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Chapter 59: 59

The frigate Rilik. FTL. Legatus

- Well, make yourselves comfortable. If you get hungry, the mess hall is downstairs, newly set up. Your quarters are ready for you if you'd like to rest. We should be there in ten hours, so we have time," I explained as we exited the hangar and walked around the ship.

- Is there a cabin next to the core? - Tali suddenly asked. Damn, and we have no core, just two reactors - plasma and antimatter.

- Uh, here's the thing. We don't have a core, but the cabin next to the plasma reactor is right for you. No offence, but it runs very quietly, so you won't be able to sleep," I apologised, and Tali was very surprised at how I knew this fact about her background. Perhaps she was surprised by the lack of a core and the presence of a plasma reactor. Or both.

- Um... S-thank you... I... I got it," Tali said somehow. I knew right away that Tali wasn't in the mood to talk to me or anyone else.

- Sure. So, any questions? - I asked, just in case.

- Yeah, um... Why are there so many grunts here? - Tali asked.

- I have seven billion vork in my army. You have to teach them to sail the ship, don't you? Either from the figure, the fact that I said 'in the army', or the fact that they fly the ship here.

- Um... Okay, I won't ask. Я... I'll be in my quarters. Except...

- You need to figure out where to go? - I asked, though it was more of a statement of fact. - KHARG! - I shouted, and suddenly the XO appeared beside me.

- I! - he reported and stood at attention.

- Show the girl to her quarters," I asked, and by now, I could have sworn Tali was even more surprised by that. Well, this is only the beginning.

- Aye! - Again, the vodka spoke clearly and went to Tali's quarters. She followed him silently, glancing around occasionally.

- What about you? - I asked Shepherd, who looked at me with a strange look. There was no contempt or anything in it. Just tired, angry and... Relief. Yeah, that was the bouquet on her face.

- We need to talk," she said briefly, and I didn't argue.

We walked to the conference room, as there was one, and then we were on opposite sides of the table. Shepard looked at me for a few seconds and then started.

- Well, why don't you tell me what's going on? - There was a strong sense of hope in her voice. Exactly the hope that I could set things straight. And I wasn't about to dash her hope.

- Where to start?

- With the very fucking beginning," I could have joked about "It all started with a BIG BANG!" but then decided there was no time for jokes now.

- Anyway, two years ago, Normandy was shot down. You were killed. Then we found your corpse and decided to resurrect it. Of course, Cerberus tried to interfere at the time, but we blew them off badly. Then for two years, specialists restored you using our technology without them knowing who they were working for. They just did their job, that's all. And then, when we were almost done, Cerberus kidnapped you, as you saw for yourself. And then you flew to the Freedom Trail, where I found you. Luckily.

- How did you know I would be there? - Shepard asked.

- In humans, it's called a gut feeling. And besides, this is the last colony to be abducted.

- Who's behind the abductions? Do you know anything about that?

- Yeah. They're being kidnapped by the same people who brought Normandy down - the Collectors.

- Who are they. Race or terrorists? - She offered two possibilities.

- More like the former. The collectors are protean huskies. The last ones left.

- Huskies... You mean this... - with undisguised fear, she tried to say something. She seemed to know firsthand what a protean husky was. - Those brown freaks with the glowing eyes and the long claws?

- Pretty much. They're like Special Forces, with infantry weapons and a knack for tactics and strategy.

- It's brilliant. What the hell do they need human colonies for?

- I don't know. They're hiding somewhere behind the Omega 4 relay. No one's ever come back from there, so we don't know what's out there," I decided not to tell her everything at once. Her eyes were already tired from everything going on, and I was burdening her.

- Right. Now... What about the crew? - She finally remembered about the Normandy crew.

- Your entire landing party survived and scattered. Joker's been decommissioned, and the Chakwas has been sent to Mars. Presley and half the crew died, but Adams survived. Garrus is in the wind, Rex is on Tuchanka, Liara's a data broker on Illium, Tali is, as you can see, Ashley's knocked up by Kayden, Kayden's on Earth, and they're both majors.

