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57.69% Me and my love Mr Alien. / Chapter 15: After everyone comes back to the lab.

Chapter 15: After everyone comes back to the lab.

Everyone returned to the lab after Mr. Alien said.When everyone came to the lab and Mr. Alien started asking everyone that where all of them have searched.then AG 35 says that senior Aarohi and GD 30 sir have not come yet.

Then Mr. Alien also notices that both have not arrived yet. After that Mr. Alien tells AG 35 to go and contact them. Mr. Alien was very worried as to why Aarohi has not come till now, has her health deteriorated again?

AG 35 after contacting both of them comes and tells everyone that both are fine, will come in a while.Mr. Aline asked what are both of them doing till now.

AG 35 = He didn't say that he just said that we will come in a while

Mister Alien thinks in his thoughts, let her come, today I tell her that there is so much danger outside and she is roaming around.

And here on the other side, GD 30 and Aarohi were just about to come to the lab then GD 30 tells Aarohi that come, I will take you somewhere.

Aarohi = where.

GD 30 = you walk with me you will know yourself

Aarohi = But we are already late and if there is more delay then everyone will get worried.

GD 30 = Nothing will happen, you come, I have told AG 35 that we will be a late.

Aarohi = ok then let's go

After that both GD 30 and Aarohi would sit in the car. for going .Then Aarohi says senior can I ask you something. Senior has said ask.

Aarohi = By the way, I had asked you this before but you did not tell. But I want to know please tell me why Mr. Alien hates you so much You talk to him so well but he never talks to you.please tell me maybe i can help

GD 30 = No one is able to help me regarding this.But I will tell you what happened between us that made him hate me so much But I have one condition, you have to call me by my name and not by senior's name.

.Aarohi = It's a bit difficult but I will try my best ok senior oh sorry GD 30.

GD 30.= Do you know that both of us have not shared this with anyone till date. And I didn't even want to but don't know why I want to share this with you

May and IG 20 were best friends when they were kids We both always lived together.Together we used to practice growing their skills, we used to hang out together .

Both of us were very intelligent but IG 20 was slightly more intelligent than me. Whenever there was a fight between us, he always won. I also wanted that sometimes I could win from him but it never happened, he always used to win. Then both of us were only 10 years old.One day when we were practicing, some boys made fun of me. By saying that you are a loser, you always lose you should stay away from IG 20 because you always lose with him.

Then I felt very bad, but I did not feel as bad about those boys as I did about IG 20 stood there and did not say anything to those boys for me.Rather, he started making fun of me with them, saying that now you give up, accept that I am better than you.

Then I went away angry with him and I went home and worked very hard so that I could beat him at least once. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never get ahead of him.

And after that I stopped meeting him too.I ended my friendship with him and only thought about how to get over him.

But at that time his mother and father were accused of theft.That they cheated his friends and ran away with the formula.I don't know if this was true or false but that's what everyone was saying Gurdas were looking for them everywhere and both were hiding here and there. And in this cycle, they weee not even able to meet his son IG 20 . I was angry since 20th so I never went to meet him nor did I know about his mom and dad then.That all this has happened to them.

One day I was walking alone in the park when I saw IG 20 mom and dad.And when he also saw me, his mother came to visit me and she said can you go to IG 20 now.Go and tell him that his mom and dad are waiting for him in the park so come and meet us soon I want to see him one last time . And I told her sorry aunty I can't go because I had a fight with him so now I neither meet nor talk to her . Then they said look it is very important please go to him now if we can't meet him now we will never be able to meet him We both can't go to him right now that's why I'm telling you

I told him ok if I meet him I will tell him that you are waiting for him here

After that I came from there and started thinking whether I should tell him or not. After that I remembered when he made fun of me, then I thought that I will not tell this to him. And I go to my home, after that my mother told that all this happened with mother and father of IG 20 . As soon as I came to know about this, without thinking anything, I quickly ran towards IG


When I was going, I was stopped on the way by the same boys who had made fun of me that day.

I told those boys that please let me go now, I have already delayed a lot, I cannot delay any longer.You people only want to make fun of me, then make fun of me later, let me go now.

After that those boys said no we have not stopped you here to make fun of you Rather we want to apologize to you for making fun of you.

I said sorry suddenly how did this happen.

He said when we were making fun of you that day and you went into a rage, after that your friend insulted us and even hit us. And said that if you make fun of my friend from now then I will not leave you all.That's why we want to apologize to you, forgive us, this will not happen in future.

As soon as I heard all this, I felt as if I had committed a big mistake by being angry with IG 20. He was always with me but I left him at the last moment.Then there was only one thing going on in my mind that somehow I have to tell him about his mom and dad. That his mom and dad are waiting for him, if it is too late to tell me, I will never be able to forgive myself.

