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78.82% Jobless Reincarnation x COTE| A Masterpiece / Chapter 67: ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ 6, ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 - ᴇɴᴅɢᴀᴍᴇ: Discombobulating Pandemonium.

Chapter 67: ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ 6, ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 - ᴇɴᴅɢᴀᴍᴇ: Discombobulating Pandemonium.


I hurried down the long, strangely empty halls of the Greyrat Estate toward the South Wing, where two very unusual guests were waiting for me. 

My heartbeat raced, a rapid crescendo in my throat, fueled by an unexplained and unsettling nervousness that gripped me.

'Calm yourself, Ariel.' 

I silently admonished myself, the inner reassurance falling far short of the resolve and poise reflected on my face. 

The events had unfurled with astonishing speed: Orsted's abrupt appearance into the Greyrat Estate under the cover of night, the recent downfall of Shirone just a day ago, and now the unexpected message transmitted a device, hinting to meet Orsted since it was something related to "Asura."

However, the message called not only for me, but for Luke as well. 

It was only natural that such visitors who asked for me and me alone, would make me nervous, given the political context. However, asking for Luke was something that made me a little anxious. 

The brisk, clipping cadence of my steps echoed crisply against the polished marble floor, the sound reverberating off the walls before returning to my ears as a faint, eerie echo. 

Under ordinary circumstances, such auditory nuances would easily be drowned out within the bustling household — the usual backdrop of muted yet ceaseless chatter, the interplay of competing footfalls, or the resonating clash of training swords in the courtyard as Norn and Aisha honed their skills typically masked such subtleties.

Yet, in this current moment, no face --- at least the ones awake, bore the same carefree smile as before. The weighty aura of the Dragon God hung palpably in the atmosphere, casting an oppressive and suffocating miasma overall.

I traversed past Roxy and then Zenith, their faces contorted into a grimace, etched with a deep concern and an unsettling dread. 

Their arrow straight postures stiffened further as I drew nearer to the main door. Though none of them turned to meet my gaze, I sensed the intensity of their stares piercing my back as I moved past them.

Glancing back, amidst this unnerving tableau, Nanahoshi —the only woman in the world who succeeded in making me feel envy—stood as a singular figure of normalcy. 

She was the only one in this surreal moment who retained her composure, donned in a substantial robe, her face pallid with perspiration and her complexion as pale as a ghost. 

She smiled at me and, remotely, I felt my heart skip a beat. How long had it been? 

I don't remember my mother...only the one who raised me. Yet, somehow, the corroborative smile she gave me reminded me of her. It was...strange, no, opiate. Narcotic even. Did I feel relaxed just because she smiled at me and held my hand?

"Don't worry about anything. They definitely handled everything." With one final whisper, she gently tapped my back and prompted me to open the door.

Was it reassurance—some kind of commiseration that she wanted to impart? 

Could she feel what I felt? Read me like an open book?

If so, she was succeeding at it. A part of me wanted to stop, to merely turn around and thank her for the small effort of reassurance, despite how desperately I tried and plotted to take the one thing she valued the most—Julian—away from her.

However, the urgency of the task was something that demanded my attention. I was simply not given the leisure of showing gratitude for giving me a chance or for being compunctious — penitent.

I yearned for closure, an end to it all. 

The once-blazing spark in my heart, the very flame ignited by my loyal followers to propel me toward the throne, had long since been snuffed out. 

A heart could indeed harbor dual ambitions—one for material wealth and power, and another, an intense longing for someone dear. Yet, inevitably, there came a point when one had to choose between these two driving forces and sacrifice one for the sake of the other.

I found myself standing precariously on a tightrope—a fine-edged blade serving as the divide between those two choices—barefoot, vulnerable and unshod. Whichever path I chose, I knew it would result in my feet bearing painful cuts.

I was selfish, yes, yet I was not so naive as to allow the sacrifices of those who had laid down their lives for my cause to be in vain. It boiled down to a choice of what would inflict the deeper wound upon me: a festering gash upon my heart or the relentless lacerations of a guilty conscience.

As I reached before the imposing double doors, I pushed them open, granting me entry towards the world outside, revealing my "retrievers" who were "eagerly" anticipating my arrival. 