- WHAT? - That's the most universal anger I've ever seen in my eyes. You don't want to look a reaper in the eye like that.

- Yeah, that's the way it is," I knew where Garrus was, of course, but why spoil the suspense.

- Oh, I see. But there's one more thing... Why me? - I suddenly heard that question. I knew she would ask it, but I still hoped she would forget the question.

- Well... Ah, let's be honest, Shepherd. Who am I, and who are you? To the rest of the galaxy, I'm a Get who is simply a member of a race of robotic meatheads who have slaughtered seventy billion Quarians in one week. Yes, I've been preparing for the Harvest for two years, but I can't win alone. I don't have a fleet. The races of this galaxy do. The Proteans died because they were caught off guard and because every system, cluster, sector, and race acted alone. We need everyone to unite, discarding democracy, diplomacy, politics and all the other crap that 'Saint Udina and his apostles preach - and why am I babbling like this? Shepherd's even more accessible that way; she's been taught religion since she was a kid. Didn't have much effect on her, though. - And that's what you're for. The Council thinks you imagine the Reapers, that Saren tricked you, and that the Lord is a Geth dreadnought. However, when all this begins... That is when they will believe. That is when they will turn to you because they will realise that you know more than they do. They will turn to you because they will no longer have hope. You'll be their hope because you, Shepherd, will know what to do. That's why I resurrected you. You're their last hope.

Yeah, that made Shepherd go into a stupor. She pondered my words, and I could see she agreed with them.

- Yeah, uh... Yeah, you're... Right... Eh, sad as it is to admit, you're right, Legate. I know a lot... Too much... You have yet to learn what it's like... To know so much and feel so much... pain... A whole people...

- I don't even want to imagine what that's like. But it can't be undone. The Collectors have to be stopped now. It's unclear what they want, but they might as well kidnap every human colony in the Terminus system. You know the Alliance won't even scratch their heads to help them. Independent colonies, Terminus, all that. And humans are in high esteem in the Council now, and they won't get their hands dirty about it. No one wants to soil their name on the colonies that sent the Alliance to the dogs.

- Yeah, that's the Alliance way. Only how do we stop the Collectors? Jump into a repeater in hopes of surviving?

- Let's get a team together first. We'll round up the old members and get some new ones. I've got plenty of candidates. By the way, there's a ship, too; we're on our way to it...

- Believe me, there's nothing like Normandy and the Joker," she interrupted me.

- We'll see," I said ironically, anticipating Shepard's surprise at my surprise.

- Okay, there are just a few... conditions.

- I'm listening.

- I'm not even going to discuss Cayden and Ashley. No.

- I wasn't going to," I said, putting my hands out in front as if to defend myself. I'm gonna have to work with these guys again. Not in a million years.

- And... You're with us now," she announced abruptly, in a tone that I couldn't refuse.

- Uh... What do you mean? - I didn't even fully understand.

- Meaning. I'm low on men, and a get-in landing party would be in the right place. So, uh... You're coming with me.

- Heh, I'd like that, Shepherd," I agreed immediately. - I was afraid you wouldn't take me.

- Now! You brought me to life; you want me to act on your instructions and advice... You'll say it to my face, not over the quantum-mechanical connection.

- As you command, captain," I said, renewing my status, so to speak.

- All right, then. That's enough for today. I'm at Tali's if you need me. I don't know what's wrong with her, but... Let's talk to her.

- Sure. I'll leave you to it," I said, as suddenly Shepard looked at me as if she'd remembered something.

- Oh, and, Legate... Thank you for bringing me back.

- You're welcome, captain. If you want to know anything, there's a computer in your quarters. It has all the information about your resurrection and... What happened while you were gone, so to speak.

- Did I miss that much?

- Well, something interesting happened. You'll see.

- All right," the conversation ended there, but then I did remember something else.