After that I started moving faster and reached him . I went to him and told him everything about his mom and dad. On hearing this he started running towards the park. I also started running after him.

When we both reached the park, her mom's dad was not there because we were late. Before we reached there, the guards had reached there, fearing to be caught by them, both of them ran away from there.And he lost his last chance to meet his mom and dad just because of me.After that I told him the simple thing that had happened and also told him that if I had left my displeasure with you, I would have come and told you earlier.So you would have been able to meet your mom and dad.Please forgive me.

He got very angry after hearing this and he said in anger that you did this just because of a small quarrel. how can you do this .If you had told earlier, I would have met my parents.

After that he completely stopped talking to me.How many times I went to him and said sorry to him and also said that I didn't know then what happened with your parents. But he didn't listen to me.And a few days after that we got the news that his parents had gone to Earth hiding from here. And the people of Earth found out about them both that both are aliens Due to which both of them died.From then till today he started hating me.

This thing spread like a fire all over our planet Everyone here started talking bad about both of them. And IG 20 hates me more and more after that . It's been 15 years since that day and from that day till now he didn't even speak a word to me. Nor did he look at me.

But he spoke to me only once in these 15 years.Do you remember the day when you were found and brought here.He spoke to me at the same time after 15 years That too because of you.You can't imagine how happy I was that day just because he spoke two words to me. And then he started talking to me even though he doesn't talk to me very well, he talks very rudely But I am happy that at least he talks.And you are the reason for that happiness of mine, only you are Aarohi.

Aarohi = how am i

GD 30 = I have noticed that he talks to me only because of you.That's why I always think that you stay here so that at least he can talk to me.

Aarohi = Well, this is the reason why Mr. Alien is always angry with you. Don't be sad, one day he will realize that it was not your fault.

GD 30 = How was it not a mistake, it was all my fault. If I had told him on time, nothing like that would have happened.

Aarohi = But you didn't know about his parents then and when you came to know then you goes.By the way, you have a little mistake but both of you were very young at that time, only 10 years old. I am sure that one day he will definitely understand and forgive you.

GD 30 = I wish you were like what you are saying.Even today when I think about such simple things, I get very angry with myself.I wish I could go back in time and correct all my mistakes.

Aarohi = Don't think too much now. Mr. Alien, that's why he hates us humans so much.Because of his mom and dad. but after hearing all this i feel very bad for him It must have been very difficult for him without his mom and dad How difficult and painful it is to live without your mom and dad. I understand it very well Because I have experienced this myself.

GD 30 = Why what happened to your mother and father?

Aarohi = They both left me in a car accident when I was 8 years old.

GD 30 = I am Sorry I didn't know.

Aarohi = It doesn't matter, now all these things are gone and when will we reach .

GD 30 = Just reached.Will reach in 2 minutes.

Now we are just about to reach do one thing you close your eyes

Aarohi = but why.

GD 30 = Stop it, this place is a surprise for you, you would not have seen a better place than this till date.

Aarohi = ok

After that GD 30 stops the car and let Aarohi out of the car gently holding her hand . And says to keep your eyes closed when I tell you to open them.

Aarohi = Have we reached? Now I open my eyes.

GD 30 = no wait just one second. Oh now open your eyes.

Aarohi slowly opens her eyes And after that she just keeps on seeing what she sees GD30 asks her did you like this place.

Aarohi = you talk about feeling good it's very good how peaceful it is here And it looks even better in the moonlit night.And this faint light that spreads all around And how lovely is this gentle sound of water I have never seen such a lovely place before today This place calms our soul, this place is full of peace and positivity.

I didn't know that there would be such a beautiful place on this planet. This is really great.

GD 30 = this is my and IG 20 favorite place When we were young, whenever both of us were sad, and used to be very happy, then we used to come here.Earlier, when we were friends, we used to come together but now we come here only occasionally, even alone. We have not brought anyone with us till date.Neither have I brought anyone nor have I brought anyone , We both promised that we will always come here together You are the first person who has come here apart from both of us.

Aarohi = It means I am lucky.I got a chance to see such a beautiful place

GD 30= You can say this but you are better than Lucky, your heart is very clear.You make a place in the hearts of others with your goodness and truthfulness because you are so good.

Aarohi = Now don't praise me too much, otherwise I will start flying in the air.Now let's go back or else Mr. Alien will eat us if we are too late .

GD 30 = Oh now let's go back.

Aarohi = listen senior never be sad everything will be alright see u both will be friends again and will come here together again , because you are very good and bad things never happen to good people .

GD 30 = thanku .Now let's go back.

After that both Aarohi and GD 30 sit in the car to come back and start coming back.

And here on the other side all the people had gone from the lab to their own rooms to sleep because it was late night. But Mr. Alien was still awake and was watching from his window whether Aarohi has come yet or not.

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