With a composed demeanor, I adjusted my dress and summoned a welcoming smile to my lips, though I couldn't entirely quell the slight tremor that betrayed my inner apprehension.

As I stepped outside, I found them both already on their feet, their immutable glower fixed upon the doorway. Their eyes, however, were anything but human, possessing an otherworldly allure. One pair mirrored the liquid gold hues of the sun's reflection upon water, while the other two gleamed like a pair of radiant rubies.

"You are not the last of your kind. Let us talk once all of this debacle successfully subsides." The one with the menacing air around him, spoke in his gruff voice sending a shiver down my spine. His long silver hair adorned his sharp face, covering and uncovering the sight of the glistering silvery scales beside his eyes.

The Dragon God — Orsted, I noted. 

He was talking to a girl as of now. She was a bit taller than me, her own silver hair untied from the usual bun she wore as it cascaded down her back and stopped right at the lower end of her buttocks. 

Eva—the housemaid. 

She bowed towards Orsted, deeply. It was a bow that Nanahoshi did as well, although the origin of such an unrefined bow remained transitory to me. As she bowed, she clasped her hands in front of her, and her hair breathtakingly sloshed down like molten silver. 

Orsted nodded his head and turned his head towards me. 

Now that he is looking directly at me, I feel even more intimidated. There was something wrong with me. Normally, or rather before I came to knew that he was alive, such cause of morbid terror excited me, yet, now, every time I feel this, I do not feel the same thing. 

Eva bowed in my direction, albeit a stiff and informal one, before bolting away from there.

"Ariel Anemoi Asura." Orsted's voice fell like a hammer on my head, my vision already hazy due to the pressure that emanated naturally from him. Getting called by my full name, in all honesty, was quite frightening. Almost gave an illusion as if I was a guilty criminal, standing in a court.

I simply lowered my head and bowed. Showing curtsy in a formal way came natural to me, years of royal etiquettes classes drilled in my mind made the action almost motorised from being embedded into my instincts. 

Orsted hummed, or did he grumble? Was he mad or satisfied by my approach? The plethora of disarrayed thoughts that teetered on a thin line between committing to the current cause or not made it hard to discern. 

There was another man beside him. He was a middle-aged man with shoulder length black hair and red eyes, sporting a similar black-haired beard. 

I wonder if Julian would look good with a bear---ehm. 

Pushing aside the confounding thoughts, I simply pursed my lips and nodded my head in the man's direction, acknowledging him with a sharp but shallow bow, not exactly sure how he ranked in the currently complicated politics between the World Powers.

In response, he reciprocated with a bow, his reverence expressed in a much deeper and yet remarkably carefree manner, a contrast that left me feeling somewhat regretful about my own measured greeting. 

"If I may..." I began, matching my eyes with Orsted's that gleamed with a natural predatory instinct, forcing me look away. However, I stayed steadfast, "...may I ask the reason for the sudden summon?"

"Hmm. You are to leave for Asura right now." Orsted's reply was short and concise. As if expecting me to not ask any question in return or do what he says immediately, he turned around, his robe making a violent flapping sound. 

"Excuse me but..." I called out. Despite the fact that I raised my voice to get his attention and to make him stop walking away, the moment he stopped, I felt as if my heart was being clenched in by a cold, icy claw. 


"May I know the details of doing so? I am not sure under which circumstances I am being sent there, so if you could, I would be able to prepare myself. Mentally, at the very least." 

The two of them exchanged a few glances before looking at me. 

"Lady Ariel Asura. My name is Kalman the second, father to the current North God Kalman the third and grandfather to the Death God, Randolph Marianne." The middle-aged man introduced himself. The mention of himself and his descendants being one of the world powers was to allow Orsted to leave and transfer the explaining part to himself. "We have to leave for Asura now. Let's discuss the particulars on the way. It should not be hastened." 

Despite his tone and demeanor did not change, it was funny how knowing that he was an ex-North God changed my perspective of him. I was willing to listen to him. 

Sadly, human nature was like this. When faced with absolute strength far from our reach, one could not help but just bend his neck, surrendering oneself at their mercy. 

"Very well. Let us leave." I spoke and finally looked up from the ground. 

Orsted was gone, however, before I fully looked up, the swaying grass blades the sole proof that someone once stood here. 


