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Unexpected Offer

"A private studio?" Tang Miaoyi paused, her eyes filled with confusion. She couldn't comprehend why Song Ziyin suddenly asked about this.

For an electronic musician, a private studio held a more profound significance compared to a singer. Singers and songwriters could find success with just a recording booth and some basic instruments. They would then send their vocals and instrumentals to a producer for the finishing touches.

However, a private studio requires a much more extensive setup for a producer. In addition to a recording space, they needed a wide array of electronic equipment and a collection of mixing tools. You never knew which machines or devices might be essential in achieving the desired sound.

After all, electronic music was a form of synthesized artistry that differed significantly from traditional music. The producer was responsible for every aspect of the composition, striving for perfection in each individual element.

Regardless of being a traditional musician or an electronic music producer, one thing was indispensable - a dedicated studio where they could work and create their own music.

While having a great studio didn't guarantee being a top-tier musician, it was undeniable that top-tier musicians often possessed exceptional private studios. Producing quality music also necessitated the proper hardware and optimal conditions. This principle remained unchanged.

Now, here lay the problem: Miaoyi didn't have a studio...

It was mainly because a private studio wasn't an absolute requirement and entailed exorbitant costs.

Creating music was an expensive endeavor, and costs only increased with higher quality. For instance, the MIDI pad Miaoyi used for her promotional video cost a significant amount, reaching five digits. And that was just one piece of equipment among many others...

Many small producers and amateur enthusiasts could have a great time with just a laptop and a DJ controller.

In rare cases, collecting equipment turned into an addiction.

An even smaller number of people quit drugs to fuel their obsession with equipment!

"Studios are quite expensive, senior sister, and I'm not financially well-off. I can't afford one," Miaoyi decided to be completely honest with Song Ziyin, who already knew her secret identity.

In reality, if it weren't for the matter involving the publishing house on her family's side, Miaoyi could have used the significant amount of money earned from the Tianyou deal to establish her own studio. However, considering the current circumstances, although she wasn't completely broke, her funds were limited, and setting up a studio would be tight. So, according to Miaoyi's thinking, the studio could wait for now and be addressed later.

After all, not having a studio didn't mean she couldn't create music.

Song Ziyin: "Have you considered getting one?"

Miaoyi found Song Ziyin's question peculiar, wondering why she was pushing her in this direction. "What plans can I have if I can't afford it? Right now, I only need a studio for vocal recordings. Why should I spend all my money on one? It's not like a studio will magically appear out of nowhere."


"What?" Miaoyi realized what Song Ziyin was hinting at and froze.

"Actually, if you don't mind, Miss Miaoyi, you can come and set up a studio with us. That would be perfect," Song Ziyin chirped, her tone relaxed as if discussing some trivial matter. "Our studio has long-term collaborations with many industry professionals. They are trustworthy..."

"I can't afford it," Miaoyi snapped, feeling like Song Ziyin hadn't listened to her the first time.

"I didn't say I wanted your money..." Song Ziyin playfully replied, adding in a nearly imperceptible tone, "If the fans found out, that would be bad press for both of us, correct?"

"Huh? What did you say? Did the signal cut out for a second? I thought you said-"

"I mean it; I won't charge you. Anyway, come over for tea when you have time. You can use the studio freely."

"Thank you. Are there any conditions?" Miaoyi asked, tossing the empty chip bag into the trash, grabbing a bottle of cola, and twisting it open.

"Well, it's not really a condition, Miss Miaoyi. You can have the studio regardless. With your talent, I was just wondering if you are interested in joining a certain girl group. Let's schedule a time to discuss it in detail..."

"What? A girl group?" Miaoyi's eyes widened, and her face took on a complex expression.

What kind of sudden move was this?

As soon as Miaoyi thought about what Song Ziyin had said, a vivid image forcefully formed in her mind: a massive crowd in front of an imposing stage, colorful lights illuminating the surroundings, and Miaoyi, wearing a short school uniform with an extremely short skirt, blowing kisses and dancing in perfect synchronization with eight other members...

For Miaoyi, this was an absolutely terrifying scene. If that scenario were to become a reality, she would have a heart attack before even stepping onto the stage...

Miaoyi: "..."

Song Ziyin: "How about it? Isn't it exciting? Are you interested?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested. Thanksforthestudiobye!!!" Miaoyi didn't hesitate and immediately hung up the phone.

Rubbing her temples involuntarily, she sighed and reflected on the conversation she had just had.

