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25.22% Mushoku Tensei - A Second Chance / Chapter 28: Meeting the Pope

Chapter 28: Meeting the Pope

True to his word, Ruijerd was able to get me an appointment to meet the Pope. In fact, I had an appointment for the very same day, which shocked me. I would have expected to have to wait weeks or possibly even months, assuming my request was even granted.

After arriving at the Great Church, I was guided towards the Inner Sanctum where I was given a full body search. Thankfully, the guards who searched me didn't find anything they thought could be used as a weapon (I left Aqua Heartia and my traveling sack at the inn).

The guards then guided me through a maze of halls full of labyrinthine twists and turns until we finally reached the Pope's office. I presume the Church was built like this in order to provide the Pope time to escape in the case of an invasion, kind of like a castle. Still though, it must make life hard for the staff who maintain the place.

The Pope's office was guarded by two capable looking knights and a barrier.

"Just to clarify, you won't be able to use magic in here", one of the knights informed me.

"Is that so?", I asked as I studied the barrier with my Magic Power Eye.

It appeared to be a barrier of about Saint, or perhaps King-Tier strength. The knights seemed to be around the same rank. I was fairly certain that I could overcome the barrier's effect if I really needed to, but there was no need to mention that to the Knights.

"Your Holiness. I've brought your visitor", the knight announced as we entered the room.

"Come in", he answered.

After entering the office, I was greeted by a gentle looking old man with a long white beard wearing a welcoming smile.

"Welcome, Sir Rudeus Greyrat. I'm happy to get the chance to meet you."

I was surprised to be given such a greeting from the Pope, but responded in kind.

"The pleasure is mine. Thank you for taking the time to see me", I said while giving an Asura noble's greeting.

"Please, take a seat", he said, gesturing to an ornately padded chair across from his desk.

I took him up on the offer and sat down. The Knights entered the room with me and stood on opposite sides of the room, however the Pope ushered for them to leave.

"But your Holiness...", one of the Knights began to protest, but was immediately cut off by the Pope.

"Sir Rudeus is our honored guest. It would be impolite of me to treat him with suspicion."

With some noticeable apprehension in their step, the knights left the room and closed the door behind them.

I found this quite surprising, but the Pope didn't give me much time to think about the situation, getting right to the point.

"I hear you have a need for one of our healers."

"Indeed. I am glad you made time to see me on such short notice."

"It is only natural to make time for one so accomplished."

"Accomplished?", I said, wondering what he was referring to.

"Of course. To become one of the Seven Great Powers at such a young age is unheard of. Your name will undoubtedly be known throughout the world soon enough."

'Ah. How in the world did he know about that? I've been keeping relatively quiet about the matter to avoid unwanted attention.'

"Back to the matter at hand. I don't mind lending you the service of my elite healer. In fact, I have already summoned him; he should be here shortly. In the meantime, please enjoy some tea and let us talk", the Pope said as he began pouring me a cup of tea.

"What is it you wish to talk about, your holiness?"

"I'm sure you've noticed by now how the non-human races here in Milishion are being oppressed, especially the Demons."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"There is a divide among the Church on this topic. The Demon Expulsionists, led by the Cardinal, interpret the holy scripture to demand that all demons should be destroyed. They conveniently ignore that the scripture states that all races are equal under Milis. I, for one, find that narrow way of thinking reprehensible. Sadly there is little I can do to improve conditions for demons here, as I am pushed back at every step from the Cardinal's faction."

"You want me to publicly support you?", I questioned.

"That would be nice", the Pope admitted. "Unfortunately, though, I don't think that would make much difference, powerful as you may be. The Cardinal's faction has been gaining momentum lately, and it seems all but certain the next Pope will come from their side. If that happens, they will have complete control over Milis."

"Is there something you want me to do, then?"

"Just to sit and talk while we wait", the Pope said with a gentle smile.

The Pope took a sip of tea and then continued talking.