- Oh, and one more thing, captain," Shepard turned to me, waiting for me to tell her something else. - Get rid of that armour. It's got fifteen Cerberus bugs on it. Of course, we're jamming the signal, but I'd hate to see you in polka dots with my eyesight. And get rid of your underwear, too.

- What the hell is that supposed to mean? - The captain is indignant.

- You have two bugs in your bra, one for each... the cup... - a little embarrassed, I said, and Shepherd was again taken aback.

- Maybe there's a bug in there, too, where I think? - she protested, but I knew what she meant.

- One. - I answered briefly.

- А... Ah... Why... Fuck them, Cerberus," and then Shepherd went to her quarters.


The frigate Rilik. FTL.

Shepard didn't find Tali in the quarters where that vorka was supposed to take her. As it turned out, she had asked to be returned to the hangar to practice her biotics there. The vorka complied with the request, and so Shepard, already dressed in the clothes she found on her, saw an enraged Tali throwing all sorts of boxes, then the vodka biotic throwing those boxes at her and her throwing them back at her in increasingly unpredictable ways. It was scary to approach Tali now, but Shepard couldn't resist the temptation to talk to her best friend.

- Tali. May I? - Shepard began, and Tali immediately dropped three crates to the floor and, after taking a deep breath, turned to the captain.

- Shepard. Hi," Tali lowered her eyes sadly, and the vorks, realising they couldn't pretend with the interior, slowly walked away through the other exits of the hangar.

- Can we talk? - Shepard asked calmly. She didn't want to pressure her friend right now, though she wanted to know what was going on with her after all.

- I... - Tali was unsure, and Shepard could see it, but as she was about to apologise and leave, Tali looked at her through the mask with wide eyes. - Shepard," and then the quarian hugged the captain. She responded in kind, but after a few seconds, she noticed that Tali wasn't hugging her correctly. The quarian pressed herself into the captain's body and hugged her as if afraid she would leave again. Like she was afraid of losing her. Again. And then Shepard felt Tali begin to flinch, which meant only one thing - she was crying.

- There, there, Tali. It's okay. I'm here," the captain began to reassure her friend.

- Shepherd... I missed you so much. Я... So glad... to have you back.

- Yes, Tali, I'm back. I can't believe it yet, but I'm back," Shepard was in no hurry to let Tali go, either. The Quarian's embrace was... loving... In them, Shepard felt like someone needed her, and then... Then she remembered Liara. The one who'd fallen in love with her, Shepherd, the Torfa Butcher... And lost her already a month after they'd confessed their love to each other. Shepard rejoiced inwardly, just squealing when Legatus told her that everyone in her group was alive and Liara was now on Illium. She didn't care where she was, as long as she was alive. So now Shepard herself saddened, thinking of Liara being lonely without Shepard now. - That's it, Tali, that's it. I'm here. With you. It's over," Shepard began to comfort her friend, unlocking her arms. - Care to explain what that was about? In the colony.

- Eh... It's been going on for two years... After you... - Tali couldn't say it. She couldn't say it in front of a living Shepard for some reason.

- Dead," the captain helped the quarian.

- Yeah, well... Anyway, the crew broke up after that. Rex went to Tuchanka to unite the clans. Ashley and Cayden were sent back to Earth. Garrus just disappeared. And Liara... Without you, she's all alone. Benezia's bank accounts were frozen, and she was also suspected of aiding and abetting Saren," Jane's fists clenched immediately at these words, causing Tali to be slightly frightened. After all, Jane was very nervous and impulsive regarding Liara. However, Tali quickly consoled herself, thinking that Jane would do her no harm. - The Joker was written off and given group one disability. Adams was also written off and immediately put on 'indefinite leave'. And Chakwas was sent to the Martian Fleet Medical Centre. Presley died, as did half the crew. And I... - here Tali paused a little, not knowing how to say the rest. - I went back to the Fleet and finished the Pilgrimage.