"You are on your own from here." Lord Kalman said as he stopped just before the entrance of the forest. 

The journey with him had yielded only one result. A single news. 

That I was now the ruler of the Kingdom of Asura. I wasn't notified of the way it was done or how it was done. Yet without me knowing, I was now it's ruler. Without doing anything. 

It left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was something of paramount importance to me, being a major turning point in my life. However, it was just handed to me on a silver platter. 

"Here?" I asked, looking at the clawed branches of the old antediluvian trees twisting around the broken door that led to the forest. 

"Yeah. Follow straight ahead and you will meet him." His words, every one of them, were vague and carried a lack of sense of direction. However, even without him saying anything, I knew what he was talking about. 

The stable curve of my heart suddenly spiked, a tingle of anticipation coursing throughout my body. It has been a month since he left. And only recently, 1 day ago, suddenly everything in the world was flipped upside down. 

My lips quivered and I had to bite on my lip to avoid the smile gracing my face.

"Very well." I answered the man and gave him a respectful bow—befitting of his stature.

I turned around and felt a rustle behind me. Looking back, I saw nothing but an endless expanse of dark. He was gone. Just like Orsted, like he was never there. I couldn't even sense the mana fluctuation in the area. 

Sighing, I turned around towards the entrance. The branches looked like claws...

Haah... since when was I scared of such things?



I felt my heart jump in my throat as a small ball of fire ignited on my palm. However, at a closer inspection, it was just one of the screwy branches swaying in the wind. Facepalming at my own acts, I picked my dress from being dragged into the mud and potentially getting stuck in something, I stepped forward.


There was no moon in the sky.

And in the heart of this moonless night, darkness reigned supreme. It was as if the very heavens had turned their back on this forsaken place, leaving me to navigate through this abyss with nothing but my paranoia and growing conflicted feelings as the sole compass that drove me through.

The usual sounds of the night—the chirping of crickets and the rustle of leaves—were conspicuously absent. 

A heavy, bone-chilling presence lingered in the air. Nature itself seemed to have fled in terror from the source of this morbid terror that hung in the air. The air was cold, clammy, and dread clung to it like a second skin, seeping into my bones with each passing moment.

"Princess?" I heard a voice, from my right. 

Without panicking, I looked in that direction. I knew who the source of the voice was after all. Luke. My childhood friend. And my loyal guard.

"Luke." I stopped moving, waiting for him to catch up. He seemed to have been woken up from his sleep as he was still in his night dress. Although he reeked of alcohol...and some other thing that seemed familiar at first but then very foreign. It was as if I knew what it was but never had the opportunity to see it myself. 

Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I looked up at him who was smiling subtly. "I am happy you are okay, princess." He spoke, his voice soft, mellowed out as he reached out for my shoulders. 

"Good to see you in one piece as well, Luke." I replied, smiling at him. He was my childhood friend. My most trusted guard, just like Sylphie. Such minor acts of touch like him touching my shoulder or even now as he hugged me was common between us.

Yet the feeling to push him away never subsided.

"I think that is enough, Luke." I patted his back as he finally let go of me. The surroundings were dark, so I couldn't really discern each and every expression he made, but it seemed like his eyes were looking straight into mine. "Let's keep moving. I think we are close."

"Yeah, right..." His voice trailed off, just like fading whispers of the susurrating leaves all around us. 

As we walked, the murky darkness stole away most of the intel at our surroundings. 

Even familiar landscapes became alien and menacing in this lightless void. Trees seemed to stretch their gnarled branches like skeletal fingers, reaching out to grasp me. The winding path, twisted and contorted, leading me deeper into the abyss, sealing away any hopes of escape, if it ever came down to it. 

It seemed like there was a natural effect of directionlessness taking effect the moment I stepped foot in it. All that kept me going was the source of something familiar... I could feel it in the air.

Then there were the sounds—whispers that slithered through the air, phantom footsteps echoing from all directions, and guttural, otherworldly moans that seem to emanate from the very earth itself.

My steps hastened, my slow stride turning into a full fledged sprint. I didn't care about the thorns that hecked at my long skirt or the small bruises that the sharp branches that hung low caused. 

Luke's desperate calls for my attention were met with indifference, surprisingly, even to me, as if they were mere echoes lost in the dense, verdant canopy above. 