"Ten years ago, a blessed child was born into their faction. She was blessed with the wondrous power to see a person's memories when looking into their eyes. Ever since, the have used her abilities to undermine our efforts and incriminate key followers of mine."

"Incriminate? You mean to say they were guilty then?"

"No man alive is completely blameless. Everyone makes mistakes, or breaks laws, however minor. However, by abusing the powers of this blessed child, the Cardinal has been slowly sowing seeds of doubt in me among the public while he conveniently ignores accusations against members of his faction."

"I see, that makes sense. It would be easy enough for him to clear any suspicion of his own men by simply having the Blessed Child declare them innocent."

"That's exactly right. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the matter. It pains me to think about what the future holds. I'm sure you feel the same, considering you've been traveling with a demon these past few years."

"Oh? You heard about that, too."

"I make a habit of being well informed. For example, I happen to know that exactly two weeks from today, the Blessed Child is scheduled to leave Milishion to interrogate a Duke in Couver, a small town northwest of here. Of course, very few know about her departure, for her own safety. She'll be heading out with only a small group of her personal guards."

"Why tell me such a thing?"

"I know you can be trusted. Of course I wouldn't tell this information to anyone I couldn't trust. It would put the Blessed Child's life in danger if the wrong person were to hear about it. I would never wish harm upon another, even if her disappearance would surely be the best thing that could happen for peace between the races."

"Well, I want no part in this. The last thing I need is to make an enemy of the Milis Church."

"Oh, you would never become my enemy! And of course, I wasn't asking you to intervene in the matter. I was simply briefing you on the current state of the Church."

The Pope picked up his cup of tea to take another sip as he said, "By the way. I think it would be best for everyone involved if you kept this conversation between the two of us. Members of the Cardinal's faction aren't very forgiving. I would fear for your safety if they even found out about our meeting, let alone the contents of our discussion."

'Hmph. An indirect threat. He's basically telling me to stay silent or else.'

I picked up my cup of tea, and raised it to my mouth before moving it back away.

"It seems my tea has gotten cold after all this talking."

I used the heat hand spell to heat the cup, causing the tea to start boiling slightly. When the Pope saw this, his eyes went wide and he dropped the cup he was holding.

While still holding my cup, I pointed my index finger at his falling cup and caught it with gravity magic, slowly raising it back up and gently setting it on the table.

"Be careful there. I wouldn't want you to burn yourself", I said while giving the Pope a gentle smile of my own.

"Y-Yes. T-Thank you", the Pope answered, his voice a little shaky.

Just then, the door opened and a voice called out from behind me.

"Your Holiness, I have arrived."

"Oh. Welcome Jacque, come in."

"Is everything alright?", Jacque asked inquisitively.

"Y-Yes, everything is fine", he answered as a single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

"Rudeus, this is Jacque, one of the bishops serving me, and our most talented healer."

I got up and gave him a noble's greeting. "It's an honor to meet you, I am Rudeus Greyrat."

"Please, sit back down", Jacque asked. "I've already been told about you by the Pope. I'm glad I can be of service."

After I sat back down, Jacque had me remove my vest and unbutton my shirt to get clear access to my shoulder. After the anti-magic barrier was temporarily disabled, he then proceeded to read out a slightly lengthy incantation, after which my left arm regrew right before my eyes.

I made sure to focus hard on trying to memorize the incantation in hopes I can learn to cast the spell myself in the future.

After my arm was healed, I thanked Jacque and the Pope and prepared to leave. As I was getting up to leave, though, the Pope made one final comment.

"I hope we can remain good friends in the future. I'm sure we can be a great help to one another. May we meet again, Rudeus Greyrat."

I thanked him once more and then left the room. The knights were still waiting outside and promptly escorted me back out of the Church.

By the time I left the Church and began making my way back to my Inn, it was already nightfall. I didn't get much sleep that night, with everything on my mind. I thought I had everything planned out, but now I'm not sure what is the best route to take from here.

Coolex Coolex

Monday and Tuesday I'm going to be quite busy. Unfortunately, I probably won't finish the next chapter until Wednesday at the earliest.

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