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63.04% The barber:Dc / Chapter 57: Chapter Fifty-Six: The Great Rappture...

Chapter 57: Chapter Fifty-Six: The Great Rappture...

( Song recommended: Diana Ankudinova - Can't help falling in love. Can't stress how much I recommended listening to this while reading. That's her real voice, by the way, it's fucking wild. check it out on YouTube.


( Unkown Location)

A woman slowly regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open to a scene of desolation.

The once-vibrant streets of a loved city she barely recognised now lay in ruins, the remnants of a city ravaged by an unknown cataclysm. Dust and debris filled the air, creating an eerie haze that obscured her surroundings.


Disoriented and disbelieving, she struggled to comprehend the reality before her eyes.

How had her beloved home transformed into this post-apocalyptic wasteland? Her heart raced with a mix of confusion, fear, and a gnawing sense of loss.

As she tried to gather her bearings, a sudden explosion pierced the silence, the shockwave reverberating through the air.

Alarms blared in the distance, adding to the chaos that engulfed the city. Panic set in as she realized the gravity of the situation.

With a sense of urgency, the woman scanned the vicinity, desperately seeking signs of life.

But the streets remained deserted, devoid of any human presence. It felt like a ghost town, hauntingly silent and abandoned.

Just as she contemplated her next move, another deafening blast erupted in the sky, drawing her attention upward.

Her eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed a colossal explosion, a burst of energy that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The shockwave rippled through the air, threatening to consume everything in its path.

Instinctively, she raised her hands, ready to summon her latent magical abilities to shield herself from the imminent danger.

But to her utter astonishment, her powers failed her. The connection to her magic felt severed, as if a vital part of her essence had been extinguished.

Fear mingled with frustration as she realized that her usual means of protection were unavailable to her at this dire moment.

She was vulnerable, defenceless against the impending catastrophe. Questions raced through her mind, but there was no time to ponder...

As the shockwave drew closer, the woman braced herself for the impact, expecting the worst.

Yet, miraculously, the destructive force halted just inches away from her, as if an invisible barrier shielded her from harm.

The explosion, which should have engulfed her, collapsed in on itself, creating a vacuum of darkness.

Her eyes widened in awe and trepidation as a swirling vortex of shadows emerged from the implosion. It took the form of a black hole, its presence foreboding and menacing.

It seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, threatening to consume everything in its path.

Whispering under her breath, her voice laced with both awe and fear, she uttered, "A black hole..."


As the black hole expanded, its gravitational pull grew stronger, tugging at the woman with increasing force.

She felt as though an invisible hand was drawing her closer, inexorably pulling her towards the swirling abyss. Panic surged within her, her mind racing to find a solution, to break free from the gravitational grasp.

In the midst of her desperation, a distant sound pierced the air—a solitary church bell tolling.

Its reverberations cut through the chaos, carrying a haunting melody that resonated not only within the city but throughout the entire world.

The woman's gaze again shifted skyward, her eyes widening in awe and confusion as she beheld the sight above.

Seven stars twinkled in the vast expanse, casting their ethereal glow upon the shattered cityscape.

Each star emanated a unique brilliance, illuminating the darkness that shrouded the world. Yet, one star stood out amongst the rest, shining with a resplendent radiance that surpassed all others.


Its brilliance outshone the dimness of the surrounding stars, capturing the woman's attention and igniting a glimmer of recognition deep within her soul.

Intuitively, she understood that this radiant star was the source of the resounding bell toll.

It held a significance, a connection to the unfolding events that transcended her understanding. Questions swirled within her mind, demanding answers that seemed elusive and beyond her reach.

As she continued to gaze skyward, her eyes drawn to the mysterious star, another sight captured her attention.

Amidst the kaleidoscope of raw putrid colours that enveloped the city, she discerned the unmistakable form of a human figure.

The darkening hues danced around this individual, creating a mesmerizing aura that seemed to emanate from their very being.


Intrigued and bewildered, the woman felt an inexplicable urge to call out, to inquire if this person held the answers she sought.

But before she could utter a single word, an unforeseen occurrence disrupted the moment.

The very fabric of reality seemed to ripple and bend, distorting the world around her.

The ground trembled beneath her feet as if protesting against the forces at play.

Structures swayed and crumbled, further emphasizing the fragile state of her surroundings. It was as if the very essence of her reality was being tested, stretched to its limits.

The woman's heart raced, and her breath quickened as she grappled with the overwhelming sensation of uncertainty.