The ground beneath my feet, carpeted with foliage, emitted a subtle, squelching sound as I hastily navigated my way through the thick forest. My hurried steps disrupted the tranquil rustling of leaves, their surface adorned with the glistening remnants of a recent rain, providing an eerie contrast. 

My feet stumbled, betrayed by a small, unseen rock, sending me sprawling forward. I plummeted, face first, into a congregation of dried leaves. Their ominous rustling intensified under the weight of my body, a sinister chorus that seemed to mock my clumsy descent.

My feet were sore. I was walking for hours now. I could hear Luke, calling out for me, in the near distance, his steps making a lot of sound. 

"You seem lost." A voice cut through everything—the tension, my anxiety, the fear—everything. 

Startled at first, I almost laughed to myself, although my long-practiced sense of decorum prevented this.

I traced his sharp features with my eyes, searching for the boy I'd known when he first saved me or the oddly attractive fellow he had become after his supposed death, but unlike the last time I'd seen him, this Julian presented so little of who he'd been before.

With his eyes as sharp as a dagger that seemed to almost glow in the dead of the night, he seemed like someone who had detached everything away from himself. The playful attitude and nonchalance were replaced by something else. And although he stayed composed as he stooped down to bring his face to my eye level, I could see the lethargy gracing that beautiful face of his.

He was tired. His pale face and erratic up and down of the chest told me everything. 

And yet he is perhaps even more handsome than before, if that's possible in a single month.

I tried to form words, the same as I did every time, I met him. To maybe tease him a little. Push him a little towards the unknown boundaries. I always loved it, teasing people to an extent it became unbearable for them. To bask myself in the suffering of others.

Yet, as I saw him breathing heavily, I felt my chest tighten.

I cleared my throat, shaking off my distraction. "Julian... it's a pleasure to see you, finally." The last part came out as an incoherent murmur. 

"Ariel," his voice broke the unsettling silence, and before I could react, he reached out, scooping me from the dirt and enfolding me in a sudden, unexpected embrace. A shiver coursed through my skin as his lips grazed so near to my ear, his breath caressing it as he murmured, "Luke?"

His hands were icy cold, pressing like daggers and cutting into my skin but his chest was warm. 

"He's behind me..." I muttered, ever so slightly, not wanting anything to break this moment. I had so much to do. Even surviving was becoming harder and harder. But moments like these...I am allowed to have these as well, right?

But it seemed like good things never last for long, or rather, maybe they are so good, the perception of time starts getting hieroglyphic. He let me go, and I straightened my dress again, carefully avoiding glancing in Luke's direction. 

The leaves rustled and I felt Luke stop at a distance.

"Princ–Julian?! What are you doing here?" Luke spoke out.

"We don't have much time. Although potential rebellions have been sniffed out, I don't have too much time to spend with you. Ariel has to claim the throne in the next 24 hours or the whole kingdom would fall into discord." He explained, his voice as sharp as ever. I wondered if even his voice could act as a weapon. 

Although, it was something of a worrying aspect, I felt relieved. There was an odd sense of satisfaction, a sense of security as despite breaking the hug, I tugged at his arms, and he kept me close, not denying the gesture. 

"Urgh, I don't get what's going on..." Luke complained, walking forward as she stood to my side. I watched his appear in my peripheral vision. Inching closer, I placed my head on Julian, letting mu body slump against his. 

Once again, he let me do it. On a simple occasion he would've pushed me away until now. It was odd, seeing him letting me get so close to him. The proximity made my face heat up. It felt warm, despite the cold winds. 

"Grabel was killed. So are all of his supporting ministers and house heads that were in leading factions." Julian explained, and for the first time, I felt the colour drain from my face. The fabric that he wore, I clutched tightly on it. 

Perhaps he sensed this. "The leading house of support was Boreas Greyrat. They played the leading role in this Coup. Hence, most of the houses have also sworn fidelity towards Ariel. All that remains is to make her sit on the throne."

How did he even manag---, no wait, if I were to still question him, then there was something wrong with me. 

Sliding into his arms, all of the fatigue from running for so long caught up to me in the matter of a few seconds. My eyelids grew heavy as I slipped against his body. 