- And what did you find to return to the Fleet? - Shepard remembered talking for hours with the Quarian about their culture and society. And mainly, Tali talked about the Pilgrimage. Especially since you had to bring something to the Fleet to be accepted. And Shepard genuinely wanted to know what Tali had brought to the Fleet.

- I... Gave the transcript of my conversation with the Legatus. It was quite something. It made the Admirals' masks sweat in their debates with the scientists. I was even glad my gift resonated so well. I was made chief engineer on Nim. I was supposed to oversee the core. Я... I even started to build a personal life for myself.

- Oh... - Shepherd was a little surprised. - You got a boyfriend?

- Well, um... - embarrassed the quarian," Almost. There was one who started... wooing me or something. Я... I'm not very good at this sort of thing... Then I realised why he was treating me like that... He was a nice guy, but... - Tali was sad, lowering her gaze, and then she continued. - It only lasted a week. Then my father and the other Admirals found out I was biotic. And that's when my life... Changed. I turned out to be the strongest biotic in my race. That's why they started using me left and right. They made me landing party commander and started sending me everywhere I could. Fly there, check there, scout there, drop off, pick up, fly again... I flew every mission for our landing party. That Larne guy... He died... Everybody died then... Except me. It was my seventh landing.

- Did you... Did you lose the whole squad? - Shepard now understood why Tali was like that. Losing an entire squad that's really scary.

- Shepherd, don't... Please. I've had two hundred and fourteen landings in two years, and eleven ended with me losing all or most of my squad. From what I understand, we've had to contend with the Legatus Geths the whole time.

- What!? You mean the Legatus...

- No, Shepherd, you don't think... - she tried to reassure the Quarian Captain, but she was getting a little testy.

- Don't think what? The Legate has killed all your people more than a dozen times, and now he's talking to us as if it never happened!

- Shepherd! - Tali stopped the already angry Shepard. - The Legate had nothing to do with this at all. His goths were always running away from us on sight. I was always just watching them, too. My father demanded results. Demanded that we attack them and bring the wreckage back to the Fleet. At first, it was just a recommendation, so I ignored it, but then... Then the Geths somehow ended up on Earth and activated some giant ship.

- Yeah. The Legatus let me read about it. It still makes my head spin," Shepard added, much to Tali's surprise.

- Shepard added, "I'm still dizzy," which greatly surprised Tali. "Really? Well, I'll read it later. Anyway, after that, Dad just went crazy. He ordered them to attack the Geths at once without a second thought. However, they still ran away from us even after that, putting up a smokescreen. But if we cornered them... That's when we didn't stand a chance. They'd counterattack, smash us and get away. And Dad kept demanding results. Always demanding and demanding. He sent me to every system with a hint of Geth. He wanted details, and we only killed seventy-three Geth in all my landings, and all of them self-destructed. We got nothing, we lost dozens of fighters, but my father didn't care. He did not care about the deaths of anyone, about my requests and just pleas to stop giving these meaningless orders. But he didn't hear me. Neither did the Collegium. They all began to indulge him. So he kept sending me and sending me everywhere. Sending more and more fighters... And for me... I was happy to sleep on the bed instead of the landing shuttle... I haven't had a good night's sleep in about three weeks.

- And now you've decided to come with me? - Shepard asked.

- Yeah. I can't be in there anymore. It's just a living hell. I couldn't get used to anyone properly. I couldn't communicate with them. Because I knew if they came with me, they'd... they'd die... That's why I didn't have any friends... Some guys tried to... To meet them... But I just avoided them... I wanted to... Protect them... You know... I even started praying... for this to be over... I prayed all the time when I had time... And then, a week later, you show up... If this isn't an answer to my pleas, I don't know how to explain it...

- And you... How did you... You've been through this... Losing a squad so many times... Even I couldn't handle it, and you...

- Trust Shepherd. I'm... there's nothing wrong with me. I didn't know any of the men who died with me. I didn't see any faces either, and the paratrooper suits looked alike... So I don't have nightmares or any kind of depression... Just guilt for the people I couldn't protect because I didn't stop my dad.