As the woman stood there, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the Justice League materialized before her.

They had appeared from everywhere direction and she hadn't sensed any of them before.

Their arrival was marked by a fury and desperation that engulfed the atmosphere, their collective power and determination radiating in every gesture.

"Justice League, we must stop this threat! We cannot let it consume our world!"

Superman, his cape billowing in the wind, took the lead, his voice resonating with authority.

Wonder Woman, her bracelets gleaming in the sunlight, nodded in agreement.

"Together, we can overcome any challenge. We stand as Earth's last protectors!"

The Flash, a blur of crimson and gold, crackled with lightning. "Time to bring the speed, folks! Let's show this thing what we're made of!"

Green Lantern, his emerald energy constructs forming around him, raised his ring-clad hand. "In brightest day, in blackest night, we will defend what's right!"

Cyborg, his mechanical enhancements humming with power, scanned the battlefield. "I've got their digital signatures. Let's take 'em down, team!"

Aquaman, wielding his trident with authority, spoke with a commanding presence. "The ocean's might flows through my veins. You will know the fury of Atlantis demon!"

Batman, his eyes hidden beneath the cowl, stood silently, his determination evident in every calculated move.

Instead of his usual costume, he wore an armour that shined a silverish gold.

Batman nodded to his comrades, a signal that they were ready to engage.

In a cataclysmic clash, the members of the Justice League unleashed their formidable abilities upon the enigmatic being that was the sole cause of all this destruction.

The air crackled with energy as Superman soared through the sky, striking the adversary with incredible force.

Wonder Woman's lasso spun and twirled, ensnaring the creature and restraining its movements.

The Flash darted with lightning speed, delivering rapid blows that were almost impossible to perceive. Green Lantern's constructs formed intricate patterns, trapping the enemy within an emerald cage.

Cyborg's advanced technology activated, targeting any weak points with precision.

Aquaman summoned tidal waves and commanded sea creatures, unleashing the full power of the ocean against their foe.

Batman, the Dark Knight, employed and used its energy source, some weird mystical box to unleash a beam of destructive energy.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of apocalyptic.

The ground quaked beneath the weight of their clashes, buildings crumbled, and the sky crackled with unleashed power.

The enigmatic being fought back with unparalleled strength and cunning, countering the League's attacks with devastating force.

One by one, the Justice League members began to fall. Wonder Woman's shield shattered under a mighty blow.

The Flash's speed faltered as the enemy countered his movements and severed his two legs from his body.

Green Lantern's constructs wavered and dispersed under the weight of the assault before his chest was caved in by a fist.

Cyborg's systems strained against the overwhelming power directed at him.

Aquaman, despite his resilience, found himself overpowered by the enemy's relentless onslaught.

Batman's martial prowess, while formidable, could only do so much against such an adversary.

In a climactic moment, the woman's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed Superman's final, desperate attack.

His fists, imbued with the power of the sun, collided with the opponent's body, creating a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield and the whole of Earth.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as the impact unleashed an explosion of raw power, momentarily obscuring the scene.

However, the woman's hopes were dashed as Superman's body plummeted to the ground, the impact echoing with a resounding thud that seemed to reverberate through the very core of her being.

A profound silence descended upon the devastated battlefield, broken only by the woman's gasps of disbelief.

The Justice League, Earth's mightiest defenders and heroes, lay defeated before her eyes.

The realization of their failure, of the immense threat that loomed over them, hung heavy in the air.

As the woman absorbed the gravity of the situation, her mind raced with questions.

Who was this enigmatic being that had effortlessly defeated the strongest heroes she had come to know? What drove them to such a destructive confrontation?

And most importantly, what role did she have to play in this unfolding saga?

As all of this chaos unfolded, the seven stars in the sky began to emit a sound, resonating through the air like the tolling of a church bell.

One by one, the stars released their ethereal chimes, filling the atmosphere with a haunting melody. The woman watched in awe as the celestial symphony unfolded before her eyes.

At first, the bell-like sounds rang out individually, each star contributing its unique tone. Then, in rapid succession, the chimes harmonized and merged, creating a symphony of celestial notes. Five stars chimed, then six, their collective resonance growing in intensity.

The woman couldn't tear her gaze away from the stars, sensing that something big was about to happen.

She could feel the weight of the impending moment, as if the fate of the world hung in the balance.

Meanwhile, the black hole, which had steadily grown to the size of the moon, defied its nature.


