can turn anything into dust?" Kaito.

Shigaraki tries to decay Kaito's swords but, the hero kicks him back. Kurogiri is taking care of the Nomu and portals it towards Kaito, who manages to dodge him as he falls from the building.

Kurogiri grabs Shigaraki and teleports both of them away. Kaito look at the scene and sighs, he knows that he could've reduced the damage further if he had tried harder but, alas, it was not meant to be.

The Nomu seems annoyed about all that's happened.

'Strange, Nomu's aren't supposed to have independent thoughts or emotions. The mere fact that it felt pain shows a flaw in its original design. Why though?' Kaito thought while he saw the Nomu rampaging.


Kaito heard the voice once more. He used his seventh form once again and felt the voice coming from...…the Nomu?

Kaito doesn't know how to explain it, his technique clearly tells him that the voice is calling him from within the Nomu. Kaito's eyes widen after seeing how the Nomu began to calm down and locked eyes with him.

'I see, that's why is so "defective". The Nomu still has its ego of its past self. Spatial Awareness can locate the presence of anyone within range by amplifying the senses to their extreme.'

'The fact that this Nomu hadn't killed me before was not due to its lack of strength or my defense. It was because it wants me to "free" it from itself. Consider that done, victim of this world.' Kaito.

The Nomu stomps the ground and accidentally makes a gas pipeline explode below him, leaving him stunned.

Kaito ceased the opportunity and cut both of the Nomu's arms, not without receiving some cuts in his legs, courtesy of the spiky metal pipes.

Kaito is now bleeding from his legs and pants as the Nomu wait in the crater of the street for its arms to regenerate.

'It's now or never!' Kaito.

Kaito jumps down into the crater and raises Demon-Slayer and begins to gather all the iron sand he has on the Demon-Slayer Sword.

(This is where we left off)

"Time to end this!!!" Kaito.

[Darkness Breathing: Eight Form: Demon-Slayer Sword: Black Divider]

The already dark and big sword became darker and larger in size. Kaito had to use both of his hands to efficiently carry the big sword.

The Nomu releases a powerful screech that cracks many of the nearby buildings. Kaito, on the other hand, was somewhat fine as he was preparing his next technique, holding the Demon-Slayer sword tightly.

'Don't lose focus, wait for the opening to appear and then strike swiftly.' Kaito.

The Nomu's screech ended and both of them rushed against each other. Kaito dashes while holding his giant sword and the Nomu rushes while raising both of its arms.

Kaito and the Nomu get within each other's range and deliver their attacks. The Nomu throws a powerful punch against Kaito and he delivers his technique.

[Darkness Breathing: Eight Form: Black Divider: Destructor of Sins]

Kaito slashes vertically, cutting the Nomu's arm in half. Kaito stabs the Nomu in the chest and twist his sword until it is positioned horizontally on the Nomu's torso. Kaito looks the eyes of the being, they were expressionless, however, Kaito could discern some sort of gratitude from them.

Kaito grips his sword and presses a button. The iron sand explodes on the flat sides of the sword and pierce through the Nomu's head. Kaito stops the iron sand and finally beheads the Nomu.

The Nomu's body falls to the ground and he sees that the regeneration has stopped completely. Kaito looks at the beheaded head an can't help but to feel uncomfortable about the situation.

"Rest peacefully, whoever you are. You died as a human, not as a mindless monster. I hope you can reincarnate into a better life." Kaito spoke and prepare to leave the crater.

Kaito left it and is now walking towards Midoriya's group. Kaito didn't had to walk much since he found the trio of his classmates dragging the body of the formal Hero Killer.

"Dang. I didn't expect you to solve the problem this quickly. I was convinced that I would have to intervene in your escapade." Kaito spoke teasing the group.

"We're fine, what about you? you look horrible." Todoroki.

"This is nothing, that Nomu packed quite the punch. I did overpower him though." Kaito.

Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki look at their Class rep and are in awe. Previously, when they were fighting the Nomu, nothing they did could stop him, Kaito however, managed to defeat him.

Kaito looks at the trio and speaks.

"Let's go, I bet the rest are waiting for us and Stain." Kaito.

"Y-yeah." Midoriya.

While they went towards the other heroes, Kaito began to speak.

"So, how was your first fight against a real villain?" Kaito.

The trio remained quite but answered after a few seconds.

"It was, completely different as to what I imagined." Midoriya.