"On one hand, I have a studio now, but I feel like Song Ziyin is a risky ally to have..."

- - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, as Miaoyi hung up on Song Ziyin's phone call, another major event impacting many people in the music industry was slowly brewing. It was nearing its culmination, and numerous eyes were silently watching.

It wasn't about anything but the highly esteemed special newcomer award in the Chinese music industry - the Annual Canxing Nova Rising Star Award. The final announcement date was getting closer and closer.

There was no doubt that when it came to the most authoritative newcomer award, the Canxing Nova Award was the only one of its kind. This award had been around for a solid twenty years, always upholding the principles of fairness and objectivity. They didn't base their evaluation on surface data like an artist's popularity or streams/downloads. Though, they were requirements for a song to be judged in the first place. If no one listened to a song, it couldn't be that good, after all.

But once a song made it to the judging phase, they focused on whether a piece was of exceptional quality.

Its absolute authority created a lifeline for all struggling newcomers. Receiving recognition for this award could boost a new artist from anonymity to stardom and change their career path forever.

During this period, coincidentally, the phenomenally popular TV dance show "Street Dance of China" started airing, sparking discussions everywhere about the show's production team and contestants. Surprisingly, due to its upcoming award ceremony, the Canxing Nova Award managed to carve through the talks of the dance program and begin creating hype towards the future candidates for the award.

"I'm looking forward to this year's rock winner."

"There's bound to be fierce competition; there are too many outstanding newcomers in the music industry this year."

"Hip-Hop is the hardest one to predict. So many new artists it would make your brain explode."

"I wonder who will be on the best artist list this year; all the nominees are incredible. Especially that Eric Moon guy. I feel like he always knows what you're thinking."

"Do we have any predictions here?"

"Just being nominated is already impressive."

"If Dream Girls were eligible, I would have voted for them 1000 times!"

"The Rex is probably out of luck this year. Their situation doesn't look good right now."

"You never know. There are still too many variables. He won't go down without a fight..."


"We'll have to wait until the final moment to find out."

- - - - - - - - - -

In a bustling financial center, inside an iconic building that journalists always found appealing, Zuo Qingmeng took a break from her work to savor a cup of coffee. With measured elegance, she stirred it using a small spoon, creating an atmosphere of refinement in her office.

On her computer screen, she had ongoing discussions about this year's Canxing Nova Awards, as seen on Weibo.

Zuo Qingmeng paid meticulous attention to these discussions, carefully reading through each comment. Occasionally, if she came across valuable suggestions, she would even copy and paste them into a text document for future reference.

In truth, Zuo Qingmeng had her own reasons for doing so...

Aside from being the music department director at Tianfang Group, a well-established entertainment giant in China, Zuo Qingmeng held a prominent role as a judge for the esteemed "Canxing Nova Awards."

As one of the longstanding judges, she played a crucial part in this prestigious music industry accolade.

However, today Zuo Qingmeng wasn't feeling particularly content. In fact, she was growing a bit frustrated.

Honestly, she had spent the entire day evaluating the singles of specific musicians nominated by the Canxing Association. Zuo Qingmeng, known for her discerning taste, had listened for a considerable time but had yet to come across a piece that truly captivated her.

It's not that the songs were lacking quality. On the contrary, each nominated piece for the Canxing New Star Awards was a masterpiece in its own right. However, what left Zuo Qingmeng dissatisfied was the formulaic nature of these songs. They adhered so strictly to established norms and rules that she could predict the general structure of a song after hearing just the opening note.

If every song were like this, where would be the excitement? In Zuo Qingmeng's view, it would be better to call it a day, head home early, take a refreshing shower and get some well-deserved rest.

After leisurely savoring the last sip of coffee, Zuo Qingmeng revitalized herself and prepared to immerse herself in the upcoming song evaluations.

Closing the Weibo app, she opened her messaging app and selected a contact. As expected, a new message was awaiting her.

"Zuo Sensei, I'll need your assistance with the next one. This is the nominated single from the next candidate. The award category is Electronic Music, and the nominee's name is TMY. The nominated work is 'Closer.' It appears to be the first electronic music entry you've received today."

"Electronic music? TMY? I can't recall hearing about them before. Are they newcomers in their first year" Zuo Qingmeng glanced at the nominee's name, searching her memory but finding no trace.

"To receive a nomination in their debut year, I hope they possess genuine talent. Don't disappoint me." Lost in her thoughts, Zuo Qingmeng murmured to herself, then clicked to receive the latest audio file.

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