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25% Pokemon: Gotta Eat Them All / Chapter 8: Crimson of the God Society

Chapter 8: Crimson of the God Society

Rogue ran non stop with Dawn for almost three quarters of an hour, using the forest as their cover. Squirtle and Fennekin had already been returned to their respective Pokeballs.

Due to running with his clothes still wet, Rogue's new set of clothes had already turned dirty and muddy. He also shivered due to the cold wind that went against him as he ran.

"Huff… Huff…" Dawn huffed and puffed, scared that whatever attacked the Lopunny will find them. Her eyes shifted back and forth to find a hiding spot, and she finally spotted a forest cave that's rather hidden under a large tree.

"Rogue, let's stop there and rest. Running senselessly won't get us anywhere." Dawn suggested.

"Alright." Rogue agreed and headed to the forest cave with Dawn, believing that it should be safe now after running for a whole hour.

As they entered the forest cave, they saw that there is a flat area of about three meters by three meters. All the way at the back of the forest cave is a deep dark pit, leading to who knows where.

"Pheww~" Rogue relaxed as he rested his back onto the wall after sitting down on the flat area. He took his backpack off to feel more comfortable.

"That was exhausting." Dawn rubbed her sore calves. She caught her breath while massaging her leg muscles. She also took off her backpack and placed it on the ground.

"Yeah, it sure was." Rogue fanned himself with his damp jacket.

"How are you feeling, Rogue?" Dawn sat down and scooted over to embrace Rogue's arm.

Rogue felt his tricep get surrounded by two soft mounds. His hand sat on top of Dawn's stomach, and he could feel her soft flesh through her clothes.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Rogue pressed his tricep onto Dawn's breasts and moved it back and forth, settling down between Dawn's breasts.

"A little exhausted, but I'm also alright." Dawn rested her head on Rogue's shoulder.

They started like that for a couple of minutes, just heaving and breathing.

While recuperating from the lost stamina, Rogue suddenly felt extremely uneasy. His gaze stared at the entrance as the little hairs on his body stood up. He wasn't sure what it was, but his senses were tingling.

"Something is coming, Dawn!" Rogue stood up and grabbed Fenniken's Pokeball from his belt.

"Really!?" Dawn panicked and reached into her skirt pockets, trying to grab Squirtle's Pokeball. She also had a Roselia, but it's still pretty damaged from the capture. She still has to take it to the Pokecenter before she can use it.


Before Dawn could grab her Pokeball, a mean looking Houndoom jumped in front of the cave entrance and growled.

"Shit." Rogue cursed after seeing the Houndoom. He knew for sure that it's going to be a hard battle with their current team composition. Fighting against something like a Houndoom at the moment is like fighting a Boss level monster while being a lvl 1 newbie.

Both he and Dawn might get wounded or even killed by the Houndoom. This isn't the kiddie anime where trainers can't die.

Contrary to his expectations, though, the Houndoom did not attack. Instead, it stayed at the entrance, just growling.


A large and orange Charizard landed in front of the cave after a minute of the standoff.

"You people finally stopped… not like you'll get away or anything." A man jumped down from the Charizard. He has a head full of red hair. His clothes are also refined like a noble's. His red eyes were cold… like how someone will look at peasants of society.

He walked up behind the Houndoom and adjusted his white glove.

"Who are you? And what do you want from us?" Rogue asked cautiously. He didn't want to fight this person. Even if he did, he won't win. The Pokémon on his side are no joke.

"I am Crimson… from the God Society." Crimson's cold eyes looked at the Pokeballs in the hands of the two young people.

"Bring out all of your Pokeballs and hand them over… NOW!" Crimson commanded with a voice fully of authority.

Houndoom growled fiercely with its master's fiery temper.

The large Charizard also huffed some flames out of its mouth to show that it's ready to attack at any time.

"Will you let us go if we give you our Pokemons?" Rogue asked. Given the current situation, he's fully prepared to give up his and Dawn's Pokemon to save their lives.

"Did I give you permission to keep asking questions?"

As Crimson said this, Houndoom gathered fire in its mouth. At any given moment, it can blast out a damaging flame.

Rogue turned to Dawn. She is clearly shaken by the whole ordeal. Her body was frozen like a stone, unable to move even a little bit.

"Dawn, let's give him all of our Pokeballs." Rogue said as he gathered all of the Pokeballs from his Pokebelt.

Dawn came back to reality after hearing Rogue. She shakily shoved her hand into her skirt pocket and brought out all of her Pokeballs, even the ones that had yet to be used.

"Toss them over," Crimson said while still having that overbearing look on his face.


Dawn and Rogue both threw our Pokeballs over to Crimson's foot.

"Now… die!" Crimson bent down and picked up the Pokeballs to check them one by one. He wanted to see if the mutated Lopunny is in any of these Pokeballs. If it isn't, then it means that he was tracking the wrong people, and he's going to have to follow the river again to see if he can find it.

As for his Charizard and Houndoom, they both shot out their flamethrowers to obliterate the two young trainers.

"Fuck!" Rogue cursed as he jumped to dawn and covered her from the flamethrowers. Although Dawn was a girlfriend that he received after transmigrating, he still loves her unconditionally.

Within the short time that he spent with her, he had fallen in love many times over… both mentally and physically.

He did not want her to come to harm.

"Rogue!!" Dawn cried out in horror as the flamethrower blasted her boyfriend's back.

Rogue was able to protect Dawn in time, but the overwhelming force coming from the flamethrower blasted him and Dawn off their feets. They were sent flying towards the back of the cave… to the deep, dark pit.


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