"Yeah, every move had the weight of our lives altogether." Iida.

"The fact that a single mistake could mean the death of anyone...…it was really stressful." Todoroki.

"That's good. Remember this battle, remember everything that happened. The feelings of your emotions and bodies while interacting against the villain, your thoughts at the possibility of losing. Everything will become experience that will nurture you into better heroes." Kaito spoke.

The trio were silent at the statement and could only nod at him.

Eventually, the quartet arrived at the scene where the other heroes where and delivered Stain to them. Where they rendezvous with Endeavor and Gran Torino.

"Are you sure that you are fine, Kaito-kun?" Iida.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's not as if I've been fighting for an entire hour." Kaito.

"The fight against the hero killer probably only took about ten minutes. But to us, it felt like that—" Iida spoke but was interrupted.

"Get down!"

"A villain?!

A flying Nomu came flying and down and snatched Midoriya away. 

"Hey!" Todoroki.

"Midoriya!" Iida.

Kaito unsheathed one of his katanas.

'There's blood! Did he escape here after being beaten?' Endeavor thought before realizing something.

'Oh no, if he gets too high, then I won't be able to reach him with my Quirk!' Endeavor.


A flying slash cut the Nomu's wings, Kaito jumped and stabbed the Nomu's head while also grabbing Midoriya before he crashed onto the ground.

While the heroes were distracted, Stain escaped and clashed his dagger with Kaito. The scene surprised everyone and before they could react, Stain began to speak.

"This society overgrown with fake heroes...and the criminals who wave their power around idly...should all be purged. This is create a more just society." Stain.

Kaito held his ground while staring at the eyes of the Hero Killer without a trace of fear.

'He killed someone with no hesitation.' Midoriya thought after seeing Kaito kill the Nomu.

"Hero Killer! Surrender this instant, you're completely surrounded." Endeavor declared.

"You fake...I must make things right...Someone must be dyed in blood...I must take back what it means to be a hero! Come! Try and get me, you fakes! The only one I'll let kill me is the true hero...All Might!" Stain declared.

Stain exerts his killing intent, paralyzing everyone in the spot. Even the pro hero Endeavor couldn't move against such bloodlust that the villain was enforcing.

Amidst everyone's fear, a voice was heard in between the bloodlust.

"You're wrong." Kaito spoke after Stain concluded his speech.

Everyone looks at the kid, who's not even flinching at Stain's bloodlust.

"A hero, is not an executioner, nor a punisher, nor a judge. A hero is...a healer." Kaito spoke.

Stain looks at the young hero, waiting for him to continue.

"In this world, bad things will always happen. There are people that are neglected and others are in some really sketchy dark places with no way out. The only way out they see, is crime. Some do it for survival, others for personal gain but, did you know that, there are some that won't commit crimes no matter how hard the situation they're in is?"

"The reason to that is their principles. A person with good principles will always prevail against their inner darkness, the hatred, the temptation, the sadness. I wont claim to know how they feel or how to help those in need. All I can promise is to help anyone that asks for help. It will be a slow and steady process, but I believe it's possible."

"It may seem impossible and from a point of view ridiculous but, isn't the idea of a perfect society ridiculous as well? After all, a perfect society, doesn't need heroes."

"Sorry, I got tracked off, my point in this conversation is; your idea of hero is a person that eliminates anyone that goes against the rules imposed by the society, right? However, a true hero would be...a person willing to help said people, so that they can live in society like everyone else. Or at least that's what I think." Kaito smiled shyly at the end.

Stain had a mental breakdown when considering what Kaito just said and couldn't help but to do one thing.

"Hehe. That sounds like...…a...…wonderful...dream." Stain smiled at the young hero and fainted.

"He's...He's unconscious..." One of the heroes spoke.

'So, that's the kid Toshinori mentioned.' Gran Torino thought.

'He managed to resist such a killing intent, one so powerful that even had me shaking! I have to step up my game!' Endeavor.

A person was recording the speech of Stain and also decided to record Kaito's to publish them later.

Kaito looked at Stain with a calm demeanor while sheathing his katana. He looked at the sky and thought.

'If I had wished to be omnipotent, I could correct this world entirely, however, said world would lack the free will that resides in each and every single one of us. Welp, my dream goal is a little far away anyway so, I'll just take it calmly while I can.' Kaito thought.

Kaito happily raised his arms and plumed into the floor to catch some z's. The Hosu incident is officially over.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

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