- Eh, well, it's over now. It'll be just like before. By the way, what's going on with your immunity? - Shepherd decided to change the subject.

- No one found out about it. If they had, I'd have been dissected by now. I've been tested since I got back, but it's easy enough to hack into the defence system, which was updated at your suggestion before the Pilgrimage. So no one found out anything.

- Wait, you mean you... All these two years.

- Yes, Shepherd," Tali understood Shepherd's question ahead of time. - I haven't been in the shower in two years. I haven't even taken my mask off," Tali said with resentment, but Shepard didn't hesitate. She stepped forward, wrapping one arm around her and pulling her toward her; then, with one hand she found the mask latches and flicked them open, removing the piece of tinted plastic. Shepard saw the cute but now tearful face of the quarian again, just looking at her captain just as she had then... The day she had presented herself to the crew without her mask. Back then, she was afraid that no one would accept her without her mask because she didn't know if she was pretty? And now she just stared at Shepard, unable to understand what she wanted to do. On the other hand, the captain wiped the tears from Tali's face slowly but gently, as if afraid of hurting the quarian, with her thumbs, and then held the girl tightly to her. Tali didn't say anything back and hugged her captain, but a second later, she heard Shepherd whisper.

- I'm with you, Tali. Remember that.


The frigate Rilik. The Red October facility. Legate

The Rilik came out of FTL, and Shepard and Tali, who were on the bridge with me, saw the Light of Kila and the Nargul. Both were simply dumbfounded by the sight of a giant lobster that made my personal dreadnought seem tiny in comparison.

- Keela... - Tali gasped for a minute after she'd been out of breath for what she'd seen.

- And I've lived my whole life next to one of those... That kind of... Yeah... - Shepard was nearly speechless as well. Then Rilik went in for a landing. Normandy waited for us at the plant under a hundred metres of soil.

And so, I lead them both to the surprise. They're sure to like him. I know they will. Tali and Shepherd didn't ask any questions, though I didn't mind. Both were in good spirits now, as both had managed to get some sleep. And so, after a few turns, we come to the right door. It automatically splits open, and we are immediately accosted by the three men sitting in the room in the company of a wolf.

- Shepherd," Adams said briefly, surprised, without any preamble, and most likely on automatic, as he stood at attention. Reflexes and boot camp training kicked in.

- Shepard! - surprised, but with a great, very warm joy and a smile on her face, said Chakwas.

- 'Bloody hell,' said Joker, incapable of anything else.

- Is this your surprise? - Shepard asked, looking at everyone with undisguised astonishment.

- Almost," I didn't lie to her. - Though those were hard to get here, too. You have no idea how stubborn they are.

- So it was you who called me? - Chakwas was indignant, but there was no anger.

- Yes. Neither did Adams, Joker, nor any of the surviving crewmen who sent me packing.

- Why didn't you tell me Shepherd was gonna be here in the first place? - it was Joker, who was already indignant but could barely contain his enthusiastic and joyful smile.

- And ruin the surprise for you? - I retorted. - No way!

- Ooh, what a plotter. Captain, is he with us? - Joker asked.

- Yes. The Legatus is part of the landing party now," Shepherd replied, her voice sounding nothing but mildly pleased and, to my mind, even relieved.

I've always been amazed at your ability to connect with anyone.

- Yeah, except Saren. Had to kill him twice," Tali interjected, and Shepherd smiled involuntarily with nostalgia.

- Hello, Tali. Good to see you," Joker said hello, then stared at Shepard. - Just what's your landing party going to be flying on?

- Oooh, that's what we're all here for," I announced, and went to the huge black window that was just opposite the door we'd come in through. - Come, don't be shy," everyone approached the black window with some apprehension. As everyone looked in, I activated the light on the other side of the window. The giant hangar slowly began to fill with light, and in three seconds, the new Normandy was in front of us.

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