Instead of consuming everything in its path, it floated upward toward the sky, as if obediently following the commands of the figure. The sight sent shivers down the woman's spine, a primal fear coursing through her veins.

She had not even felt this kind of fear when facing her own father.

The seventh star remained silent, its brilliance shimmering with a subdued yet ominous glow.

The woman's breath caught in her throat as she realized the significance of this final star.

Deep within her, a foreboding sense of impending doom settled, amplifying the urgency of the moment.

In the stratosphere, the god-like being observed the Earth with a mix of resignation and determination.

He sighed, a heavy burden weighing upon him as he contemplated the consequences of his actions. His arms lifted the embodiment of power and control.

"I should have never agreed to this..." he muttered, his voice carrying a tinge of regret. "This reality is a farce, one that I will rid of myself. Starting with this universe..."

The words hung in the air, pregnant with the weight of his intentions. For a brief moment, he hesitated, the weight of his decision pressing upon him.

The woman held her breath, her eyes fixed on the god-like being, the impending doom palpable in the air.

And then, it happened. The seventh bell resounded, its toll echoing through the universe.

The sound pierced the silence, reverberating with an otherworldly power.

The woman's heart skipped a beat as the chilling sound reached her ears, resonating deep within her soul.

The world held its breath, caught in the moment between existence and annihilation.

The fate of everything hung by a thread, teetering on the brink of oblivion. The woman, trembling with fear and uncertainty, could only watch as the impending cataclysm approached, its arrival imminent.

It was the moment when the being's desires would reshape reality as she knew it, erasing the familiar world she had once called home. She understood that the existence she had taken for granted was now on the precipice of annihilation.

As the woman's gaze remained fixed on the transforming black hole now white hole, an unsettling realization washed over her.

The being, previously absorbed in his cosmic machinations, finally turned his attention toward her.

She could feel his gaze upon her, piercing through the fabric of her being. His eyes, as dark and inscrutable as the void itself, locked onto hers, holding her captive in an unspoken exchange.


Time seemed to freeze, the air heavy with the weight of the unknown. The woman held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest, as she stared into the abyss that was the being's gaze.

In that fleeting moment, she caught a glimpse of the unfathomable depths contained within his eyes—a glimpse that both fascinated and terrified her.

And then, as if pulled by an invisible force, the remnants of reality slipped away. The fabric of existence unravelled before her, fading into nothingness. With an ethereal whisper, the world dissolved into a collage of fragmented memories, cascading into oblivion.

The woman's essence dispersed, dissipating like scattered stardust, as she became one with the vanishing reality.

In the final breaths of the dying world, she clung to the lingering echoes of her existence, her thoughts echoing into the abyss.

Reality, as she had known it, ceased to exist—






























Raven screamed out as she burst out of her bed in a cold sweat.

"Haaaaa...Haaaaa!!!" She gasped for air greedily like her life was dependent on it.

At first, she was confused and scared, before finally recognising her surroundings.

"I'm Home...I'm not...but I thought..." Slowly but surely Raven started to recollect what she had been through and had seen.

"It was just a was just a dream...was it really just that." Raven lifted her hand and placed it on her chest, she could feel her heart racing like crazy and her emotions were all over the place.

Luckily she hadn't lost control of herself or her Magic.

Raven thought of going back to sleep, but unfortunately after what she had just been through that was impossible.

Raven tossed and turned before deciding to just go to the living room to watch some TV and get some food.

She was unaware or just didn't want to think about whether or not what she had just saw was a dream or something more...


But it was not only her that was given the same apocalyptic dream.

On the other side of the world Nimue Inwudu, otherwise known as Madame Xanadu...Sister of King Arthur had also been forced to witness the same apocalyptic event.

But unlike Raven, she was more in tune with her powers and knew it wasn't just a normal nightmare, no, this was a vision of a possible future for Earth.

But that wasn't what had concerned her, what had truly shocked her to her core was the being that had brought the end.

She was shocked because she knew who...or more specifically what it was.













In another dimension outside the universe another being had also seen what the other two had seen, but instead of fright or fear...she felt melancholy and sadness.

Not for herself or for the people of Earth, but for the being that had brought them their end.

She slowly stood up from the island-sized turtle she was sleeping on, and with one swift movement tore a hole in space-time, before jumping through and disappearing completely.



















I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the wait guys. Also, this is in no way a filler chapter, it is a very important chapter.

What did you guys think?

John_Len_2493 John_Len_2493

Word Count: 2666

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