It seems like the choice was made for me. The whole notion of having a was nothing but a self-made mirage. I deceived myself. 

The small hope of living for love...was snuffed out.


As I slowly stirred from the hazy depths of sleep, I became acutely aware of a chilling sensation pressing against my feet, jolting me into consciousness. 

My eyelids fluttered open, and the world around me spung vigorously before slowly coming into focus. 

To my astonishment, I found myself snuggled within a makeshift tent constructed from an intricate lattice of vibrant, emerald leaves. The soft rustling of the leaves overhead played a soothing, natural symphony.

My attention was quickly drawn to Julian, whose presence loomed over me. He hovered just above my feet, his hand radiating an otherworldly, verdant glow. The ethereal light danced with an aura of mysticism, casting enchanting patterns upon the leafy walls of our shelter.

A plethora of emotions surged within me. Closing my eyes again and only minutely opening one of them, I saw him focused on the wounds on my feet. Once he was done, he slowly covered it with my long dress and sat to the side. 

"You can wake up." He muttered, looking straight at me. 

Giggling to myself, I sat up. Now that no one was around, I felt easy. Despite it was the way I acted, everything now felt like an escape from the upbringing I had and the expectations that were placed on my shoulders young age.


A wave of glumness washed over me. Perhaps it would be the last day I would see Julian as well.

Flicking his eyes in my direction, he spoke up. "Are you read to take the throne?"

"Yeah." I replied, halfheartedly. I had a duty to fulfill. It was the moment people had given up their lives for me. I wasn't going to back up from it. Although was it entirely my personal "wish"? 

That was a whole different thing. 

"Liar." Julian commented, the previous razor-sharp edge to his voice in front of Luke now mellowed out to nothingness.


What did he expect me to reply with?

He stayed silent, looking away into the night sky. 

"Won't you tell me shrug those thoughts off since so many people sacrificed themselves for me?" 

He didn't need to hold back for my sake. 

I could have an easy time letting go of this impossible dream if he says things like these as well. And he was smart enough to know it as well. If he never wanted anything to progress, he could end it now. He has a chance. 

I will be able to move on from this as well. Focus entirely on the Kingdom that waited for me. And perhaps...perhaps, years from now I could laugh at this time, thinking off all this as nothing but a teenager's whims. 

"Hm, no. I think I won't. It won't be fair to you." 

Unexpectedly, he replied with something completely opposite. 

I felt my heart race. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked, still confused as to what was the motive behind him saying that. 

He looked at me. "There has to be a reason to everything?" 

"It's you." 

He bobbed his head sideways and held his chin. "Probably. But like I said before, it would be unfair to you. That is all there is to it." 

"Aww, do you care that much about me?" 

It was a feeble attempt at making things the way they were. To put on the mask, I had on for everyone. Including him. 

"Not really, but lately, I think I do." 


"Oh my...are you finally going to confess to me?" 

I teased further. Please stop. 

Don't give me hope that leads to nothing but despair. 

"Not now. You never know what the future holds in the store for us. Things are pretty unpredictable." 

He is lying. I know it. 

All of this hope to give to keep me from breaking. 

"Ahaha. Then I will wait for that day." 

"Hm, yeah." 

A blanket of silence covered us. 



I wanted to say it out loud. 

"Give my thanks to Nanahoshi." 

"For what?" He asked, tilting his head. 

"To not hate me even when I did try to be a thorn in your relationship." 

"You didn't do a very good job, so I think she won't mind."

This guy... his tongue is always so sharp. 

"Also, I wanted to confess that..." I paused, letting my words sink in until he shifted and turned all of his attention towards me, "...she told me we could share you." 

"I am not a candy bar that you can share." 

"I know but still..." The words formed a lump in my throat, "...before it all ends, can you fulfill a wish for me?" 


I got on all four and crawled up to him. Grabbing him by his shoulders, I pulled him down, bringing my lips close to his ear. I brushed his long white hair aside, so whatever I was going to say, would not be hindered by anything. 

" **** " 

I experienced liberation that night. Liberation from my demons. I could move on now. 



The next morning, Julian, Ariel and Luke arrived in the Kingdom of Asura. Once she was handed over to Kalman the Second and Doga as her protection, Julian immediately left the Kingdom. 

