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34.09% An Unordinary Extra / Chapter 43: Isle of Azure Breeze

Chapter 43: Isle of Azure Breeze

The guildmaster, a woman with a mane of fiery red hair, gestured towards a doorway hidden behind a heavy tapestry. "Perhaps we could continue this conversation in a more… private setting." Her voice held a hint of amusement, as if she understood the awkwardness of being recognized amidst the rough-and-tumble crowd.

Intrigued, we followed the guildmaster through the doorway. The bustling sounds of the main hall were replaced by a hushed silence. Stepping inside, we found ourselves in a spacious office, a stark contrast to the cluttered main hall. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lined the walls, crammed with leather-bound tomes and scrolls. A crackling fireplace cast a warm glow on a plush sitting area and a massive oaken desk piled high with parchment.

The guildmaster gestured towards the two armchairs facing the fireplace. "Please, have a seat. May I offer you some tea? We have a rather extensive selection."

Taking a seat, I couldn't help but be drawn to the strange artifacts scattered around the room – a crystal ball that pulsed with an inner light, a gnarled staff topped with a shimmering gemstone, and a collection of ornately carved figurines that seemed to hold a hidden energy. The air itself crackled with a faint magical hum.

The guildmaster poured two steaming mugs of tea, a fragrant aroma filling the room. "This is my sanctuary," she explained, a hint of pride in her voice. "A place to unwind after a long day dealing with the… colorful clientele the guild attracts."

Rachel chuckled, taking a sip of her tea. "Colorful is certainly one way to put it." She glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on the strange artifacts. "Quite the collection you have here, Guildmaster."

The guildmaster smiled. "Souvenirs from past adventures, some. Others… well, let's just say they hold a certain… power." She took a long sip of her tea, her eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment. "Now, as I was saying, Princess Rachel. Your presence here is quite unexpected."

I stood before the guildmaster, my attention fixed on her every word as she considered our request. "Guildmaster, we're in search of a 5-star mission to the Isle of Azure Breeze in the Kobold Sea," I explained. "We've heard it's an optimal locale for honing our magical control."

Her keen eyes met mine, acknowledging our aspiration. "The Isle of Azure Breeze," she mused. "An apt choice for those seeking to refine their magical prowess. It seems you're eager to enhance your abilities."

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. "Yes, Guildmaster. We believe the environment of the island will facilitate our growth. We ask for your assistance in securing a mission that aligns with our objective."

With a knowing smile, she reached for a parchment scroll, unrolling it to reveal a map marking the Isle of Azure Breeze. "I understand your desire," she said, tracing her finger along the coastline. "Your mission will be to journey there and confront the dangerous beasts that roam its wilderness."

Rachel's eyes brightened with anticipation, eager for the challenge. "That sounds exhilarating! What can you tell us about the specifics?"

The guildmaster's smile was encouraging. "The isle is home to various creatures, from the swift Azure Wyvern to the formidable Thornback Boar. However, for this mission, your primary targets will be the Thunderclaw Griffin, master of the skies, with lightning-fast speed and thunderous roars, and the Elder Treant, a towering sentinel of the forest."

A silent agreement flickered between Rachel and me. The Guildmaster's offer hung in the air, heavy with possibility. We exchanged a glance, a shared spark of excitement igniting in our eyes. No need for words, we were on the same page.

"We're in," I declared, my voice firm with newfound purpose. "We'll take the mission."

The Guildmaster's smile broadened, revealing a hint of something akin to grudging respect. "Excellent! That's the spirit," she boomed, her voice echoing through the high-ceilinged hall. "This won't be a walk in the park, but I have faith in you both."

With a renewed sense of urgency, we strode back to the main hall. The receptionist, a woman whose bored expression could curdle milk, perked up at the sight of us returning. Mission details were exchanged in a flurry of digital signatures and encrypted files transferred between sleek tablets.

