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47.36% As Raiser Phoenix with Yin-Yang system / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Discussions continue in different places.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Discussions continue in different places.

"I will also be present during their training session," Raiser said calmly.

"Why should you be present during our training time?" It was Akeno who was comforting Rias asked.

"I don't want you guys to have any wrong thoughts and form a better relationship with you and most importantly Rias who got her pride hit a huge blow, will try to do anything to get revenge, so I must watch her from making stupid decisions," said Raiser with a mocking look.

"I accept Sir Raiser we will discuss with Maou Lucifer and tell you the news." Grafia interrupted not wanting to drag the topic.

"Then I will be going we will meet tomorrow right here. Oh, and pay attention to the news you will be interested in it," said Raiser and vanished.

The room fell into silence after his disappearance.

"I will get going, and convey the summary of the meeting to Lord Lucifer, Akeno take care of Rias and Yuuto take care of Issei," Grafia said with a complicated look and teleported.

"He didn't look like you guys told, he didn't look like a playboy, but he was cunning and calculative," said Asia in a nervous tone as if fearing the members will get angry.

"Yes, Asia-nee, he was not like the previous one his whole aura is changed, in the past, it looked like a foolish lustful chicken now it's like a cold and noble Pheonix. But I can tell that all he told was the truth. Rias-nee did you try to lose your virginity to this lustful idiot? You don't trust us from the beginning." Koneko who was silent all the time burst into tears and ran away.

"Wait Koneko!" Asia called out for her and chased after her to console her.

Kiba too feels the situation and dragged Issei out to get fresh air and to console him.

"Why is it Akeno we were happy yesterday and united a few hours before now all of it was falling apart, why is this happening?" Rias cried in Akeno's arm.

"You are at fault Rias you should have trusted your peerage and not taken those decisions," Akeno told the fact right on her face does not console her as she wanted.

"You!! you know what situation I was in, and I had no other option so I took that decision, I am not wrong, you guys are not understanding me, get out." Rias shouted at Akeno.

"You are truly prideful Rias and can't accept your mistakes, what he told us was all true, although you say that you treat us as a family, in your heart you always consider us as your pets and servant. Okay, I will get going Rias meet you tomorrow." Akeno turned and left with a cold face.

Even though she was angry with Rias, she was still concerned for her and informed Lady Gremory and asked her to look after Rias.

When Lady Gremory heard it, she immediately informed Lord Gremory and came to the club with him to check on Rias.

"Rias, are you okay my child?" Lady Gremory asked with concern.

"Mom, they didn't understand me and said I am at wrong. Raiser told me I am so prideful and treat my peerage members as pets, and Akeno and others say that it was true." Rias Complained to her while crying.

"I will immediately go and teach that brat a lesson, how dare he talk to you like that," Lord Gremory's eyes were burned with anger, the anger of the daughter-con can't be underestimated.

"Shut up Zeoticus, you know he is not at fault, what he said was true, but we didn't care about it as it was not a big problem and we thought she will mature with time, but look what happened, her pride caused her whole peerage to fall apart. If anyone is wrong, it was you and Sirzechs who spoiled her too much." Venelana Gremory roared at him angrily.

"Rias now you come home and rest we can talk about it tomorrow," Venelana said and not waiting for Zeoticus to do anything dragged both and vanished from the place.


In a different place that look like an office, a bright light flashed for a second and vanished leaving behind a silver-haired maid.

"Lord Sirzechs, the meeting has ended, and it was not pleasant," Grafia started conveying the summary of the meeting.

"It was not as I expected, I know there will be a rating game conducted in any way but not in that manner, and he talked so badly of my sister," Sirzechs growled in annoyance.

"You!!! is that the only part you have taken from the summary, and what he said was all true I am not gonna lie, you and your father are the cause of it," Grafia dropped her maid act and shouted at him.

He couldn't do anything but shut his mouth as he knew she was right. Seeing him silent Grafia changed the topic.

"You come back to the main point; do you really think he was acting the whole point and now he has achieved his goal, so he acts as his true self?" Grafia asked in a doubtful tone.

"I don't know, but there was something really serious that happened in Phenex Family, they suddenly changed their heir, and now the new heir was Raiser. They have invited Ajuka for an important discussion, there was some inside news that Raiser gonna change his peerage for blank pieces from Lady Phenex, from your information it sounds like it's true after all, he invited Rias and her peerage to a rating game to fight him not his peerage."

"So, what do you think would have happened that caused them to make many decisions so quickly," asked Grafia.

"I don't know but after Ajuka returns we will know," said Sirzechs.

"I am not sure if it will help but when I met him, I felt the same feeling I met Sir Maou Lucifer for the first time, not the strength but as if meeting a predator, it sent a tingle in my blood."

"Same as Lucifer... a predator... no! Is it what I thought it was, if so then the political situation of the underworld will not be the same, there will be great changes." Sirzechs said while seeing the city down through the window.

"Okay, Grafia inform them the rating game will be held after two weeks."

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