If he didn't arrive in the selected place in the next 2 days, everything would fall apart. 

In the outskirts as Julian arrived near the teleportation circle, a voice called out for him. 

"Yo. Long time no see." 

Julian's eyes widened as the barrier formed around him. The next moment a huge, cacophonous explosion resounded followed by something bolting towards Julian. 

His gaze flicked back. 

Julian didn't bring his sword with him. 

Badigadi had launched Rudeus at full speed towards Julian. 

----Why couldn't I reach out to you? 

----Beats me. You tell me. If you reached out in time, I wouldn't have to get outplayed by that imposter and fight the Death God. 

----That doesn't matter. I can now see the outline of his mana signature. He is in Asura. And he is weakened. 

----I can beat him? 

----Yes, you can but the Dragon God would be alerted. He won't avenge him given he is already dead. We have to do something that lures Orsted in. 

----What is that? 

----Listen closely. First. 

The conversation replayed in Rudeus' mind as he charged a plasma attack at Julian, condensing extremely high amounts of mana into his palm. Julian side stepped and a crackling amount of mana condensed on his fist. 

Badigadi inched closer and his armour got surrounded by a golden aura as he held both of Julian's hands. 

"Shouldn't have touched me directly." 

Julian whipped his hand away, tearing the armour and Badigadi's hand altogether as he placed his hand on his head. 

Blood erupted from his eyes, nose and ears as Badigadi lost consciousness. 

The armour's helm had not materliased, giving Julian the opportunity to fry up his brain.

Much to Julian's own surprise, he saw Rudeus close in despite him being a mage.

----If he touches you, it is all over. But that can work in your favour!

----How so?

----His barrier is an impenetrable technique. However, to hit others, he has to bring it down. So when he tries to touch you...

Julian thrusted his hand forward, touching Rudeus' head. 

In the mere fraction of a second that his hand touched his head, Rudeus died a hundred times, memories of death and torture imprinted on his mind in tandem with pain receptors. 

However, the short fraction of a second was enough to activate the formation installed on Rudeus' body. 

[God Rank Barrier --- Imprisonment]

Red chains erupted from the ground, rattling around Julian. His mana reserves got sucked dry in a near instant, making his complexion even pale. 

As Julian got sucked inside the pocket of the God Rank Imprisonment spell, Alex ran over to Rudeus and activated the healing scroll on him. Julian struggled and the dome around him shuddered, visible cracks running all around it. 

As Rudeus' consciousness returned to him, Alex looked at Julian. 

"You and Dragon God can't be beaten together. But separately? You don't stand a chance. We will be back for you once we kill that evil Dragon God, Orsted."

Suddenly Alex's ear got lobbed off, spraying blood everywhere.

The small blade that Julian formed with last of his mana dissipated as cold sweat broke out of Alex. 

"Don't think you are in an advantageous situation just because you have me imprisoned. The conditions you have set to trap me in it won't last long. And you can't kill me." 

Julian's voice sent a shiver down his spine. It was true. Even after depleting all of his mana, a thin layer of his Infinity stayed behind, rendering everyone unable to touch him. 

"That's enough. We are going to the Ogre Island. Orsted will follow us there." Rudeus spoke as he stood up, his legs shaking and blood dripping from his nose. He looked down at Julian. "Good night, whoever you are. Once I am done with him, I will have your head myself and take my family back with me. Don't worry, I won't be killing off that woman. I am not as shameless as you who made their way into people's hearts by manipulating their brain. How pathetic"

With a swoosh, he turned around as Julian was sucked inside the magic circle.

7 hours later, Orsted received a letter.

In a fit of fury, the whole city of Sharia shook to its core as an earthquake formed fissures all over the city, collapsing many buildings.

Orsted's battle aura ran rampant, obliterating the house he in.

Taking one quick tour to Julian's house, he casted a God Tier Barrier around it, not allowing anyone to go in or anyone from inside to go out.

3 hours later, Orsted arrived in an open field in the Ogre Island.

What waited for him was nothing short of frightening. 

6 God Classes, 1 Emperor Rank and one demon king —- Atofe, stood in front of him weapons ready.

Orsted growled in his throat and a chill went down everyone's spine. "Return Julian Greyrat. Or I will kill every last one of you."


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