Moments later, we were out of the Guild's imposing metal doors, spatial rings humming with the weight of the newly acquired supplies and a digital map leading towards the Isle of Azure Breeze.

Stepping onto the polished deck of the sleek, state-of-the-art transport vessel, the salty spray kissed our faces. Rachel stood beside me, her eyes gleaming with a mix of thrill and anticipation.

"Ready to dive in, Arthur?" she asked, her voice playfully laced with a hint of challenge.A grin stretched across my face. "Absolutely," I replied, the wind whipping through my hair. "Together, let's see what the Isle of Azure Breeze has in store for us."

We hopped on a ferry bound for the Isle of Azure Breeze, the salty air whipping through our hair. Slipping away for a moment, I sent a quick text to Lucifer, checking on his whereabouts.

"Whoa, lucky break," I said, rejoining Rachel who sat beside me, a pensive expression gracing her beautiful features. "He snagged a mission and is already on the Isle."

"That's convenient," she mused, twirling a golden lock of hair around her finger.

While Rachel seemed deep in thought, I busied myself with online research. Our mission involved hunting two formidable beasts: the Thunderclaw Griffin and the Elder Treant, both ranked a formidable 5-stars.

Of course, these weren't my true concerns. Neither the mission nor honing my control over my abilities mattered as much as the island's hidden secrets.

My ultimate goal was to awaken a far more powerful creature, a 6-star beast - the Elder Dark Treant. According to the <<Saga of the Divine Swordsman>>, this being was the key to encountering the mythical qilin. Apparently, Lucifer in the book had done this by accident, feeding the Elder Treant enough dark magic from slain 5-star beasts to trigger its transformation.

The kicker? The Elder Dark Treant's dark decay magic was supposedly the only thing that could break through the protective layers guarding a crucial waypoint, the very one I needed to reach the qilin.

The Isle of Azure Breeze wasn't your typical vacation spot. Forget sunbathers and souvenir shops. This island was a haven for powerful mana beasts, with the occasional thrill-seeking adventurer popping in for a taste of the action. It was a strange, symbiotic economy. We, meaning the people in the know, allowed these mini-ecosystems to flourish, knowing they'd eventually yield valuable resources for us.

The ferry ride finally sputtered to a stop, disgorging Rachel and me onto the island's rugged shores."So, adventurer's guild first?" Rachel asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.I grinned. "First stop. Gotta play by the rules."

We pushed open the heavy wooden doors of the Isle of Azure Breeze adventurer's guild. Inside, a cacophony of sounds assaulted our senses - the rhythmic sharpening of blades, the excited chatter of novice adventurers, and the gruff boasts of seasoned veterans. We weaved through the throng, our official Adventurer's Guild IDs glinting in the dim light.

The receptionist, a woman with a shock of purple hair and a bored expression, barely looked up as we approached. "Checking in for a mission?" she droned.

"Indeed," I replied, placing our IDs on the counter. A flicker of surprise crossed her features as her gaze landed on the prestigious Mythos Academy emblem embossed on them. Her eyes widened further as they flicked to Rachel, recognition dawning.

"My apologies," she stammered, straightening in her chair. "I wasn't aware… It's Princess Rachel of House Creighton, isn't it? And a fellow Mythos student?"

"The one and only," Rachel said with a warm smile, disarming the receptionist's fluster. "We're just here to register for our mission on the island."

The receptionist recovered quickly, professionalism returning to her voice. "Of course, Your Highness. Allow me to expedite the process." Her fingers flew across the console, registering our IDs and mission details with a practiced efficiency.

"There you go," she said, handing us back our IDs along with a couple of official-looking badges. "These mark you as registered adventurers for the duration of your mission. Remember, safety is paramount on the island. Be mindful of the local wildlife and unpredictable weather patterns."

"Thank you for the warning," I said, accepting the badges. "We appreciate the assistance."It was time to finally open the curtain to getting my beast will.

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