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Chapter Five

I sat down in a chair, it was early in the morning and right now I was in the cafeteria.

Teachers are before the students, so naturally, the cafeteria was the only option unless you wanted to spend a pretty lien on going to a restaurant.

Grabbing a fork, I dug into the chicken salad I picked out.

Taking a bite, I let out a pleasant, but muffled groan.

This was nice.

Taking out my scroll, I opened it up and started scrolling through some news.

Roman was still free, which was nice, the white fang was aggressive, still on track. Atlas made a breakthrough in technology and was on its way to making better humanoid robots.

Okay, everything was on track.

"Hey, dumbass, how you holding up?"

Sending a glance to the aide, I spotted Dantte, who sat down during my small investigation, if you could call it that.

"I'm fine, unlike you, who can make clones, I actually have to do shit."

I closed the scroll and left it on the table.

"You're just jelly that I have the ultimate weapon against paperwork."

I rolled my eyes. This bastard got the better draw in life in a way of utility in day-to-day life.

"Perfect clones" was his ability, and it wasn't like shadow clones from Naruto.

He could basically split himself multiple times, creating a whole nother human entirely and just as crazy too. Each of his clones had its own Aura, they bled, felt, and tired like anyone else, what made it better was that when the clones were dispelled, all the memories got transferred back to the original.

But what was bullshit was his resemblance. "Adaptation" was a bitch for a world like this.

Third-degree burns? After a few injuries like that, he would get first-degree from the same kind of attack, broken bones? They got stronger.

Aura broke? Pfft, it got denser, bigger, sharper, and stronger.

Tired after an hour of exercise? Each time he lasted longer.

He wanted to learn something? He learned it and all the instincts it required with his clones.


He was strong as fuck, fast as fuck, nimble as fuck, and just... Ugh.

My own semblance? It was simple yet powerful, and I was using it right now.

Elegantly named "reserve" I could store my own aura, build it up, accumulate it, and when needed, use it.

And since I always use my magic, I had about fifteen years' worth of aura stored and unused.

The best part was that I could use that aura to fuel anything, meaning, my magic.

"So, Gaster Blaster Master Caster, given any thought to the future?"

I blinked and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Future?

"What do you mean?"

Somehow, he seemed disappointed, indicated by his lowered tone.

"You know, Nick, we won't be doing this forever, right? After everything is done and over with, we won't be going on a multiversal adventure where we meet main characters of different worlds. We will stay here, and live our lives until they end and I don't know about you, but I'm not gay, so I won't be hooking up with you until the end of times."

...the fuck?

I frowned, despite the last part of that speech, his arguments were sound. I knew that, of course, but I just never gave it much thought. It never came up between us before this, but now that Cannon was just a year away, I wasn't really surprised that this conversation was happening.

But still though...

"No, I never really thought of the far future, but... Eh? If something happens, happens. We won't live forever-"

He gave me "The look", making me feel like I just said something really stupid, and in all honesty, I did.

Unless someone killed him, Dantte wouldn't die.

His exhilarated regeneration, which he cultivated intentionally, would not allow him to age past his prime.

And me? Much like Sans, I would turn into a skeleton if I exerted too much magic in a short amount of time.

Meaning, as long as I didn't get killed either, I would live.

"And I'm not gay, you asshole. You should know that."

The asshole chortled.

"So is light, until it meets a black hole."

I took a deep breath... And decked him in the face.

His eyes widened and leaned back, avoiding the punch.

"You asshole, you trying to kill me?"

I rolled my eyes, low multiverse class, or not, that punch was slow.

Without another word, I went back to eating.

Dante huffed and sat down, bringing out his own plate of curry.

"Ah! Mister Gaster! Mister Dantte! Our newest staff members!"

I raised my head to look at a portly man with a magnificent mustache, he wore a red suit and constantly had his eyes closed.

I learned not to question this ever since I watched Pokemon and saw Brock. They could just see.

"Morning Mister Port!"

Dante waved enthusiastically as the portly man sat down at our table with his own tray.

"Would you two be so kind as to share you're stories about your adventures?"

Dante brightened up instantly, his smile threatening to split his face in half.

"Wanna hear about how we ended up in a tribe of cannibals?"

I sighed.

"For the record, it was his idea, I have no idea how he convinced my to go along with it."

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